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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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SamuraiX- said:
What crawled up your ass? :lol
Nothing man - its just a lot of you are going to look back and this thread and cringe once the dust settles on this one. How in the hell can you call this the greatest game of all time when only playing the first couple acts?
Stop acting like dumbass fanboys, enjoy the damn game, take it in its stride and then make outlandish claims once you have FINISHED it.
GS clerk: You want to pick up the strategy guide? Its 10% off!
Me: No thanks.
GS Clerk:You will need it this game is HARD!

LOL @ those guys.

-Picked up LE edition w/artbook.
SamuraiX- said:
What crawled up your ass? :lol
Logic? People unrealistically estimate things all the time. He's basically just saying that people should take their time to formulate an opinion.

I mean, it's not like he's saying the game is bad - or anything. I'm sure the game is brilliant.


I am multitalented
plaguis said:
All of this "greatest game ever created" bullshit has to stop right here - especially coming from those who havent played it any longer than 3 hours.
Enjoy the game, get some f**king perspective and then come back with your comments.

Especially since the game enters interactive-cinematic mode right from the end of Act 2. Ten hours later, I'm still watching a movie except for some boss battles. I like the story and all, but it's a bit disappointing so far.


plaguis said:
Nothing man - its just a lot of you are going to look back and this thread and cringe once the dust settles on this one. How in the hell can you call this the greatest game of all time when only playing the first couple acts?
Stop acting like dumbass fanboys, enjoy the damn game, take it in its stride and then make outlandish claims once you have FINISHED it.

Haha, dude. In case you haven't noticed, this is the official thread for the game. As long as we're not showing up in other threads and bragging about that I really don't see why the hell you give a shit. Just let people enjoy the game and say whatever they want. Maybe it really is the best game they've ever played, flaws or no flaws.
bdizzle said:
I was shocked that while the game was installing I actually made this:


Honestly tho I was shocked on how fuckin incredible the graphics were. I knew it was gonna be good, but some of the shit looked damn near CGI. I can't wait to beat it just to play it over again. Only played it for 3.5 hours and it's already the greatest game ever created. If I didn't have to work, I would still be up playing right now :(
I haven't had a Twinkie in years. I might have to run down to the store and put some sugar, fat, and yellow dye #5 in me.


snoopers said:
Especially since the game enters interactive-cinematic mode right from the end of Act 2. Ten hours later, I'm still watching a movie except for some boss battles. I like the story and all, but it's a bit disappointing so far.

Please spoiler tag that part about Act 2.


SamuraiX- said:
Haha, dude. In case you haven't noticed, this is the official thread for the game. .
Exactly. I want some more detailed impressions of the game, its gameplay and (as long as they are hidden) plot points... so more of that and less of "OMFG greatest game evar"
plaguis said:
Nothing man - its just a lot of you are going to look back and this thread and cringe once the dust settles on this one. How in the hell can you call this the greatest game of all time when only playing the first couple acts?
Stop acting like dumbass fanboys, enjoy the damn game, take it in its stride and then make outlandish claims once you have FINISHED it.

umm.....what if we are fanboys? I've been a metal gear fanboy from the 1st time i played it on the nes and proud to admit it! so i'll say it again


now stop trying to shit on peoples rations! :D


snoopers said:
Especially since the game enters interactive-cinematic mode right from the end of Act 2. Ten hours later, I'm still watching a movie except for some boss battles. I like the story and all, but it's a bit disappointing so far.

sounds like MGS alright :p


plaguis said:
Exactly. I want some more detailed impressions of the game, its gameplay and (as long as they are hidden) plot points... so more of that and less of "OMFG greatest game evar"

Sorry to be the one to tell you, but you're probably going to hear more of those "OMFG greatest game evar" comments within the next few days rather than actual detailed impressions. You can't expect every person who has maybe just finished the game or are still playing through to give detailed impressions, feedback, and criticism. They're probably still trying to wrap their minds around everything. :lol


djtiesto said:
Got my PS3 MGS4 pack yesterday night, yeah I waited on line... there weren't too many people there, only 3 other people were picking up the console/game combo. One dude had a Ryo Hazuki shirt on, another guy had a Fox Hound tattoo... I also saw a lot of people with Metallica and Slayer shirts, what's with videogame nerds and 80's metal? I asked some of the other people what games I should get with my PS3 and they were all like "all the other games suck"
I might pick up Folklore and Uncharted eventually, when I'm done with MGS

So yeah, now I'm at work and it's pissing me off b/c I wanna be home so bad and playing... this day is gonna go by SOOOO SLOOOOOW!!! Gonna play all this weekend too.

80s metal is the best, man


Damn, people have already surpassed me while I was sleeping. Easy solution to that, I'm canceling sleeping!

Just starting Act III now and it has started off sooo awesome-ly!!! :lol


Why would you come into an official thread just to express how enraged you are that people are enjoying the game


plaguis said:
Any other game and it would be a criticism.

it IS a criticism of MGS4 for everyone except the hardcore fans of the series, who would love it no matter what, which is the same for any big series of games, the fanboys will ignore the flaws.


Anyone else
getting Gillian Seed vibes
in act 3? It was the very first thing I thought when I saw
young Snake in a trench coat.
bdizzle said:
lol it was a long install :(

Not really its 8 minutes. I mean GOW, R6 Vegas, WIC, on the PC all took 10-30 minutes.

Really its not that big a deal and the messages are humorous.

Also does anyone remember back in the day with 10 diskettes to play Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes, Police Quest, Star Trek 25th Anniversary (which took an asslong time to decompress using some old ace algorithm).

Really I just can't understand this whole install issue for any game system. It's one time (and the others are like level loads). I mean I only have 40 gigs, but I really have no hard drive spaces issues. I know people legit do (video files, other games etc), but thats any issue for PC players too. I really think if that is the issue (and you can afford all the games to take up the space) get a larger HD, heck the process seems really easy and Sony even explains the process to you in the manual.

I'm sorry for the OT rant, but the whole install issue has just struck me as a whole a bit silly. I mean the PS3 really is like a comp anyway (especially in terms of its awesome media functions).


I got it! I GOT IT!!!! :D :D :D

I guy in front of me picked up like 20 copies of the LE edition and paid like $1200 in cash...

Oh, install complete. got to go.


lunlunqq said:
I got it! I GOT IT!!!! :D :D :D

I guy in front of me picked up like 20 copies of the LE edition and paid like $1200 in cash...

Oh, install complete. got to go.
I hate when people do that greedy twats


X26 said:
Why would you come into an official thread just to express how enraged you are that people are enjoying the game
Who's enraged? I want to hear MORE about the game - I want detailed impressions so far, not over the top reactionary statements.


lunlunqq said:
I got it! I GOT IT!!!! :D :D :D

I guy in front of me picked up like 20 copies of the LE edition and paid like $1200 in cash...

Oh, install complete. got to go.

What the hell!? You know why he's buying that for :/

1.5 hours left for me....


The Chef said:
2 more hours for me!!!
Oh god! Im shaking! Is this normal???

I'm getting really impatient, actually. :lol

I was supposed to wake up 40 minutes ago, but I woke up 2 hours early instead. >_<

I'm leaving in an hour to go wait outside my GameStop a 1/2 hour early. :D


grandyu said:
just got my LE, my impression of it is mostly the same as my initial one when i saw the photos

pretty cheap quality box and printing on the front (shinkawa art) is pretty down there. B/W manual.... WTF? poorly designed box with unnecessary logos (that are already on the game itself) everywhere.

The bonus disc seems to stand out, think that was actually handled and packaged by konami japan

they didnt mention anything about the artbook, so i thought i just ask, and what do you know they have it right behind them. my guess is that they're trying to conserve the amount given, so they just let people walk out without

Uh, what?

I think the box is very nice. Nice thick cardboard with a hard... some other material for the art. And the bonus disc is just slaped in a generic Blu Ray case, whereas in Japan its in a metal case.

Maybe you're not talking about the US LE?


Wark said:
Anyone else
getting Gillian Seed vibes
in act 3? It was the very first thing I thought when I saw
young Snake in a trench coat.
same here, I thought I was playing the next-gen Snatcher, even when I saw the Pyx in the VAN, I got a flashback of one of the cutscenes in SNATCHER the game, with one of the Snatchers looks like the Pyx

The Chef

SamuraiX- said:
I'm getting really impatient, actually. :lol

I was supposed to wake up 40 minutes ago, but I woke up 2 hours early instead. >_<

I'm leaving in an hour to go wait outside my GameStop a 1/2 hour early. :D

Thanks to my wonderful GameStops I had no midnight launch anywhere - I was tossing all night.

1 hour 37 min...


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
so GAF clans are gonna take a while, have to have 20 hours played and be level 3.


I've got it! I've just finished Act 1.
Took me 4 hours. I fucking love Drebin Points. How awesome is that system.

Right, I'll check back in after Act 2. See you then :D


Well Im feeling well to play it today so just did 20mins and words fail me. Next gen didnt arrive till now as the graphics are incredible. Theirs a intro (interactive I call it) with a stunning battle and beautifull music (got me quite emotional) then it zooms in and you reliase its all ingame. It had a weird intro before the main game of a dance video with loads of people on drugs then an advert for some weird gun (was thinking wtf did I press wrong button lol) then noticed as I reset and started again (checking it upscales to 1080p fine and it does perfectly no blurry vision it even does it by default instead of hacking) you get different intros. When I restarted again I got a video of david hasybert with a eyepatch on and a rendered virtual shoot all the bad guys video before going into the story (vr training but rendered instead of wireframe) after it so looks like it has replay value in what it will show.

Doesnt do 7.1 though. Reciever boasts its doing it but its only doing 5.1 can live with it as that sounds like a epic war movie anyway.

It just looks fantastic and didnt find the controls fiddly (found L1 with crawl and left stick easy to figure to roll left and right for example) as their seems to be no proper training (some weird VR thing but all I had was a load of ghosts to shoot and text to read for what the actions where).

Anyway consider me no longer worried about how it looks and plays it looks like a corker.

If your in pal land like me though get a DS3 imported as its fantastic with it best use yet :)
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Not really its 8 minutes. I mean GOW, R6 Vegas, WIC, on the PC all took 10-30 minutes.

Really its not that big a deal and the messages are humorous.

Also does anyone remember back in the day with 10 diskettes to play Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes, Police Quest, Star Trek 25th Anniversary (which took an asslong time to decompress using some old ace algorithm).

Really I just can't understand this whole install issue for any game system. It's one time (and the others are like level loads). I mean I only have 40 gigs, but I really have no hard drive spaces issues. I know people legit do (video files, other games etc), but thats any issue for PC players too. I really think if that is the issue (and you can afford all the games to take up the space) get a larger HD, heck the process seems really easy and Sony even explains the process to you in the manual.

I'm sorry for the OT rant, but the whole install issue has just struck me as a whole a bit silly. I mean the PS3 really is like a comp anyway (especially in terms of its awesome media functions).

lol i meant long as in i waited 3+ years for the game and the last 8 minutes were the hardest lol. check my post history, ive never made a bad comment about installing a game. i just usually scratch my balls or browse gaf while it's happening.

Doc Evils

This game has the best cutscenes ever. I am mindblown that all the things we have seen in the trailers are realtime.

Game of forever indeed.
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