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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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dabookerman said:
Holy SHIT!

Spoilers if you haven't defeated Act 3 Boss yet
So I am fighting Raging Raven, beat her pretty easy in her beast mode, now she's in beauty mode. I'm looking for the statue, but can't find it, and all of a sudden I'm warped into some empty area.. The Construct..

Anyway, I made a video of what can only be described as the very first boss fight you can actually fap to.
Let's just say, Raging Raven has one heck of an ass.

:lol holy crap
it's like porn


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
30 Minutes until the mall opens here :) MGS4 here I come

I just realized how "simultaneous worldwide release" actually means my timezone gets it nearly last :lol


OT question, on a gamestop receipt it says I was reserve pickup 38...does this mean that I was the 38th to pick up the game today? If so that's good news for MGS4 cause my town is small and that'd = 48 total copies sold on launch


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I've been playing for about 5 hour straight. I cant remember the last time I've played a game for so long in one sitting. I'd carry on playing but the football is on/

I'm still on act 1. I just got upto the bit where
you meet the beauty and the beast crew
The best bit so far is
The fight with the frog unit. That was a lot of fun.
A big part of what makes this game so much fun is the shooting. The shooting mechanics in this are very very good, its a huge improvement over the previous games.


It had a weird intro before the main game of a dance video with loads of people on drugs then an advert for some weird gun (was thinking wtf did I press wrong button lol) then noticed as I reset and started again (checking it upscales to 1080p fine and it does perfectly no blurry vision it even does it by default instead of hacking) you get different intros. When I restarted again I got a video of david hasybert with a eyepatch on and a rendered virtual shoot all the bad guys video before going into the story (vr training but rendered instead of wireframe) after it so looks like it has replay value in what it will show.

Pressing left and right on your controller let you change the channel you were viewing. I spotted a few ads for the PMC companies found in the game. Was pretty cool and gave you a quick context on what everyone else in the world of MGS4 must be seeing.

Currently tracking Naomi >_>

Still a brilliant game. The music is top notch, jsut like a movie.

Oni Jazar

Doc Evils said:
Is anyone else mindblwon by the detail Kojima has put into the uniforms and weapons? Seeing Snake turn off the safety accuratly is INSANE.

Not to mention the shooting mechanics is PERFECT.

I *cracked up* when I saw the soldiers doing their patrols and giving the thumbs up sign signaling that the coast was clear. The way the animation goes is hilarious - (in a serious way). :)


HixxSAFC said:
Pretty big Act 4 spoilers:
Holy shit, just figured out how to kill Vamp after 5 times of getting his health to 0. Sneaky bitch of a game: it took him saying his nanomachines line twice for me to click on. That is absolutely fantastic!

This game is just amazing. Again, big Act 4 spoilers:
my eyes started stinging when the the MGS ending tune played at the heliport. Just wow. I'm such a softie :(
same here ;_;
dark10x said:
Games is awesome thus far (as expected). The intro was completely different from what I expected and totally incredible. Just taking a break for lunch now.

Don't listen to everyone. You can enjoy this without an HDTV. It will still look awesome. You can even adjust the overscan (in order to avoid cutting anything off) and change the size of the icons and such. They clearly took SDTVs into account when creating this game.

That's good to know. So are the bundles limited or are they going to keep producing more? If they're smart, they'll keep on making more.


loves Arcade Sticks
I stayed up playing from 12:30 AM - 4:30 AM... then went to work... so I'm here all day at work until 6 PM....


I got Friday off though. ;D



Well, I started it just before and have played for like an hour, completely awesome so far but I am early on. BUT, one thing, I absolutely suck at this. What's wrong with me?



Quick question, for those past Act 1.

Since when was Meryl Campbell's daughter? I always thought she was his niece, and all the retrospectives kept getting it wrong...:lol


Dever said:
It's pretty amazing considering the amount of MGS fans that got banned in the Penny Arcade thread. :lol
i just checked that thread, thank god I stayed out of it.....strip wasn't funny tho >_>


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I'm still on act 1, but the story has confused me already. Its the bit where
explains that stuff to do with the PMC's. I'm not sure I fully get it. This is what I understood

-Every soldier has an ID. They need this to use guns.
-There's a system in place called SOP that allows soldiers to co-operate.
-The PMCs cant retaliate against the nation that hired them because the system prevents them from firing a gun at their allies.

Is that the gist of it or is there anything else I need to know?


Kastro said:

I'm still crying over the lack of Japanese VA option.

Meryl is revealed as Campbell's daughter in the Otacon ending of MGS1

That explains it. I never gave in to the torture!
psycho_snake said:
I'm still on act 1, but the story has confused me already. Its the bit where
explains that stuff to do with the PMC's. I'm not sure I fully get it. This is what I understood

-Every soldier has an ID. They need this to use guns.
-There's a system in place called SOP that allows soldiers to co-operate.
-The PMCs cant retaliate against the nation that hired them because the system prevents them from firing a gun at their allies.

Is that the gist of it or is there anything else I need to know?

Pretty much, they're basically just robots in a sense. Leaders have complete control over them.

Oni Jazar

Ok while I sit here at work counting the seconds to go back to this game I have a question:

What difficulty level should I start at? I've played through MGS1, MGS2, & MGS3 and beaten them all twice individually. Is the hard mode frustrating enough to just picked the "skilled" difficulty or should I just go balls to the wall?


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Lakitu said:
Well, I started it just before and have played for like an hour, completely awesome so far but I am early on. BUT, one thing, I absolutely suck at this. What's wrong with me?
Dont worry. For the first hour or so I was dreadful. Now I'm finding it very comfortable. It just takes a little time to get used to the controls.


Lakitu said:
Well, I started it just before and have played for like an hour, completely awesome so far but I am early on. BUT, one thing, I absolutely suck at this. What's wrong with me?

Don't worry man, I do to. I played it last night at the midnight and got dominated. Bought the guide, gonna have to use it a shit ton
Oni Jazar said:
Ok while I sit here at work counting the seconds to go back to this game I have a question:

What difficulty level should I start at? I've played through MGS1, MGS2, & MGS3 and beaten them all twice individually. Is the hard mode frustrating enough to just picked the "skilled" difficulty or should I just go balls to the wall?

I'm playing on the second difficulty up from the easiest, I think it's called Naked Normal, and I think it's pretty good. It's still not terribly easy to die, but it's kept me on my toes somewhat. I think the next difficulty up may prove to be rough for a first time playthrough.


Y'know, things break...
Got the game at midnight, was able to get a friend to drive me thanks to the surgery last week. Just have to say, THIS GAME IS FARKING AWESOME! Finally have a use for my 60 gig PS3 now. :D


bdizzle said:
lol naw it's cool. just didnt wanna be confused with the whiny gaffers that always finds something to complain about.

ya i agree. i remember installing ff11 for pc and THAT was a long install. i swear that thing took like an hour to install the 5 disks, and i still didn't complain. i just watched tv, listened to music and chatted on aim with my friend who already bought the game.

Dude, my goodness. The whole process of getting the game up and running was ridiculous. Installation, patch download, patch installation, character creation, getting on the same server as your friends. All of that takes between 4-6 hours depending on any knowledge you have of the installation process and your PC specs. :lol


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
brandonh83 said:
Pretty much, they're basically just robots in a sense. Leaders have complete control over them.

The thing I still dont get is, if someone wanted to put together their own personal army, couldnt they do it without all the hassle of
putting the SOP system in the soldiers?
More detailed impressions time from last night, most of you guys played the first three hours so you saw what I saw, incredible insn't it. Most of the areas I played were stuff I have seen in trailers, gameplay demonstrations and MGO, so I am blown away and its been stuff I have seen, what is going to happen when i get to the new areas. Ok so a quick run down of pros and cons.


- Everything about the gameplay, presentation, sound, graphics, cutscenes, this game is on a different level of quality than most games.
- Helping out soldiers gets you hidden songs, love that.
- Mission codec calls come in as you play the game, perfect.
- So many guns I don't know what to do with them.
- Size of the areas, I feel like I did miss some stuff cause its so big.
- You are not a bullet sponge, I have died a few times already.
- Gekkos, wow.
- Ipod is sweet, but I wont mess with it till next playthrough.


- Weapon/item menu management, give me all these guns and only let me carry 5 at a time...
- Seems to be less codec convos, I went into a cardboard box, called Otacon and got nothing. But the dumpster convo is funny.
- I found some respawn points for enemies, I liked that in past games you can clear an area of enemies not so here but I guess that is needed to keep the war going.
- I have so many rations, thankfully I can trade them.

Just minor things that bugged me, no matter the game is fantastic. I also setup MGO and played one game on the city map from MGS3, OMG, its incredible, one of my favorite maps is back.

Ok now back to play. Time for the FROGS.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Wow, while playing MGO an enemy had one of his teammates in a chokehold so I headshot them both. So awesome :lol


Y'know, things break...
One thing I love about MGS cutscenes is it offers a perfect amount of time to eat during them so you dont actually ever have to stop playing ;).


Behind The Games
Absinthe said:
Is anyone playing this on a SDTV? I'm not going to be able to afford an HDTV until Christmas at the very least.

Also, are the bundles limited or are they going to continue releasing them through the year?

I'm buying a PS3 for this game. There's going to be at least a minor bump in hardware sales.

I am playing on standard set.

You'll probably have trouble reading some of the finer text, like the info that appears over any soldiers you see while wearing the Solid Eye. But you'll be able to tell friendlies from enemies based on text color. There are a few other things that are hard to read, but it hasn't impacted my play experience significantly yet. And I'm through Act One.

As with so many other games this gen, the graphics look amazing on a standard set. Don't assume you need a high-def TV to be blown away. The graphics look phenomenal on my standard Sony set.
This isn't a spoiler, but oh man that this crack me up

It isn't a spoiler.


Y'know, things break...
dabookerman said:
This isn't a spoiler, but oh man that this crack me up

Technically that is a spoiler because 2 of the people featured in it were only seen in the trailers, semi-small spoiler though.
Just got back from the store I had to wake up my pregnant girlfriend to buy it for me because I lost my drivers license, she was pretty pissed. Installing now, can anyone give me a good website to read up on the story, havnt played 1,2 and 3 in a few years and would like to refresh my mind, thanks.


dabookerman said:
Holy SHIT!

Spoilers if you haven't defeated Act 3 Boss yet
So I am fighting Raging Raven, beat her pretty easy in her beast mode, now she's in beauty mode. I'm looking for the statue, but can't find it, and all of a sudden I'm warped into some empty area.. The Construct..

Anyway, I made a video of what can only be described as the very first boss fight you can actually fap to.
Let's just say, Raging Raven has one heck of an ass.
omg that is sex...
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