Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]

A quick question here. I'm trying to get all the collectables, and I'm only missing a few VR missions and left arms here.

But are all the arms the same no matter the difficulty or do i have to play a specific one to get the last few to appear? I know I'm missing one in chapter 7, since I keep getting a bad cut on that guy, but just curious about the rest.

I'm thinking that i could just speed through on Easy with an upgraded Murasama blade and grab the arms really fast. That'd be such an onesided slaughter, though,

You only need to get them once in any difficulty and they won't spawn again after you've collected them except for the tutorial guy with the arm key. Some of them need special circumstances to spawn, like going to that empty room in the open area with the ferris wheel or completing a stealth section in the building. I guess refer to a faq.


You only need to get them once in any difficulty and they won't spawn again after you've collected them except for the tutorial guy with the arm key. Some of them need special circumstances to spawn, like going to that empty room in the open area with the ferris wheel or completing a stealth section in the building. I guess refer to a faq.
Thanks, so I can just bully on through on Easy with a near-fully powered Raiden? Not that it'd be much of a challenge, I'd wager, but I just want those arms and the last few VR missions.
Thanks, so I can just bully on through on Easy with a near-fully powered Raiden? Not that it'd be much of a challenge, I'd wager, but I just want those arms and the last few VR missions.

Might be better to play it in Revengeance difficulty since a couple of the really difficult/frustrating VR missions use stats from that difficulty. If you get used to easy you'll just get curbstomped on the final VR missions.
Wow, this game really sucks at explaining its mechanics. Despite the tutorial VR missions. I am currently at Chapter 2 (about 2 hours in), in the sewers, just got the
cardboard box
and have to fight the gorillas. Needless to say, I suck at it. When I don't use stealth and engage in open combat with the gorillas or any other difficult enemy, I constantly get slaughtered by them. I can't effectively parry because I don't know which attacks can be parried and which cannot. I hate the parry mechanism, it feels I'm not in control of my character. The fact that there is no block or evade button really baffles me. I find myself always yearning for them during a battle. I know there is the "Defensive Offensive" one (or vice versa, I don't remember) and I did purchase it... but I cannot use it effectively. Honestly, I'm at a point where I don't enjoy myself with this game and I am ready to drop it. I really want to like it... I don't know if it is because of the fact that it plays so differently from any other action game I have played (DMC, God of War, Heavenly Sword) or simply because its battle system sucks.

Is there any tutorial I should read/watch before making a final attempt at it?


Generally speaking, the yellow gorilla attacks are unblockable and the red blockable. But they're shithouse enemies and the camera doesn't help.

That said, the offensive-defence dodge has a generous amount of invincibility frames and with a little practice you should be able to use it very effectively.
Right, I just started playing this and although it's awesome I suck pretty badly at the combat so far. Any tips for a noob? I've played a lot of combat action adventures over the years, but never been especially good at them. I can't get used to Raiden having no dodge option and I can't manage the timing on the parry. Right now I'm fighting the little Metal Gears from MGS4 and they're pretty much creaming me. I don't really understand the L1 slice mode thing either - half the time it doesn't work for me, and I don't know when is the best time to activate it to remove left hands.


Santa May Claus
Right, I just started playing this and although it's awesome I suck pretty badly at the combat so far. Any tips for a noob? I've played a lot of combat action adventures over the years, but never been especially good at them. I can't get used to Raiden having no dodge option and I can't manage the timing on the parry. Right now I'm fighting the little Metal Gears from MGS4 and they're pretty much creaming me. I don't really understand the L1 slice mode thing either - half the time it doesn't work for me, and I don't know when is the best time to activate it to remove left hands.

Here's my post from the MGR PC thread:

It has some general tips for newbies. Hope it helps.


Junior Member
Is it me or is the Jetstream Sam DLC fucking insane in terms of difficulty?

I can't beat the Wolf no matter what I do.

I completed the entire story mode on Normal pretty much without dying, yet this is driving me nuts.

I selected 'Normal' difficulty mind you. This feels tougher than Hard mode.

edit: goddamn these fucking camera angles are awful. i can't see the stupid wolf and it's spamming the same attacks over and over again where it's invincible.


are there any good tutorials online about learning this games combat? i just finished the first stage but mainly just from button mashing


Santa May Claus
Thanks for your tips; I managed to get past that section and now understand the principles of parrying now, even though my timing obviously needs lots of work. Still don't really understand Blade Mode or whatever it's called though, but hopefully that'll come in time.

Blade mode is for precision cuts, and it drains fuel gauge. Blade mode itself doesn't inherently do much more damage. It's supposed to be used specifically for cutting limbs or Zandatsus. Certain moves, cinematic finishes, and the parry counter will set up a Zandatsu. The entire screen will slow down slightly and turn a little blue. That's your cue to hold the left trigger and go for a Zandatsu. Cinematic transitions/finishes and Counter parries automatically give you fuel gauge for the Zandatsu, if you didn't already have it. You then perform the Zandatsu and refill all your health and fuel gauge.

You can cut any limbs that are a soft blue hue. As you beat up enemies, their armor weakens and parts of them will turn a soft blue. You can choose to cut them at that point.

are there any good tutorials online about learning this games combat? i just finished the first stage but mainly just from button mashing

My post linked above has some general newbie tips that should help you. I think there are some tutorials on Youtube, too.
On the second chapter now, running around the sewers. That little boy is pretty awful, but I'm enjoying the gameplay a lot more now. How many chapters are there?
Just beat Monsoon. I am enjoying it, but I don't think it's amazing. The combat is superb and the game feels very smooth and fluid. However I dislike the cod-philosophy in Metal Gear Solid, and it had even less place here, where you're otherwise rewarded for chopping people up. The level design is very poor and I hate constantly having to wiggle the left stick. Seriously, it's one of my most loathed things in gaming and I have to do it so frequently in combat here.
I'm currently fighting
MG Excelsus
. Not really enjoying the game any more. Since the boss battle against the bald guy in Chapter 5 the game hasn't given me any health packs meaning I'm dying loads. I hate the way you get hemmed in via orange forcefields when in combat. I fucking hate constantly having to wiggle the left stick when I take damage.

But the music on this boss is most definitely awesome.
Ugh, this last boss is fucking retarded. It takes him between 4-6 hits to kill me while I calculate it'll take me 80-100 to kill him. Fuck this shit. I just want to finish it so I can delete it off my HDD and then never play again.
Go into Blade Mode and cut the green thing that sticks out his back. Then go ham.

Yeah it's on his back im pretty sure. The first time I beat him I didnt know about it so I would just do blade mode so he'd attack me and stop regaining health and i'd lose health every time so I could eventually beat him. You can tell how dependent on doing the Blade Mode cuts on the pillars I was because I was constantly losing health X.X
When he starts healing, get behind him and use blade mode on his back. Btw, you seem to be having a hard time; did you buy the dodge move?

I honestly don't know. I bought a couple of moves, but largely focused on upgrading health and attack power.

Anyway, I'm done now. Good riddance; I really didn't think the boss battles were all that amazing, and while I enjoyed the first half of the game I thought it took a nosedive in the second half. While the combat engine is excellent, I personally think it's lacking in most other regards. Certainly nowhere as good as Bayonetta.

Edit - thanks for the help, by the way. I managed to get through the last battle before I'd seen your replies.
I honestly don't know. I bought a couple of moves, but largely focused on upgrading health and attack power.

Anyway, I'm done now. Good riddance; I really didn't think the boss battles were all that amazing, and while I enjoyed the first half of the game I thought it took a nosedive in the second half. While the combat engine is excellent, I personally think it's lacking in most other regards. Certainly nowhere as good as Bayonetta.

Edit - thanks for the help, by the way. I managed to get through the last battle before I'd seen your replies.

This post hurts my head.


I honestly don't know. I bought a couple of moves, but largely focused on upgrading health and attack power.

Anyway, I'm done now. Good riddance; I really didn't think the boss battles were all that amazing, and while I enjoyed the first half of the game I thought it took a nosedive in the second half. While the combat engine is excellent, I personally think it's lacking in most other regards. Certainly nowhere as good as Bayonetta.

Edit - thanks for the help, by the way. I managed to get through the last battle before I'd seen your replies.

I'm going to assume that even if you bought it, you didn't use it then. The dodge is just a lot more fun than blocking. It has a really satisfying inertia to it, and is the best way to pull off stylish moves since it has dodge offset. The game is obviously not as good as Bayo (it had 1/3 the development time), but it has better boss battles on the whole. Though I can see you've probably not had much opportunity to appreciate them, since it seems you were stuck in a bit of a frustration loop when trying to get a handle on the mechanics, and you seemed to concentrate on buying superficial upgrades, rather than new moves and abilities that evolve the combat.


Santa May Claus
I honestly don't know. I bought a couple of moves, but largely focused on upgrading health and attack power.

Anyway, I'm done now. Good riddance; I really didn't think the boss battles were all that amazing, and while I enjoyed the first half of the game I thought it took a nosedive in the second half. While the combat engine is excellent, I personally think it's lacking in most other regards. Certainly nowhere as good as Bayonetta.

Edit - thanks for the help, by the way. I managed to get through the last battle before I'd seen your replies.

Honestly, it sounds like you need to sleep on it and revisit later. You're letting the final boss color your entire impression of the game because you got frustrated. Yeah, he's hard. Harder than most things in the game up to that point. He's a final test of all the skills you should have cultivated throughout the story, and failing to beat him just means that you failed to learn an aspect of the combat.

My newbie post had several bullet points devoted to the dodge mechanic. If you don't even know whether or not you bought it, that means you weren't really playing the same game that the rest of us were.
Honestly, it sounds like you need to sleep on it and revisit later. You're letting the final boss color your entire impression of the game because you got frustrated. Yeah, he's hard. Harder than most things in the game up to that point. He's a final test of all the skills you should have cultivated throughout the story, and failing to beat him just means that you failed to learn an aspect of the combat.

This is probably true. I did enjoy the game mainly thanks to the amazing combat engine, but I think it lacks in a lot of other regards and it's probably a 7/10 for me. I did eventually manage to beat Albert Wesker Senator Armstrong but honestly I wasn't enjoying it by the end and I probably won't play it any further. I am a fan of Platinum Games though and I'm glad I made time to play this through.
I just had quite the ego check tonight. I've beat this game on PS3 on normal and played through about half or so on hard. Then I put it down until the PC version came out. I started on hard from the get-go and have been playing it here and there since. Tonight I beat it and was all excited about putting the final boss in his place on <HARD>. Credits roll and I see my results screen. Since Chapter fucking ONE I've been playing on Normal and didn't notice because of the checkpoint system.

Thinking back...I was having a lot of trouble getting it to run nicely on my rig and I must have got frustrated with the difficulty along with not having my usual moves already unlocked or I was showing the game off to a friend and didn't want to suck so badly. I guess then I put it on normal and then totally forgot as I continued my playthrough. I did think it was sort of easy...

Anyway, to repent for my sins I'm going to replay it. I know all this sweet shit unlocks at the end of the game (new blade) and I was wondering if anyone thinks it's cheap to play through on hard with all the new gear and unlocks. Having all the moves makes the game play so much smoother and I feel like I have a lot more control of Raiden (I beat the hell out of LQ-84i) yet knowing a friend of mine played it on Hard from the get go kinda makes me feel like a dork. I think he used a keyboard too :(


Hunky Nostradamus
Beat the game today. I thought it was just okay.

+ Playing as Raiden is fun. The combat is very fluid and satisfying
+ Blade Wolf and Jetstream Sam are worthy additions to the Metal Gear universe
+ Sunny

- About half of the bosses are really terrible (Monsoon u__u)
- No double jump
- No evade, roll, block
- Can't augment while moving
- Poorly designed sub menu that doesn't open while moving
- Bland, empty level design
- Boring codec conversations
- Nonsensical story and character motivations
- Wiggle left analog stick to snap out of a stun
- Too many codec conversations and cutscenes that break up the flow
- Horrid camera

Overall it's probably my least favorite game from Platinum, the genre, and the Metal Gear series.
No there isn't. A parry isn't the same thing as a block. And the dumb Defensive Offense is contextual.

I'm sort of curious what your specific issues are with the mechanics, since the vast majority of people who had problems just didn't bother looking for the movelist. Both mechanics are incredibly lenient on most of the difficulty levels and mostly stronger and more straightforward that their counterparts in DMC/Bayonetta/NG, and if it weren't for the abysmal camera this game might be one of the easiest in the genre outside of games like God of War or DmC.


how is d/o contextual? Like, you mean its use is contextual, or it only exists contextually?

Sure it's no Bayo dodge or anything, but hell, it's a different game


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm talking about a dedicated block button. A parry really isn't the same thing. Ninja Gaiden, for instance, has both a block (or guard) and a parry. This game is basically Ninja Raiden, so why no block/guard?

Defensive Offensive only works when you're dodging an attack though. Right? I mean, I tried multiple times when there weren't any enemies around and didn't get it to work, but I may be wrong about that one. If so, my bad. But still, I don't feel like Raiden is as nimble and acrobatic in the gameplay as he is in the QTEs and cutscenes (not to mention MGS4). I feel like he should be able to double jump and roll and flip on command, all while slicing and dicing up his foes.

I guess that's the crux of my issue: there's a sizable dissonance between gameplay Raiden and cutscene Raiden.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm talking about a dedicated block button. A parry really isn't the same thing. Ninja Gaiden, for instance, has both a block (or guard) and a parry. This game is basically Ninja Raiden, so why no block/guard?

Defensive Offensive only works when you're dodging an attack though. Right? I mean, I tried multiple times when there weren't any enemies around and didn't get it to work, but I may be wrong about that one. If so, my bad. But still, I don't feel like Raiden is as nimble and acrobatic in the gameplay as he is in the QTEs and cutscenes (not to mention MGS4). I feel like he should be able to double jump and roll and flip on command, all while slicing and dicing up his foes.

I guess that's the crux of my issue: there's a sizable dissonance between gameplay Raiden and cutscene Raiden.

The parry only happens when you time it right. Every other time he will block an attack. You push a button and time your blocks in Ninja Gaiden just as they attack to do a counter-attack but if you mistime it he just blocks instead, right? Same deal, you just have to move a stick as well.

You can use D/O anywhere.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
If you prefer a character with a little more mobility, give the Jetstream Sam DLC a try. He can roll, double jump, and even air dash.
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