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Let the hype come back to life.We're just crashing after that hype overload.
Spring Break Marathon.Guys. My hype is through the roof with this whole "big news on Wednesday" thing. I'm going to finish Dying Light this week and then start my Metal Gear full series playthrough. Should I do all the games over spring break, or space them out until launch (let's assume it's in June)?
I think I'll do this order;
MG1 and 2 (MSX)
MGS1 (first time ever playing the whole thing)
MGS PO (might skip this one, not sure yet)
Spring Break Marathon.
Nice! I plan on doing a marathon once we get a release date. I almost hope it's not too soon, so I can get through them all and still have time for new releases lol.Guys. My hype is through the roof with this whole "big news on Wednesday" thing. I'm going to finish Dying Light this week and then start my Metal Gear full series playthrough. Should I do all the games over spring break, or space them out until launch (let's assume it's in June)?
I think I'll do this order;
MG1 and 2 (MSX)
MGS1 (first time ever playing the whole thing)
MGS PO (might skip this one, not sure yet)
Let the hype come back to life.
I only played it on PS3 but it was pretty good.Also, which do you all think is better for PW, PSP (I'd play it on Vita) or PS3?
I wish I had a way to stream it. That'd be fun. I could at least double dip for GZ on PC and stream that and Rising, I guess.
Also, which do you all think is better for PW, PSP (I'd play it on Vita) or PS3?
Ah ok. I've played a bit of it on PS3 already a couple years back when I first bought the HD collection, but I wasn't sure if the experience fit the PSP better or anything. I'm always down for higher framerate.PS3 since it has a higher frame rate.
Guys. My hype is through the roof with this whole "big news on Wednesday" thing. I'm going to finish Dying Light this week and then start my Metal Gear full series playthrough. Should I do all the games over spring break, or space them out until launch (let's assume it's in June)?
I think I'll do this order;
MG1 and 2 (MSX)
MGS1 (first time ever playing the whole thing)
MGS PO (might skip this one, not sure yet)
Portable Ops isn't bad, I just don't know how well it's aged since I played it. I played it 2 times in 2010, loved it, but I have a feeling that after playing what little I did of PW I can't go back.I've finished recently:
Metal gear (msx)
Metal gear 2 (msx)
Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS3)
Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS3)
Just tonight started mgs4. God what a weird game. Why is johnny in this game?? Who approved this?
I tried to play portable ops but nope fuck that shit.
Will finally play peace walker after 4.
Oh man, going through some MGO2 nostalgia right now. Please let them bring back death screams and funny codecs.
Ding! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! "That's gotta be a new record!"
Wish Sn4ke, LD and Cipher could be here.
Did LD request a perma-ban? And do we know how long Sn4ku is banned for?
Ahhh, mkay mkay. I can't keep track of who got banned for what and how long around here
Skip MGS PO and I wouldn't count MGR as worth listing even if you play it. Only the Kojima-directed games count, IMO.Guys. My hype is through the roof with this whole "big news on Wednesday" thing. I'm going to finish Dying Light this week and then start my Metal Gear full series playthrough. Should I do all the games over spring break, or space them out until launch (let's assume it's in June)?
I think I'll do this order;
MG1 and 2 (MSX)
MGS1 (first time ever playing the whole thing)
MGS PO (might skip this one, not sure yet)
Yeah, I probably will skip MPO. Played it 2 times already anyway, and the story is simple enough to just read to refresh my memory.Skip MGS PO and I wouldn't count MGR as worth listing even if you play it. Only the Kojima-directed games count, IMO.
Oh fuck, that Tora post. Wednesday is gonna be one hell of a day.
Oh fuck, that Tora post. Wednesday is gonna be one hell of a day.
That sound didn't seem synced with any of the headshots, I thought it was added to the trailer as a sound effectWe already know the headshot ding is back based on the MGO3 trailer.
Thought about coming in here to ask how I should do my own playthrough; chronological or by release. But then I was watching some of the old MGS3 trailers, which are magnificently cut, and I remembered how fucking stoked I was to be seeing a younger Ocelot, after having seen him in MGS1 & 2, and to finally be seeing the story of the dead man (Big Boss) who's presence loomed so large over MGS1.
But it is a huge undertaking to replay everything from the beginning... and I've been putting it off until I can get enough duckets to import the Japanese version of the legacy collection. I pretty much know the dialogue of every game backwards and forwards, and the lip syncing issues really bother me in the English versions.
But goddamnit do I want to just bust out the PS2 and play Snake Eater right now.
That sound didn't seem synced with any of the headshots, I thought it was added to the trailer as a sound effect
Always go chronological when it really matters. It's often assumed by the creators that the new entries will be viewed after previously released ones, so content and references are written as such. That's the case with MGS.
what if...mgsv comes out the day sn4ke is unbanned :O
Three different headshots at once. Not to mention none of the headshots seemed instant anyway, Pike there was even some sort of lag. Look at the opening of the trailer when they're running into position. Big Boss' rifle isn't synced with his body movements.
Regardless of whether that sound effect was added in or not, they wouldn't have put it in the trailer if it wasn't going to be in the game.
Like the selfie feature? They aren't sure they will implement it yet and it was shown on the trailer.
So Sn4ke's ban could be like BB's coma.
MGS V Announcement.
Our fans, you have waited for quite some time for the release date, but you'll have to wait a little longer for the game's actual release... I'm afraid, it will release in 9 years.
Bite your tongue, Outer Heathen
FTFY. And also, no.
Ok, you got me. I'm in a train station laughing like an idiot to myself. I lost. You win, Outer Heathen.