Cipher Cat
I almost finished my newest gif. This gif will become mainstream!
Åesop;154069547 said:recent Persona 5 footage was just confirmed to be from PS3 version ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Persona 5 to be > Uncharted 4 and > MGS V
Not much just doing my nails. U?what up chinner
Not much just doing my nails. U?
Why is anyone expecting a release date this week? lol
Hello Brothers,
I just watched the digital graphic novels for MGS1 and 2 and they were enjoyable. Some of the original story is altered and some details are elaborated on that aren't in the original storylines. I was wondering if any of you guise knew how closely Kojima worked with the scripts of these comics because they do offer some great additional information.
The digital graphic novels are based on the comics. They are not canon.
Alot of what is said in the first graphic novel contradicts Nastasha's book: In the Darkness of Shadow Moses, which is canon.
From LoveDeterrence: Guys, I meant to ask this in MGSGAF before I got banned/thread went to hell: Do you expect the Soliton Radar to make a return? I think it will come back as it did in Peace Walker - you will be able to develop it at mother base (RETCONS INTENISIFES)
From LoveDeterrence: Guys, I meant to ask this in MGSGAF before I got banned/thread went to hell: Do you expect the Soliton Radar to make a return? I think it will come back as it did in Peace Walker - you will be able to develop it at mother base (RETCONS INTENISIFES)
Guys, I meant to ask this in MGSGAF before I got banned/thread went to hell: Do you expect the Soliton Radar to make a return? I think it will come back as it did in Peace Walker - you will be able to develop it at mother base (RETCONS INTENISIFES)
/deadFrom Jimmyfenix:
what up chinner
Maybe it's for the best. Take an extended break. Come back and voila! New info and release date.Thread is dead
This is going to sound dumb, but how do save files work in MGS2/3? Are collectibles tied to one save? If I want to start over (say I want to start from the beginning of the Tanker mission on a different difficulty) do I select Tanker from the "Missions" menu or "New Game"?
Perfect syncronization.Thread is dead
LOL good timing Matty
Ahh, ok, I think I've got it. Kind of. Basically, New Game overwrites everything, finish the chapter and Load Game if I want to play the chapter again for dog tags?Yes they are tied to your save. So with respect to MGS2
when you beat the game your save file will turn red in color. That signifies you will start a New Game+. So when you select a red MGS2 file that says "Tanker - Completed" or "Plant - Completed" that means you will now be prompted to start a new game where you can select the difficulty and the corresponding chapter (you can decide to just play tanker, just play plant, or play both). You will not be able to choose again until you beat the chapter(s).
If you're going for dog tag completion, it must be done on the same save file. So go to "Load Game". That's how the game keeps track of you getting the tags on multiple difficulties. The only thing that I believe is locked from when you started your initial game is whether you chose 2001 or 2002 set of tags. It doesn't matter which set you pick for the trophy or for the unlockables.
If you want to completely completely start over from scratch for whatever reason, just select New Game. But you won't keep any dog tags you have gotten.
MGS3 is similar. If you want to play with stealth camo or patriot gun you must select your "Operation Snake Eater - Completed" save. It will prompt you for a new game.
I came so fucking close to doing this. Sweet Jesus. Thank you, Sub_Level, you beautiful human being.Your vr mission progress is separate from your dog tag completion.
Do NOT fucking overwrite your save from the main game. It WILL delete your dog tags.
Wait, the Missions menu is only VR stuff? So I just select "New Game" and overwrite my current one? That won't delete my dog tags?
Ahh, ok, I think I've got it. Kind of.
OHHHHHH. Now I get it. You da best Sub_Level.I am drunk right now but here is the TL;DR version:
Just keep selecting Load Game after every time you finish the game. Use the same save file.
After you beat Very Easy for example, it might say
in red. So you would load that up and proceed to get all the tags in easy mode. Then after you beat Easy mode, go to load game again and you save might say
in red. And so on and so forth.
Goddammit these fucking Marines and their dual projector system and their stretches and their randomly placed patroling guards fuck this I'm going to bed.
I just tried one more time, only needed the picture of the Marine logo on RAY. Accidentally hit quit instead of continue. Got sent back to the first room.Haha, the MGS frustration happens to other people too!
I fucking knew it.
I love playing stealth games but sometimes, when I play like shit and I know I shouldn't I get so mad.
Game of the generation results should be coming in. Will be a tough fight but I think MGS3 will crack top 5.
So I'm out of the loop, what happened to all that release date hype that Batzi and Dawg were all about? Was it all a big farce?
Goddammit these fucking Marines and their dual projector system and their stretches and their randomly placed patroling guards fuck this I'm going to bed.
The usual Batzi and Dawg hypefest that leads to nothing, that said they've been right a couple times in the past. They and LD are our fellow fallen DIAMONDU DAWGZU~, we will carry them to battle with us on the day of the release date. T_T7
I think we will hear something in March, if not then...well I don't know how much longer we will be waiting.
It sucks, but I know the wait will be worth it.
The usual Batzi and Dawg hypefest that leads to nothing, that said they've been right a couple times in the past. They and LD are our fellow fallen DIAMONDU DAWGZU~, we will carry them to battle with us on the day of the release date. T_T7
I think we will hear something in March, if not then...well I don't know how much longer we will be waiting.
It sucks, but I know the wait will be worth it.
Yeah, I have plenty of games to play in the coming months and a backlog to boot. Whenever it's ready, I'll be excited. But I can wait.Oh well, I don't understand why people are so antsy about the release date I think it's pretty certain the game is coming out this year. If it's not June/July then it will be during the Holiday season. I can wait.