Love Deterrence
Love Deterrence.
Akiller, I love you. <3 *golden heart emoji*
Love Deterrence.
Awesome! Is is better than your previous OS?
Send a request to join, and i'll let you in.Can i have an invite please?
What os are you currently using?Awesome! Is is better than your previous OS?
Who is that? I need to know for uh science.
Does anyone know if the HORI MGSV PS4 headset will work in any headphone jack, like phone/laptop/mp3 player? According to the specs listed on Play-Asia it seems like it just uses a 3.5mm TRRS audio jack with no usb power supply required, and I already know that the PS4 headset jack has the same Mic/Ground configuration as my phone because the in-box PS4 headset works fine wth it. BUT it's still listed as PS4 only, which has me worried. There's no user documentation on the original HORI HG headset either, or at least not any that comes up when searching for it in english.
I want to buy this thing and take it with me pretty much everywhere (since the mic is detachable) but I don't want to buy it if I really can only use it for my PS4. Anyone know more about this?
This info comes from gameplay videos where Snake has his iDroid out. Doing some math, it appears clear that time passes this way while playing:
1 hour (in game) = 3 minutes (real time)
5 hours (in game) = 15 minutes (real time)
12 hours (in game) = 36 minutes (real time)
1 day (in game) = 72 minutes (real time) or an hour and 12 minutes
It looks like a good balance, especially if you consider that the game will allow you to execute certain missions, in certain ways, exclusively in daytime or nighttime. Anyway, if it seems to be too much time for your preferences, you can always fast forward it and reach the time in the day you enjoy most.
Something like this would be ideal since we have the phantom cigar. I want at least a guaranteed real-time hour of darkest night for infiltration. The model articulated in the earlier post would guarantee you 20 minutes at most, which just isn't enough for me.I would take this with a grain of salt since it was gleaned from a demo video. They've sped up the time before in other demos. Also, they've said before in the past that it would be 6 hours of real time would be 1 day of game time.
I would take this with a grain of salt since it was gleaned from a demo video. They've sped up the time before in other demos. Also, they've said before in the past that it would be 6 hours of real time would be 1 day of game time.
I really hope it is 6 hours, the longer the better, specially if there are going to be really long missions as they said
Mother Base is such a silly name.
Send a request to join, and i'll let you in.
Thanks!Downloading it now, will let you know! ^_^
What os are you currently using?
Akiller, I love you. <3 *golden heart emoji*
Sorry to hijack the question but who's also going for PC?
Send a request to join, and i'll let you in.
Russian cosplayer after whom Bioshock's Elizabeth was modelled.
Who is that? I need to know for uh science.
Something like this would be ideal since we have the phantom cigar. I want at least a guaranteed real-time hour of darkest night for infiltration. The model articulated in the earlier post would guarantee you 20 minutes at most, which just isn't enough for me.
Windows 7
I got feeling that eva going be in mgs5 and tells big boss about liquid.
I miss Kojima Stations too
You know what I don't miss? Kojima Station's christmas "surprise." Woke up at 6AM to watch some people speak in a language I don't understand for an hour and all i got was this stupid chicken hat.
You know what I don't miss? Kojima Station's christmas "surprise." Woke up at 6AM to watch some people speak in a language I don't understand for an hour and all i got was this stupid chicken hat.
Never forget the day Kojima rused his entire fanbase by having them stay up at all hours of the AM for the announcement of a chicken hat.
8.1 is a lot better than 7 already so I'm sure 10 will be too, just wait for reports from people who are using it.
Also to answer your old question, I'm going PC only. 1440p + all the added effects and rock solid fps is too good to pass up.
Thanks for the information, and good to know that many of you will also play on the PC. It will definitely make everything more exciting.
Well done, Konami.
what if that leak was real...the guy is still arguing on gamefaq that its legit
what if that leak was real...the guy is still arguing on gamefaq that its legit
I am loving win10 so far. No issues here.
it was mentioned a few days ago...the thread was deleated on gamefaq
but he was the content of the leak, potential SPOILERS (most likely BS)
we don't actually play as Big Boss, but a clone of him named Venom who finds out he was manipulated by the real big boss...the game ends with a Venom vs. real Big Boss fight that ends with Venom dying
it was mentioned a few days ago...the thread was deleated on gamefaq
but he was the content of the leak, potential SPOILERS (most likely BS)
we don't actually play as Big Boss, but a clone of him named Venom who finds out he was manipulated by the real big boss...the game ends with a Venom vs. real Big Boss fight that ends with Venom dying
Good to hear, I'll be trying to get it now/tomorrow.
But unfortunately I have heard about Ground Zeroes not working on Windows 10, can you confirm that?
it was mentioned a few days ago...the thread was deleated on gamefaq
but he was the content of the leak, potential SPOILERS (most likely BS)
we don't actually play as Big Boss, but a clone of him named Venom who finds out he was manipulated by the real big boss...the game ends with a Venom vs. real Big Boss fight that ends with Venom dying
Funny thing is that's one of the less crazy theories so far.
The biggest twist the game could actually pull now is having no twist at all.