I was pissed that they excluded it from HD version.
I was more pissed because the Metal Gear Turd has been cut also![]()
Sigint talking about his nightmare? Yeah...
I guess there's always YouTube.
I was pissed that they excluded it from HD version.
I was more pissed because the Metal Gear Turd has been cut also![]()
I was pissed that they excluded it from HD version.
I was more pissed because the Metal Gear Turd has been cut also![]()
MGS2 was actually supposed to have sharks according to the original game design document.
No lie.
Mantis Mode
A type of hidden mode. By equipping an item called Mantiss Mask, obtainable in the main game, you will be able to read peoples (enemies) minds.
If the player equips it during a repeat play-through, they will be able to better understand characters lies. It will have no effect on the story, however. We will record separate voice covering both the player wearing and not wearing the mask. We will also look into making this work with the captions as well.
As the game has a complex story (full of betrayal and such), one of the objectives of this mode is to make the story easier to understand for players who will not understand all of it in just one playthrough.
For example, when encountering the SEAL member:
Im a SEAL.
His mind:
Im really Snake.
I knew about this, but never read it. I'm kinda skimming through it and:
Damn, that would have been awesome lol
By pressing a button during codec conversations we could hear what they were thinking in MGS2.
By pressing a button during codec conversations we could hear what they were thinking in MGS2.
I think it's one of the triggers, but wtf. I never knew that that was supposed to be their thoughts, really cool.
I've been thinking about how hyped I am for this game. I am beyond excited for this game, but I don't feel that way. What I mean is I don't have the butterfly like feeling I got when games like GTA V were coming out. I've thought about it and determined that the reason why is that I know exactly what I will be getting (plus more) and also have sorta played the game already with GZ. The pre-release for GTA V was amazing in it's own way because of how limited the footage R* showed was and how they left a lot to be discovered by the players. However with MGSV, I have seen hours of gameplay and read enough previews to actually have set my expectations accordingly which I feel is rare with video games. The big thing to take away from all those demos and previews is that what has been shown is only a sliver/optional part of the entire game.
MGSV will be my favorite game, I know this, but it doesn't have the same pre-release feeling as I've experienced with other games. I believe that it is a good thing. Kojima Productions and Konami have raised my expectations for the game by not spoiling the game or starting a PR hype machine. They just showed off the game and gave players a taste. Something that isn't common as much as it used to be and I think it should be appreciated. MGSV is a video game and has been marketed accordingly for the most part.
I'm wondering if anyone else understands/feels what i'm talking about! Each game has it's own buildup to release, but in my mind MGSV has made an example of how one should be done.
And that's it! Something that has been on my mind and I've only ever discussed with a friend.
Sigint talking about his nightmare? Yeah...
I guess there's always YouTube.
Or Snake vs. Monkey missions.
I've been thinking about how hyped I am for this game. I am beyond excited for this game, but I don't feel that way. What I mean is I don't have the butterfly like feeling I got when games like GTA V were coming out. I've thought about it and determined that the reason why is that I know exactly what I will be getting (plus more) and also have sorta played the game already with GZ. The pre-release for GTA V was amazing in it's own way because of how limited the footage R* showed was and how they left a lot to be discovered by the players. However with MGSV, I have seen hours of gameplay and read enough previews to actually have set my expectations accordingly which I feel is rare with video games. The big thing to take away from all those demos and previews is that what has been shown is only a sliver/optional part of the entire game.
MGSV will be my favorite game, I know this, but it doesn't have the same pre-release feeling as I've experienced with other games. I believe that it is a good thing. Kojima Productions and Konami have raised my expectations for the game by not spoiling the game or starting a PR hype machine. They just showed off the game and gave players a taste. Something that isn't common as much as it used to be and I think it should be appreciated. MGSV is a video game and has been marketed accordingly for the most part.
I'm wondering if anyone else understands/feels what i'm talking about! Each game has it's own buildup to release, but in my mind MGSV has made an example of how one should be done.
And that's it! Something that has been on my mind and I've only ever discussed with a friend.
I'm back at home after 2 days of Gamescom and I played 45 minutes of TPP (visited the booth 3 times). So now I'll share my impressions with you!
I'm back at home after 2 days of Gamescom and I played 45 minutes of TPP (visited the booth 3 times). So now I'll share my impressions with you!
Thanks for the info! How were the controls vs GZ, and how were the vehicles if you got to try them (jeeps, etc)? In GZ they could've used more polish
Forgot about that.
Movement on foot was much like GZ but felt less spongy and Boss reacts more directly to controller inputs (not saying that it was bad before).
Vehicle handling definitely felt great compared to Ground Zeroes! Physics were better and turning the jeep didn't awkwardly slow it down.
I presume only PS4 version was shown? Did it looked any different than GZ? Did you played both day and night approach?
Nice impressions Prince!
Ordering more iDroids into the map, hmm that sounds intriguing
hearing Kiefer Sutherland screaming Rocket PUNCH!!! was amazing.
hearing Kiefer Sutherland screaming Rocket PUNCH!!! was amazing.
hearing Kiefer Sutherland screaming Rocket PUNCH!!! was amazing.
Doubt it![]()
By the way, does anybody know if Forward Operating Bases and the other online elements (Non MGO) are cross compatible with PS4 to PS3?
By the way, does anybody know if Forward Operating Bases and the other online elements (Non MGO) are cross compatible with PS4 to PS3?
Weren't MGS 3 & 4 also written with Shuyo Murata?
no not 3 but 4 he did
By the way, does anybody know if Forward Operating Bases and the other online elements (Non MGO) are cross compatible with PS4 to PS3?
Found this on /v/
Interesting. So the non Tomokazu Metal Gear's are the ones with the shittiest stories?
That would explain a lot. Murata was the writer/director of the Guy Savage dream minigame in MGS3 (whatever the fuck being writer/director of that means).
Maybe when whatever Guy Savage was supposed to be fell apart Kojima let him co-write MGS4. Maybe Tomokazu objected to Kojima's flagrant use of nanomachines and got himself fired.
No wonder Kojima likes Stan Lee so much. Tomokazu was the Jack Kirby behind everything.
So, just finished replaying MGS2. Is it me, or does a lot of whathold true today? Didn't this game come out in 2001? That's insane.the Patriots say to Raiden
Nightmare fuel.![]()
The eyes of the"infected"
It always leads back to Bowie doesn't it?
Ummm, it's been awhile, but i think it had to do with the flow of the game, and it not being fun.Slightly off topic but what was the reason Kojima took out playable end of the tanker chapter?
Fuck yeah i will, get all the gadgets.Who else maxes out R&D as soon as they obtain Mother Base? I need a new stealth suit and a stealth camo at the beginning of the game.
Found this on /v/
He talks about the reasons why in a documentary that came with MGS2, here's a link for it. it's quite good, you should give it a watch if you have the time.
MGS4 and Peace Walker exhibit reprehensibly shit writing.
If The Phantom Pain's story is as bad Kojima is confirmed hack writer.
I wouldn't think so. Draw distance and framerates would give PS4 users a big advantage.
Doubtful simple because of the graphical advantages the newer platforms hold -- draw distance alone would break games! That said, I'm sure both will have a large crowd!