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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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J2 Cool

Just had an awesome random conversation with Otacon on Codec, about Meryl really early on.. (not even a spoiler but keeping it safer than safe)

Otacon - "Maybe Meryl has a lingering attachment."
Snake - "[Snake's nostalgiac rambling]"
Otacon - "I meant to FOXHOUND."
Snake - "I knew that.."

:lol :lol :lol


Got the game kinda late tonight, just finish playing for an hour and I'm in love already.... can't wait to continue it tomorrow.


Just finished it. 2nd set of credits are rolling.

I seriously don't think I'm going to be able to touch another game for a while cause everything just pales in comparison to this fucking masterpiece.

I'm so goddamn glad I caught up on this series back in March.

best game ever, 10/10, A+, GOTF(orever)


Maybe I'm late with this, but did anyone else notice the Beauties introduction scene was edited to be much less graphic than it was in the GC 2007 trailer? In that trailer, you can clearly see some of the rebel fighters get cut in half by Raging Raven. That doesn't seem to have happened in the final game. It looked like that part of the scene was zoomed in much closer so you only see the rebels from above the waist and when their bodies are shown, they're still wholly intact. Here's a screencap from the trailer: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/Gribbix/cutrebels.jpg
I think I found the right way to say just how great this game is... After I finished act 3 of 5, I'll I could think about is how much I wanted to finish so I could start over. I kind of laughed off people saying this was their new all-time-favorite game but I see it, I really do. I can, should, must, and will buy a strat guide tomorrow so I can get every single last thing in here. The only thing I won't say I actually dislike, is the fact that you can't play music from your HDD in the ipod. I don't think they ever said you could but I really thought it was a given when I heard Kojima talk about it. I love all the music I've found and hope to find more (a few track in particular) but I was looking forward to listening to the insomniac podcast, or some Flaming Lips in-game.

Edit: Grib, a little late. I don't think everyone knows about that but it has been mentioned. It doesn't bother me though. I LOVE hard violence but gore and eviscerations get touchy with me.


BobTheFork said:
Edit: Grib, a little late. I don't think everyone knows about that but it has been mentioned. It doesn't bother me though. I LOVE hard violence but gore and eviscerations get touchy with me.

Yeah, I don't mind it being cut either. I remember being pretty shocked by it when I saw the original trailer. Despite the fact that multiple limbs get chopped off in MGS1, seeing those rebels get cut in half seemed oddly out of place for the series.
Costanza said:
Total playtime: 14:12

when I start my next playthrough tomorrow I'm taking my fucking time.
I'm surprised you beat it THAT fast. I hit 11.5 hrs after act 3 and I thought I was rushing a bit.

Gribbix said:
Yeah, I don't mind it being cut either. I remember being pretty shocked by it when I saw the original trailer. Despite the fact that multiple limbs get chopped off in MGS1, seeing those rebels get cut in half seemed oddly out of place for the series.
I thought that at the time. There was something I thought was very out of place that they left in and that was the
. It just had never been there before and seemed odd for MGS.
just beat it. Fucking outstanding game. A++++++
Wow, did not expect the final scene. Just adds to how awesome the series is.

It is now safe to say the MGS series is by far my favorite after this game.
Haha holy crap I just now saw where IGN US gave MGS4 a

I gotta call it a night on playing it though....gotta have my mind well rested to finish it up tomorrow!
This game is a Hanzo sword that's what it is; You don't just compare it to other MSG games, you compare it to every game that was ever made, or wasn't made, and by God it wins. lol Sorry its late and I didn't sleep much last night for some reason XD. I'm going to wind up playing this 3x through before I touch another game.


drakesfortune said:
I've been so scared to click on this topic, and now I'm scared to read anything in here.

All I know is that I'm about 5 hours into the game and holy fucking shit is it amazing. It's a masterpiece. Anyone that says otherwise has bad taste. :D Seriously, I thought GTA4 would be my game of the year, and I loved GTA4, but this is quite a bit better than GTA4. The gameplay is just phenomenal. The sneaking is better than ever. This is how I always wanted metal gear games to play, and just based on the first five hours this game is head and shoulders above the others, and that's saying a lot in my book. What a fucking fun game.

I've never seen so many people soil themselves either. My wife who only likes Rock Band even found the Akiba (sp?) scene hilarious. She thinks the game is goofy, but I think she finally understands why I appreciate the humor in these games


Never forget GAF. Never forget...


Finished Act 1, Ima playin on big boss hard, anyone else playin on big boss hard? Teh game knows wut time it is? It tellz me itz after 2am and I should take a break, I guess I can haz a break. Itz kind of creepy though.


BobTheFork said:
This game is a Hanzo sword that's what it is; You don't just compare it to other MSG games, you compare it to every game that was ever made, or wasn't made, and by God it wins. lol Sorry its late and I didn't sleep much last night for some reason XD. I'm going to wind up playing this 3x through before I touch another game.

this is the first game i can truly say will be remembered as one of the classics. along with the super mario bros 3's and the final fantasy vi's, mgs4 will go down as one of the greatest games ever made and will always be remembered.


Kittonwy said:
Finished Act 1, Ima playin on big boss hard, anyone else playin on big boss hard? Teh game knows wut time it is? It tellz me itz after 2am and I should take a break, I guess I can haz a break. Itz kind of creepy though.

dude, cant you do this awesome game and awesome thread a favor and....just type properly?

You guys need to learn to preface your damn spoilers. Spoiler tagging something with no explanation gives no indication as to whether someone should read it or not.


I think this is the first game I've played that makes me look forward to replaying it again right after I'm done before I even got halfway through the game!


rod said:
dude, cant you do this awesome game and awesome thread a favor and....just type properly?

Just this once it'd be great.

Act 4 spoiler:
The Gekko fight in the nuke hangar was fantastic. I had the ZoE track playing the entire time so it was really relaxing.


Don't know if its been mentioned, but I saw Masahiro Ito did some "in-game paintings", I don't really remember seeing any, but I guess I wasn't looking.


Hey I might have just gotten the game spoiled for me. Ugh. Not sure he was telling the truth though. Can someone confirm? Obvious extreme spoiler ahead.
Snakes dies at the end and kills Liquid Snake


ggnoobIGN said:
Hey I might have just gotten the game spoiled for me. Ugh. Not sure he was telling the truth though. Can someone confirm? Obvious extreme spoiler ahead.
Snakes dies at the end and kills Liquid Snake

It's different :)
ggnoobIGN said:
Hey I might have just gotten the game spoiled for me. Ugh. Not sure he was telling the truth though. Can someone confirm? Obvious extreme spoiler ahead.
Snakes dies at the end and kills Liquid Snake

I will not confirm it, but some of its true, some of its not, it might all be true, it might all be not.

Dont read anymore, just play it


Here's a question for people that have found different music tracks for the ipod.

Is Beyond the Bounds in the game? If so, where?
So I missed the Camera...whenever you get it...

Im starting Act 2, is it too late to still get it, try to tell me without spoilering the area. JUST DO IT /sandler


End of Act 3 Spoilers
EVA! I hated her after the end of MGS3, but after seeing her in action again I feel she was redeemed. The funniest thing I remember was during the bike scene she was like "That's my boy" after we took down some of those mini-Ravens. :lol Gotta love that. Eva died being one of my favourite characters in the series, especially for what she did.

Boss battle was disappointing compared to the first one. Hopefully the next few will redeem it. I think the main reason was because the
was so awesome compared to a shitty
grenade launcher


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Lion Heart said:
So I missed the Camera...whenever you get it...

Im starting Act 2, is it too late to still get it, try to tell me without spoilering the area. JUST DO IT /sandler
i dont think you did...i just got it and im starting act 4 right now.

mr stroke

Costanza said:
Just finished it. 2nd set of credits are rolling.

I seriously don't think I'm going to be able to touch another game for a while cause everything just pales in comparison to this fucking masterpiece.

I'm so goddamn glad I caught up on this series back in March.

best game ever, 10/10, A+, GOTF(orever)

Masterpiece is an understatment, never before have I seen a game incorperate amazing cut scenes and gameplay so perfectly. Interactive movie sounds bad, but there really is no other way to describe it. The narative is just done sooooo fucking well. Kojima you are the man..


General Thoughts Upon finishing the game with a friend...

1. I'm not sure I've ever played a game that made more improvements in gameplay compared to other games in its respective series. I guess RE 4 would be the closest.

2. The first couple of hours of this game are perhaps the best couple of hours of gameplay I've ever played. Seriously, Kojima needs to be working on action movies because he knows how to make an action scene sing sweet music.

3. I'm not sure how he did it, but Kojima found a way to wrap-up almost all of the loose ends of this series, which is no small task. (This gives me hope that the writers on Lost can get their act together.... but not much)

4. I find it ironic that the cutscenes may perhaps be this games greatest flaw, when that's what most people go to MGS for. I'm not saying that they were bad, because they were top notch. It was just the amount of cutscenes that you have deal with towards the latter portions of the game that kind of got me down.

It was like meeting this perfect looking girl (the graphics), going on those first couple of dates (the first half an hour or so of the game), eventually getting to sleep with her (the gameplay), that extremely blissful period right up until before we get married (the mixture of great gameplay and crazy cutscenes) and then marraige where things get a little reptitive, but thats fine, because you are in love (the last couple of hours of the game).

Now this could very easily be the fact that we decided to play the game through today. I probably would have enjoyed the last bit more if I would have spread out of the playtime, but the gameplay was just so incredible early on that we kept playing until the end. Which says a lot about the game, but does anyone else who beat the game already feel the way I do? I think that this game is probably one of the best games ever made, but is held back (if just a touch) by what was once the series greatest strength.

Bravo Kojima, and I can't wait to see what you do next.


Ok I just reached act 2 and I still feel like I'm playing this game wrong as its just not sticking. I still keep going all rambo even though I dont really want to.

In most of Act 1 I just shot my way through enemy soldiers as I keep getting spotted. This game isnt like before where if you got spotted you can run away and hide in a corner or something. It just feels like once I get spotted I HAVE to shoot. So am I playing this game right so far?

I'm finding that because you're fighting with friendlies, its hard not to just go Rambo as they're shooting too, I can't just sneak up and choke people in this kind of situation as its a big battlefield, it's like it almost encourages you to shoot them this time...?

The gameplay just isnt clicking with me yet and I'm hoping I get the hang of it like in MGS2 where I could hide and sneak around...

Any tips?


ggnoobIGN said:
Hey I might have just gotten the game spoiled for me. Ugh. Not sure he was telling the truth though. Can someone confirm? Obvious extreme spoiler ahead.

deleting the spoiler before i read it myself.

why would you want a confirmation ? that would either confirm you've been spoiled or spoil you if you haven't; it's probably better sticking to uncertainty at this point.
It's probably not true, but maybe it is.
keep playing (notice i haven't finished the game and haven't read the spoiler)
Lion Heart said:
So I missed the Camera...whenever you get it...

Im starting Act 2, is it too late to still get it, try to tell me without spoilering the area. JUST DO IT /sandler

Mission Briefing at the Main Game menu: pick save file and then hit Act 1 briefing

:lol spoiling it just for the others that want to be surprised later.


Just finished up the game a couple minutes ago, pretty much did it in two sittings.


Ten years(?) since Metal Gear Solid came out and it is finally all over. I don't think I could sum up just how great this game was in my eyes so I won't start rambling on. Kojima is a god.


lol at the front of the Playboy:

The best FPS's of the Year: "Can you believe we used to pay for these things?!"
In game burn :lol

Also you people finishing the game so soon, do you plan on playing MGO as well, or are you just done?


Teknoman said:
lol at the front of the Playboy:

The best FPS's of the Year: "Can you believe we used to pay for these things?!"
In game burn :lol

Also you people finishing the game so soon, do you plan on playing MGO as well, or are you just done?

Does it play like the MGO in Subsistence?
This game is simply brilliant! the amount of ways you can approach a battle, reach your goal, and even experience a cutscene are so many that I feel overwhelmed :lol.

Anyways, one question: Has anyone had the game freeze? It has happened to me twice :(.
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