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Metal Gear Community Thread |OT3| The Best is Yet to Come

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How many days until V comes to?


Sick jacket. Mad Max-esque
He very much cares about fan reaction, that's why he made 3 as a giant piece of fan service (a James Bond homage) because of all the fan reaction against 2's story, which they didn't get.

I wouldn't exactly call a brand new game with a completely new cast and story (with the exception of "Snake") "fan service."

And in 4, he wouldn't have made Raiden a "badass" cyborg ninja in a attempt to make him look cool to fans that hated him, if he didn't care.

This is different. You're missing my point. I'm saying he doesn't give into his fans' demands if he thinks they don't deserve it. He was honestly shocked by fans' reactions to Raiden in 2: but he knew exactly how people would react to the story. And yet he kept it as dense as possible, because he had something to say.

I would argue that all of 4 is a reaction to all the negative fan-reaction to 2. But that's an argument for a another time.

I would argue that 4 is actually a gigantic parody of the series, and a somewhat covert middle finger to the fans, by completely overbloating and exaggerating the game with all of the tropes the series is known for.

As i already said, Kojima is a well known Hollywood fanatic, so the fact he was given the chance to get a film star for the leading role, you bet your ass he took it.

I'm not saying he wasn't excited to work with someone like Kiefer, but Kiefer's availability didn't suddenly make Kojima want to eject David Hayter. The over the top performance from Peace Walker would not have worked for TPP. Could you imagine the faces Big Boss would actually be making if he talked like that?

I'm well aware auteur theory, but Kojima is not above doing things to appeal to people, such as. Raiden's entire physical appearance was dictated by a focus group of Japanese school girls, because when asked, they didn't like the way solid looked in the first game. (they kept calling him "oyaji") so he made Raiden's appearance specifically to appeal to them.

Right, my main point is that, sure they focus test and react to fan feedback like any other game, but if he has a grand vision for his game plan, a few death threats from some basement fans aren't going to shape the scope much at all.

And in 4, he changed the entire ending because his staff thought it was too depressing. (Solid and Otacon were originally going to be executed for war crimes)

Again, it's something Kojima actually felt in himself. There's an interview somewhere where he talks about not being able to give Snake a death, because of his own personal attachment to his creation.

This argument has now gotten out of control, and far away from the original point:

Team A is kidding themselves.


I just realized something and now I feel like a dumb dumb. Ocelot does that same weird hand gesture he did in snake eater. It dawned me while I was watching yongyea's most recent analysis video. The part where snake is running around motherbase and he climbs up some stairs to one of the towers. At one point, you see ocelot on another tower and he does the gesture.

I thought that was cool that's all.


I wouldn't exactly call a brand new game with a completely new cast and story (with the exception of "Snake") "fan service."
You don't think because of the new settings and cast, it can't still be fan service. ?
That game is nothing but fan service. (in a good way)
I'm saying he doesn't give into his fans' demands if he thinks they don't deserve it.
What the hell does deserving have to do with anything.? I really don't understand this statement.
The people he trying was to impress with robo-raiden sure as hell didn't deserve anything.
He was honestly shocked by fans' reactions to Raiden in 2: but he knew exactly how people would react to the story. And yet he kept it as dense as possible, because he had something to say.
If he knew the how people would react the story, then why would he be shocked at the reaction to Raiden. ?

Also i would like a source for him knowing what the reaction would be.
I would argue that 4 is actually a gigantic parody of the series, and a somewhat covert middle finger to the fans, by completely overbloating and exaggerating the game with all of the tropes the series is known for.
I agree that it was a middle finger to the fans.
but Kiefer's availability didn't suddenly make Kojima want to eject David Hayter.
That's (imo) what happened.
The over the top performance from Peace Walker would not have worked for TPP.
You should lay the blame for his performance squarely on the shoulders of the voice director and Kojima, who told him to act that way.
Right, my main point is that, sure they focus test and react to fan feedback like any other game,
My point was he did concede to a "giant audience" and didn't "do things for yourself" with changing Raiden's appearance. Which goes against your statement of him being unbending.
but if he has a grand vision for his game plan, a few death threats from some basement fans aren't going to shape the scope much at all.
But he did change in the face of the death threats, which is why 3 was just a straight up James Bond homage, with none of the meta-textural themes of 2.

And Kojima has said that he doesn't plan from game to game, if that's what you meant, when you said he has a grand vision game plan.
Again, it's something Kojima actually felt in himself. There's an interview somewhere where he talks about not being able to give Snake a death, because of his own personal attachment to his creation.
I never heard that.
Where can I buy this jacket. Yes, I'm basic.
Here you go fam.
For whatever reason, they segmented the video. RIP.

D-Walker bit
*sigh* i was hoping that it would be a different why of doing the mission.

Enjoyed that, short as it was. This is an aspect of MGSV that no other game this year can compete with: Critical awareness. You can interpret anything, but few warrant deeper discussion like MGS.

Yeah but what percentage of people here do you think actually give a fuck? When there's too much twilight esque team a team b nonesense and surface level conspiracy bullshit for that to even matter. That's hardly surprising considering that we live in a world where knuckles in poop stupid movies like Jurassic Park succeeded thus perpetuating the Hollywood machine.
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