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Metal Gear Solid 2 was released 20 years ago


Gold Member
I remember being so impressed by the reveal trailer that i had to buy the magazine with the vhs to show the trailer to everyone, from family to friends of my sister, lol i was obsessed.

People are drunk if they pick this one over mgs4 or 5 (if we talk story) as the worse chapter in the saga.

I liked this one far more than 3 even if 3 is probably the better game.


Although beaten it 21 times, I still can't wrap my head around the prank of playing as pansy Raiden.

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Time went by so fast - I was 23 when MGS2 released.
This game's fantastic narrative has transcended its medium; a prophetic phenomenon.
That said, as much as MGS2 is a Masterpiece, it is also a heavily flawed Masterpiece as a game.
Not all means justify the ends - but that is what Kojima did with MGS2. He's a mad genius with
a chaotic mind who could have done with an editor, to curb some of the extreme aspects within
MGS2 while retaining the original goals he set out to achieve with this game at the same time;

- Big Bland Shell: at best, very mediocre and backtracking-heavy corridor level design. Also, Kojima could have easily rewritten
the story a bit to have a reason for it to look NOT sterile and repetitive. MGS3 proves this point perfectly.
Could have looked more like the British Maunsel seaforts; haunting & brooding; very fitting as a setting of espionage and intrigue.

- Raiden as a plot device works perfectly for the end goal of the MGS2 story, but his character model is atrocious.
Just download the extracted 3D model; the anatomy is simply not human. Solid work from a 3D modeling perspective,
but horrible as a design goal execution (realism? hahaha).
Actually, all MGS2 character models suffer a bit from the wide hips + super small torso syndrome.

- Enemy AI was good, but NOT as god-like as many people think. Remember, you can run past their backs, unheard. Totally deaf.
Also, as any MGS game, the game basically cheats to counter the player as it can throw infinite numbers of insta-spawned guards at you, all with automatics.



I remember being baffled by people caring that you didn't play a Snake, back then I didnt know that scenario is by far the most important thing to me and if a previous player character I love is in a subsequent game but you don't play as them thats not a big deal to me as long as the new player character works well.

Its so insanely quotable and I love the characters, the tone and I love the details.

I think I played the demo for like 6 hours haha, what a game. I love it with all my heart and even though there are some new contenders for favourite game in the last 10 years alone I think I'd still call it my favourite game of all time and the one I'd want to have to play in perpetuity if I could only have one. It could take me over 600 years just to do European Extreme lol.
If this game does get a remake or a remaster, it needs to be handled with the utmost care ever given to a game to revive its franchise. I grew up on Kojima, Capcom and few other Japanse devs. They'll always get the day one purchase from me because they've gving me great games since the Super Nintendo.


If this game does get a remake or a remaster, it needs to be handled with the utmost care ever given to a game to revive its franchise. I grew up on Kojima, Capcom and few other Japanse devs. They'll always get the day one purchase from me because they've gving me great games since the Super Nintendo.
I hope they don't change the graphics much if they remaster it again. I think it still looks good. HD Collection was great because it didn't change how the games looked.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Metal Gear Solid 2 might’ve endured a patchy relationship with players upon launch owing to Hideo Kojima’s bait-and-switch, with pretty boy Raiden emerging as the main playable character instead of widely expected Solid Snake. MGS 2: Sons of Liberty endears with fans though, and that’s thanks in part to the litany of super-cool secrets, and quirky unlockable abilities dotted throughout the game.

Some of the secrets featured on this rundown provide extra detail or immersion for players, whilst others are there for the downright silliness. Regardless, a doffing of the cap towards Kojima and his colleagues at Konami is justified, as most of MGS 2’s secrets probably went undiscovered for many a first-time player.
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