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Metal Gear Online 3 |OT| The Missing Link

Any time I read that the Infiltrator class is a noob class, it makes me think that person hasn't even played the damn game.

Infiltrators are not hard to kill. If they're killing you frequently you need to be more aware, I guess.
The class is obviously op, thats why nearly every bounty hunter game is full with them and they dominate.
Well whatever call me an Infilhater

The criticism is for your benefit, breh. Without a good name, you'll just look butthurt compared to the opposition, now that they have "infilhater" to throw around.

Not sure what would work better though. "Infiltraitor" would suggest they're betraying the game itself. "Infilgator" could evoke "instigator" since they piss people off. Could also bring to mind GamerGater since they sometimes get called "gators."

Any time I read that the Infiltrator class is a noob class, it makes me think that person hasn't even played the damn game.

Infiltrators are not hard to kill. If they're killing you frequently you need to be more aware, I guess.

There's been a few times where I don't notice someone with optic camo, but it's always possible to see the Predator-effect. Generally no more sneaky than other classes in my experience.
I played a little bit, and it is kind of fun. But people really don't play as a team, the one time someone did with me, we were nigh unstoppable (with him as a decoy and me eliminating and fultoning players).

Also, as a scout, I find infiltrators to be a little OP. All the times I had a confrontation with one it was "Run with camo -> CQC -> fulton".

Does anybody know why some players equip and unequip their cardboard box really quickly and repeatedly ?


I played a little bit, and it is kind of fun. But people really don't play as a team, the one time someone did with me, we were nigh unstoppable (with him as a decoy and me eliminating and fultoning players).

Also, as a scout, I find infiltrators to be a little OP. All the times I had a confrontation with one it was "Run with camo -> CQC -> fulton".

Does anybody know why some players equip and unequip their cardboard box really quickly and repeatedly ?
Probably so thry dont get marked. Plus the speed you move in those boxes in terms of sledding is great.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I disagree.

You disagree probably because you use it. I've been in nothing BUT infiltrator rounds and its awful and not fun in the slightest to play "where is the shimmery invisible dude so we can attempt shank each other?"


Stealth multiplayer. All game types have extremely short rounds. Everyone sprints instead.

After leveling enforcer and infiltrator to 6, this is my biggest take away from it. I want to like it. But it has major issues at its core. It encourages very little stealth gameplay. Especially when everyone is running solo. I can't imagine this is going to change too much with time. As people figure out faster ways to kill, it's going to continue. It's why Infiltrator is popular. You sprint with less visibility and then eliminate your enemy before they can wheel a gun around on you.


It's easy to combat infiltrators and I don't even use elocators. Best way to them is sticking together. Nerfing their stealth camo would take away the only thing good about the infiltrator.

I feel most people picked infiltrator because it is the most unique of the three classes.

I'd rather deal with stealth camo users then sleeping gas spammers any day of the week.


This thread is making me realize how much of an idiot I was when I complained about balance in the last new multiplayer game I played.

Pro tip: Don't bitch about balance in a week old game, I speak from experience.


Just started playing the online and I am having fun with it so far. I hope they bring some classic mgo 2 maps in the future.


Not the best example, his stealth camo was offline from the alert, you can see him crawling in from the corner of the screen

I was just about to say. You can see him there before the camo activates again. I noticed it the first time I watched the video, lol.

Fair enough. I recorded that when I was pretty tired last night so all I remember Is shooting the guy.

Didn't bother watching it when I posted it earlier but that is indeed in there. So touche.
For anyone who played TSNE exclusively in MGO2, how is MGO3? I'm especially interested in the new TSNE

Cloak and Dagger (the name of the new mode) is a pale imitation of the greatness that is TSNE. It feels like an unbalanced fan mod.

Here's some issues I have with it:

Regarding C&D in particular:

- Defenders under no circumstances should have access to stealth camo. It's literally the only advantage that attackers have, and the whole point of the mode.

- Rush maps should never be part of the automatch rotation for C&D. This is supposed to be a methodical mode, not a fucking mad dash.

- Bring back the ability for attackers to hold up the defenders. Why was this removed in the first place?

- Stuns and sleeps should last 5 times longer in C&D than it does in other mode. And waking up your teammate should take as many kicks as the stars on their head. There's literally no point in stunning anyone from a distance if they'll wake up and pump your ass full of lead by the time you reach them.

Literally all the points I made were already in place in MGO2 since the day TSNE was introduced, and I can't see a single good reason for any of the above. Just demonstrates a complete lack of understanding what TSNE was about in the first place.

I'd wait for I substantial patch before jumping in if I were you.


For anyone who played TSNE exclusively in MGO2, how is MGO3? I'm especially interested in the new TSNE

While you wait for responses from people who played a lot of TSNE, I'll just share my opinion of someone who didn't play of lot of it.

I appreciate TSNE in MGO2. It's a novel game mode, feels more like Metal Gear Solid that a lot of the other game modes, and had a neat asymmetry.

I enjoy Cloak & Dagger, MGO3's TSNE, far more than I ever enjoyed MGO2's TSNE. The large maps in MGO3 find a reason for existing in Cloak & Dagger. It feels like infiltrating a huge base on the Attacker side, with tons of avenues for entry and manoeuvring. As a Defender it feels like being a guard; patrolling a section of the facility, or moving to a rooftop and using binoculars to scout for enemies, feels natural. Your are role-playing a Metal Gear Solid guard, you're becoming one because it becomes evident why having patrol routes and rooftop posts become useful.

In a match with good players, where people aren't abusing the weapons and items that become available as you level up, it's fun on both sides. It's tense an enjoyable.

The issue is there are some balance issues, with things like Defenders being able to use Stealth Camo, or Attackers being able to easily cover an area in sleep grenade smoke with a grenade launcher, that somewhat mar the enjoyment. I suspect that if you play a C&D match now it will be a lot less fun that it was just a few days ago.
Is nothing wrong with the stealth camo. It's the only thing helping people to stealth at all.

What is wrong is the entire game is not built for stealth. We have these large, open maps with not much cover, creating what are essentially risk-of-death zones if you try to cross most parts of them. Damage is so high that if you're fired at you're likely gonna die before you reach what little cover there is.

Really there should be lots of cover everywhere (that you cannot see and shoot someone behind...another reason stealth does not work), so that every class can stealth about. Of course e-loctors would break this. Another reason stealth doesn't work.

Whoever at Konami thought to put large, open spaces with high bullet damage in a stealth game is an idiot.


Alright, I think I've spent long enough with the game to say that I pretty much hate it. Just seems fundamentally unbalanced and doesn't feel at all like MGO to me. Dunno what the game designers were thinking with a lot of their decisions with this game, primarily with the way Stealth Camo was implemented.


Is nothing wrong with the stealth camo. It's the only thing helping people to stealth at all.

What is wrong is the entire game is not built for stealth. We have these large, open maps with not much cover, creating what are essentially risk-of-death zones if you try to cross most parts of them. Damage is so high that if you're fired at you're likely gonna die before you reach what little cover there is.

Really there should be lots of cover everywhere (that you cannot see and shoot someone behind...another reason stealth does not work), so that every class can stealth about. Of course e-loctors would break this. Another reason stealth doesn't work.

Whoever at Konami thought to put large, open spaces with high bullet damage in a stealth game is an idiot.

I find the bullet damage to be perfect, and I'd rather have real cover and movement room than impenetrable walls that can be abused.

The biggest mistake I see people doing is just running out into the open, or rather, running in general. If you want to be stealthy, move slowly and crawl in the grass. It can be done, you just need patience.

What IS broken, is E-Locators. They should only mark people who are currently inside the zone, not mark them for an extended period of time. That, and they need to nerf the throwing distance for them as you can toss them across the map right from the start.


I find the bullet damage to be perfect, and I'd rather have real cover and movement room than impenetrable walls that can be abused.

The biggest mistake I see people doing is just running out into the open, or rather, running in general. If you want to be stealthy, move slowly and crawl in the grass. It can be done, you just need patience.

What IS broken, is E-Locators. They should only mark people who are currently inside the zone, not mark them for an extended period of time. That, and they need to nerf the throwing distance for them as you can toss them across the map right from the start.

They don't need to nerf its throwing distance, just nerf its active duration so that it'll expire in the sky if you throw it too far.


Y'know, I've never had an issue with people using camo in C&D. Besides not being able to spot them right away, it you can still see them pretty easily if they are running around defending. I guess the big problem with it it that it just feels unfair considering that it's a big component to the attacker's arsenal; it's what makes the team unique. Allowing the defenders to use it kinda feels wrong, if nothing else. They need a proper alternative for it though, if it's not allowed. As an infiltrator your kit is mostly focused on, well, infiltrating.


For anyone who played TSNE exclusively in MGO2, how is MGO3? I'm especially interested in the new TSNE

I didn't play TSNE exclusively but I have played tons TSNE matches. I can say without a doubt that C&D is worse than TSNE (the game in general is worse than MGO2 imo).

TSNE was an extremely tactical mode along with Rescue, and in both of these modes you and your team needed to be very strategic. There was always a need to co-ordinate with the other team members in whether to cap the target or eliminate the opposing team etc. C&D to me doesn't feel like that at all, perhaps it's because of the big map design which pretty much makes everyone run around like headless chickens, but then again Virtuous Vista existed in MGO2 which was one of the bigger maps and that mode still stayed quite strategic. TSNE was a lot more intimate, you could hear footsteps that would give people away, hear people climbing ladders, even hear people using the mortar/turrets and the human catapult, this made the mode slower paced.

The balance of C&D is bullshit. The attackers are already at a disadvantage by being forced to use non-lethal weapons, which is okay because that's like TSNE, but Inflitraors on the other team also get to use their Stealth Camo... which is a bit stupid. As someone else mentioned you can't hold up players anymore, which was one of the best tactics in TSNE and also defenders who get stunned/put to sleep wake up even quicker in the mode which is completely opposite to TSNE (and also waking players up is quicker lol). There's no knife like MGS4/MGO2 unless you grab someone, the knife skill was a big deal in MGO2. Also stealth in this game works differently, you can see the outline of players whereas in TSNE you were completely invisible except for your weapons. So in C&D it's actually really easy to spot the attackers, and I'm pretty sure, although I could be wrong, the Scout's Optics skill works on attackers as well lmao.

I think CQC in MGO2 was way better also, you could take weapons from other players by grabbing them.

TSNE in MGO2 if anyone is interested.


So running around camo'd with the Assault Rifle (same rifle enforcers/scouts use) and the starting gun can get long range headshots

cappin dudes while still being camo'd is not op.

O yeah they get an LMG too + elocators early

plus you don't even notice the health difference among classes in the game at all since everyone dies super quick

it's not about one dude camo sprinting it's these entire teams in Bounty hunter and in Capture but I guess that's more on the community looking for the easy points

Change Bounty hunter's name to invisible man wrestling
Story aside, MGSV was a masterpiece.

I was expecting big things from MGO3.

Not a gutted, awful inferior clone to MGO2, with less options and communication options than MGO1.

If you are a MGO veteran, even if only from MGS4, I strongly recommend staying far, far away.
Story aside, MGSV was a masterpiece.

I was expecting big things from MGO3.

Not a gutted, awful inferior clone to MGO2, with less options and communication options than MGO1.

If you are a MGO veteran, even if only from MGS4, I strongly recommend staying far, far away.

Man, it's not that bad. I mean, it's obviously lacking and no where near as great as MGO2. But I feel like people are falling into hyperbole now. It needs to be balanced, sure. But it's still pretty fun, and it's still better than no MGO at all. I'm an MGO vet, and while it's not what you'd want from a sequel, it's not as bad as everyone is making it out to be.


Man, the more I play this the less like MG it feels.

This might be the biggest wasted potential for an online MP ever. They literally had all the tools they needed and completely wiffed it.

The unlocking system is garbage

It's an unbalanced joke

C&D is ruined since one of the few advantages you have in stealth camo as an attacker is usable by the other team. This allows them to go completely offensive.


Infiltrators, before I go into what's wrong with the class, I want to point out how silly some of the defenses for this class are. "Use headphones and turn off the music!" "Use this one exploit to stop another exploit!" "ARE YOU GUYS BLIND? YOU MEAN, YOU CAN'T SEE THE BLATANT OUTLINE AND LOUD DING THAT GOES OFF?" "My buddy is always there 100% of the time, no infiltrators will ever get the jump on us, no siree!"

Believe it or not, yes, stealth camo does make you harder to see. Yeah sometimes there is the idiot sprinting around that will reveal himself. Of course the class is beatable, and there are times where they can be easy to spot. The problem is early game they are clearly the best class, and if you don't have a scout that's fucking amazing at spotting and sniping, or a broken late game enforcer--then pack it up. I mean come the fuck on, invisibility and an assault rifle with a scope, that shit is a joke. They were supposed to be sneaky, but all it is--is people taking advantage of how lenient the game is with SC. Like it's supposed to be this tactical stealth team shooter, and it's just a mess. To me it starts with this class, because if they balanced it right then people wouldn't be succeeding with shit styles of play.

Then the walker in some instances is just a joke, these developers crack me up with some of the shit they thought was a good idea. The walker isn't as bad as initially reported since the community is finding better ways to take them down. But eventually you run across one that completely wrecks a game, comm zone, or spawn. The game shows bright spots when played with like minded people, but I'm not sure how long that will go on. I just don't get how Naughty Dog schooled the people in MGS at how to do a stealthy tac shooter, and there is a fucking wall hack in that game! Doing that run and gun bullshit gets you absolutely bodied in that game. (Inb4 then go play TLoU or if you hate it so much then why are you posting here). Maybe I should try some GAF matches, otherwise, I'm not touching it till they release some kind of patch for it just so I know it'll be supported.
Man, it's not that bad. I mean, it's obviously lacking and no where near as great as MGO2. But I feel like people are falling into hyperbole now. It needs to be balanced, sure. But it's still pretty fun, and it's still better than no MGO at all. I'm an MGO vet, and while it's not what you'd want from a sequel, it's not as bad as everyone is making it out to be.

Every mode it has is significantly worse than it has ever been, and there are only 3 modes.

Automatching is a joke.

Hosts disconnecting and ending games is a joke.

No ability to text chat to lobby/team is a joke.

And maybe nobody has a Mic, or I am doing something wrong, but not being able to talk to anybody unless you're in a party is a joke.

Lack of weaponry is a joke.

Using a level system to lock out gear is a joke.

I don't give a dang about "balance" - that doesn't bother me one bit in any game ever. It's always either overblown, or if true, if you can't beat 'em join 'em.


Man, it's not that bad. I mean, it's obviously lacking and no where near as great as MGO2. But I feel like people are falling into hyperbole now. It needs to be balanced, sure. But it's still pretty fun, and it's still better than no MGO at all. I'm an MGO vet, and while it's not what you'd want from a sequel, it's not as bad as everyone is making it out to be.

The game itself is fun, but it's an absolute disappointment in terms of what it could have been.

After a few matches of playing at a time, I just realize I'm just resorting to running and gunning. The thrill of stealth and strategy isn't there. It eventually becomes everything I find unentertaining about online shooter games.
Every mode it has is significantly worse than it has ever been, and there are only 3 modes.

Automatching is a joke.

Hosts disconnecting and ending games is a joke.

No ability to text chat to lobby/team is a joke.

And maybe nobody has a Mic, or I am doing something wrong, but not being able to talk to anybody unless you're in a party is a joke.

Lack of weaponry is a joke.

Using a level system to lock out gear is a joke.

I don't give a dang about "balance" - that doesn't bother me one bit in any game ever. It's always either overblown, or if true, if you can't beat 'em join 'em.

To each their own. I completely respect what you're saying, and they are completely valid points. The only one I would argue is that auto matching works fine for me 90 percent of the time. Either way, I'm just saying, I don't think it's as bad as people are making it out to be.
Who knows, Konami LA might listen and fix/add stuff. Remember MGO2 at launch? You had to buy extra character slots with actual money, and that's just a minor grievance among others. It wasn't this sparse, but it had plenty of issues. Maybe Konami LA will listen.


"Best TSNE round ever??"

Spends most of the match camping corners.

That's how you're supposed to play it really. Attackers weren't a joke in MGO2, they could fuck you up various ways without you even seeing anything. It's funny how the opposite is the case now.


The game itself is fun, but it's an absolute disappointment in terms of what it could have been.

After a few matches of playing at a time, I just realize I'm just resorting to running and gunning. The thrill of stealth and strategy isn't there. It eventually becomes everything I find unentertaining about online shooter games.

The thing that frustrates me is that stealth is totally viable. You can absolutely get around the map tactically.

Stealth Camo, instead of emphasizing that, encourages the opposite. People mindlessly sprinting around before their Stealth Camo battery drains. Then E-Locators making entire areas of the map, usually the most important routes, un-traversable while stealthy.

Infiltrators make the pace of the game too fast to be tactical, and E-Locator's don't help. If those are balanced then genuine stealth gets an opportunity to shine, and that would mean that sprinting would be seen as something to do occasionally rather than always.
To each their own. I completely respect what you're saying, and they are completely valid points. The only one I would argue is that auto matching works fine for me 90 percent of the time. Either way, I'm just saying, I don't think it's as bad as people are making it out to be.
Who knows, Konami LA might listen and fix/add stuff. Remember MGO2 at launch? You had to buy extra character slots with actual money, and that's just a minor grievance among others. It wasn't this sparse, but it had plenty of issues. Maybe Konami LA will listen.

MGO2 was fine. You didn't need additional slots anyway - unless you wanted to cheat and boost a character really.

MGO2 didn't have any issues at launch man. I can't remember if Survival, which was awesome was there at the start too. But I can't recall any complaints other than "MGO1 was better"

The complete lack of customization and the terrible user interface, combined with a lack of different gameplay modes and awful maps really doom this mode. No way it has the staying power of the other two without drastic, far-reaching changes.
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