How much? I'm level 14 and it's all the same stuff as when I was level 1.
Level 20.
I hope my rank doesn't reset when the beta ends.
So where's all the customization they showed off? Have they said when they're going to update the shop with things that aren't boring baseball caps and ski masks?
Also, they've gotta drastically reduce the walker gear presence.
Search for my PSNid Hjod and look under my communities, it suck you can't search for communities. As far as I know.
Played som Cloak and Dagger today, had loads of fun, tried to play some BH but couldn't find a game. Will play some more tonight![]()
So how do I join the community? I haven't paid much attention to the PSN update at all
Having a blast playing as an Infiltrator, pretty sure comm control is my favourite game mode too!
Infiltrator Gameplay
You should be able to use a search function and just put in 'NeoGAF MGO' or something. But for whatever reason it doesn't have a search function. At all.
Instead you have to find someone who is in the community and request to join it through them. See the post immediately above.
Edit: once you're actually in, though, communities are fucking great. Feels like one of the first true developments to console online networks since the early days of the Xbox 360
What system you playing on?
LMFAO! They took that out? Wow... Shit was so much fun in TSNE.
Aaaaaaaaaaand I just realized that Stun Knife is gone.
Level 20.
I hope my rank doesn't reset when the beta ends.
Is it possible to recustomise your character after creation (non story mode one) don't want to be permanently stuck with face paint
I thought I was the only person who loved that track *salutes*Pretty much. People should wait at least a week before making judgement of what's overpowered and what isn't. On a side note no ZoE music and "Calling to the Night" is a real bummer.
PS4 yo. Got the game on PC, too, though.
Does this actually work on PS4 yet? Last night I got into one game over the course of 90 minutes.
Thanks dude We got it thats really weird though
Just started as attackers in the disc mode on the ground zeroes map. It seems like the defenders spawn right next to you, because they just rushed in and murdered everyone.
edit: Yep, switched sides and we were able to do the same thing. The spawns are close enough to where you can sprint and catch the attackers off guard.
Does this actually work on PS4 yet? Last night I got into one game over the course of 90 minutes.
Anyone know who I should search for the Outer GAF group?
Make a PSN party, have everyone go into Freeplay. Everyone pushes touchpad left. Party members push touchpad right to "Ready", leader checks that everyone is indeed ready. Members stay Ready on the party screen, Leader goes to Automatch or Select match or Create match and should load everyone up. Note: Select and Auto have a high chance of either splitting everyone up or picking a server that doesn't have enough slots, thus only letting the people that made it load in.any tips as attackers on cloak and dagger, shit seems super hard for attackers. Also can you not queue together in match making as a group? All it seemed was that i could join a match but I had to invite my friend instead of us both joining the match together
Is there a website or does anyone have a list of what gets unlocked for the classes as you level up?
They should take the walkers out of the game.
Hell, often times the actual player is bad and gives you too many openings to just run in behind and stab him.Why? They're fun to play with and fairly easy to take down.
Why? They're fun to play with and fairly easy to take down.
Not before they mow the whole team down.Why? They're fun to play with and fairly easy to take down.
This may be a silly question but I can't find the answer - how does the cardboard box work in multiplayer?
Hell, often times the actual player is bad and gives you too many openings to just run in behind and stab him.
I think the game plays best with pure infantry combat. Walker Gears are fun every now and then but I'd prefer less overall.
I got 'em.
PSN: schemingmeat
They should take the walkers out of the game.
Just like in SP.
Not before they mow the whole team down.
This may be a silly question but I can't find the answer - how does the cardboard box work in multiplayer?
Okay, but wouldn't any player looking at a box know that it's another player? What am I missing?
This may be a silly question but I can't find the answer - how does the cardboard box work in multiplayer?
Walkers I don't mind, easy to counter if you aren't caught unaware.
Stealth Camo though.... remove that from everything but cloak and dagger please....
And by remove I mean make it much harder to use.
Sprinting should just remove it completely for starters.
" I've seen that box trick before"Lmfao
Think I'm ready to call it: this isn't as fun as MGO2. Its too chaotic, lag feels even more of a problem due to faster Time To Kill, then you have walkers which just fuck everything up.
Combine that with an entire studio that was put on this forgetting to put Host Migration in, and its a fucking shitshow. Trying to get a game today has been excruciating as automatch doesn't work, flatout, and the server lists have no way of being updated while in them so you try to join 50 already full games.