I also don't have a paypal. and for long and boring reasons, i can't do a bank transfer.
Sorry, i'm not trying to be difficult.
Do you have a credit/debit card? You can send money from paypal without needing a bank account attached.
I also don't have a paypal. and for long and boring reasons, i can't do a bank transfer.
Sorry, i'm not trying to be difficult.
We have good news! One of your pre-ordered items is now eligible for release date delivery and has been upgraded at no additional charge. Your new delivery estimate is:
Piggyback "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: The Complete Official Guide Collector's Edition"
Estimated arrival date: September 01, 2015
No, butI have access to one, that's why i'm not comfortable doing that.Do you have a credit/debit card? You can send money from paypal without needing a bank account attached.
Yea sure thanks. Are they even beatable solo without supply drops? I always run out of ammos, especially at the moment I can only carry 2 weapons.
No, butI have access to one, that's why i'm not comfortable doing that.
Sorry if i'm sounding cryptic, it's not anything shady, just something very silly that i don't to say.
That entry has went up the same day as the gamescom motherbase video.Fair enough. Even though GMG has TPP listed as coming soon on their site, they don't sell any other Konami games digitally (at least in the US region.) so I wonder if they'll really start selling it.
Well once you have the best launchers it takes like 2 hits for all story vehicles, but first time though you should consider using stealth and capturing them.
It's possible to do it without supply drops early game, but it's really difficult and you have to know what you're doing. You shouldn't worry about rank the first time you face the vehicles, just go rambo.
Shy's monetary funds are stored on a microchip and requires several clandestine operations and intelligence activity to retrieve it.
Miller: Snake, you familiar with the Japanese word "kotodama"?
Snake: Kotodama...?
Miller: Unfortunately, there's no direct equivalent in English... But to keep it simple, let's call it a sort of "Battle Cry."
Snake: "Battle Cry," huh?
Miller: Right. But, Kotodama is actually a deep Japanese concept. "Koto" means word, and "dama" means spirit. It signifies that words have power that affect our reality...
Snake: Ah... You feeling OK?
Miller: Guess I made it sound kind of like mumbo-jumbo, huh. Seriously, though, haven't you ever felt energized when a teammate cheered you on? Or - the other way around - ever had your legs cut out from under you by a thoughtless remark?
Snake: I know the feeling. Words can have a powerful mental effect on people.
Miller: Same goes for CO-OPS Comms. Offering praise to somebody could make them run faster than usual. Or make somebody who thinks they're done for get up and fight again... See what I'm saying?
Snake: I get the picture. So it works in reverse, too.
Miller: The powers of words are many and varied. Try using them for yourself.
I really like this image.
Japanese version will include English subtitles like it did with GZ, so importers should be happy.
Also Japanese version will have 1 scene that is censored so it's different from Western version.
Back to hiding.
After 8 hours straight of playing #ThePhantomPain @Konami HQ all I have to say is MGS Fans just Call off work & school for the rest of 2015
The quickest, most efficient way to explain the convoluted story arc of Metal Gear to someone who has never played: Big Boss = Darth Vader. Solid Snake = Luke Skywalker. Bam.
wait no, that implies the series isn't good until Metal Gear
From another forum:
Spanish magazine HobbyConsolas gave the game a 97 out of 100.
Negative points:
- Spanish translation sucks.
- Not as moving as other MGS titles (?)
The reviewer states that this is the best stealth game ever.
Also he says that the plot twists will destroy all expectations and will be a big conversation subject in the community.
From what I gather the reviewer is a big MGS fan so theres that.
I think it will uploaded the same day the embargo lifts.Uploading on youtube before the weekend, please.
After 8 hours straight of playing #ThePhantomPain @Konami HQ all I have to say is MGS Fans just Call off work & school for the rest of 2015
I don't know if you saw my previous post or not, but when you get to make the FOB thread, please make it a combined FOB/MGO thread. Please.49 pages left....
I really should finish OT4. Also, I wonder if we'll reach it before TPP launches since the thread is in turbo mode from time to time now.
I don't know if you saw my previous post or not, but when you get to make the FOB thread, please make it a combined FOB/MGO thread. Please.
If you did see my last post, i'm really sorry, i hope you don't think i'm bugging you.
MGSV TPP(OST) and VOCAL TRACK samples arrived.
MGSV TPP(OST) and VOCAL TRACK samples arrived.
Which french magazine is that?97 is really good.can someone translate?
Wait its spanish right?
Which french magazine is that?97 is really good.can someone translate?
Wait its spanish right?
Thabto edit your post before you get banned, posting scans/photos of magazines isn't allowed on GAF
Done, thanks for the heads up ;-)
Yep it's Spanish, basically it says that it's without a doubt the game of the year and possibly game of the generation (a bit soon to say that imo but whatever).