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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Acid08 said:
Wait, so the LE box is just that? A box? Not a metal case that hold the disk? It's just the SE and the other case in a fucking box? WTF :(

Yeah, it's just a regular edition box in there with an added case for the bonus stuff. I'm getting the regular edition, as a result.


Acid08 said:
I thought it would be made of metal or some shit. Or at least the LE version of the game has it's own cover.

I assume that the line on the art is where it opens, and that it's a metal case. For freaking $84.99 it's going to be metal. I'll report back tomorrow if I see it tomorrow :D


Acid08 said:
I thought it would be made of metal or some shit. Or at least the LE version of the game has it's own cover.

The LE box has it's own cover, the game case itself is the same as the standard edition.


Guled said:
i'm sure that its a tin case
It's not. If it was, they would have advertised the hell out of that fact. The description never mentions any kind of metallic/tin case. It only says it features "collectible packaging with exclusive artwork" by Shinkawa.


The thing that pisses me off most is the disc. They have ALL THAT NEGATIVE SPACE on the lower right, yet the put all the fugly logo's on Snakes face. WTF?!

BTW, anyone noticed MGS4 has way more hype than pretty much all of E3?


The case could probably be some type of plastic. The way the lid opens on a slant would lead you to believe that. If it was just a box it would just have a lid at the top.


tha_con said:
The LE box has it's own cover, the game case itself is the same as the standard edition.
That's what I meant. I wish that the game case itself had LE boxart as well as the outer box.
Today I went to Gamestop here in Phoenix, AZ and low and behold two teenage Mexican boys are trying to trade in a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4. I overheard the clerk explaining to them that the game has not been officially released so they couldn't accept it. As I continued to eavesdrop, I heard that the game was from the bundle purchased in Nogales, AZ which is very close to Mexico. The clerk then proceeded to negotiate a deal for the game. The Mexican boys wanted $300 for the game and after the clerk couldn't find an ATM nearby, the last thing I heard before I left was that he was going to buy any game that the boys wanted. So I guess there is another lucky individual who will be playing MGS4 tonight while the rest of us are left to wait until Thursday.
Acid08 said:
That's what I meant. I wish that the game case itself had LE boxart as well as the outer box.

Too bad there's no chance of a Subsistance type rerelease. I always liked the box art on those.

cannoli2006 said:
Today I went to Gamestop here in Phoenix, AZ and low and behold two teenage Mexican boys are trying to trade in a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4. I overheard the clerk explaining to them that the game has not been officially released so they couldn't accept it. As I continued to eavesdrop, I heard that the game was from the bundle purchased in Nogales, AZ which is very close to Mexico. The clerk then proceeded to negotiate a deal for the game. The Mexican boys wanted $300 for the game and after the clerk couldn't find an ATM nearby, the last thing I heard before I left was that he was going to buy any game that the boys wanted. So I guess there is another lucky individual who will be playing MGS4 tonight while the rest of us are left to wait until Thursday.

$300 for what will be $60 in 3-4 days. That's just dumb. I hope the clerk came to his senses after the game lust subsided.


Choke on the Magic said:
Too bad there's no chance of a Subsistance type rerelease. I always liked the box art on those.

$300 for what will be $60 in 3-4 days. That's just dumb. I hope the clerk came to his senses after the game lust subsided.
Why's there no chance of that? The rerelease sounds like a sure thing.


Once And Future Member
twinturbo2 said:
My first thought was, if Blu-ray is so good, then why does MGS4 need to install 4.6 GB worth of data on my PS3 HDD??? :kittonwyindifferent.jpg:
It doesn't need to, it does it to improve the flow of the game by decreasing mid-level loads. By the way, one question mark is enough. :lol

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Here's MGS4 review made by out own TTP for the Italian magazine PS Mania 3 - not the whole review actually, but the beginning and the end where he talks more about the impression the game left on him. Left out are parts where goes in detail about the controls, Drebin points, Octocamo functionality and Online, but there are still some general gameplay impressions in there. The original Italian text was translated through Google Translator and then cleaned up (a lot) by me, and then him to make sure the essence of the original is somewhat preserved. Not an easy task to be sure, as I hardly speak a few words of Italian, but I tried to keep it in line with what I thought the original intent was. TTP has still told me however, that most of the beauty of his work was lost in translation :D
Anyways, here it goes:


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

The war has changed. War is now a business. This is the premise central to the monologue spoken in the hoarse and deep voice of Snake, that marks the first moments of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

We are in an unspecified theater of war in Middle East. A caravan of trucks carries soldiers to the battle, all silent as they approach the slaughterhouse. A sad and heartbreaking song accompanies the scene of their inevitable demise, while we see their expressionless faces, partially covered with scarves. Among them, a man veiled in a tunic, with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, his hands covered by the gray gloves of the Octocamo suit. It's Snake. And the cigarette is not even lit yet. It’s almost impossible to believe, but the endless wait has come to an end. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, a chapter that concludes the saga of Metal Gear, and a reason to buy the console it’s on for many, has ceased to be a distant mirage, and became a reality - the kind that can be pressed on a Blu-Ray disc, at least. It’s out there, on the shops shelves, available in return for a few dozen euros, just as any other consumer product. And here we are to review it, just as any other game. But we know that it is not just as any other. Beyond its commercial importance for Konami on one side, and Sony and its PS3 business on the other, MGS4 means much more to Hideo Kojima and fans of Solid Snake alike. For the former, it represents the completion of a project worth well 21 years of work. Ever since entering Konami, he practically dedicated his life to Snake. For the latter, it’s the answer to all the questions, the moment of absolute truth - and a farewell. And finally: is it really the grand finale that we all wanted it to be? The common sense makes us keep silent on the story details, so keep reading without fear, but we can at least tell you that the old Snake earned his dismissal with all the honors. MGS4 is undoubtedly the best chapter in the saga. Epic, galvanizing, moving. And that was, frankly, to be expected. It goes away with a bang. What we didn't expect is what really sets MGS4 apart from the previous chapters, what makes it unique from the other entries in the series. Albeit hardly repetitive, the previous MGS games were all about offering stealth gameplay mechanics in different contexts, adding layers upon layers of new possibilities and techniques episode by episode. Progressing through any one of those episodes, you'd go through different settings and tougher challenge rather than different mechanics. You were getting a new area, and a new set of guards to overcome. Nothing wrong with that, but MGS4 is different. In MGS4 the surprises keep coming. Without going into specifics, what initially seemed to be the conceptual pivot point of the game (and by this, we refer to the idea of war standing between different factions and Snake being free to decide whether and how to participate), instead of being developed further during the adventure, vanishes at around 1/3 of the game to make room for other things… The skirmishes between rebels and soldiers of private military companies (PMC) rage only through Middle Eastern and South American stages of your journey, offering room for a lot of experimentation and creating a setting (the theatre of an ongoing war) for the new series of events, but does not create consequences that affect things beyond the above mentioned environments. In fact, it’s only once their boundaries expire, that the game takes a turning point. And what a turning point it is. If you think that the final hours of MGS3 were exciting and unique, just wait to find out what MGS4 has in store for you. And not only during it’s finale, but for a much larger portion of its time. It’s hard to even count the number of times we felt like some drug addicts, high on enthusiasm, in need of running to the nearest open window, so that we can shout out our love to Kojima. Sitting there on the sofa, as tense as a violin strings, biting our lips, so arrested are we by the events we play through, that we start seriously thinking about devouring MGS4 in a single marathon session, resisting hunger, sleep and all the natural urges for over 20 hours necessary to get to the ending credits. And the beauty of it is, that after this is done, you’ll probably feel the urge to immediately dive back in, exploring the game in depth, testing the new tactics, discovering the myriad of its secrets and the thousand facets of its gameplay that knows no repetition. Like the previous Metal Gear Solid games, the last chapter in the saga is so rich with content that it requires more than one play-through to digest everything. This time however, and not by a small margin, the pleasure to get deeper into Kojima’s work is made even more delicious by the new control system, which alone makes the experience infinitely better. Despite his decaying physical condition, the old Snake has never been so agile. If in past games the armed conflicts were like a prelude to your death, all because of clunkiness of a control system designed to serve other purposes better, in MGS4 you feel like Snake can actually make it alive. And he can do it with a confidence typical of a war veteran. However, the enemy soldiers’ newfound aggressiveness (and their continuous reinforcements once alarmed), still discourages the open conflict, but at least this time the outcome of that conflict is not already etched in stone - and that’s before even including the new element found in the economics of Drebin Points (more on that later). Above all, it is thanks to its superior controls that MGS4 can afford to defy the formula of the original game in so many different ways, without ever defying itself. Action and stealth are performed in equal quantities and with uniform quality. It can afford to support its awesome boss fights, the frightening encounters with bipedal Gekkos robots, the disorienting shootouts among the acrobatics of Liquid’s private army units, as much as it can support the cautious exploration of highly guarded areas, and the systematic torture of those patrolling them. That’s without even mentioning the positive impact this has on multiplayer with Metal Gear Online, which is included in the disc (more information on this in the “Online” section).


*Control scheme, Solid Eye, Octocamo, Drebin Points system and other stuff explained*


But the most precious secret hidden within MGS4 is obviously something else. It's the truth about the Patriots. Who are they? Where do they come from? What do they want? And everything is explained. Each plot-node dissolved once and for all. Kojima has not compromised, the game has its necessary amount of cut scenes, long dialogues, "summaries of previous events." While on one hand you could criticize this abundance of relatively passive moments, on the other hand you cannot help but be amazed by the excellence of Kojima’s direction, that has never been so inspired. Indeed, in many cases it offers the emotional charge to properly experience the following gameplay sections. Another thing from the previous games to be put to a well deserved rest, the Codec conversations are practically non-existent (to the point that the codec itself is almost redundant) and this time you can also pause cutscenes, in case you need to deal with urgent matters that may force you to move away from the screen. This last feature is all the more welcome since you can actually interact with the cutscenes, either by adjusting the zoom of the camera (or maneuver around freely in the case of briefing sequences), activating Snake’s point of view by pressing L1, or playing the memories sequences with the X button, when indicated. Even though MGS4’s story can be appreciated by newcomers to Kojima’s epic, only those who witnessed the previous events of Snake’s life first hand will enjoy it fully. Only those who were with him all these years will find a stronger meaning to the events which will mark his final mission - a meaning more intimate, personal, and moving - something hidden between the wrinkles of Snake’s past. Is it a game made for the fans? It definitely is, and it could not be otherwise. Is it a best action game of the year? Definitely, and anyone will be able to appreciate this. Serious about its contemporary themes, but nevertheless rich with jokes and self-irony, clinically realistic in its looks, and yet blatantly game in its substance, MGS4 is much more than just a remarkable entry to the stealth genre. This episode in the series best fits the description that some years ago started accompanying its title: "Tactical Espionage Action". It dares to be more - MGS4 is what happens when a game excels in its every aspect, without compromises, realizing its potential fully. A joy to see. Fun to play. Intellectually stimulating. Emotionally touching. It has everything. Which makes the wondering about the future of the series an even harder pill to swallow. Is it really over? The idea of Konami accepting a future without Metal Gear seems unlikely. The universe is too rich to be left aside. But for Kojima, Snake’s chapter of this story appears to be closed for good. And strangely enough, we feel sad despite being happy. A little like waving bye to a dearest of friends who departs for his dream destination. For Snake, this destination is that of a myth. The hero has become a legend.

SOUND: 4.5
FINAL VERDICT: 5.0 out of 5.0


Choke on the Magic said:
Kojima said it wouldn't happen.... but then again he's said that before. Besides, I'd buy it again.
Didn't he say he wouldn't even work on MGS3 or 4? I'm confident there will be one.
Ok some news guys. It's a bit awkward ;p

The game has install per act right. How it works is after the initial install, it installs for about 2-3 mins before each act right. Obviously sounds fine when you play it all the way through for the first time.

Problem is, it looks like, if you want to randomly play different acts, based on saves you have, you need to do a 2-3 minute install each time you want to play a different act.

I really don't understand how it works, but it seems to cache files.. I wish they could just install the entire thing.. hmph


Once And Future Member
I forgot to ask dabookerman but which difficulty did you choose and how did you find it? Liquid Easy for speed I'm assuming, but maybe not?
dabookerman said:
Ok some news guys. It's a bit awkward ;p

The game has install per act right. How it works is after the initial install, it installs for about 2-3 mins before each act right. Obviously sounds fine when you play it all the way through for the first time.

Problem is, it looks like, if you want to randomly play different acts, based on saves you have, you need to do a 2-3 minute install each time you want to play a different act.

I really don't understand how it works, but it seems to cache files.. I wish they could just install the entire thing.. hmph

So does it actually go to the XMB during the install in between chapters?
canoli2006 said:

You sir, have the greatest avatar ever...

But yeah, why would anyone pay $300 to play a couple days early? those guys must be dumb for thinking theyd get that
Sage00 said:
I forgot to ask dabookerman but which difficulty did you choose and how did you find it? Liquid Easy for speed I'm assuming, but maybe not?

I chose Solid Normal I think it was. I died lots of times, I think I died over 40 times in total lol.
It is tough at points.

Choke on the Magic said:
So does it actually go to the XMB during the install in between chapters?

No. Just goes to the install screen in game.
dabookerman said:
Ok some news guys. It's a bit awkward ;p

The game has install per act right. How it works is after the initial install, it installs for about 2-3 mins before each act right. Obviously sounds fine when you play it all the way through for the first time.

Problem is, it looks like, if you want to randomly play different acts, based on saves you have, you need to do a 2-3 minute install each time you want to play a different act.

I really don't understand how it works, but it seems to cache files.. I wish they could just install the entire thing.. hmph
Well, its basically a very long loading time, if you have to go through this procedure everytime you to choose to play one or another act. :I


Once And Future Member
The Wispy Scoundrel said:
It's kinda ironic that Kojima would talk about Blu Ray being so superior in the codec conversation, despite the game installs taking up to three minutes at a time- about as long as it would take to change a DVD in the first place.
It's nothing to do with Blu-Ray. 2x BD read times are pretty much the same as 12x DL-DVD, and even faster at peak. This is a separate choice that was made due to the large hard drives being there.


Can we confirm that the MGS4 YouTube topic in OT wasn't a real spoiler? I'm guessing it was a phony one, but you never know. Ack, you guys better not read it, just in case.


butthurt Heat fan
Sage00 said:
It doesn't need to, it does it to improve the flow of the game by decreasing mid-level loads. By the way, one question mark is enough. :lol
Oh, it's all right. I'm sure that we can handle this situation maturely, just like the responsible adults that we are. Isn't that right, Mr. Poopy Pants?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
There are no spilers in that review guys. Almost all the trailers have said this is Snake's last mission, and that's the only possible spoiler you can get out of this review. It doesn't say in any way, why this is his last mission though.
Sage00 said:
It's nothing to do with Blu-Ray. 2x BD read times are pretty much the same as 12x DL-DVD, and even faster at peak. This is a separate choice that was made due to the large hard drives being there.
I'm pretty sure that there are games that have total longer load times over 5 or so hours of playtime than MGS4.


Marconelly said:
There are no spilers in that review guys. Almost all the trailers have said this is Snake's last mission, and that's the only possible spoiler you can get out of this review. It doesn't say in any way, why this is his last mission though.
Still, you just don't post long ass reviews like that. Post the link.


Once And Future Member
twinturbo2 said:
Oh, it's all right. I'm sure that we can handle this situation maturely, just like the responsible adults that we are. Isn't that right, Mr. Poopy Pants?
Of course it is. ;)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Acid08 said:
Still, you just don't post long ass reviews like that. Post the link.
Why not, I have the approval of the person who wrote it? And I don't have a link, the translation file is on my HDD.


Lost all credibility.
I don't think PS3 games having to install has anything to do with Blu-Ray, because even downloaded demos have to be installed.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
LOL, you people would spend $85 just for the game box alone to be different?
I thought it would be for the 2 hours of behind the scenes stuff and the music but whatever....
Reznor said:
Can we confirm that the MGS4 YouTube topic in OT wasn't a real spoiler? I'm guessing it was a phony one, but you never know. Ack, you guys better not read it, just in case.

I cant confirm it, but in all honesty, just assume a spoiler. At worst, you discover it during the game. At best, its fake. Just dont believe whatever you've read...


Have a fun! Enjoy!
dabookerman said:
Ok some news guys. It's a bit awkward ;p

The game has install per act right. How it works is after the initial install, it installs for about 2-3 mins before each act right. Obviously sounds fine when you play it all the way through for the first time.

Problem is, it looks like, if you want to randomly play different acts, based on saves you have, you need to do a 2-3 minute install each time you want to play a different act.

I really don't understand how it works, but it seems to cache files.. I wish they could just install the entire thing.. hmph

Someone at Konami lied to me. Not good.


dabookerman said:
Ok some news guys. It's a bit awkward ;p

The game has install per act right. How it works is after the initial install, it installs for about 2-3 mins before each act right. Obviously sounds fine when you play it all the way through for the first time.

Problem is, it looks like, if you want to randomly play different acts, based on saves you have, you need to do a 2-3 minute install each time you want to play a different act.

I really don't understand how it works, but it seems to cache files.. I wish they could just install the entire thing.. hmph

No way to permanently install everything? So it's more like a load/cache rather than an install. Sucks...
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