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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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I picked up MGS4 LE last night at GS. I haven't played MGS1 since it came out and never played MGS2 or MGS3. I am planning on replaying 1 and playing 2 and 3 before I play MGS4.

How long (hours) do the other MGS games take to beat?
HOLY SHIT!!! I have it!!! I can't believe it!!! WOOO HEATH WARNINGS :lol It's installing now. I have to worst luck though. I was all excited to go and hopped in the car and we're off. along the way I was stuck behind some old guy in a shitbox car doing 40KM/h in a 60KM/h zone for most of the way...I get the game, and on the way back, I'm stuck behind someone learning to drive (Driving school car)...GAH!

Double D

Big Papa Husker said:
I picked up MGS4 LE last night at GS. I haven't played MGS1 since it came out and never played MGS2 or MGS3. I am planning on replaying 1 and playing 2 and 3 before I play MGS4.

How long (hours) do the other MGS games take to beat?

That's some willpower there. The only other MGS game I've played is 2, and I barely remember anything from it. That being said, I just read a bunch of recaps and dove into 4.
I know I am late to the party, but this is one of the greatest threads I have ever seen on any message forum. I love it. Thanks so much to the OP for all the hard work, it had to take hours.

Oni Jazar

garath said:
For those that have it, is the Dual Shock 3 a 'must have' for MGS4? How much does it add to the experience?

It's hard for me to say 'must have' for something like rumble, but it is BY FAR (I'm talking lightyears) the best implementation if rumble I have ever felt. If you handed me the Dual Shock 3 for the first time with MGS4 I would have said it was using next gen rumble. :)


I seriously just played from 12:30am till about 10am (I slept way too much yesterday, but I'm finally tired now) and that's the longest that I've gamed in a long time. This game is insaaaaaaanely good.


Hey guys, I want to get MGS4 soon, but I've only beaten MGS1 and MPO so far. I'm playing MGS2 now (3 hours in), and I have MGS3 sitting on the shelf.

Should I:

1. Stop playing MGS2 and get MGS4 immediately

2. Beat MGS2 and then play MGS4

3. Beat MGS2 AND MGS3, and then play MGS4




I woke up too early! >_<

My GameStop doesn't open for a another 2 1/2 hours... WHY LAWD!? Why must you make me wait dis much longa!?!
Quick question seeing as I can't pick this up until after work today.

Does the US regular edition have alternate art printed on the reverse of the standard art? That Old Snake render is so ugly. If yes, what's the alt art?


theBishop said:
Hey guys, I want to get MGS4 soon, but I've only beaten MGS1 and MPO so far. I'm playing MGS2 now, and I have MGS3 sitting on the shelf.

Should I:

1. Stop playing MGS2 and get MGS4 immediately

2. Beat MGS2 and then play MGS4

3. Beat MGS2 AND MGS3, and then play MGS4


imo, beat mgs2 and mgs3. every tiny detail will make sense and every WTF moment will be so much better


theBishop said:
Hey guys, I want to get MGS4 soon, but I've only beaten MGS1 and MPO so far. I'm playing MGS2 now (3 hours in), and I have MGS3 sitting on the shelf.

Should I:

1. Stop playing MGS2 and get MGS4 immediately

2. Beat MGS2 and then play MGS4

3. Beat MGS2 AND MGS3, and then play MGS4



theBishop said:
Hey guys, I want to get MGS4 soon, but I've only beaten MGS1 and MPO so far. I'm playing MGS2 now (3 hours in), and I have MGS3 sitting on the shelf.

Should I:

1. Stop playing MGS2 and get MGS4 immediately

2. Beat MGS2 and then play MGS4

3. Beat MGS2 AND MGS3, and then play MGS4
number 3 is the correct answer


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Got my PS3 MGS4 pack yesterday night, yeah I waited on line... there weren't too many people there, only 3 other people were picking up the console/game combo. One dude had a Ryo Hazuki shirt on, another guy had a Fox Hound tattoo... I also saw a lot of people with Metallica and Slayer shirts, what's with videogame nerds and 80's metal? I asked some of the other people what games I should get with my PS3 and they were all like "all the other games suck"
I might pick up Folklore and Uncharted eventually, when I'm done with MGS

So yeah, now I'm at work and it's pissing me off b/c I wanna be home so bad and playing... this day is gonna go by SOOOO SLOOOOOW!!! Gonna play all this weekend too.


Scored my copy from a local mom&pop after the closest EB said they only had pre-order copies. Now I'm stuck at work for at least 2-4 more hours, though.
DarkUSS said:
MGS4 is officially out... so what was the surprise for people who bought it today?

I was shocked that while the game was installing I actually made this:


Honestly tho I was shocked on how fuckin incredible the graphics were. I knew it was gonna be good, but some of the shit looked damn near CGI. I can't wait to beat it just to play it over again. Only played it for 3.5 hours and it's already the greatest game ever created. If I didn't have to work, I would still be up playing right now :(


theBishop said:
Hey guys, I want to get MGS4 soon, but I've only beaten MGS1 and MPO so far. I'm playing MGS2 now, and I have MGS3 sitting on the shelf.

Should I:

1. Stop playing MGS2 and get MGS4 immediately

2. Beat MGS2 and then play MGS4

3. Beat MGS2 AND MGS3, and then play MGS4


I forced my brother to do option 3. I was recommending option 2, but I thought he should experience the evolution of the series and get to know some of the older characters. It also gives further explanation to who The Patriots were.


rod said:
imo, beat mgs2 and mgs3. every tiny detail will make sense and every WTF moment will be so much better

I was thinking maybe beating MPO would get me up to speed on the MGS3 stuff since its a direct sequel. But I don't know.

EDIT: What about the Special Edition? Is it worth $30 more?

I got the last 80gig bundle, the collector's edition of the game, and the only copy of the collector's edition guide at my local GS. Made out like a bandito and pissed off a bunch of people in the back of the line. Now I just have to wait another 4 hours until I get off work to play it...The suspense is mind-bottling...

Safe Bet

Zeke said:
number 3 is the correct answer

Although I'd like to see some opinions of MGS4 from gamers who have never played a MGS game before, imo..

You should play as many previous Metal Gear games as you can before diving into 4.

I guess I shouldn't preach though as I've never played MGS:pO.

DarkUSS said:
MGS4 is officially out... so what was the surprise for people who bought it today?

yeah, good point. Ryan Payton had that super secret surprise for people who bought MGS4, a surprise that not any of the people with the leaked version could spoil

I hope it is not those (SPOILER FREE KINDA) extras you can download from the "Extras" menu.


bdizzle said:
I was shocked that while the game was installing I actually made this:


Honestly tho I was shocked on how fuckin incredible the graphics were. I knew it was gonna be good, but some of the shit looked damn near CGI. I can't wait to beat it just to play it over again. Only played it for 3.5 hours and it's already the greatest game ever created. If I didn't have to work, I would still be up playing right now :(
i like how you have all your change lined up :lol


BruceLeeRoy said:
Quick question to all you sons of bitches :D

I wont have the game till 10 today cause Reno is a damn redneck town but is there spoilers in the Gametrailers review?

A lot of locations are revealed throughout the review, as well as new footage you may not have seen in trailers. If you're a total purist about avoiding spoilers, you shouldn't see it.

[edit] Whoa, I'm super late on that one...This thread is blowing up way too fast for my browser (and reflexes) to catch up.


Girlfriend just picked up my copy of MGS4, it cames with a small "artbook" with Character profiles and stuff, looks very thin.

My local EB was giving away 12" MGS4 figures yesterday at some draw for the launch turns out I won a figure, Raiden, I'll get her to take pictures since I'm out of the country.


Knight77 said:
Can anybody tell me how to give rations (or something else to help) to the militia? Just to get them by my side...
hmm.. fight the PMC mercenaries, the militia men will be more friendly to you.

I think after finishing a battle, you can walk near them and give them rations.


Apparently, no PS3s arrived at any of the Best Buy stores in my area this morning, except for the ones near Detroit that had midnight launches.

So I was able to pick up my LE copy of MGS4 from Gamestop... But I have nothing to play it on. :(



Thank you Best Buy!

There were quite a few people buying the console bundle, including two older couples, (presumably for grandchildren).

This is going to be one hell of a day; even the loading screen is cool. :D
Knight77 said:
Please...anybody knows?
Throw them at the militia men?

I dunno. I would do stuff like that all the time in Snake Eater. Of course, the soldiers would never side with you.

If you're trying to get PMC soldiers with you, well -- from what I hear, that's impossible.


All of this "greatest game ever created" bullshit has to stop right here - especially coming from those who havent played it any longer than 3 hours.
Enjoy the game, get some f**king perspective and then come back with your comments.
Safe Bet said:
Just go up to them and ask them who their favorite NASCAR driver is.

Works every time...


Aw jeez.

plaguis said:
All of this "greatest game ever created" bullshit has to stop right here - especially coming from those who havent played it any longer than 3 hours.
Enjoy the game, get some f**king perspective and then come back with your comments.
Yes. Everyone should do this.


rubso said:
hmm.. fight the PMC mercenaries, the militia men will be more friendly to you.

I think after finishing a battle, you can walk near them and give them rations.

Ok but
if I see someone near to die...injured...I can't help right? I tried almost everything...


what are you guys doing when a button appears in the cutscenes? i noticed the flashbacks are longer when i press the shown button multiple times...


Oni Jazar said:
I would guess that we will see on the PSN update at 6PM EST.
It wouldn't be more stuff for Snake's in-game iPod, would it?

I'm fucking enjoying this game beyond no other. There is honestly nothing better out on the market or coming in the future. This is THE reason to own a Playstation 3.

I just finished my first boss battle, and defeated
Laughing Octopus
. That fucking ROLL attack killed me like five times The immediately following cutscene kinda made me feel a bit unnerved, and it made me realise that these bitches are definitely crazy =P. As for the boss battle that followed immediately afterwards, wow was not expecting that.
Laughing Beauty
was just as freakish as the previous boss battle, albeit MUCH easier.

Other highlights so far:-

First battle with the FROGs
Meeting Meryl
Discovering Vamp was still alive


In other news though, how the fuck did they make
so much more likeable since we last saw them? Definitely one of my more favourite characters, and HOW FUCKING HOT ARE HER AND

Fuck. Such a good game. Can't get over it. I don't want it to end but I don't want to NOT play either.

Oh yeah, and as I was raiding the
I though, WOW, this would be good online with multiplayer. And guess what! IT'S IN THE GAME TOO>

Absolutely flawless. 10x better than GTA. No, 100000000 times.

BTW, how many acts? I'm too scared of spoilers to wade through this thread.


just got my LE, my impression of it is mostly the same as my initial one when i saw the photos

pretty cheap quality box and printing on the front (shinkawa art) is pretty down there. B/W manual.... WTF? poorly designed box with unnecessary logos (that are already on the game itself) everywhere.

The bonus disc seems to stand out, think that was actually handled and packaged by konami japan

they didnt mention anything about the artbook, so i thought i just ask, and what do you know they have it right behind them. my guess is that they're trying to conserve the amount given, so they just let people walk out without


Knight77 said:
Ok but
if I see someone near to die...injured...I can't help right? I tried almost everything...
I don't think that would apply for rations, but try to do it as in Syringes ( Item ), grab someone "CQC" and press triangle, It might help. still haven't tried to heal injured people, but I only tried to give them rations just after fighting with them against the PMC mercs. :)


plaguis said:
All of this "greatest game ever created" bullshit has to stop right here - especially coming from those who havent played it any longer than 3 hours.
Enjoy the game, get some f**king perspective and then come back with your comments.

What crawled up your ass? :lol
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