Love Deterrence
To think this all started with a random UC post in a MGS thread.
BRUH LOL come on fool, who KNOWS what he is doing
lol if you have such conviction then why are you so worried about what other people think? like come on, man. game is out in 50 days, who cares. everyone here is just ready to play, but y'all have got to stop all that arguing
wait LOL I have zero military experience? Wot??????? LOL! My grandfather was General macarthur's RIGHT HAND MAN!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT, BRUH!!! I know more than your counter striker global offensive playing ass would ever know
All male Austrian citizens aged 18 to 50 are subject to compulsory military service in Austria. For some special functions and officials the conscription ends with 65 years. Under the age of 35, one must complete the basic recruit training. For Officers, Under-Officers and certain specialized workers, the conscription ends at the age of 65.
piss off dude you whine too much you aren't even going to play the game, you're gonna play a few missions in afghanistan, then go to africa and put the game down then watch someone play on twitch and go into uc4 threads hating talking about how big mgs5 is and post that troy baker quote
piss off dude you whine too much you aren't even going to play the game, you're gonna play a few missions in afghanistan, then go to africa and put the game down then watch someone play on twitch and go into uc4 threads hating talking about how big mgs5 is and post that troy baker quote
LOL bruh you pull out uncharted 4 key art out of nowhere to make some silly ass point about realism in a video game go outside dude
better yet, go watch someone stream what outside is like on Twitch
Again, this is a discussion forum, if you don't like the topic don't participate in it. I highly doubt you got forced to reply to my posts.
what topic? Dropping this UC4 pic in here isn't a "topic". It's just fishing for Uncharted 4 hate.
Do y'all think we'll some MGO footage soon? I was so hoping for a beta but that isn't looking likely at this point.
Do y'all think we'll some MGO footage soon? I was so hoping for a beta but that isn't looking likely at this point.
Do y'all think we'll some MGO footage soon? I was so hoping for a beta but that isn't looking likely at this point.
I think our only chance is gamescom! If it doesn't show up there, then MGO has a very short lifespan ahead of it, as far as I can tell. Beta does seem unlikely, but these things are also so much easier to distribute than they once were, so who knows, maybe they have a gamescom beta download ala PT at last gamescom?! Here's hoping!
Do y'all think we'll some MGO footage soon? I was so hoping for a beta but that isn't looking likely at this point.
Yep, Gamecom is the last chance they have to show it off on a big stage.Gamescom, it has to be Gamescom.
Yeah 2 weeks would be ok but any longer than that would be suicide from a consumer perspective.I'd be fine with them delaying it like GTA O. Not like I will be playing it much the first couple of weeks anyway.
I'd be fine with them delaying it like GTA O. Not like I will be playing it much the first couple of weeks anyway.
I don't know why people keep saying we don't know anything about MGO, here's a short list of stuff I remember from reading tweets, and various bits of stuff and even that entire trailer we had last year.
- 8-16 players
- Team Sneaking is in, TDM, etc
- Customizable characters, equipment
- Maps that have different times of day
- FOBs will play a small role, probably just the invasion stuff
- Tagging system taking the place and pretty much working like SOP
- PLayable hero characters like Ocelot and Big Boss
- CQC Selfies
- Lethal, non lethal, and all that jazz as far as equipment goes
- Comes with MGSV:The Phantom Pain, this has been confirmed like a dozen bajillion times
- Funny hats, cardboard boxes, all the MGO silliness.
I see no reason to worry, everything is fine and it sounds like/Looks like MGO
How many Dawg years?
In MGO, nobody should play Ocelot or Big boss or other main characters.
It's just doesn't feel right.