Oh nice! you from around here?
I've lived in the Portland area (20-30 miles west) for about 8 years now. Originally from coastal California.
Nice! PortlandGAF represent! I'll be back in Portland on January 2nd-9th.
Where are you now?
Every move you make
Every breath you take
I'll be watching you
Tell me that isn't the best MGSV 80s sniper song.
Indeed, I'm glad they've confirmed the official inclusion of MP3 custom tapes on PC. I really hope that means consoles have it too, since it means they aren't just abandoning the feature after GZ only had it on last gen.
I was listening to Queen the other day and their song:
One Vision
Stood out to me as seeming somewhat like it fit Zero. Like, something he'd listen to while getting dressed in the morning, ready to exact his "One Vision" upon the world to "save" it.
That and of course Diamond Dogs and David Bowie's acoustic and regular versions of The Man who sold the World are reason enough to hope for custom tapes. Diamond Dogs as helicopter music, yeah!