I wish we could change camo during the start of the map because right now,theres no point in buying forest,desert etc patterns if you're gonna stick out like a sore thumb in urban areas for example.
Also,jesus christ at infiltrators,after 35 hours of MGO,i think i can safely say that the stealth gives players way too much of an advantage and straight up broken on certain maps such as jade forest or the map with the dam during raining. Good luck to anyone spotting infiltrators during the night version of any map as well.Yeah sure,I can spot the ones that are sprinting around like idiots but that applies to every class.I suppose it wouldnt be so bad if there was actual diversity in team setups,but usually its 8-9 infiltrators at minimum out of the 12 players. I've lost count how many times I was the only scout or enforcer in the game.Their supposed weakness of lower hp is completely negated by the shitty way the whole servers are handled and the fights come down to whoever sees the other one first.This lag is the worst of all,when i see my character clearly diving behind cover only to die a second later for seemingly no reason,from bullets shot from an impossible angle.
The spawning could use some work as well,its entirely too easy to spawn camp on a few of the maps (such as the factory or camp omega,from the rooftops in rush mode) or spawn into the middle of a firefight.