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Metal Gear Community Thread |OT3| The Best is Yet to Come

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You guys know what makes me so excited is the Game Informer interview with Hideo Kojima.

Is there a chance that The Phantom Pain might finally close the gap between the stories of Solid Snake and Big Boss?
Like I said, you will put things together. Please don’t look me in the eyes because I’m so tempted to tell you and I shouldn’t. What I should say is that there is a specific way for the games to put things together.

Full interview, for anyone curious.
You guys know what makes me so excited is the Game Informer interview with Hideo Kojima.

Full interview, for anyone curious.

that's one i thing I appreciate about Kojima and the metal gear series..Kojima always tries his best to connect things in the universe, to remain consistent, with even the slightest detail

(for example he came up with a great elaborate reason while solid snake didn't use cqc in mgs 1 or 2)

I know there our gamers that rather prefer Kojima not to go into such detail for every single thing, but i like it because he is really the only one that does that

it shows he really cares about his universe


I know people already said this here, but it can't be stated enough times:

We waited this game for how long? Two years and nine months?
I can't believe there's only one month left. It kinda makes the wait even more painful :<
I know people already said this here, but it can't be stated enough times:

We waited this game for how long? Two years and nine months?
I can't believe there's only one month left. It kinda makes the wait even more painful :<

The game will be released three years to the date of Ground Zeroes' reveal!
i know this game is going to be amazing talking 9s/10s accross the board, tons of accolades etc.

but their is a slight, slither part of me 0.0000000001 percent of me that says "what if MGS V was next gen only"

how much will the game be limited being cross gen


i know this game is going to be amazing talking 9s/10s accross the board, tons of accolades etc.

but their is a slight, slither part of me 0.0000000001 percent of me that says "what if MGS V was next gen only"

how much will the game be limited being cross gen

720/30 with no PC port and MGS6 being worked on by Kojima because they couldn't be as ambitious with V.

Probably wouldn't be all that much different to be honest. That or we wouldn't be talking about it releasing a month from now.
does kojima have full say in what the storyline is going to be...i noticed their are a few co-writers for TPP..

can they override Kojima when it comes to a scene? can they say

"no we want Big Boss to do this" or does kojima have full say on everything?
Wow, this is one of the best posts i've read in here, you made sit back and think about my views of Solidus.

Yeah i'm not going to lie, i thought that.

I used to, but now, well, i don't know. I really shouldn't.

Sorry that i'm not making a bigger reply that your post deserves, i need to think a little.

Please don't think i'm being sarcastic, i'm being sincere.

Thanks, glad it was thought provoking and changed your outlook, I try to make my posts interesting. But sometimes this means people don't seem to read them since they're so long. Thanks again, even just for reading.

Yea Valkyri, your post deserves its own thread tbh lol.

I disagre about why Solidus told Raiden that he killed his parents, though. I think he said it actually to help Raiden get over his own moral dilemma between Solidus and GW so that he and Solidus could have a fair fight witout Raiden doubting his actions. I think Solidus felt he at least owed Raiden a fighting chance (he threw him his sword, after all) and said that to get Raiden's head "back in the game" if you will. At least thats how I interpreted it at the time.

Haha, I think a thread just for that might be overkill. Maybe if Solidus returns in V it will be time for more people to understand his characterizarion in MGS2. I'm not sure I'm the best authority for that though, I just like theorizing about the series and discussing its themesnand characters. I'm still thread shy, so I'd want to make my first perfect lol.

About your own point, that is something that I think motivated him to tell Raiden as well. I think its a combination of both factors, Solidus was very much like Liquid and BB for that, a final duel to settle things, and a feeling of wanting a "fair fight" with an enemy is often expressed in their actions. Not always though, as Liquid and Solidus both try to kill Solid and Raiden before having a more "fair" fight with them.

I also interpret that he is motivated to make the fight more "fair" by removing as much remorse from Jack as possible, but he doesn't just do this to make the fight easier for Jack. He also does it for himself, as he states himself, "we need to decide which monstrosity will have the privilege of survival". He wants to see if his genes and the memes that formed him are superior to the memes he put upon Jack.

In a way, both outcomes are victory, since even if Jack won, it would prove to Solidus that he surpassed the Patriots, if even in one way. A being of his design, his "child" would live on as living proof that he created a being better than himself.

I'd agree that he wanted to remove Jack's hesitation for a more fair fight. He did this not just to make Jack more happy to kill him, but also largely to test his creation against himself, to put his one original work to the test. And the joy of battle was its own reward, just as it is for all the Snakes, even if Solid denies it for his own good.

I heartily endorse these posts.

Thank you all for reading my post, I'd recommend checking out the post it was originally an edit to as well, but you may have already done that. Getting my opinion out there and understood, and maybe changing someone's view is all I ever wanted, thanks again.

The game will be released three years to the date of Ground Zeroes' reveal!

Crazy, I remember the news still, and what I imagined the video at the MGS anniverary event looked like when described by IGN, before footage from the event in PAX came out. I checked it out recently, and even though in some small ways it looks better than Ground Zeroes does now, I know that the game doesn't need graphics to standout, and it'll be fantastic looking and playing in a month.

If anyone was wondering about my opinions on the original graphics, I'd say that the MGSB absolutely has been upgraded graphically over time, just that some small things about the original GZ demo looked better to me. Notably, the first footage of TPP, back at the VGA's doesn't look nearly as good as the equivalent footage from nowadays looks.

Just some small things like a more slick and wet appearance to roads and other surfaces, subtle rain running down rocks, more naturalistic yellow lights and greater contrast between the shadow and light they cast, reflections on roads and wet rock, and rain drops on the ground just before BB gets up in the cutscene are the main things I notice are better. I don't know why that last part is even a thing, since rain drops are shown in gameplay all the time in GZ, it must have been a different implementation that was scrapped and never replaced in the cut scene.

I also wish GZ had less invisible walls, I remember the tech demonstration at GDC had Snake is some places he couldn't reach in the main game. I liked the layout of the early section a little bit better too but w/e.

What's cool is that pretty much all of this is solved in TPP, and what we've seen even matches the original image my imagination conjured when the reveal was described. Can't believe the early sites reported that Chico was Liquid, rofl.

i know this game is going to be amazing talking 9s/10s accross the board, tons of accolades etc.

but their is a slight, slither part of me 0.0000000001 percent of me that says "what if MGS V was next gen only"

how much will the game be limited being cross gen

The game looks pretty amazing graphically, and its 60fps. I can't see much room for the game to improve on that front except for better draw distances, but we're not really sure how much that's improved since GZ. And on PC it'll be glorious.

In terms of scope, nothing this generation has proven it couldn't be done in some way or another on last gen consoles, at least in my opinion. This game is gonna be huge, and there have been tons of huge games on the previous consoles. Don't be too worries about it not being "next gen enough". It's gameplay is a huge evolution of the Metal Gear formula, and its finest and final revision helmed by Hideo Kojima. It'll be a damn fine game, and it has proven it is the next generation of Metal Gear, and that is more than enough.


Made by 3Demerzel

No "A Hideo Kojima Game", its useless.

I'm joking, oh my god! Haha, its actually awesome, and now I want a jewel case to put MGSV into. I still need to track down who will sell me the steel book for MGSV's European Day One Edition. Any takers, I'd pay $25? Haha.

You guys know what makes me so excited is the Game Informer interview with Hideo Kojima.

Full interview, for anyone curious.

Yup, exciting stuff. I also thought it was interesting to hear that Kojima had kids. Reminds me of the interview or something when Kojima talked about how he told his wife how impressed he was and happy that people loved MGS2 at E3, and she was all "that's nice honey". Kojima am cry.

Darn, I wanted to make this a quick reply, but I probably spent an hour on it while talking to my brother and stuff. Now its 1:00 PM... Another day to cross off the list awaits.


does kojima have full say in what the storyline is going to be...i noticed their are a few co-writers for TPP..

can they override Kojima when it comes to a scene? can they say

"no we want Big Boss to do this" or does kojima have full say on everything?

I'm sure he is very open to suggestions, its why he hired the writers in the first place. But he's the director, so he chooses what's what. Only executive meddling can interfere. *fear of executive meddling intensifies*

It's not very likely to have been able to really change anything in V though, unless Konami was willing to get rid of stuff they already payed for (eg. not likely).

Edit 2:

I just finished this monstrosity.

Literally spray painted everything and ghetto stenciled the MSF patch.

Ordered the see through plate from cybergadget.

Ready for this shit brotherrrrrrss (&#65344;&#1044;´)7

Wow, that's impressive. I wish my PS4 wasn't just a dusty box I was afraid of dusting because of the possibility of micro scratches. Such flimsy plastic, why Sony? One reason why even if I had the money for the MGSV console I wouldn't ever play anything on it :).

Seriously though, I wish they would hurry up with some decent matte hard drive plates. And $25,for what they have are selling is too much.

From Kojima's twitter


I honestly couldn't tell that that was not a real picture or a scene from a movie at first glance. Wow, blown away.

I stand up

pretty tired

looking at my phone

see date



I start to realize

I cry myself to sleep again.


Gold Member
This is it. The final stretch. The last month until V.


Took Wednesday through Friday off at the office. It's going to be so awesome.

They look like such a nice old couple, lol. Good art, just funny positioning.

Also, more original Ground Zeroes reveal memories (because I feel like it, lol). I remember being pretty excited about infiltrating such a prominently US base, hoping for some more interaction between the US and Big Boss as foes in the main game. I remember trying to imagine just how big Camp Omega really was, and how the wet cardboard box would be a problem in interior areas of the compound. The contrast between the darkness outside and the harsh artificial light inside the base... I hope we get some big established military bases in the game besides Omega and FOBs.

I was still in the latter half of High School then too. Was still a relative Metal Gear nooby. I started with MGS4 after getting a PS3 in 2009 I think? My brother bought it and we were both Splinter Cell fans, so why not? We read up on the lore (I didn't really retain much of the exact details we were just going off of the wiki), I had known some of the story through other sources like Metal Gear Awesome, but I was pretty green. MGS4 was pretty cool, if a little bit lacking in as much tense stealth as SC: Chaos Theory, but the world intrigued my brother and I.

Fast forward to Chapter 4, and I was like "I'm hooked, but I can't play a flashback level of a game I've never plaued " and put the game down for I think at least a year (my brother went on to finish it anyways). It took a long time to get back to it, mostly because this was before the HD collection so we had to both go in on buying a used PC copy of MGS2, Twin Snakes (yes, we played this instead of MGS first, I've since played MGS, TS gets a little too bad of a rap), and we couldn't play MGS3 at all, though the 3DS port looked like a godsend. Even though I was spoiled generally on the big elements of MGS2's plot, it still had impact and remains one of my favorite. It helps that I expected mindscew and Raiden already proved to be a badass in what I saw of him in MGS4. Anyways, I finished MGS4 with just Solid and Raiden's stories, but it was still a pretty satisfying game, with a lot more emotional impact after taking the break (really thought Raiden/Snake sacrificed himself) pretty cool, if a bit lacking still in gameplay past the first half. One wacky thing I remember being weird was I came across the Colonel AI crop circle thing in MGS4 before I played anything with context and was like "WTF" to my brother.

Then I planned to buy a PS2 just for MGS3, and a PSP just for the newish Peace Walker. Fortunately, I didn't need to do that as in 2011 the HD collection came out. I then played the last two Kojima games left (besides MG1 and 2, beat the former two years ago, getting back into the latter), MGS3 and Peace Walker. The controls of Snake Eater were somewhat tough to convert back into, but they were an evolution of MGS2's and TS', so it wasn't too bad. Both it and Peace Walker were quite good, and solidified my fandom for the series ;).

Metal Gear Riding's rereveal being hyped throughout 2012, and then a new Metal Gear Solid, a prelude to "5"!? It was a great time to jump in as a fan. I even got a friend of mine into the series because of Ground Zeroes intro cutscene, and he's basically the biggest friend I have who is hyped for the game.

Anyways, kind of rambly story over. Thought reflecting on my history with the series would be appropriate, even though I started in an unorthodox way (from the end, then TS, Substance PC (ran a dual boot XP install because it wouldn't work on Win 7), MGS4, 3, Peace Walker, Risinf , MG1, Ground Zeroes).

It's been a crazy ride, and I jumped in somewhat late. Let's get hype for "V"!
They look like such a nice old couple, lol. Good art, just funny positioning.

Also, more original Ground Zeroes reveal memories (because I feel like it, lol). I remember being pretty excited about infiltrating such a prominently US base, hoping for some more interaction between the US and Big Boss as foes in the main game. I remember trying to imagine just how big Camp Omega really was, and how the wet cardboard box would be a problem in interior areas of the compound. The contrast between the darkness outside and the harsh artificial light inside the base... I hope we get some big established military bases in the game besides Omega and FOBs.

I was still in the latter half of High School then too. Was still a relative Metal Gear nooby. I started with MGS4 after getting a PS3 in 2009 I think? My brother bought it and we were both Splinter Cell fans, so why not? We read up on the lore (I didn't really retain much of the exact details we were just going off of the wiki), I had known some of the story through other sources like Metal Gear Awesome, but I was pretty green. MGS4 was pretty cool, if a little bit lacking in as much tense stealth as SC: Chaos Theory, but the world intrigued my brother and I.

Fast forward to Chapter 4, and I was like "I'm hooked, but I can't play a flashback level of a game I've never plaued " and put the game down for I think at least a year (my brother went on to finish it anyways). It took a long time to get back to it, mostly because this was before the HD collection so we had to both go in on buying a used PC copy of MGS2, Twin Snakes (yes, we played this instead of MGS first, I've since played MGS, TS gets a little too bad of a rap), and we couldn't play MGS3 at all, though the 3DS port looked like a godsend. Even though I was spoiled generally on the big elements of MGS2's plot, it still had impact and remains one of my favorite. It helps that I expected mindscew and Raiden already proved to be a badass in what I saw of him in MGS4. Anyways, I finished MGS4 with just Solid and Raiden's stories, but it was still a pretty satisfying game, with a lot more emotional impact after taking the break (really thought Raiden/Snake sacrificed himself) pretty cool, if a bit lacking still in gameplay past the first half. One wacky thing I remember being weird was I came across the Colonel AI crop circle thing in MGS4 before I played anything with context and was like "WTF" to my brother.

Then I planned to buy a PS2 just for MGS3, and a PSP just for the newish Peace Walker. Fortunately, I didn't need to do that as in 2011 the HD collection came out. I then played the last two Kojima games left (besides MG1 and 2, beat the former two years ago, getting back into the latter), MGS3 and Peace Walker. The controls of Snake Eater were somewhat tough to convert back into, but they were an evolution of MGS2's and TS', so it wasn't too bad. Both it and Peace Walker were quite good, and solidified my fandom for the series ;).

Metal Gear Riding's rereveal being hyped throughout 2012, and then a new Metal Gear Solid, a prelude to "5"!? It was a great time to jump in as a fan. I even got a friend of mine into the series because of Ground Zeroes intro cutscene, and he's basically the biggest friend I have who is hyped for the game.

Anyways, kind of rambly story over. Thought reflecting on my history with the series would be appropriate, even though I started in an unorthodox way (from the end, then TS, Substance PC (ran a dual boot XP install because it wouldn't work on Win 7), MGS4, 3, Peace Walker, Risinf , MG1, Ground Zeroes).

It's been a crazy ride, and I jumped in somewhat late. Let's get hype for "V"!

Cool story brother. Really it is :)

You should read the true story to the song in Ground Zeroes called, "Here's To You". Skullface even mentions about it.

Yeah I've read about it at the time when GZ intro trailer was released.
Everytime I hear "Here's to you" it's gets me sad.
Cool story brother. Really it is :)

Yeah I've read about it at the time when GZ intro trailer was released.
Everytime I hear "Here's to you" it's gets me sad.

Thanks! I always like to read other people's stories of fandom, so sharing mine is cool too.

The song's appearance in GZ inspired me to get my family to watch Sacco e Vanzetti before the game came out I think. Thought provoking movie, and it made me appreciate Skullface's direct mention all the more and the clear influence the events and movie had on the game. Paz's favorite song huh? I wonder what Zero had her watch in training. I'd recommend the movie, I think I watched it in the original Italian with subs, and I'd say stick with that.


Oh! One other thing about my past with Metal Gear. The day they revealed the game as being Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and showed the awesome trailer with "We are not your kind of people" and the tech demonstration was my birthday, March 27th! Cool gift huh? Then Ground Zeroes came around just a few days earlier the next year, and the game even takes place around the same time too. March 14th and 17th respectively, if I recall.
In Gaming, there's a thread asking what the big twist will be. Here's mine, would love to see all yours!


OK, guys, so I was thinking... I'm not convinced Ishmael is an illusion. In fact, I think he may be "Venom" Snake.

If Ishmael is an "illusion," as many have theorized, then who in the world is driving the ambulance?

Also, "What about him?"

The reveal of the GDC 2013 presentation (as well as other MGSV-related media) has been titled "Eyes of the Fox," which showcases the game running on the "Fox" Engine.

One thing that has been driving me nuts is:

Head Option? Given that Ishmael's head is wrapped in bandages, I'm leaning more and more towards "Ishmael" being the character we play as than Big Boss. Could it be simple customization? It certainly could be, but... why is a dude's face wrapped in bandages?

If someone was looking out for Big Boss for nine years, then I'd have to imagine that the person in question would at least earn a bidding for the title of his "most trusted lieutenant." Also, who would be aware of Big Boss' location during that span? Miller (as well as whoever Miller told) and the what-about-him-guy are the only two we've "seen" in the room apart from the medical staff.

I was thinking that maybe there are multiple characters with the codename Fox, until I remembered that...
Jaeger was the only operative in FOXHOUND to achieve the codename "Fox," the unit's highest commendation
Though, this could easily be retconned to "Oh, well, we just forgot about that guy." :-D

So, the conclusion I draw is that Ishmael is "Snake" we play as, who isn't the one we played as during Ground Zeroes, and that this Snake, "Venom," goes onto earn the code name "Fox," whether or not he is indeed Frank Jaeger.
I wouldn't call it my finest MGS moment, but the most special MGS moment to me... is the Debriefing of Metal Gear Solid.

Yes, those lengthy cutscenes where the game tells the original briefing of the Shadow Moses Island operation, where Snake was nekkid, had long hair and was being briefed by Campbell and Naomi of the intent, purpose of the mission.

Maybe it's because it's the first time that I experienced such a cinematic debriefing scene in games that you're basically spending an upwards of 30 minutes just listening to the set-up of the game itself, I remember very clearly that just off those conversation beats, I was already hooked into the story of Metal Gear Solid, I already had an attachment to this gruffy, retired badass Solid Snake as a character, and I wanted to know more about the world and the story that the game was teasing via the debriefing.

Gaming is an expensive hobby. Even for games I love, I don't necessary have an emotional response to said games, because that emotional investment can be a very difficult thing. Normally it takes a while for a game to sink its claws into me.

MGS not only did it easily within the first two hour of the game. (30 minutes of it wasn't even gameplay, but pure 2D art cutscene), it manages to top that emotional response even further in MGS3, where a franchise that I'm already attached to, is able to conjur two different facets of an emotional response with 2 distinct characters in Solid Snake and Big Boss.

Metal Gear Solid has been a wild ride of 16 years for me.
Played every one of them except Snake's Revenge, Social Ops & Mobile.
MGS3 is the "best" MGS for me, the most satisfying journey in a single game.
My favourite, however is Peace Walker. Flawed in some ways, but it is so fun, sucked 100+ hours out of me. The most complete package of a MGS experience that feels distinct, like a Big Boss game.

I have little reason to doubt that MGS TPP will supplant MGS3 and PW's spot as both the best MGS experience, both as another episode in Big Boss's tale, the last loop of Big Boss's tale before the era of Solid Snake, the most fun MGS package and experience in a single game, and the game to cap off Hideo Kojima's finality with Metal Gear Solid.


OK, guys, so I was thinking... I'm not convinced Ishmael is an illusion. In fact, I think he may be "Venom" Snake.

If Ishmael is an "illusion," as many have theorized, then who in the world is driving the ambulance?

Have you seen the movie "A Beautiful Mind"? Russell Crowe got into a car in the movie with Ed Harris, whom turned out to be a figment of Russell Crowe's imagination. There was a car chase, a shootout, and all that shit - but it turned out to be in Crowe's head. It's still possible Ishmael isn't real and perhaps Big Boss is the one driving. Same goes for the movie Fight Club.
Isn't most obvious that Ishmael is the who cuts open Paz? I think this guy died and Ishmael is indeed an illusion. (You know, he got Kiefer's voice).



This kind of shit and the following replies implying the whole MGS fanbase is like this with loony theories is why I hate coming to a lot of MGS related forums etc. Why the hell is a very small percentage of the fanbase so obsessed with obviously completely random conspiracy theories and determined to make a fool out of themselves? And why the hell does everybody assume the whole fanbase is like this?

This kind of shit and the following replies implying the whole MGS fanbase is like this with loony theories is why I hate coming to a lot of MGS related forums etc. Why the hell is a very small percentage of the fanbase so obsessed with obviously completely random conspiracy theories and determined to make a fool out of themselves? And why the hell does everybody assume the whole fanbase is like this?

Why the fuck does it matter to you ? Let them have fun, lol. There is fun in that making theories and such.

And people like to generalize everything, not just the MG community.


Gold Member

This kind of shit and the following replies implying the whole MGS fanbase is like this with loony theories is why I hate coming to a lot of MGS related forums etc. Why the hell is a very small percentage of the fanbase so obsessed with obviously completely random conspiracy theories and determined to make a fool out of themselves? And why the hell does everybody assume the whole fanbase is like this?

With only a month to go I expect way more madness to take hold, there's literally a new TPP thread every day.

dawg is a member again...brace yourself :O

He'll mess up sooner or later.



Why the fuck does it matter to you ? Let them have fun, lol. There is fun in that making theories and such.

And people like to generalize everything, not just the MG community.
Maybe it's just me, but I think shit like this is just pollution. And worse, sometimes makes me feel embarrassed to admit I like the same thing as these loonies and have to cope with all the preconceptions that come with it because of those fuckers.


Maybe it's just me, but I think shit like this is just pollution. And worse, sometimes makes me feel embarrassed to admit I like the same thing as these loonies and have to cope with all the preconceptions that come with it because of those fuckers.

You need a hug, man.


Yeah, it'll probably only get worse closer to release.

In Gaming, there's a thread asking what the big twist will be. Here's mine, would love to see all yours!
Put it away!

Ishmael is the player, but not the character we play. The audience is actually deeply involved with the story in such a way that it reflects how we actually have very little control over Big Boss, despite being directly in control of his actions for all of the gameplay. Ishmael is our initial MGO character.
Obligatory crazy tales from my ass.

Gun Animal

Maybe it's just me, but I think shit like this is just pollution. And worse, sometimes makes me feel embarrassed to admit I like the same thing as these loonies and have to cope with all the preconceptions that come with it because of those fuckers.
I'm sorry that you feel discriminated against for... liking Metal Gear, dude, but 95% of planet earth already looks down on you for playing video-games anyways. To be clear: you sound really wound up. Don't worry so much about other people.


Maybe it's just me, but I think shit like this is just pollution. And worse, sometimes makes me feel embarrassed to admit I like the same thing as these loonies and have to cope with all the preconceptions that come with it because of those fuckers.

People are really excited about the game they are doing anything to keep themselves busy I'm not sure why it makes you so angry.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I wouldn't call it my finest MGS moment, but the most special MGS moment to me... is the Debriefing of Metal Gear Solid.

Yes, those lengthy cutscenes where the game tells the original briefing of the Shadow Moses Island operation, where Snake was nekkid, had long hair and was being briefed by Campbell and Naomi of the intent, purpose of the mission.

That's the briefing. Debriefing is something you get AFTER a mission haha


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.

Went to work with some acetone and Qtips and ironed out a few imperfections.

Thinking of buying this sticker off of Etsy :
And cropping it on the bottom right corner...

Or maybe I'll just stencil out the MGS logotype or simply "MSF" on the side.

It's missing something, IDK... &#9582;(&#9583;&#9661;&#9584;)&#9581;
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