Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


Santa May Claus
I'm talking about a dedicated block button. A parry really isn't the same thing. Ninja Gaiden, for instance, has both a block (or guard) and a parry. This game is basically Ninja Raiden, so why no block/guard?

Defensive Offensive only works when you're dodging an attack though. Right? I mean, I tried multiple times when there weren't any enemies around and didn't get it to work, but I may be wrong about that one. If so, my bad. But still, I don't feel like Raiden is as nimble and acrobatic in the gameplay as he is in the QTEs and cutscenes (not to mention MGS4). I feel like he should be able to double jump and roll and flip on command, all while slicing and dicing up his foes.

I guess that's the crux of my issue: there's a sizable dissonance between gameplay Raiden and cutscene Raiden.

You can use Defensive Offense anywhere. It's not context sensitive. It's essentially a dash+attack with invincibility frames.

The block mechanic in MGR is truly unique, and I love the game more for it. The timing is SO generous and only takes a slight bit of practice at the beginning. Anyone can do it, especially on the normal difficulty. Perfect parries obviously take a little more work.

There's always a dissonance between gameplay and cutscenes for characters.


Hunky Nostradamus
The parry only happens when you time it right. Every other time he will block an attack.

This is done by pressing square (attack)?

You push a button and time your blocks in Ninja Gaiden just as they attack to do a counter-attack but if you mistime it he just blocks instead, right? Same deal, you just have to move a stick as well.

The block (it's called guard) in Ninja Gaiden has it's own button that is a different thing than the parry iirc. I really dislike the fact that you have to move the stick in the direction that you want to block/parry in though. It needlessly complicates things.

If you prefer a character with a little more mobility, give the Jetstream Sam DLC a try. He can roll, double jump, and even air dash.

I'm gonna play that tomorrow. :)

You can use Defensive Offense anywhere.


The block mechanic in MGR is truly unique, and I love the game more for it. The timing is SO generous and only takes a slight bit of practice at the beginning. Anyone can do it, especially on the normal difficulty. Perfect parries obviously take a little more work.

It is unique, but I think it's also kind of shitty. I appreciate that they tried something new, but I feel like the block/parry system in pretty much every other game in the genre does it better.

There's always a dissonance between gameplay and cutscenes for characters.

But not usually to this extent! Why can't I run along walls in game? Why can't I flip and twirl? u__u


This is done by pressing square (attack)?

The block (it's called guard) in Ninja Gaiden has it's own button that is a different thing than the parry iirc. I really dislike the fact that you have to move the stick in the direction that you want to block/parry in though. It needlessly complicates things.

It just makes you aware of positioning and when attacks are going to land. Is the Gaiden button a hold down to block are a 'hit it when you're about to get hit' button?

Of course where this falls apart for MG:R is the fucking camera

Square + X (or X and A) at any time. Very limited invincibility frames + movement and terrible recovery, but it's got its uses.


Santa May Claus

It is unique, but I think it's also kind of shitty. I appreciate that they tried something new, but I feel like the block/parry system in pretty much every other game in the genre does it better.

But not usually to this extent! Why can't I run along walls in game? Why can't I flip and twirl? u__u

After purchasing Defensive Offense from the store for 2000 BP or so, you can use it simply by pressing X+A, or Square+X, with a direction. It has good invincibility frames and some recovery, but that recovery can be mitigated with blade mode canceling.

The answer to "why" is simply balance and development time. Platinum made this game from the ground up in essentially a year and a half. They didn't have time to fully implement the wallrun and balance it. That's my suspicion anyway. Raiden still does crazy flips and acrobatics during Zandatsus. He still slides, launches, and does air combos. You can twirl with a 360 spin + attack.

The block isn't shitty. You're shitty at it. I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm saying it because almost everyone is shitty at it until they understand it and practice it. I've played pretty much every game in this genre, and while I think the parry system can use some tweaking, I would NOT want a dedicated block button in MGR. Stop fighting the mechanic and try to learn it. The Sam DLC is way harder, and you'll need to know how to both dodge and block effectively.

Square + X (or X and A) at any time. Very limited invincibility frames + movement and terrible recovery, but it's got its uses.

Not if you blademode cancel. Most dedicated dodges have more recovery, I'd say.
Forgot about blade mode cancelling lol. Haven't played for a while...

You can also parry cancel it (and dodge cancel parries), which is very effective against sword/hammer elites and GRADs and most of the bosses.

If you don't want to parry at all just pick pincers and just eat the 1% damage from getting hit while charging attacks. I think one of the big flaws with this game is how lenient it is on players not bothering with mechanics, and while I think it might've been well-intentioned because the game will have a lot of players unfamiliar with the genre, it does lead to a lot of issues certain people have with the systems.

Bladewolf and the final boss wouldn't bother so many people if the encounters preceding them weren't so easy.


Hunky Nostradamus
Played both Jetstream Sam and Blade Wolf the other day.

Sam's moveset is much better than Raiden's (double jump and air glide are two moves Raiden should have had!) but Raiden obviously has a better set of fighting moves and a better selection of sub/weapons. If they merged the two characters I think it'd be pretty much perfect.

And I really enjoyed the Blade Wolf dlc. Probably my favorite MGR experience. I loved the fact that it's stealth based, plus the story was good and the end boss was great. I want Blade Wolf to get his own game :3

It just makes you aware of positioning and when attacks are going to land. Is the Gaiden button a hold down to block are a 'hit it when you're about to get hit' button?

It's a hold down to block sort of thing.

Did you skip the tutorial?

Nah, lol. I played the tutorial.

The answer to "why" is simply balance and development time. Platinum made this game from the ground up in essentially a year and a half. They didn't have time to fully implement the wallrun and balance it. That's my suspicion anyway.

Why such a short development time? I mean, I know it was in development for several years at KojiPro and they never got anywhere with it, but why couldn't Platinum spend more time on it?

The block isn't shitty. You're shitty at it. I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm saying it because almost everyone is shitty at it until they understand it and practice it. I've played pretty much every game in this genre, and while I think the parry system can use some tweaking, I would NOT want a dedicated block button in MGR. Stop fighting the mechanic and try to learn it. The Sam DLC is way harder, and you'll need to know how to both dodge and block effectively.

I see what you're saying...I got much better at blocking and whatnot through practice, but I still think it's awkward and highly inelegant.


Santa May Claus
Why such a short development time? I mean, I know it was in development for several years at KojiPro and they never got anywhere with it, but why couldn't Platinum spend more time on it.

The game needed to come out. Money was burned on the project, Kojima wasn't happy, and everything was scrapped from the original KojiPro version. Platinum was brought in essentially as a fixer, had to create a game from scratch, and get it out on a tight schedule.

It's hilarious reading the interview of how Platinum got the title. Kojima was basically depressed at how the game was looking after years of development, called them up one day and asked if they wanted to make it.


Hunky Nostradamus
The game needed to come out. Money was burned on the project, Kojima wasn't happy, and everything was scrapped from the original KojiPro version. Platinum was brought in essentially as a fixer, had to create a game from scratch, and get it out on a tight schedule.

It's hilarious reading the interview of how Platinum got the title. Kojima was basically depressed at how the game was looking after years of development, called them up one day and asked if they wanted to make it.

Sounds interesting. Is there a link where I can read about this in depth?


Just bought this on the PS3 and downloaded the Addons packs from usa store for free (am in UK and they are still charging for them). Had rough relapse with health and not gamed properly for ages so this and W101 should keep me busy. Now to learn parry.....look into the red eyes!


So did anyone ever manage to remove the 1080p resolution cap in the PC version?

edit: This is the only thing I found:

Does anyone have any feedback on how well this works? Does it run as well as DSFix? I'd like to buy the game but I don't like rewarding a company for a lousy port.

edit: The rest of the port may be decent but hard resolution caps in 3D games are awful for those with monitors above 1080p

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member

Every time I try to pick this up, I'm thrown off by the camera and the terrible wiggle-left stick like an idiot every time I get hit by something to try to shake out of it. ALL OF MY HATE for whoever thought this was an awesome idea

Can I lock on grenades? Because aiming that thing is also not exactly pleasant.


Stuck at the Monsun reprise fight in chapter 4 T_T



Unconfirmed Member
The game needed to come out. Money was burned on the project, Kojima wasn't happy, and everything was scrapped from the original KojiPro version. Platinum was brought in essentially as a fixer, had to create a game from scratch, and get it out on a tight schedule.

It's hilarious reading the interview of how Platinum got the title. Kojima was basically depressed at how the game was looking after years of development, called them up one day and asked if they wanted to make it.
It still boggles my mind how they pulled this off. By no means is Rising perfect, or all it could have been, but it's such an outstanding achievement considering everything that was going on. It has its own identity and that Platinum style/polish that really makes it stand out in the genre for me. Landing a perfect parry/counter and following up with a single, efficient Zandatsu slice is one of the most satisfying things I experienced last gen.

Forgot about blade mode cancelling lol. Haven't played for a while...
Pray, do tell! I'm currently struggling through a Very Hard playthrough, and think I'll need some more advanced techniques/understanding for Revengeance.


Every time I try to pick this up, I'm thrown off by the camera and the terrible wiggle-left stick like an idiot every time I get hit by something to try to shake out of it. ALL OF MY HATE for whoever thought this was an awesome idea
Getting dizzied is definitely one of the most frustrating things, especially when you have aggressive enemies on a harder difficulty who keep dizzying you and stun-locking you over and over. I interpret it as the game sending me a message to pick my battles better and use the available space/moveset more effectively.

As for the camera... not much can be said unfortunately. Very temperamental. Unfortunate that they didn't get around to fixing its issues with the time they had.

Keep at it, though! Take some time to get more acquainted with the mechanics and try to shrug off those annoying niggles - every time there's a controller-throwing moment, take a deep breath and try another approach. I'm willing to forgive some of it's more serious problems due to its amazing aesthetic and rewarding (rules of) nature. I'll keep coming back because in no other game can I play as Cyborg Ninja/Business Raiden and make such a badass presence felt through a series of simple button presses.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Definitely improving at it, getting better at just avoiding getting dizzied so I wont have to shake the stick so much :p

A bit disappointed in chapter five and six being so tiny, but the Samuel fight was great!




Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Finished it! Armstrong fight was really good!

9/10 game, will play again with other gear


Santa May Claus
Pray, do tell! I'm currently struggling through a Very Hard playthrough, and think I'll need some more advanced techniques/understanding for Revengeance.

You can tap Blade Mode to cancel out of the recovery of any move, such as the Stinger or certain combo enders. This is particularly useful in the Sam DLC, where most of his damage comes from the powerful Y combo enders with huge amounts of recovery.

For Revengeance, the most important thing is getting perfect parries down, since perfect parries do monstrous damage on that mode. The parry window is shorter, though.

Finished it! Armstrong fight was really good!

9/10 game, will play again with other gear



Unconfirmed Member
You can tap Blade Mode to cancel out of the recovery of any move, such as the Stinger or certain combo enders. This is particularly useful in the Sam DLC, where most of his damage comes from the powerful Y combo enders with huge amounts of recovery.

For Revengeance, the most important thing is getting perfect parries down, since perfect parries do monstrous damage on that mode. The parry window is shorter, though.

Dude, I know anyone could have told me that, but you're a legend. Thank you.
You saved my Very Hard run, my controller, my sanity, and have risen the bar for my anticipated Revengeance run.

Finished off Armstrong last night, laying into him with Stinger and Chun-Li kicks with the Blade Mode cancel to back me up. Like every fight in this game (and most good action games), it becomes so much more enjoyable once you know what you're doing.

Started the Sam DLC on Revengeance, as I need another fix of that bastard and his shit-eating grin.

Got destroyed by Bladewolf very quickly multiple times, before eventually clobbering him with full health intact. Thank you, based perfect parry.

Currently wrestling with 3 Gekkos at once under the sakura tree... hooh boy.
Dude, I know anyone could have told me that, but you're a legend. Thank you.
You saved my Very Hard run, my controller, my sanity, and have risen the bar for my anticipated Revengeance run.

Finished off Armstrong last night, laying into him with Stinger and Chun-Li kicks with the Blade Mode cancel to back me up. Like every fight in this game (and most good action games), it becomes so much more enjoyable once you know what you're doing.

Started the Sam DLC on Revengeance, as I need another fix of that bastard and his shit-eating grin.

Got destroyed by Bladewolf very quickly multiple times, before eventually clobbering him with full health intact. Thank you, based perfect parry.

Currently wrestling with 3 Gekkos at once under the sakura tree... hooh boy.

Taunt -> EMP grenade and go ham


Santa May Claus
Dude, I know anyone could have told me that, but you're a legend. Thank you.
You saved my Very Hard run, my controller, my sanity, and have risen the bar for my anticipated Revengeance run.

Finished off Armstrong last night, laying into him with Stinger and Chun-Li kicks with the Blade Mode cancel to back me up. Like every fight in this game (and most good action games), it becomes so much more enjoyable once you know what you're doing.

Started the Sam DLC on Revengeance, as I need another fix of that bastard and his shit-eating grin.

Got destroyed by Bladewolf very quickly multiple times, before eventually clobbering him with full health intact. Thank you, based perfect parry.

Currently wrestling with 3 Gekkos at once under the sakura tree... hooh boy.

The Sam DLC in general is way harder than the main game. It's less forgiving and the enemies are more aggressive. I would say that the Sam Normal mode is about the same level of difficulty as Raiden Very Hard. Sam also does very little damage unless you get his Y (or Triangle)-combo enders while enemies are in Rage mode (taunted). It's awesome that you took down Blade Wolf for the first time with a No Damage bonus, though!

Air perfect parry is definitely one way to quickly take care of the Geckos. It's been a while, but I know that was the case with Raiden, anyway.


The only thing I don't like about parrying is that I'm awful at deciding what direction the attack is coming from. Apparently you have to be very exact to get it to come out.


For some reason, I was utter shit at parrying until I played the PC version with a gamepad that swapped the locations of X and Y. It just seems so much more natural with that configuration.


Unconfirmed Member
Taunt -> EMP grenade and go ham
For some reason I never think to use the nades... Squeaked through this fight with a couple of lucky parries, but thanks :) I will definitely start using the taunt more.

The Sam DLC in general is way harder than the main game. It's less forgiving and the enemies are more aggressive. I would say that the Sam Normal mode is about the same level of difficulty as Raiden Very Hard. Sam also does very little damage unless you get his Y (or Triangle)-combo enders while enemies are in Rage mode (taunted). It's awesome that you took down Blade Wolf for the first time with a No Damage bonus, though!

Air perfect parry is definitely one way to quickly take care of the Geckos. It's been a while, but I know that was the case with Raiden, anyway.
Lol, it was definitely not the first time against Blade Wolf. He destroyed me many times but I eventually got the hang of it. I'm now on Armstrong and it's a tough slog. I'll try taunting as I'm going for that no-damage trophy anyway. Kinda dreading the helicopter throwing segment, though, as I rushed through and didn't grab any upgrades...


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
GAF i need your help. i just got the game and redeemed the code for grey fox skin. so how do i activate it? i dont see any option.

also what is zandatsu?
IIRC, you still have to purchase bonus costumes in the Customize Menu, where you upgrade weapons and stuff.

Zandatsu is when you slice open an enemy and grab their energy core. It fully replenishes your health/fuel, and also increases your battle score.


i just bought this game on gamestop because of the sale and what a mess of a game it is. i went to change the game to full screen and it crashes. i downloaded the forcefix app which fixes that problem and then i proceeded to change the graphics settings to high and it crashes again. i'm still looking for a solution. anybody here have a solution.

edit; this is for steam btw.
Just started playing this game recently. Loving pretty much everything about it (except some occasional camera issues)!

I started the game on hard. Have had a bit of trouble with parrying. Is it true that the parry window is much shorter on hard? Would it be worth restarting on normal just so that I can get better at parrying? I like the mechanic, and would enjoy doing it more. However, It hasn't been extremely challenging on Hard yet, though, and I don't want to the game to be too easy.
Just started playing this game recently. Loving pretty much everything about it (except some occasional camera issues)!

I started the game on hard. Have had a bit of trouble with parrying. Is it true that the parry window is much shorter on hard? Would it be worth restarting on normal just so that I can get better at parrying? I like the mechanic, and would enjoy doing it more. However, It hasn't been extremely challenging on Hard yet, though, and I don't want to the game to be too easy.

It's fairly generous, and if you parry when you see the red eye/orange glow it'll atleast be a block (with notable exceptions for various gorilla moves and the GRAD attacks). With a bit of observation it tends not to be a problem to get consistent parries, and camera manipulation ends up being the actual difficult part of the game past a certain point. I wouldn't recommend normal if you're not having a hard time, it might end up being way too easy.
It's fairly generous, and if you parry when you see the red eye/orange glow it'll atleast be a block (with notable exceptions for various gorilla moves and the GRAD attacks). With a bit of observation it tends not to be a problem to get consistent parries, and camera manipulation ends up being the actual difficult part of the game past a certain point. I wouldn't recommend normal if you're not having a hard time, it might end up being way too easy.

Thanks for the advice! I'll keep practicing and stay on hard for now.
Oh my god, I love how this game gives literally zero shits about being as ridiculous as possible. Every cutscene is just deliciously over the top.

Having so much fun with the combat system, too. Just fought Monsoon -- love how that fight seems pretty dedicated to helping you learn to parry better. (Wish it would have been earlier because of that.) I'm already feeling much more confident about parrying. The way the fight worked in the fog was brilliant, as the parry timing coincided almost exactly with when he would become visible. Really helped me nail the timing down.

Also, anybody have any tips about getting out of grabs and such? I do the whole "tilt the left analog stick left and right really fast" thing, but I seem to only get out of them about 1/3rd of the time. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Oh my god, I love how this game gives literally zero shits about being as ridiculous as possible. Every cutscene is just deliciously over the top.

Having so much fun with the combat system, too. Just fought Monsoon -- love how that fight seems pretty dedicated to helping you learn to parry better. (Wish it would have been earlier because of that.) I'm already feeling much more confident about parrying. The way the fight worked in the fog was brilliant, as the parry timing coincided almost exactly with when he would become visible. Really helped me nail the timing down.

Also, anybody have any tips about getting out of grabs and such? I do the whole "tilt the left analog stick left and right really fast" thing, but I seem to only get out of them about 1/3rd of the time. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

You need to evade Yellow moves, as those are unblockable. Make sure you upgrade that as a ton of encounters later on are pretty impossible without it. Move escapes become more difficult to do the more times you get hit by them in an encounter, and I think they become impossible to escape on the third or fourth time, though I don't remember exactly. It's mainly an issue with Mastiff grabs or the Monsoon chest stabbings, because no other enemy uses those moves that often.
You need to evade Yellow moves, as those are unblockable. Make sure you upgrade that as a ton of encounters later on are pretty impossible without it. Move escapes become more difficult to do the more times you get hit by them in an encounter, and I think they become impossible to escape on the third or fourth time, though I don't remember exactly. It's mainly an issue with Mastiff grabs or the Monsoon chest stabbings, because no other enemy uses those moves that often.

Hm, thanks. I'll practice my dodging.
Beat the game last week. Trying to decide whether to do VR missions, replay on Very Hard, or do the DLC first. Did a tiny bit of the Slipstream Sam DLC and I like how he controls, so I may do that first.


VR missions are awful. Do them if you must, but don't force yourself to get the best ranking, you might end up resenting the entire game. :p
VR missions are awful. Do them if you must, but don't force yourself to get the best ranking, you might end up resenting the entire game. :p

Haha, thanks for the warning. I might run through the "destroy all enemies" ones just because I enjoy the combat. I looked at some of the random stealth or weird mechanic ones, which looked rather boring to me.


Seeing as I've always hated VR missions in Metal Gear, I would've had no incentive to do any of the ones in MGR if not for the main 20 requiring the best rank to unlock the HF Long Sword (which is more of a bragging rights/completionist reward than anything essential).
Finally got around to playing this.
Wow , what a stellar game.

The parrying is so satisfying.

They somehow managed to make raiden into a badass, and the bossfights and cutscenes are so over the top.
I thought I was too old for this type of over the top trying to be a badass thing but this game pulls it off perfectly.

Even the codec conversations are great and really really interesting.
Ironically this is the game that explained much of mgs2 and 4 to me in a way that makes sense, while the jibberish nanomachines crap of mgs4 made my eyes glaze over.

10/10 game, I hope there is a sequel by platinum, I'll be there on launch week this time.
I don't mean to start shit, but are the bosses in this game good? What's the consensus?
I beat this game when it came out and I hated the bosses. They were really difficult.
And I say this as someone who enjoyed Bayonetta, DMC3/4, and the GoW games. I like the genre and I like the challenge, but I found the bosses in this game annoying and sometimes even infuriating.

Was I just playing it wrong?
I also never fully got parrying. I'm one of those whiners that wish it was an actual button.
I don't mean to start shit, but are the bosses in this game good? What's the consensus?
I beat this game when it came out and I hated the bosses. They were really difficult.
And I say this as someone who enjoyed Bayonetta, DMC3/4, and the GoW games. I like the genre and I like the challenge, but I found the bosses in this game annoying and sometimes even infuriating.

Was I just playing it wrong?
I also never fully got parrying. I'm one of those whiners that wish it was an actual button.
Once you "get" parrying, you'll enjoy the bosses so much more.


Santa May Claus
I don't mean to start shit, but are the bosses in this game good? What's the consensus?
I beat this game when it came out and I hated the bosses. They were really difficult.
And I say this as someone who enjoyed Bayonetta, DMC3/4, and the GoW games. I like the genre and I like the challenge, but I found the bosses in this game annoying and sometimes even infuriating.

Was I just playing it wrong?
I also never fully got parrying. I'm one of those whiners that wish it was an actual button.

If you're not really understanding the parrying, you're literally not playing the same game. I'm not even exaggerating.

I put some tips to parrying in here for people starting out:

But yeah, it's a central mechanic. The entire game revolves around it.
I think I've done a full 180 on this game since I bought it and beat it twice. I think I like this more than Bayonetta, which is saying a lot.

Anyways, when Armstrong throws shit at you in the last fight, is there a trick to slicing that stuff? Half the time I do it wrong, so I just avoid it altogether and run away before those things hit me. Id like to do it right.

Also, is there a way to skip the credits that I dont know about?


Anyways, when Armstrong throws shit at you in the last fight, is there a trick to slicing that stuff? Half the time I do it wrong, so I just avoid it altogether and run away before those things hit me. Id like to do it right.

Make sure that you also move the camera to align the cut properly.
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