Someone put me down for Team A! Hayter is returning as Solid Snake! LES ENFANT TERRIBLE
neither. Both are ideologies crafted based on what system is more "evil" overall
Zero and The Patriots
Big Boss and Outer Heaven
one thing that i never understood is why Ocelot never got angry or tried to avenge his mother, by killing Big Boss
does he not care about her?
neither. Both are ideologies crafted based on perspective.
The fact that the SOP system and GW AI have so many modern parallels is confirmation that Zero's outlook is fairly reasonable for someone who spent their life doing white collar intelligence gathering for the CIA.
On the flipside, Big Boss was a war hero who saw too many fellow soldiers treated as disposable and wanted to create a space where Career Soldiers could fight for themselves instead of fighting for a state. Mercenaries have always existed, but they've still had Countries to answer to. Outer Heaven was basically a Mercenary Group that rejected all political authority.
There's a lot of talk of child soldiers, but the kids in Zanzibarland seemed like they were being treated well all things considered---same for Chico. There's a thin line between "raising soldiers" and "using child soldiers" though.
My point is that Zero and Big Boss both did what made sense to them given their limited perspective as agents of the state.
I'd argue the only reason Solid Snake didn't react to his situation in life the same way as Big Boss is because he was able to learn from Big Boss' mistakes.
A showdown in MGSV is possible.
I want a shower fight between Ocelot and Big Boss. If Kaz and Snake had one, then we need one from Ocelot as well.
so do we view that as a plot hole, or a loophole that Ocelot never tried to get revenge for his mother against Big Boss
one thing that i never understood is why Ocelot never got angry or tried to avenge his mother, by killing Big Boss
does he not care about her?
Reminds me of someone else who used to post hereMan, you are the king of superfluous questions. Don't take that as an insult though, because it keeps conversation going 😅
Reading posts from Marcus
Man, you are the king of superfluous questions. Don't take that as an insult though, because it keeps conversation going 😅
what else are we suppose to talk about
Quite possibly the greatest thing I've seen all day.Reading posts from Marcus
Quite possibly the greatest thing I've seen all day.
Also, how is Marcus still not banned?
Reading posts from Marcus
When you trying to read through an OuterGAF page and come across a Marcus posting.
Of a world united? Nope. Not really.but neither really fit The Boss true vision?
I'm curious about Quiet sun bathing. This I gotta see! ^_^even if it might be Chico with boobs, they're still boobs dangnabbit!
Åesop;173461176 said:
so what system is more "evil" overall
Zero and The Patriots
Big Boss and Outer Heaven
one thing that i never understood is why Ocelot never got angry or tried to avenge his mother, by killing Big Boss
does he not care about her?
I just tried it and it works fine on Windows 10
Works completely fine on my end too.
There isn't an incompatible game in my library so far, that's good news.
This video reflects what i think about Solidus.Snip
Pretty much.I'd say they're both equally evil. The story of Metal Gear has essentially turned out to two mad men seeking world domination.
In MG2 Big Boss say he's doing both, to keep the cycle going.There's a lot of talk of child soldiers, but the kids in Zanzibarland seemed like they were being treated well all things considered---same for Chico. There's a thin line between "raising soldiers" and "using child soldiers" though.
There's no rush to make a new OT you know.what else are we suppose to talk about
I haven't peered into the bootcamp thread for fear of spoilers, sooooo I just want to know if some Japanese press have finished the game now?
They finished up on Sunday-- nothing came of it, though, yet! They teased that there would be new media from the event soon, but in all likelihood, this was in reference to what they have in store for gamescom. Either way, expect new footage and new information within a week!
Yes it was a review event. They did the same thing with 4.wait did the japanese prevewiers, were they allowed to finish the game?
wait did the japanese prevewiers, were they allowed to finish the game?
They finished up on Sunday-- nothing came of it, though, yet! They teased that there would be new media from the event soon, but in all likelihood, this was in reference to what they have in store for gamescom. Either way, expect new footage and new information within a week!
Of a world united? Nope. Not really.
This is where it all comes down to. And in my opinion Zero and Patriots are a greater evil.
Sure Big Boss will end up doing horrible things, but you cant get anywhere in the world full of assholes if you are not one of them.
He has a vision and he wants to achieve it. By any means necessary at this point and after everything he has been through (and will go through in MGSV) I dont blame him for anything he does. Does that make him right? No... but atleast its understandable unlike Zero's/Patriots' vision of complete control over everything.
???? Ocelot never knew The Boss was his mom, and even if he knew, he was in on Snake Eater's true purpose from the beginning and wouldn't blame Big Boss for it.
Honestly, seeing how it comes to be that Kaz and BB hate each other so much is something that really excites me.
I have a feeling by the end we won't be feeling too bad about Miller's fate in MGS...
Cool cool. Gotta figure out when I need to disconnect my internet.
Sn4ke, if you're lurking
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
Hahaha!! Yes, sir, not too much longer - the time is upon us! Doing anything special to pass the time (gaming wise)?
Nothing yet dude. I've been mulling over the idea about finally starting up a New Game Plus in Persona 4 Golden and seeing if I can sink another 100 hours into it. Should make the wait for MGSV feel less excruciating.
Or even just finally trying out Persona 3 Portable and doing the FeMC path (already played FES). As you can see, I'm thinking big here.
Also third option: I will probably fit in some liquid easy replays of MGS1-4 just to refresh, and maybe finally finish Peace Walker.
What about you, Deterrence?
*200 episodes of Dragonball Z*
The BBFC has rated The Phantom Pain's Collector's Disc a 15 and has listed its contents:
This video reflects what i think about Solidus.