Anyone else conflicted on the shot of "two Elis"?
I mean on one hand, I don't see how it makes sense that they would show two of him, let alone with the line "Zero called them Les Enfant Terribles" if it wasn't a tease at young Solid. On the other hand, I don't understand why they would make them look exactly the same even as far as clothing goes... it's all a bit trippy for me. There's nothing to distinguish them in that scene. For all we know the one that attacked Big Boss could be Solid and not liquid if that's really him.
You've also got to take into consideration that neither Solid or Liquid remembered meeting in Metal Gear Solid 1. Even from Liquid's perspective he had a line "After thirty long years finally the two of us meet, the brother of light and the brother of dark." I've heard some people bring up a "brainwashing theory" which I suppose could work as it's definitely part of the story, but it's still a bit odd that Liquid still remembers he hated Big Boss but can't remember meeting his twin. Even stranger with David never remembering any of this mess.
And while Snake as a natural blond is something that certain fans have asserted before due to that one interrogation briefing clip, I just don't think it makes sense outside of the context of that mission that he'd ever "dye" his hair more than just once. I mean, why did he during the Outer Heaven or Zanzibar Land missions? There was no Liquid there to mistake for him, and neither was there in the Tanker or Plant missions. So in modern canon (until mgsv) I would definitely have settled on him being brunet, so unless his hair just goes darker whereas Liquid doesn't thats just weird.
Actually being real, this trailer had so many bizarre things it might not even be worth speculating as the whole thing might just be a coma dream in the end. I mean... Paz!? What the hell. This game is full kojima madness.