I don't think some people understand that you should fulton guys with high kill counts
I pull a guy out of a walker with 8 kills and try to choke him out...
My teammates shoot him and he dies in my hands
Will always happen with casuals. Play with GAF. We treat you better (TM).
*dick shrivels*I think they took out weapon stealing too.
I know I'm a lowly junior but how do I go about getting games with fellow Gaf members? I'm tired of people playing like it's COD or destinyWill always happen with casuals. Play with GAF. We treat you better (TM).
I don't think some people understand that you should fulton guys with high kill counts
I need to be invited to this community. Someone pls do it.
I know I'm a lowly junior but how do I go about getting games with fellow Gaf members? I'm tired of people playing like it's COD or destiny
I missed this message.
Did someone else manage to send you an invite? If not I'll log on a do it now.
So what level do you get to switch classes?
Made the dumb mistake of picking Scout over Infiltrator
LOL omg so good.
I missed this message.
Did someone else manage to send you an invite? If not I'll log on a do it now.
Nevermind, it seems so.
Can you shoot me an invite too, amigo?
I missed this message.
Did someone else manage to send you an invite? If not I'll log on a do it now.
Nevermind, it seems so.
So if I want to change one of my characters' faces, I have to delete them, create the correct face, and re-level the entire character slot?
That's a load a bullshit.
I missed this message.
Did someone else manage to send you an invite? If not I'll log on a do it now.
Nevermind, it seems so.
Can't get the party system to work in this.
It seems joining a PS4 party doesn't do anything since you can't join anyone's game.
The only way to do it is to have them in the MGO3 party list which you can't do by just joining a PS4 party through PSN interface.
I'd appreciate an invite too, if you could.
PSN: Ourobolus
I'm down!
PSN: Arttemis
Fuck it, randoms aren't working.
Add Sjay1994 if you have room still
What's the actual name of the main community group? I'm in one at the moment that yielded fun games with a stellar group of chaps.
Shadowkahn, what's your PSN?
Ok. Hopefully someone can confirm that the invites I've been sending work.
Nope. Nothing yet.
Why doesn't someone try to make a password protected room?
Wait did you figure it out? xD
What's your PSN? I don't think Slay1994 came up.
DemonSlay1994 did, though.
Uh, dudh, sjay1994. I'm an idiot.
Hey, can I play?Shadowkahn, what's your PSN?
Ok. Hopefully someone can confirm that the invites I've been sending work.
Apparently it's Outer-GAF, but no one talks about it in here for some reason. I'm pretty sure our one is much bigger now too.
invites sent (I hope it works)
I wonder this too because in general I'm much better with iron sights on most guns.Crazy question, but do dot sights make you less accurate? Been trying to use them on my rifles, Scout class, and the recoil seems to get even worse.
Crazy question, but do dot sights make you less accurate? Been trying to use them on my rifles, Scout class, and the recoil seems to get even worse.
Shadowkahn, what's your PSN?
Ok. Hopefully someone can confirm that the invites I've been sending work.
Crazy question, but do dot sights make you less accurate? Been trying to use them on my rifles, Scout class, and the recoil seems to get even worse.
Well this as close as I am getting to my Deathstroke game: