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Metal Gear Community Thread |OT3| The Best is Yet to Come

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do we know Big Boss ideology when it comes to race, religion,economics etc.?


I've been gone awhile. Is this Marcus who is Cipher Cat who is System Error who is Murkrow who is Psychopath who is...



Neo Member
2012 my PS3 was stolen. I was locked out of my PSN account. Today on the curb was a slim PS3 which was broken. I walked quickly home and chatted with a Sony rep. I convinced him I owned the account based on the serial number....

I"m back in action! Gonna buy a PS3 super slim at Best Buy when I get the money. Its' only 212 bucks...


I'm replaying MGS 3 and it's a totally different experience from when I played it when it first came out. I remember having a terribly hard time against The End back then, I actually did the trick where I set my PS2 clock forward and let him die of old age after failing for an hour. But yesterday when I played it on my PS3, I found and followed him around, and tranq'd him down in about... 6 minutes.

My first thought was it has to do with the HD version I'm playing on PS3, I was able to see everything more clearly in the forest and track him down easier, compared to back at PS2 release where it was hard to see in the foliage at times.

Either way I'm happy that it wasn't so bad, because I was dreading this fight based on my past experience. I've now made it all the way through The Sorrow. By the way, the Cobra unit bosses are so absurd and cheesy, I love it.
i mentioned earlier in this thread about the 1984 references

i don't like that kojima is trying to connect Big Boss to Big Brother

i think Zero would fit that comparison better

It's pretty good.

I like the part at the beginning poking fun at Big Boss' various names. They stopped at a good point for it being funny, but they could have added "AKA Jack, AKA John, AKA Saladin, Aka Vic Boss, AKA The Legendary Soldier, AKA The Legendary Mercenary, etc."

Again, that'd run the joke thin, but there are more names to recite! A pretty funny video regardless. Almost just 5 weeks, its going to be a crazy wait until then. I already know a few people are, but who's getting the Piggyback collector's edition guide? I'm mostly getting it for the art and anthology of material. It'd be my first and probably last MGS strategy guide and the first I've bought in more than a decade. I'm not looking at it except maybe the first page until I'm far into the game though.

D-Walker and Angola speculation:
Hey what's the opinion on the possibility of upgrading D-Walker to (only speculation from evidence, no legit spoilers)
have the much larger quadroped armor as seen in the short E3 2015 trailer?
It sounds like an interesting idea, but kind of OP. Leave
Metal Gear piloting
to scripted moments in the story or it loses its impact and would probably be too easy. They could still
have you wander around the open country of Afghanistan or Angola
in these moments, just having the option to do it all the time would feel too weird.

Also, anyone realize that Angola was mentioned as a location of importance back in Peace Walker? I discovered it recently while searching for old "project ogre" news, an article from mid 2012, after the "Big Boss wants you!" thing had speculation that the Diamond Dogs insignia indicated the location of Angola being important for its large diamond deposits. It then referenced that Kaz mentioned the country in the secret tape at the very end of Peace Walker, which is unlocked by beating every extra op. Interesting that the plan for MGSV seems to have been set even then, I wonder if Kojima was telling the truth that he supposedly wanted to make Ground Zeroes on PS3 very shortly after Peace Walker, but got tied up by Metal Gear Rising and later MGSV itself.

Locale speculation:
I doubt there are any more countries to reveal, since the images of the map included in some special editions shows Afghanistan taking up an entire side, which only leaves two. Maybe they've thus far shown only that one as a ruse, but when the game comes out surely the one bundled would spoil how many locations there are, right? I hope there's trickery involved, I hope for at least one more locale, perhaps a more southern region of Africa where Outer Heaven is later formed.

Didn't the Game Informer article covering Ground Zeroes shortly before release mention the abandonment of some underground nuclear testing facility as being important in the timeline? Maybe that was Ground Zeroes itself, but I think it was the article implying a new land based Mother Base, which is why seeing another sea based Mother Base in the E3 2014 trailer was strange.

Maybe Yong's theory is correct and
the scenes of DD soldiers dead in a hallway and BB's two transformations is implying another Mother Base destruction in TPP, just before he starts Outer Heaven as a new country.
That would be pretty crazy, and would match up with what the Game Informer article was talking about.

Gray Fox!:
In any case, whether there are more countries/locales or not, I think there'll be more than enough to do. Interesting note, when reading "In the Darkness of Shadow Moses" inside of MGS2, I noticed that Naomi's personell file said she was born in 198X, her parents "died in a car accident" when she was two, and her step brother died in a "training accident" when she was 17. If we roll back Gray Fox's actual date of "death" in 1999, not accounting for his cyberization after Zanzibar Land, that means she was born in 1982, and her parents died in 1984! Interesting line up with MGSV huh?

Gray Fox being in the game is more important I think than even Eva being shown, despite her mother ship to the Twin Snakes (and Solidus?). Gray Fox is sort of the like Solid's true brother, his loyalty to Big Boss is in contrast to Solid's and the relationship between the three seems important. MGSV finally needs to establish Gray Fox's loyalty to Big Boss, and what better way than for him to take Naomi and Frank into Mother Base's protection.

i mentioned earlier in this thread about the 1984 references

i don't like that kojima is trying to connect Big Boss to Big Brother

i think Zero would fit that comparison better

But Zero is trying to make BB the Patriot's icon... I wouldn't be surprised either if Big Boss starts making "secret police" like units withing Diamond Dogs for its "protection". Weed out any possible disloyalty to protect the Mother Base from potential traitors. The guys in the black suits in the "Quiet but not silent" trailer at TGS 2014 seem like one such unit. Perhaps their loyalty may be fractured between BB and Kaz,
and maybe they and Kaz decide to denounce Big Boss once he has gone off the deep end, leading to Mother Base turning against him?
It could be a lead up to how he and perhaps a totally loyal few like Ocelot, Gray Fox and a select number of soldiers help him escape the possible
Mother Base destruction seen in in the E3 2015 trailer.
Maybe it isn't as it seems and instead of
Mother Base is
truely turning against Big Boss on Kaz's orders, maybe influenced by his weird Skull unit like eye affliction?


BB and Kaz are too consumed with revenge...Ocelot is going to be the one with the clear mind most the time it seems..

which brings up another point..who is second in charge of DD, Kaz or Ocelot

who does BB trust more?

All interesting questions. I think there's a lot of potential for some interesting drama among the members of Diamond Dogs. Does Big Boss trust Kaz after what he told him in the final cut scene of Peace Walker when they're on the helicopter platform? Can Ocelot be trusted? What about Huey? And Quiet? And who knows which ones might be spying for Cypher. I could see paranoia taking over Big Boss as he becomes more and more obsessed with revenge and fearful of Zero infiltrating Diamond Dogs with spies.
All interesting questions. I think there's a lot of potential for some interesting drama among the members of Diamond Dogs. Does Big Boss trust Kaz after what he told him in the final cut scene of Peace Walker when they're on the helicopter platform? Can Ocelot be trusted? What about Huey? And Quiet? And who knows which ones might be spying for Cypher. I could see paranoia taking over Big Boss as he becomes more and more obsessed with revenge and fearful of Zero infiltrating Diamond Dogs with spies.

expect alot of bickering between Ocelot and Kaz


Unconfirmed Member
Metacritics first 100 ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮


I'm replaying MGS 3 and it's a totally different experience from when I played it when it first came out. I remember having a terribly hard time against The End back then, I actually did the trick where I set my PS2 clock forward and let him die of old age after failing for an hour. But yesterday when I played it on my PS3, I found and followed him around, and tranq'd him down in about... 6 minutes.

My first thought was it has to do with the HD version I'm playing on PS3, I was able to see everything more clearly in the forest and track him down easier, compared to back at PS2 release where it was hard to see in the foliage at times.

Either way I'm happy that it wasn't so bad, because I was dreading this fight based on my past experience. I've now made it all the way through The Sorrow. By the way, the Cobra unit bosses are so absurd and cheesy, I love it.

I felt the exact same when I played MGS3 earlier this year. Although I was actually really excited to face The End again, as this was the most fun and longest boss battle of my first playthrough.

This time was not hard at all. I beat him with ease. Maybe it was harder to me because at the time the cutscenes which introduced Cobra Unit really intimidated me which resulted in me not playing as good as I can and also maybe because I was young and now I have more experience with games and understand how boss fights work.

what is everyone's metacritic prediction for TPP?

Now since there are concerns about the OST of TPP i would like to pitch David Bowie will save the overall soundtrack of the phantom pain.

what is everyone's metacritic prediction for TPP?


Peace Walker scored an 89 as a handheld
Ground Zeroes scored a 75 ("good") as a prologue

At the bare minimum, it is Ground Zeroes' gameplay backed by Peace Walker's systems such as base-building and mission prep to the umpteenth power. Not to mention online modes like Invasions/FOB Missions.

Then again, Quiet is wearing a bikini so maybe reviewers, on average, will dock 20 points.
Anyone got this GIF:

but with Kojima erasing Hayter and giving the thing to snake with the caption saying "he was too expensive"?
I remember seeing it but I can't find it.

There should be one now though with Kojima's face being erased and saying he was too expensive.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Unconfirmed Member
what is everyone's metacritic prediction for TPP?

something like 89-ish, there's always going to be some people that will critisize the game because of the harmless microtransactions, Quiet's outfit, or interpreting the game's supposedly controversial themes as Kojima trying too hard. Plus there's some MGS fans that didn't like the Peace Walker format.
I was thinking this as well. Marcus returned with an alt fairly quickly. Then again, without Marcus, time tends to fly, so there is that. Hard to say, but I subscribe to this notion as well, Shery.

MidnightPass must be some sort of atemporal, interdimensional anomaly. He knows all, he sees all, and yet he still asks questions. Maybe these are lessons that can only be taught through questions. Answers masquerading under a quizzical disguise. Riddle us your truths, Oh Great One.

All hail MidnightPass, and all hail CC!


i thought of what we could call the TPP spoiler thread.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Spoiler |OT| Now go! let the spoilers come back to life.

What do you guys think. ?
Ocelot's new cowboy persona slays me

New? ':)

BB and Kaz are too consumed with revenge...Ocelot is going to be the one with the clear mind most the time it seems..

which brings up another point..who is second in charge of DD, Kaz or Ocelot

who does BB trust more?

Probably Kaz at first, last time he saw Ocelot was as a frenemy, but BB clearly doesn't care too much about enemies becoming allies. I think Kaz will quickly lose BB's trust doing reckless things with DD operations without BB's approval, causing BB to become suspicious of Kaz spying for Cipher again behind his back. That's something I think will actually happen, given his eventual denouncement of BB in the Zanzibar Land incident, and that Skullface will probably drive BB to go so crazy that Kaz just decides "fuck it, at least Zero will have my back if I spy for him and something goes wrong" which it inevitably will.

All interesting questions. I think there's a lot of potential for some interesting drama among the members of Diamond Dogs. Does Big Boss trust Kaz after what he told him in the final cut scene of Peace Walker when they're on the helicopter platform? Can Ocelot be trusted? What about Huey? And Quiet? And who knows which ones might be spying for Cypher. I could see paranoia taking over Big Boss as he becomes more and more obsessed with revenge and fearful of Zero infiltrating Diamond Dogs with spies.

Yeah, especially the "fearful of spies" part. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a ton of internal strife in DD, and we could potentially get a real good look on the inside politics of his "Anarcho-militarist" army nation. I also think one of the controversies could be that
child soldiers he recruits are more loyal to him when the shit hits the fan, probably dying for him at certain points in the story. He could even have an elite unit of child soldiers who are at one point led by Eli who act as his private guard as he becomes more paranoid.
We have to get a good glimpse of his persona witnessed in MG2, and that's a good way to deliver.

Great post! You definitely make some valid points, I'm really excited to see what Kojima is really going to do with MGSV but luckily we do not have to wait much longer.

Thanks, I'm often worried that my posts are too long, since not many people reply sometimes. I've tried shortening them or spreading my thoughts out across many posts, but then I feel inclined to reply to new posts that are made, and I only have enough time some days to make a big post of all of my thoughts relevant to the discussion and reading the replies later.

Thanks for posting your appreciation, one of my brothers is a big MGS fan, but he has sworn off playing Ground Zeroes until TPP comes out, so I haven't been able to speculate with him much. I can't wait to see what Kojima does next so MGS-GAF can see what to speculate about after V day.

(Just curious, what ideas do you think were most interesting?)

what is everyone's metacritic prediction for TPP?
Quiet will probably be a point of contention for at least some outlets, and even though I think her storyline will be well done and show her to be a great character, it won't help prevent some knocks on the score. It's also optional, so the fleshing out of her story arc will be missed by some critics.

Others will be disturbed by the controversial elements such as the very likely
killing, recruiting, and sacrificing of child soldiers (that is to say they voluntarily save BB at the cost of their lives).
I think only a few will say this goes too far, but I think the critics that did for Ground Zeroes, which has probably relatively tame themes, did mark down some points for the game feeling too dark and not "Metal Gear enough".

There are some other likely criticisms I can think of, but despite this, almost all previews for the game have been extremely positive. I'd say that the review score of most of these people who have played the game early and love it, will change only if they get turned off by story content later on. In that case, most will probably stick with the game the whole way, only critiquing some graphical issues on some consoles, and other nitpicks like perhaps a small perceived shortage of side-ops or MGO critism.

In the case of those with only minor issues as listed above, the score will probably be from 9.0 to 9.6. Those who take issue with the story's content despite liking the gameplay will probably give it a tacit 8.5 or 8.8. Others, such as those who love the game and can come up with no real faults, or people who take enough issue with the story to denounce the game despite its gameplay, will give the game the more extreme scores. Something like 9.8 or 10 on the positive side, and ranging from 8.0 to 7.0 on the negative side.

I can't imagine most reviewers straying from high 8's to mid 9's. A few remaining outliers who give the game very high 9's or 10's and others who give it relative lows like 7's or 8's will exist depending on satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the controversial story and open gameplay.

A small few outlets will probably give the game a lower score than even 7 I think, from mostly overblown issues they had.

Therefore, I am going with a relatively tame prediction of 93 out of 100. It seems there is enough potential controversy for some deep lows to bungle up an otherwise critical consensus of acclaim.


i thought of what we could call the TPP spoiler thread.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Spoiler |OT| Now go! let the spoilers come back to life.

What do you guys think. ?

Pretty gud.


-Good news is, the game is out. Bad news is a world wants you spoiled.

-A Spoiler to Surpass Metal Gear

-This is Piquod! Stay out of the Spoiler-Zone!

-When the Time Comes, I'll Spoil the Thread.


what is everyone's metacritic prediction for TPP?

One of the highest ever. I don't think there will be many attention whores this time and the hype is too strong to lower down the final number on "side" things. Consider me surprised if it scores less than 95 with 85+ reviews.
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