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Metal Gear Community Thread |OT3| The Best is Yet to Come

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Guys, how many times have you read something or heard someone say that mgs1 is a classic and one of the greatest games of all time? For me countless. I think it's legacy is cemented. The fact is that the series gets a lot of praise. Most people remember the games as being great.
Several times among my circle of friends.

Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann has said one of his all time fave PS1 games is Metal Gear Solid.


Mmmh... I just preordered MGSV on the PSN but can't seem to figure out how to download the theme. Are you supposed to get a separate email with a code?

Edit: never mind, found it! It was just in the select theme menu haha.

Venom Fox

Mmmh... I just preordered MGSV on the PSN but can't seem to figure out how to download the theme. Are you supposed to get a separate email with a code?

Edit: never mind, found it! It was just in the select theme menu haha.
I seriously don't understand why the UK doesn't get the theme?
I mean, what's the fucking problem with Sony and always shafting the UK?

GT:What did you think of Snake's Revenge?
HK: I thought it was very faithful to the Metal Gear concept. I enjoyed it.




I love MGS1 so far (6.5-7 hours in and I think I'm near the end). The only thing I've really not liked so far was the Vulcan Raven fight. It was super fucking obnoxious when I'd get hit, knocked down, and then hit again while still laying on the ground because he just never stops shooting.


Unconfirmed Member
I love MGS1 so far (6.5-7 hours in and I think I'm near the end). The only thing I've really not liked so far was the Vulcan Raven fight. It was super fucking obnoxious when I'd get hit, knocked down, and then hit again while still laying on the ground because he just never stops shooting.

because you're never supposed to be seen by him lol


Any word on if the HD collection on 360 will become BC on X1?

e: to the scrap metal thing, there could be a character that has some power with metal that slowly pulls it out of BB head throughout the game, and near the end you face him, and he pulls it all the way out?


So I'm sure all of this has been brought up before, but having just finished MGS1, it's pretty obvious that MGSV SPECULATION
Les Enfants Terribles occurs during BB's coma and Eli is Liquid (that was pretty much confirmed in the E3 trailer though).

Also, the genome soldiers are all BB clones too? Or are their genes just altered to resemble his? I'm so confused right now
but I love it.

because you're never supposed to be seen by him lol
Yeah I know, but it was just frustrating to be able to get up some time and not every time. Just make it an instakill if it's gonna be like that. But that's a pretty small gripe for an amazing game.
That's why he called himself an "analyst" you smarty.

And yes i followed the MGSV news very closely you know me, and nobody came up with a buddy system. Not on MGI, not on reddit, not on twitch, not on GAF etc. Yong was the very first who came up with it and you haters should give him credit for it. And if not fine, your opinion just stop hating on him every single time someone posts a new Yong video.

"some speculation" ...dude, he made 40 minute or so trailer analysis from the E3 trailers were he found some very interesting stuff.

Let me ask you this, why is it that Yong gets all the hate but someone like uknighted, 3dogg and drk get a pass? have you seen Leo and 3doggs's latest "anlaysis" video? absolutely laughable. It's an almost 2 hours, boring as fuck over long, terrible video with zero preparation. Leo took forever to find out how to watch the trailer frame by frame.

Yong puts a ton of work into his videos, of course not the news videos, he just posted what is new. No shit. But his analysis videos are always very prepared, hell he even writes scripts for those.


He writes scripts while the OHN crew and MGN just record without any preparation.

Seriously there is nothing i hate more when someone doesn't get the credit he/she deserves.

Yong is Based, I love his content. The Codec interviews are great, too.


I've read some stuff on that "bad MGS" thread that won't let me sleep...

Blacklist is a stealth game.
MGS is overrated.
MGS has silly story.
MGS doesn't take its story seriously.

One of my favourites:

I prefer thinking MGS4 as non canon...

I don't know what to say about those things... I know its opinions, tastes, etc but give me a fucking break!
It doesn't take its own story seriously? Bad writing?
Are you a reincarnation of Tolstoy or something?

And what the hell with Blacklist being one of the greatest stealth games?
Far Cry has better stealth to action ratio than Blacklist!!!

Also stop bitching about MGS4! It is what it is! Yes NANOMACHINES! The world is supposed to be full of these things that transform humans in something that they really aren't. It's one of its themes.
The ending was epic too. Yes 1 hour of Big Boss nonstop explanation! Loved it!

Then after the "bad MGS" thread came the "no footprints"... The OP is cool, he didnt notice the footprints its OK mistakes happen.
There were some people who wanted the mechanism of " whose footprints are these" in the game..
How the hell is that going to work in an open world game which takes place in Afghanistan, among other places, where 99% of the terrain is sand?
Game already looks challenging and there is no reason to make it harder. Disable reflex and tagging if you want to make it harder. No need for extra anxiety about my god damn footprints!


YongYea haters are the worst Metal Gear fans.
Excuse me, how exactly am i the "worst metal gear fan" ?
The only clowns are you guys who can't appreciate the hard work he puts into his videos.
The amount of work he puts in to his videos is completely irrelevant, it's his theories are the only things that matter, and i think they are fucking shit.
Stop watching his videos and shut the hell up about him if you don't like him, the only thing that's "annoying as fuck" is the constant hate you kidz have for him, just stfu and don't watch his videos.
He puts out his work in the public eye, which makes it open to criticism and if i think he's talking rubbish, i'm going to say so.


YongYea haters are the worst Metal Gear fans. The only clowns are you guys who can't appreciate the hard work he puts into his videos.

FYI: Yong was the very first person who found out that a buddy system is in the game.

Stop watching his videos and shut the hell up about him if you don't like him, the only thing that's "annoying as fuck" is the constant hate you kidz have for him, just stfu and don't watch his videos.

Is this a fucking joke post? Shy hit the nail on the head. Well done.

The worst Metal Gear fans are the ones that suck other fans asses. It's like some of you worship Yong. Why? I don't care if he theorized buddies. You think that because he put a video up about it first means he was the first to theorize it? He more than likely got the idea from someone else. Many of his theories aren't even his own. Come the fuck on... I consider myself a HUGE fan of the series. That being said I can freely criticize something I love. I am not a blind fanboy. I am most definitely not vocal on here either. If I had to choose who's the biggest MGS fan out of all of us, I'd say it's Batzi. Before he was banned, he wouldn't post much here either. Usually only when something needed to be said, news came out, or some sort of discussion about the series.
Still don't get the Yong hate, his videos are well paced and presented, and usually give good information.

They're not anything more or less than that, I don't even see how they're so incendiary for people to have strong opinions either way.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Still don't get the Yong hate, his videos are well paced and presented, and usually give good information.

They're not anything more or less than that, I don't even see how they're so incendiary for people to have strong opinions either way.

Pretty much this. Why is opinion on the guy so divisive? He's one of the least offensive YouTubers around.

If I had to choose who's the biggest MGS fan out of all of us...

What's that got to do with anything?

Before you answer, please keep in mind that this is not a personal attack on you or your character, I'm just curious because it seemed to come out of nowhere.


Pretty much this. Why is opinion on the guy so divisive? He's one of the least offensive YouTubers around.
I've got nothing against him personally, it's his work i dislike. (although, the fact he apparently takes other people's theories and presents them as his own, without attributing them, rubs me the wrong way)


I don't get the Yong hate either. Personally I don't care much about his videos, since I already know the information from other sources, but there's nothing offensive in his videos that would warrant calling him a clown and such, I think. Some people also say that he doesn't cite sources but when I watch his videos he usually does (anyway it isn't so unlikely that he would come up by himself with the same theories as other people, imo). And the interviews that he and those other guys conduct, even if a bit amateurish, are pretty interesting sometimes.

I've never seen such strong opinions about, let's say, the guy that runs the MetalGearInformer site. He does pretty much the same thing as Yong: compiling info from different sources and posting a blog entry for every tiny bit of news. Is he as hated as Yong? If not, what is the difference? Is it that people find the 'eeeyyyyyyyyyoonggggg' shtick annoying? I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


After seeing the PC GZ model swap, allowing you to play as a simple commando from the motherbase..and also playing the GZ Phone APP Mother Base VR Simulator..it made me think...do I have to play as Big Boss?

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
At this rate MGSGAF will be in tatters by the time MGSV comes out.

No, my friend.

This Community Thread will become one; I have found the way. Youtuber affiliations, Team A vs. Team B... Even our avatars will be irrelevant. The game that Kojima envisioned will finally be released and it will make this thread whole again


After seeing the PC GZ model swap, allowing you to play as a simple commando from the motherbase..and also playing the GZ Phone APP Mother Base VR Simulator..it made me think...do I have to play as Big Boss?

You can play as other soldiers, but I'm not sure if you can do the main missions with them or if it's limited to side ops/free roam mode


You can play as other soldiers, but I'm not sure if you can do the main missions with them or if it's limited to side ops/free roam mode

sweet. I guess thats good enough.

I also hope you can't take the same mission over and over like in the Mother Base VR app - cause its pretty bullshit haha. I guess that's why it is "vr"


Stop watching his videos and shut the hell up about him if you don't like him,

Already did this and have never even said a single thing to express my opinion on him.

YongYea haters are the worst Metal Gear fans. The only clowns are you guys who can't appreciate the hard work he puts into his videos.

But come on, get out of here with that hypocrisy.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
And of course nobody of you haters (Dawg, Shy, Infinity Patriot, GHound) could answer my fucking question.

I will ask one more time, I'll even put it in to make it more clear for you guys.

Why is it that ONLY YongYea gets all the hate when people like Metal Gear Informer or MGN do EXACTLY the same shit?
Nice post Dawg, really hitting the right notes, I think, especially concerning how Metal Gear garners A LOT of outright hate and acknowledging that while the series has its flaws, it at least attempts a grand narrative most games don't want to try to achieve.

There was a link to this article somewhere in that thread from someone who wasn't just spitting mindless vitriol, and I just finished reading it.

I know MGS has gotten a lot of flak for its representation of women (esp. Quiet), and I always used to defend it - "But look, that female character has great motivations!" "Well, other games are a lot worse" "But she's not a damsel in distress at least; she's empowered" - but after reading this article, I don't think i can defend it anymore when it comes to the representation of women.

Basically every woman in the story - save for The Boss - is shit on with overt misogynist tones and exists for little outside to give Snake motivation - hell, even The Boss, one of the greatest female video game characters of all time, her whole narrative can be boiled down to "make Big Boss cry."

Don't get me wrong. Fucking love MGS til the day I die, but I think taking off the rose-tinted glasses and re-examining the story and reasons why so many people hate MGS is a good thing.
Seems like mindless vitriol to me. Could they make any more of a reach?

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
hell, even The Boss, one of the greatest female video game characters of all time, her whole narrative can be boiled down to "make Big Boss cry."

I've yet to read the article, but I'm afraid this is utter reductivist bollocks. You can reduce anything down to a single line that fits any agender (pun!).

She's given an extensive backstory and characterisation; she (retroactively) kick starts and acts as the fulcrum to the entire series; she is respected and deferred to by every character in the series (even the one person who despises her does so because she is so supremely capable); and she absolutely kicks everyone's arse effortlessly.

EDIT: Okay, so I got to this bit:

Solid Snake was born into an abusive environment where he was trained to kill and survive outside of civilization. He has to rely only on himself. This is part of the hazy concept of the masculine ideal, and it’s something Americans in particular socially and culturally feed themselves generation after generation in some form; in the ’60s and ’70s you had Clint Eastwood, and in the ’80s and ’90s you had Arnold Schwarzenegger. Time after time, we see these men on the screen—cold, distant islands who seem to move the fictional world around them as they move in it. Impossibly empowered men who coolly control any situation even as they seem unreachably distanced by the mental, emotional and physical toll of what they’ve done.

I may be jumping the gun (haven't got much further), but this completely ignores the fact that Solid Snake was explicitly created and is shown in game to be a subversion of this ideal.

He's never in control in MGS1. He's manipulated left right and centre by Naomi, by Campbell, by Houseman, (retroactively) by The Patriots, and by Liquid. He rarely knows what is going on.

Snake isn't removed from the "mental, emotional and physical toll". His whole plot arch is based around the fact that he wants to break away from his "generic destiny". Liquid accuses him of "Enjoy[ing] all the killing" and that's exactly what he's trying to break away from. He's shown as damaged by his experiences and clearly suffers from mild PTSD from the events of the previous two games. Hell, this guys anguish is doubled if you don't save Meryl.

That's not to say that Metal Gears treatment of women isn't above scrutiny, of course. We should reassess it but you have to look at the whole thing and approach it even handedly. I'll read the rest when I finish work, but so far the article appears to pick and choose elements to make its point.
I've got nothing against him personally, it's his work i dislike. (although, the fact he apparently takes other people's theories and presents them as his own, without attributing them, rubs me the wrong way)

He apologised for not sourcing information before but now he always does it.

Im not a big fan of some of his theories and he does make a lot of assumptions but the effort he puts in is commendable.

And he does sometimes have some great insight such as the buddy system, FOB system and MGO'S class system.


Why is it that ONLY YongYea gets all the hate when people like Metal Gear Informer or MGN do EXACTLY the same shit?

I don't like Metal Gear Informer either and don't know what MGN is. In fact, I only come here for TPP related info. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's not to say I don't take issue with people going overboard shitting on the guy.

YongYea haters are the worst Metal Gear fans. The only clowns are you guys who can't appreciate the hard work he puts into his videos.

This right here just didn't sit right with me is all. Now if it wasn't meant to be directed at everyone who doesn't like the guy's videos, that's one thing. That could just be only how it seemed to me. If I'm wrong, then that's on me and I'd rather be wrong in this case. I'm not a clown because clowns are the devil.


Everyone should just hug all this shit out before this awesomeness releases.
Haven't posted in here yet - huge Metal Gear fan. Beat and played each of them around 5-9 times depending on the entry, except for one title, which I'm currently going through for my second time (the first time being when it was released) and one of the most underappreciated titles in the series outside of the fanbase: VR Missions.

Still so good!
Haven't posted in here yet - huge Metal Gear fan. Beat and played each of them around 5-9 times depending on the entry, except for one title, which I'm currently going through for my second time (the first time being when it was released) and one of the most underappreciated titles in the series outside of the fanbase: VR Missions.

Still so good!

Preach, my man; keep on grinding them VR Missions and as you do, rock out to some classic tunes!

Venom Fox

Is this a fucking joke post? Shy hit the nail on the head. Well done.

The worst Metal Gear fans are the ones that suck other fans asses. It's like some of you worship Yong. Why? I don't care if he theorized buddies. You think that because he put a video up about it first means he was the first to theorize it? He more than likely got the idea from someone else. Many of his theories aren't even his own. Come the fuck on... I consider myself a HUGE fan of the series. That being said I can freely criticize something I love. I am not a blind fanboy. I am most definitely not vocal on here either. If I had to choose who's the biggest MGS fan out of all of us, I'd say it's Batzi. Before he was banned, he wouldn't post much here either. Usually only when something needed to be said, news came out, or some sort of discussion about the series.
Wow, just wow.
That post is just wow.


And of course nobody of you haters (Dawg, Shy, Infinity Patriot, GHound) could answer my fucking question.

I will ask one more time, I'll even put it in to make it more clear for you guys.

Why is it that ONLY YongYea gets all the hate when people like Metal Gear Informer or MGN do EXACTLY the same shit?

You seem to imply I like the alternatives. I don't. Even most MGS streamers are assholes. I love MGS but the community can be shit. I like the owner of Metal Gear Informer, but a lot of users on that website can be pretty fanboyish.

And I don't know why I'm supposed to be a hater. I'm just sharing my opinion about Yong. I don't hate him. I don't like him. I'm just indifferent towards him. I guess my main criticism is how people make him out to be some hardcore fan who knows more than the regular fan. He's just like us. I remember him playing through MGS3 via let's play. He was mediocre and didn't know a lot of stuff. Afterwards, he said he only played through all games once or something. That's fine. I don't have any issue with that.

Yong seems to be a nice guy, but that doesn't mean I have to like his channel. And his "rivalry" with Pythonselkan is pretty childish tbh. No idea what they have against eachother, but it's unprofessional.
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