So many people say he just pulled that facet of the story out of his ass and he does indeed approach each game as though it were his last but I'd always wondered about certain aspects of the characters in question. For instance, when zero briefs snake on the code phrases that must be used to verify the identity of his informant the phrases are "who are the patriots?" and "la-li-lu-le-lo". at the time I thought this was just a wink to the audience but throughout the rest of snake eater it was never mentioned again.
And speaking of snake eater, what exchange, or specific information is given that specifies that Ocelot is the boss' son?
Snake: "EVA, I wanted to ask you about Ocelot..."
EVA: "Yeah, I know. He's pretty infatuated with you, isn't he?"
Snake: "That's not what I meant. Aren't the Ocelots an elite unit?"
EVA: "Yeah."
Snake: "Then how'd he get to be their commander? He can't be any older than
18 or 19. I can't believe he's already a major..."
EVA: "I heard from the Colonel that he's been given...special treatment."
Snake: "Special treatment?"
EVA: "Yeah. He's the son of some legendary hero or something."
Snake: "No wonder he seems to have the right stuff... So who is this legendary
hero, anyway?"
EVA: "Beats me."
Snake: "..."
EVA: "The Colonel never told me. All I heard was that his mother was supposedly
shot in the gut during battle and that he was born right there, bullets
whizzing past them."
Snake: "A pregnant women in the middle of a battle?"
EVA: "That's what I heard. They say that when the stitched her up, the scar was
shaped like a snake."
Snake: "Well, that's battlefield medicine for you. What about his father, this
legendary hero?"
EVA: "He didn't tell me. I don't think Ocelot's ever met his parents."
Snake: "Are they dead?"
EVA: "Maybe, I don't know. There were a lot of MIAs back then, during the last
days of the war. Ocelot probably would have ended up the same way. But he
was taken in and raised by GRU and Volgin."
Snake: "Because he was special?"
EVA: "That's my guess."
Yeah I know, people just grate on me, you know.
LD I love you man, even though I came back at you being sarcastic you calmed me

sorry about that by the way, that guy just pissed me right off.
Oh, hell yeah man, of course! I totally get where you're coming from, and I agreed with what you were saying in the thread-- it's just, we don't need any more BROTHERS getting banned, is all!!!! I love you, bro, *cqchug.gif*