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Metal Gear Community Thread |OT3| The Best is Yet to Come

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Whats up buddy? you should see that FOB video and look at puppeh DD if you want to feel good. Its so cute. >_<

This thread has turned into garbage

I see what you did there.



So question. Have they addressed the fact that BB falls into a coma in 1975 and Solid Snake is listed as being born in 1972 at all? Cause they didn't really mention anything about Les Enfants Terrible in Ground Zeroes at least from what I gathered....


So question. Have they addressed the fact that BB falls into a coma in 1975 and Solid Snake is listed as being born in 1972 at all? Cause they didn't really mention anything about Les Enfants Terrible in Ground Zeroes at least from what I gathered....

Yes, Kojima said that Big Boss falls in coma only once and that there will be inconsistencies. All we have to do, is wait and see.


And I don't know what's going on :(

not sure if you mean this.. so i'll explain anyways.

It all started with this.v
Good, my theory about "Kojima's departure being a ruse because he became Konami's CEO" is getting stronger :)

It seems that other communities are not our kind of people.

then followed by

We are Extraordinary People after all.

Yeah, they seem kind of phoney.

It's as if everything is a lie...

ending with

This thread has turned into garbage

all from this Song.

And thats when i totally got the reference :D lol

But obviously... you are trolling me and all this explanation is just "garbage" like the rest of this thread. LOL


Unconfirmed Member
So question. Have they addressed the fact that BB falls into a coma in 1975 and Solid Snake is listed as being born in 1972 at all? Cause they didn't really mention anything about Les Enfants Terrible in Ground Zeroes at least from what I gathered....

They are already born and mentioned in Peace Walker. The coma thing in MGS1 was a mistranslation.


Most times IF there is a midnight release they update the time maybe a day or so before release.

Didn't know that! I hope for a GMT+2 midnight release so i can go to sleep and play it in the morning. With the current release plan, i'll start downloading somewhere around 20:00 and of course i'm gonna spend the rest 4-5 hours until i sleep, looking at the progress bar....
Guys, an era comes to an end, but it is not the end of the world, it is hopefully the dawn of a new Hideo Kojima franchise.

Please don't make movies.
And thats when i totally got the reference :D lol

All that heat is affecting my brain and I didn't connected the dots.
Now that you explained it to me it all makes sense:

Of the song which I myself mentioned.
By Garbage.
And I didn't get that...


I'm not able to stop my hype.
So I ordered this bad boy today.

Shame it will only be delivered around 20 August.
But it will surely keep me buzy till TPP arrives :)


I think soon i'll start getting some figurines. never been one to buy those..., but they seem so cool and so well made, i might as well get some.



Holy cow Vally.

If i had not just purchased my new computer i would be tempted to get that ps4.

It looks awesome tho! Hyping for you, let me know how cool it is.

Venom Fox

Nice find.
Everything in life ends, as life itself does, but MGS will be forever in our hearts and a part of who we are.

Salute brother!
Everything does have an end, I grew up with MGS, it did become a part of me, hell me and my friends used to play a Metal Gear Solid game in the playground when we were 5 or 6 years old. Fun times, that'll live on in me and never end even when I've passed away and my children are playing Kojima's next big franchise.
It's just sad it had to end this way. I truly believe Kojima left those messages to us in GZ.

I wish we could do something extra special for him after the launch, Kojima made this franchise, it's like his baby has been ripped out of his arms and taken away. Long live MGS, in our hearts and memories!
Guys, an era comes to an end, but it is not the end of the world, it is hopefully the dawn of a new Hideo Kojima franchise.

Please don't make movies.
I don't think it will be, I'm looking forward to the next Kojima franchise.



I am the Bone of my Punch
Steel is my Arm and Diamonds are my Blood.
I have created over a Thousand Limbs,
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life.
Have withstood Phantom Pain to create many Weapons
Yet those Hands will never hold Anything.
So, as I Pray--


Do any of you fine boys and girls have the inside scoop on when TPP will drop on GMG. ?
It driving me nuts.


I 100%ed my Ground Zeroes save on PC. Well the English version anyway.
Now I just gotta 100% the Japanese version, which I was surprised to see as an option. It even has the flashback tapes for when Miller met Boss.

We cannot say that our universe is the only universe. At the quantum level, until a wave function collapses upon observation, Schrodinger's cat is alive and dead as a superposition of states. The moment observation occurs, these two possibilities branch into separate worlds, with the universe continuing to split infinitely. If the universe splits without end, it's possible it could eventually recreate scenes from the past. And if those things played out differently, it wouldn't negate what happened in our reality - a paradox would simply mean another future. The following is one possible story in one possible universe, born of paradox, after paradox, after paradox...
I am the Bone of my Punch
Steel is my Arm and Diamonds are my Blood.
I have created over a Thousand Limbs,
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life.
Have withstood Phantom Pain to create many Weapons
Yet those Hands will never hold Anything.
So, as I Pray--



Yeah that was like a month ago in Paris, I'm in Holland now, going to the Swiss in 2 days :3. It just itches now.

Even tho a rocketo punch arm would be amazing. i am glad your hand is ok. holy cow. lol. I didn't know those french were so hostile. I thought they were all about surrendering and running away.
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