Right guys, I am officially finished for today, will resume tomorrow.
I think taking damage depends on the gun being fired at you. I think one gun took 1/4 of my life away. I am playing it on .. uhh, Solid Normal I think it was. I think it's challenging enough seeing as it's my first time round playing it. It's the default for euro/US gamers.
It's hard to say. There are definatly tons of WTF moments. I mean, a lot of shit is getting explained, and without resorting to bullshit. Let's just say, today, I have said WTF/HOLY SHIT etc many times today.
There are lots of easter eggs for all the main mgs games that are canon. That's all I will say.
The way i tend to play MGS games at first is to give it a straight play through so i can absorb the story, then replay it again more indepth.
There is tons of freedom, in theory, you can go through an area in 10mins or so, but if you stayed around to mess around or something, you could be there for an hour perhaps. There's lots of fun to be had, and i'm sure i have missed out on a lot of stuff.
Man, in all honesty, i can't fucking wait till you guys get yours. Your reactions will be priceless :lol