RIP Loakum
Couldn't agree more. Considering the lofty themes seemingly at play in TPP, it'll be interesting how the gender side of things plays out. I think there's an argument to be made for GZ proving that he can actually write. How it dealt with Paz may even hold up under scrutiny, even if it skirts the edge.
MGS being a major series that has had one eye firmly on political and social issues throughout its history means it comes under the microscope more than most. Kojima's a smart dude who clearly thinks things through in a lot of detail, so some peeps may be perturbed if they think that he hasn't considered other aspects and question why.
Dawg got him banned. Everything is his fault*hits Dawg in the nose with an rolled up newspaper*
Great post..Mutt!
Dawg got him banned. Everything is his fault;P
Dawg got him banned. Everything is his fault;P
You shouldn't be enjoying this, you're next.
Sn4ke Not only do you insult me twice, i answered your question. And you don't even have the common decency to reply to me.
All of this chaos and here I am like
i am surprised that even tho mgs 1 plays like its sub 30 fps it is locked 30
Sn4ke Not only do you insult me twice, i answered your question. And you don't even have the common decency to reply to me.
Oh i insult you? aww how did i?
Because i said Yong haters are the worst Metal Gear fans? that really insulted you? :lol jeez dude.
I did not reply to your post because im fucking done with this topic, do me a favor and stop bringing this in here again, everyone moved on already.
What if, now hear me out here, what if there are people who don't like Yong and there are some that do? Some people like PythonSelkian, some don't. And that's okay! No need to be so salty to each other, eh lads?
What if, now hear me out here, what if there are people who don't like Yong and there are some that do? Some people like PythonSelkian, some don't. And that's okay! No need to be so salty to each other, eh lads?
Yes, and don't pretend you did meant it in a insulting manner either.Because i said Yong haters are the worst Metal Gear fans? that really insulted you? :lol jeez dude.
LMAO. So let me get this straight. You demand i answer your "fucking question" and when i do, you just throw up your arms and i go "i'm fucking done" and walk away, without responding to anything i said. Really. ?I did not reply to your post because im fucking done with this topic,
Jimmy hating cuz UC4 30, I ain't sweating it tho
Yes, and don't pretend you did meant it in a insulting manner either.
You also haven't told in what way i'm the worst either.
LMAO. So let me get this straight. You demand i answer your "fucking question" and when i do, you just throw up your arms and i go "i'm fucking done" and walk away, without responding to anything i said. Really. ?
Yes, and don't pretend you did meant it in a insulting manner either.
You also haven't told in what way i'm the worst either.
LMAO. So let me get this straight. You demand i answer your "fucking question" and when i do, you just throw up your arms and i go "i'm fucking done" and walk away, without responding to anything i said. Really. ?
Just ignore him. He does this type of stuff a lot.
Holy shit, this looks so good.
Uncharted who?
Check back a few pages, i said everything i had to say about this whole thing.
I could say something now but i'll drop it for the sake of this community thread.
I already checked those posts, and none them directly address any of the points i made, which you specifically asked me to answer, which i did.Check back a few pages, i said everything i had to say about this whole thing.
Can you imagine how insane this engine would look if it were current gen only?
I already checked those posts, and none them directly address any of the points i made, which you specifically asked me to answer, which i did.
Now how about you tell me why i'm the worst metal gear fan. ?
Like a good friend of mine once said: If it was current gen only, it would easily be 120 FPS on PS4! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
The term "skirts the edge" is perfect here. Yeah I really like the darker narrative that GZ and TPP are going for. I'm of the belief that theadds an element to Skullface's character that I hope to be expounded on in TPP:rape tape
The most damning question one can raise to this tape is, "Why is it there? And could there have been something else to give the same effect?" When you look at it in this light though, it starts to get hard to defend it. SF could have had Chico beat her, or some other form of torture, and the idea that SF is a master torturer would be established. Under this line of questioning, i don't feel like my own answer holds that well, and it's the sort of thing that we'll have to wait until TPP to see how it plays out.
a complete understanding but total lack of sympathy towards the human condition in favor of cold, hard realism (juxtaposed with BB who has nothing but sympathy and care for his fellow people [read:soldiers] and is a bit of an idealist [you really think the world is gonna be cool with your oil rig mercenary nation?}).
This is something that a lot of us, I think, should realize when we start talking to people who shit on the series for its problems. Kojima tries really hard to construct a grand narrative that argues for and against a lot of political and ethical ideologies. He's a pedagogue when it comes to his beliefs - nothing wrong with that, most auteurs are - but anytime you want someone else to believe what you believe, you're opening yourself up to all forms of criticism.
Look at Bill Cosby. The whole reason the judge released his damning testimony about drugging women was because he has, multiple times, stood on a soapbox and preached about morality. If you consider yourself a moralist, you better be able to back that shit up.
Back to Kojima. If you present yourself as a visionary (and a God) with a lot of opinions you think are right, people are going to attack every opinion you hold whether its being presented explicitly or subliminally.
This thread in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..
Isn't this her in the barrel, from Peace Walker ?
So, does anyone know who the new V.A. is for Zero?
Like a good friend of mine once said: If it was current gen only, it would easily be 120 FPS on PS4! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
i am surprised that even tho mgs 1 plays like its sub 30 fps it is locked 30
wowwwowwowwow nice thread nerds
The Mammal and Reptile pods looked the same didn't they? It could be an all new pod. Pretty weird to see that back, what could it mean?
And what's the deal with Paz? Did Diamond Dogs find her floating in the ocean and they're going to put a bomb in her and send her back to Cipher or what.
The Mammal and Reptile pods looked the same didn't they? It could be an all new pod. Pretty weird to see that back, what could it mean?
And what's the deal with Paz? Did Diamond Dogs find her floating in the ocean and they're going to put a bomb in her and send her back to Cipher or what.
I've seen some suggestions but I can't remember what they are, it's not fucking David Bowie though.
No no no, you don't get to pull the that "i don't know what you're on about, stop over reacting" card when you make posts like this.Oh boy.
So what answer do you want here?
And of course nobody of you haters (Dawg, Shy, Infinity Patriot, GHound) could answer my fucking question.
I will ask one more time, I'll even put it in to make it more clear for you guys.
Why is it that ONLY YongYea gets all the hate when people like Metal Gear Informer or MGN do EXACTLY the same shit?
No, how about you tell me, as you are so instant on any one who dislikes youngyea's videos are "are the worst metal gear fans" or is it just an empty insult you can't back up. ?Just say it and i will type it.
This thread in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..
Hahahaha the funny thing is some people thought i was serious :lol
omg guys
for the love of Vally's tits
stahp it