Love Deterrence
she shurfife
she shurfife
game makers ought to not only get with the times on social issues, but actively seek to subvert patriarchal tropes with 'better' representation of women.
You just reminded me.she shurfife
You just reminded me.
What do you guys think is going on with Paz in the E3 2015 trailer?
It can't be a flash back because Big Boss and Ocelot are their with her.
Android maybe? Or she just didn't die, the bomb wasn't in her after all and the explosion actually came from somebody blowing the chopper up.
GZ was just a VR training simulation for Grey Fox? lol.
Oh god, I bet she is an cyborg that has parts of the Mammal pod installed into her skull.Paz is a clone ofThe Boss
Book it.
Paz is a clone ofThe Boss
Book it.
Meh, I just want to have fun playing a game and enjoy a wild but crazy story ride. Not everything needs to be for some greater social good.
OldLogosNothing wrong with that. I hope no one here thinks I'm a feminazi or anything - i probably won't ever bring up the subject again. It's just my opinion that a lot of these tropes damage the collective consciousness and we'll only progress as a culture when they are addressed and subverted.
Time and again the community thread was ruled by a foreign moderator. When the thread was still in its early days, we lost many native posters: the bedrock for any developing community. Our community, our brothers, our faces, our identity... everything was stolen from us.
In the moderators eyes, the greatest symbiotic parasite the community's ever known isn't microbial, it's linguistic. Words are what keep discussion, our thread, alive.
Free the thread, not by taking men's accounts, but by taking their thread privileges.
With this, they'lI rid the thread of infestation, sans lingua franca, the community will be torn asunder... and then, it shall be free.
The chain of retaliation is what will truly bind this community together as one.
Les Sn4kes Terrible. Zero called it.
You just reminded me.
What do you guys think is going on with Paz in the E3 2015 trailer?
It can't be a flash back because Big Boss and Ocelot are their with her.
Android maybe? Or she just didn't die, the bomb wasn't in her after all and the explosion actually came from somebody blowing the chopper up.
GZ was just a VR training simulation for Grey Fox? lol.
*hits Dawg in the nose with an rolled up newspaper*
Great post..Mutt!
You just reminded me.
What do you guys think is going on with Paz in the E3 2015 trailer?
It can't be a flash back because Big Boss and Ocelot are their with her.
Android maybe? Or she just didn't die, the bomb wasn't in her after all and the explosion actually came from somebody blowing the chopper up.
GZ was just a VR training simulation for Grey Fox? lol.
This.Meh, I just want to have fun playing a game and enjoy a wild but crazy story ride. Not everything needs to be for some greater social good.
It's the real Paz with memory loss because of trauma.
Kinda likein Berserk.Casca
Anyone recommend a good surround headset for ps4... planning to get the golds when I ps4 but want to make sure they are good for mgo
I use the regular PS headset and they work really really nice.
Quite comfortable too, and you get an app on the ps4 that you can tweak around specific to a game and save those settings. Pretty handy.
What about this smexy thing:
I thought about ordering it myself.
And of course nobody of you haters (Dawg, Shy, Infinity Patriot, GHound) could answer my fucking question.
I will ask one more time, I'll even put it in to make it more clear for you guys.
So not only are you rude, you're also bloody presumptuous. I never once said i liked Leo's theories did i. ?Why is it that ONLY YongYea gets all the hate when people like Metal Gear Informer or MGN do EXACTLY the same shit?
*hits Dawg in the nose with an rolled up newspaper*
Great post..Mutt!
Was thinking of picking one of these up; how long does the battery last?
Sony promises eight hours of battery life from a charge via its micro USB port, which you can link to the front of your PlayStation console during downtime. Our testing matched up well with the estimate, allowing for a few meaty gaming and film-viewing sessions before needing a charge. You'll need to be sure to flick the power switch off if you want to avoid battery drain once done playing, however.
I do that to. I have the Golds and the Silver and I plug them in when the Golds need to be charged.Here... this is a good breakdown
Also.. if you have a long enough cable, you can run them as wired if they are running low. Or just take a break, charge and do something for 20 mins.. to find them ready again. At least that is what i do.
They are also compatible with my pc. So sometimes i'll plug them into my tower just because.
That's good of him to do that.He apologised for not sourcing information before but now he always does it.
Welcome new person, hope you have a great time here.Haven't posted in here yet - huge Metal Gear fan. Beat and played each of them around 5-9 times depending on the entry, except for one title, which I'm currently going through for my second time (the first time being when it was released) and one of the most underappreciated titles in the series outside of the fanbase: VR Missions.
Still so good!
First off thanks for taking the time to address all my points - love being able to debate rationally about this sensitive subject a lot of people jump to conclusions about.
I don't really disagree with anything you just put forth. I think you're right in that applying the 'waiting' characteristic to The End sort of defeats that line of sexist argument. Of course its in EVA's nature to be deceptive because shes a spy, and that it being a sexist trait is sort of mitigated by the fact that she actually gets one over on the boss (kind of).
Though, playing devil's advocate as well, I think one can argue that her methods (LOOK AT MAH BOOBS SNEK) belay negative gender stereotypes (women can only be powerful when taking advantage of their greatest asset - their body) because it isn't her intelligence, cunning or skill that defeats snake, its her breasts. Certain schools of feminism look at this type of 'using ones body to further yourself' as empowering, and while i'm not one to say you can't make that argument, I don't like to.
Anyways, while i think this article has a bunch of problems, it definitely changed my mind about some things. I've gotten on the topic of sexism in MGS before and I used to always defend it with something like "Well Snake and the games are heavily influenced by action movies of the 80s and 90s where - because of a period of 'remasculinization' (thanks film school!) of the male protagonist in film following more 'soft' male leads of the 60s and 70s - all of these sexist tendencies were normative. View it like a cheesy 80s B-movie and don't get so offended"
MGSV: TPP is the most 80s action movie-esque game yet, so I almost expect nothing to change (as much as i WANT to be ashamed of my words and deeds, i'm really doubting i will), but the fact is that it's not the 80s anymore, it's 2015. And, IMHO, if videogames are going to grow as an entertainment medium and art form - Kojima being one of the early people to really push it there - game makers ought to not only get with the times on social issues, but actively seek to subvert patriarchal tropes with 'better' representation of women.
edit: Also just saw your post from June about the literary references and it made me think: Should we do a MGS Gaf book club?
Meh, I just want to have fun playing a game and enjoy a wild but crazy story ride. Not everything needs to be for some greater social good.
What do you guys think is going on with Paz in the E3 2015 trailer?
Are you expecting me to take this comment seriously, Snake? I don't see how a youtube celebrity is related to people being "real Metal Gear fans" or not.
Then again, I actually play videogames instead of watching streams all day.
My theory (forgive the repeat post, bad habit)?
BB sees Paz sitting there in the medical bay and she's just like she was back in PW.
As he watches, things about her start to change: scars start to appear, her school clothes become an orange boiler suit, her hair falls out, her gut cuts open of its own accord. This isn't what he remembers. She turns to him, says "There is... another..." and she explodes in brilliant light.
Kaz's hand reaches for Big Boss' shoulder. "Hey, you okay, Boss? You look kind of pale."
Boss shakes his head. "....."
Then they kiss.
I made a post before thinking she might be an early test clone, but lately i've going back and forth between that, and it being a flashback scene from ground zeroes.What do you guys think is going on with Paz in the E3 2015 trailer?
You just reminded me.
What do you guys think is going on with Paz in the E3 2015 trailer?
It can't be a flash back because Big Boss and Ocelot are their with her.
Android maybe? Or she just didn't die, the bomb wasn't in her after all and the explosion actually came from somebody blowing the chopper up.
GZ was just a VR training simulation for Grey Fox? lol.
Have you changed your name?
A Real Feminazi
Today, 07:42 PM
don't get the cult that surrounds yeayong, seems a little unhealthy to obsess over a narcissist who regurgitates material stolen from other people.
Not a Bowie fan then?
I am kinda hyped for tomorrows new Batman v Superman trailer, hope we see Wonder Woman in action.