Thank you for the link. Even more hype!
Do you guys think, that the difference of the graphics in TPP between will be like it was in GZ or did they manage to close the gap a bit?
Because I've seen the nvidia trailer in 4k and the video on gamersyde and it looked pretty similar. The PC version had better AA and AF though.
Also, the gamescom could be done on PC, but I kinda doubt that because of the aliasing.
Do you guys think, that the difference of the graphics in TPP between will be like it was in GZ or did they manage to close the gap a bit?
Because I've seen the nvidia trailer in 4k and the video on gamersyde and it looked pretty similar. The PC version had better AA and AF though.
Also, the gamescom could be done on PC, but I kinda doubt that because of the aliasing.
I noticed that they changed the results screen again.
It looks like they finally did away with the letter grade system in favor of code names. I think this is a wise choice. I always feel too constrained by that system in PW and GZ. Like I'm just not playing the games right when I end up with an A instead of an S.
Kenzo, I think the draw distance has definitely improved on the PS4 demos of TPP when you look at GZ on PS4.
I have yet to see any TPP PC footage.
Woah, looking good! I wish we'd get a taste of actual open-world gameplay though. I'm sure it looks great. I'm really beating myself up over which version to play at launch though.
Why haven't they uploaded it in 4K?
PC Ftw... well.. honestly... which ever version you have more friends to play i guess. Since i want to do the SP no online... i might just do PC.. then ps4 to play with everyone and do the FOB. Dunno yet. PC just calls to me at this point. Specially with the sept 1st launch.
You can change the settings to output at 4k.
Wait, Firefox doesn't support 4K?
I dunno. i use Chrome and it works.
huh... i don't see a thing to download the file. Maybe gamersyde will have this available soon.
Alright, I'll go use Chrome. Seems that you aren't able to run this video at 4k on Firefox and Edge.
it now features new, updated and improved graphics, re-edited cutscenes from the near-finished game, the higher-fidelity effects of the PC release, and of course is available to watch at 4K 60 FPS.
Its worth it.![]()
Not totally sure but you should get all tapes, all patches, complete the extra ops and extract all special characters.
Affect TPP? Would it matter if you played GZ on PS3 and TPP on PS4 if you know what I mean lol. Also I'm assuming 100% trophies would suffice for that.
Will definitely be interesting to see the PS3 screens, still can't believe it's coming out on previous gen consoles.
Affect TPP? Would it matter if you played GZ on PS3 and TPP on PS4 if you know what I mean lol. Also I'm assuming 100% trophies would suffice for that.
Will definitely be interesting to see the PS3 screens, still can't believe it's coming out on previous gen consoles.
Apparently screenshots from all platforms will go live tomorrow, sort of like that GZ comparison video with the framerate, resolution, dynamic clouds, etc.
I'm guessing tomorrow we'll find out if XBO will run at 1080p 60FPS. Not only that but the PS3 360 versions are rumored to run at 1080p 30FPS, so rumors might get squashed or confirmed tomorrow. Get hype!
Apparently screenshots from all platforms will go live tomorrow, sort of like that GZ comparison video with the framerate, resolution, dynamic clouds, etc.
I'm guessing tomorrow we'll find out if XBO will run at 1080p 60FPS. Not only that but the PS3 360 versions are rumored to run at 1080p 30FPS, so rumors might get squashed or confirmed tomorrow. Get hype!
I highly doubt that.
Maybe they could even combine these two things together and have Snake engage in Ac!d style missions, then go back and manage Mother Base.
Just sayin'
Again it's just rumors, I don't believe it at all. Some people believe so because the Japanese PSN has it ranging from 720p to 1080p, but that's just upscaling.
When one of your FOBs is invaded, an alert is sent to all players you are allied with, and they can go defend it on your behalf.
So if multiple people decide to help.. how does that get sorted out? First responder gets dibs?
That would be cool, I can't wait to "defend" Rajang's base. And by defend I mean escort the invader to the core by accident.
So if multiple people decide to help.. how does that get sorted out? First responder gets dibs?
Hey guys I was just thinking. MGSV is almost here. When it comes out, its gonna be bittersweet AF. I'm gonna miss all the hype and speculation. I'm gonna miss Kojima's tweets (not that we get as much now). I'm gonna miss the gameplay demos narrated by Sean Eyestone, pre-trailer hype, chico=quiet and gray fox=snake theories, and teamA/B/C stuff. All this will come to an end, and we'll never get to experience it again.
Even though I'm a relatively new member here and don't post a lot, it's been fun, but soon it'll all come to an end.
That would be cool, I can't wait to "defend" Rajang's base. And by defend I mean escort the invader to the core by accident.
What would be cool is if they all got a chance to defend. Personally I would love to try a 5 against 1 infiltration similar to the MGO of old.
That would be cool, I can't wait to "defend" Rajang's base. And by defend I mean escort the invader to the core by accident.
That adds a whole new element. When you get a friend request you now have to consider if they are really a friend or if they could be infiltrating your ranks to assist a real friend of theirs with all your loot.
That would be cool, I can't wait to "defend" Rajang's base. And by defend I mean escort the invader to the core by accident.
Raj and I have agreed on peaceful relations, we're just gonna hang out on each others FOBs and smoke cigars and maybe have drag races from one platform to another.
That adds a whole new element. When you get a friend request you now have to consider if they are really a friend or if they could be infiltrating your ranks to assist a real friend of theirs with all your loot.
I wonder what kind of snacks he'll have.
Now I'm wondering if I should get the PC version instead, I meet everything for the recommended requirements apart from an i7, but I'm on an i5 so shouldn't be too bad.
Ground Zeroes was really well optimized wasn't it?
Now I'm wondering if I should get the PC version instead, I meet everything for the recommended requirements apart from an i7, but I'm on an i5 so shouldn't be too bad.
Ground Zeroes was really well optimized wasn't it?
Runs phenomenal. Don't worry about the i7 requirement, games very rarely even take advantage of hyperthreading. Go for it!