RIP In Peace CC.
I miss Cipher Cat.
Yes, a marathon which ended with first GZ playthrough.Were you doing a marathon or are you playing GZ for the first time?
I dont think mgs is a game that should be played online.
That's fair. The idea of tacked-on multiplayer modes for single-player focused games appeals to me because it gives you a space to play with the single-player mechanics A) With friends, B) against enemies harder than any AI is capable of producing and C) with limitless possibilities for new experiences because of the unpredictable nature of human players. That said, I'm aware that a multi-player mode isn't going to be ideally balanced if it wasn't the main focus. For me, things like MGO, GTAO, TLoUO etc. aren't really competitive multiplayer games so much as they are spaces to fuck around with the game systems.I dont think mgs is a game that should be played online.
I feel fortunate to have played it without knowing about Raiden. I imagine people just getting into the series today probably have knowledge of it. It's my favorite game and I loved it before people started writing essays on it. I'm glad people are but, up until a couple years ago when all that started, there were still a lot of people who openly didn't like it. Now it's universally praised.
I dont think mgs is a game that should be played online.
I don't think you should be played online.
I'm jammin' through MGS2 at the moment myself at the moment. I've got the PS2 and HD copy here but off memory I don't think anything was changed to add clarity to the La Li Lu Le Lo. If you're going by lip movement, it hasn't tried to sync up too much on my end, I noticed it especially during the Fatman fight.
I've been tweeting my thoughts at the behest of my friend. I like MGS2 for it's technical wizardry (Props for that video) and it's ambition but find the sneaking extremely frustrating in this. It's my own fault for not finding the M9 sooner so I can drop guards but once you're spotted or cause any disturbance they're all over that strut. On more than one occasion I just let them do their thing and start over. It threw me off my tranquilizer game and I just started blasting away.
Which makes me want to ask how much killing does NeoGaf do in these games? I remember originally playing this and zzzzz-ing everyone I could, even bosses. I think on one sweep I killed more people in one minute than I did my entire run of MGS1 yesterday.
It's some kind of grotesque torture/ an early trial in Skull Faces "rid people of a common language" evil villainous plot. Language seems to be a major theme in MGS5 and earbuds plugged into bodily orrifices seems to reinforce those themes quite literally.Has anyone so far really made an attempt to figure out what the hell the purpose of thein GZ? And in the E3 2015 trailer? I'd think there's some prevailing theories out there, but I haven't really seen any here, on the Snake Soup, MGSForums or any of the other forums I frequent. It can't be a complete mystery, can it? It must be based on something in the real world, right?earbud in Chico's chest was
Dawg is making itSkimmed through the MGS4 OT, really nice OT.
Who's making the MGSV OT ?
so will this thread get locked when the OT goes up?
Cheers, further play has made me realize I don't remember as much as I thought I did so it's probably just my memory playing tricks on me.
Thinking about it now, it's impossible to review the game without spoiling it.I always find this funny, because I read about it in the OPM review that had Raiden on the front cover![]()
Thinking about it now, it's impossible to review the game without spoiling it.
It's some kind of grotesque torture/ an early trial in Skull Faces "rid people of a common language" evil villainous plot. Language seems to be a major theme in MGS5 and earbuds plugged into bodily orrifices seems to reinforce those themes quite literally.
But lol at thinking it might exist in the real world in some capacity, but I cant blame you for thinking that, I mean even the Fulton recovery system really exists.
My understanding of the Patriots when I first played MGS2 around 2006 is that they're meant to be a series of "memes" (ideas) within American culture that naturally evolved into a complex lifeform of sorts, taking Richard Dawkin's idea of Memetics and extrapolating the comparison between memes and genes to the absolute limit. That even if some people did "start" the "Patriots" years prior, the idea took on a mind and life of it's own, and that the GW AI was simply a medium for the "memetic" lifeform to communicate with "genetic" lifeforms directly.I've forgotten a fair share of the first four, out of all three Snake Eater is a complete blur. I completed Sons of Liberty a few hours ago. I had a great tim with it and admit it makes more sense for me than it has before, creative decisions and all. Except Flamenco Vamp, that will never make sense. Ever.
Last time I played it I almost, kind of, sort of got what was going on but then it just dissipated., I can't even recall what the hell is going on in Guns of the Patriots so it'll be interesting to see exactly how much revision goes on with regards to Liquid and the Patriots.The Patriots come off as a big brother Skynet this playthrough
For now, commencing operation Snake Eater.
To buy ps4 now or wait on the new revision... no confirmation of na release date has me worried, and all these retailers are offering great deals
it's not like buying an "older" revision is so much worse. I doubt the differences will be that big. If you really want mechanical buttons tho, the new one has that.
LD i know you're joking, but please don't say that again.
I dont think mgs is a game that should be played online.
I'm not saying that I think cramming headphones into people's chests is something that has happened, I meant that I think the electrical and magnetic components of the earphone are being used for something other than their intended purpose of amplifying audio.
I'm replaying GZ and trying to 100% it while waiting for TPP. Was it confirmed that doing the Mother Base stuff in the GZ app would do anything? I keep forgetting to use it while I'm playing but won't bother if it doesn't do anything.
What's a mechanical button?
Also, isn't the new model considerably quieter on the whole?
Cipher Cat was just misunderstood, that's all.
I think the Invasions mode is a brilliant idea, honestly. It's a mode that lets you connect with others in a competitive and/or friendly environment while integrating with your progress within the game; just want to know more about the "user-generated missions."
I hope it's Quiet. They always say that but you only really know the truth once you have it a few weeks/months.
Remember all those PS4 noise tests that made it look like the most silent console ever? People with airplane fans only started complaining a few weeks later.
Also, what are mechanical buttons...? Honestly, never heard of them. XD
You serious? I don't get why so many people see these tumors as breasts... They're way too low for one thing, it's just supposed to be some weird growth.I'm surprised no one has brought it up either. In my head, it's pretty simple:Chico = Quiet
The process of turning one into a Skull is to remove their voice
And make em grow boobs:
Chico = Quiet
The current PS4 on/eject disc buttons work via "touch", you don't really "click" them... the newer model will have clicky buttons again IIRC.
Honestly can't wait on my new PS4. I'm glad the LE is the new revision!
strafer why did you lie to me![]()
You serious? I don't get why so many people see these tumors as breasts... They're way too low for one thing, it's just supposed to be some weird growth.
you told me...
... were perma'd ;_;
Sigh...I was. Then it changed. Forgot what it said.
Don't be mad or sad.
i'm not mad
or sad
i'm glad
you're my fav lad
Been saying this since the trailer was released.You serious? I don't get why so many people see these tumors as breasts... They're way too low for one thing, it's just supposed to be some weird growth.
He did that on purpose then because of the theory. But Kojima boob shots are to be expected.They're symmetrical, vaguely resemble breasts and are shown right before (after?) the close up on the Skull's breasts, and as he pointed out the same guy seems to have had his voice box removed like Quiet presumably has. This is all in a trailer that was edited and released months after the Chico = Quiet theory became so huge that they actually addressed it on the KojiPro podcast.
We can't know yet if the theory is true, but we do know for sure, based on the reasons listed above, that we're at least meant to think it might be true.
Anybody still trying to get one of those PS4 limited editions? They're up on now.
Been saying this since the trailer was released.
He did that on purpose then because of the theory. But Kojima boob shots are to be expected.
42 days, lad.
42 days, lad.