Man, the more I play this the less like MG it feels.
This might be the biggest wasted potential for an online MP ever. They literally had all the tools they needed and completely wiffed it.
The unlocking system is garbage
It's an unbalanced joke
C&D is ruined since one of the few advantages you have in stealth camo as an attacker is usable by the other team. This allows them to go completely offensive.
Infiltrators, before I go into what's wrong with the class, I want to point out how silly some of the defenses for this class are. "Use headphones and turn off the music!" "Use this one exploit to stop another exploit!" "ARE YOU GUYS BLIND? YOU MEAN, YOU CAN'T SEE THE BLATANT OUTLINE AND LOUD DING THAT GOES OFF?" "My buddy is always there 100% of the time, no infiltrators will ever get the jump on us, no siree!"
Believe it or not, yes, stealth camo does make you harder to see. Yeah sometimes there is the idiot sprinting around that will reveal himself. Of course the class is beatable, and there are times where they can be easy to spot. The problem is early game they are clearly the best class, and if you don't have a scout that's fucking amazing at spotting and sniping, or a broken late game enforcer--then pack it up. I mean come the fuck on, invisibility and an assault rifle with a scope, that shit is a joke. They were supposed to be sneaky, but all it is--is people taking advantage of how lenient the game is with SC. Like it's supposed to be this tactical stealth team shooter, and it's just a mess. To me it starts with this class, because if they balanced it right then people wouldn't be succeeding with shit styles of play.
Then the walker in some instances is just a joke, these developers crack me up with some of the shit they thought was a good idea. The walker isn't as bad as initially reported since the community is finding better ways to take them down. But eventually you run across one that completely wrecks a game, comm zone, or spawn. The game shows bright spots when played with like minded people, but I'm not sure how long that will go on. I just don't get how Naughty Dog schooled the people in MGS at how to do a stealthy tac shooter, and there is a fucking wall hack in that game! Doing that run and gun bullshit gets you absolutely bodied in that game. (Inb4 then go play TLoU or if you hate it so much then why are you posting here). Maybe I should try some GAF matches, otherwise, I'm not touching it till they release some kind of patch for it just so I know it'll be supported.