Thanks for the tips. Should I set it to easy instead though? There isn't enough tell for when to parry/when I did a successful parry/how to parry so I'm getting obliterated
I shouldn't be able to plat bloodborne and struggle on the first boss here, I wish there was a better way to get my feet wet than this boss
It's not the same skills you need. I beat MGR on Revengeance difficulty, but utterly suck at Dark Souls. I miss the MGR parry move when I play that...
You're saying there's not enough tells. Look at Blade Wolf's eyes. Just before it attacks, a big red + shines, or its entire body glows orange. Every enemy does that. That's your "Incoming attack! Get ready!" cue. It comes just before the attack. (Some enemies have a yellow +, it means "Incoming Unblockable Attack!", so dodge!) The tell for if you did parry is a shockwave and Raiden striking a pose, so it's quite obvious.
To parry correctly, you need to flick the stick and press light attack at the same time. You can't hold the stick, it's a new flick for every parry. So, Wolf attacks you with its three hit combination attack. Red glow, flick+light, second attack, flick+light, third attack, flick+light. The flick is in the direction of the enemy compared to Raiden on the screen. A later boss will need you to remember that one. The timing for the attack where it jumps on Raiden and chainsaws him is flick+light as soon as Wolf lands from its second jump. If you try when it's airborne in its final jump, it's too late. Always parry earlier than you'd think until you learn the exact timings.
I'd recommend watching the first five-ish minutes of
this video. The rest is slightly more advanced, you don't need to worry about that yet. Unless you want to worry about it, because it is pretty neat what you can do when you know it's a thing. Like moving around in Blade Mode and stuff like that.