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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Teknoman said:
lol at the front of the Playboy:

The best FPS's of the Year: "Can you believe we used to pay for these things?!"
In game burn :lol

Also you people finishing the game so soon, do you plan on playing MGO as well, or are you just done?

I'll tell you man, after burning through NG 2 and MGS 4 in the same week, I think I'm going to spend some serious time away from any gaming console. I swear to god that my left thump is sprained or sometihng (is this even possible?). I was going to try to play through grid next week but I think I'm just going to spend my freetime reading and catching up on some old shows (my god the wire is awesome). I'm sure by the time E3 rolls around I'll be back in the mood for gaming. But Ninja Gaiden wore out my reflexes and then MGS 4 put the metaphoric gun up to my head and blew my mind.


davepoobond said:
i'm in europe, and i'm having a hell of a time tracking down these damn resistance members. any help?

Act 3 info:
He's the lone dude walking around and in the yellow area on your map. Just tail him without being noticed and he'll lead the way.


davepoobond said:
i'm in europe, and i'm having a hell of a time tracking down these damn resistance members. any help?
I ran into one of them right off the bat and just followed him for the whole time. I never really found out how the Signal Interceptor worked as Otacon always said he would mark the map where the PMC's were searching for someone but the map never had anything on it. The guy I followed whistled alot so if you here some random whistling you are probably near a member.
Best graphics ever. Alot of the backgrounds look life-like. I thought the beginning of Act 2 was high quality full motion video until I saw Snake moving. Wow, so beautiful.


you can't put a price on sparks
SleazyC said:
I ran into one of them right off the bat and just followed him for the whole time. I never really found out how the Signal Interceptor worked as Otacon always said he would mark the map where the PMC's were searching for someone but the map never had anything on it. The guy I followed whistled alot so if you here some random whistling you are probably near a member.

yeah, i know that stuff, but i can't ever seem to find them! ugh!


That shit can be frustrating Dave. Obviously you have to use that gadget they give you
to intercept the locations. Once you find him, equip the box or drum can and follow him. Also you will get stuck at parts when he gets held up by the pmc's. He does walk in a pattern though and will often return to the same spot. That part of the game was fun, but it took me a loonng time to finish it. Also the guy will usually be whistling the old theme song, and towards the end of the stalking, he will dress up like a PMC but won't have a gun.
FFS How much more awesome can you pack into this lol.
act 4 -
The total Vamp fight might be the most satisfying boss fight I've ever had. I must have fought him for 15 minutes as snake using the Tranq gun. I didn't haven't any more food and I was madly diving everywhere trying not to die. I actually finally figure out what to do when Vamp mentioned the nanos, and I 40mm his ass into dust, just like in Resistance. But wait folks, its not over yet XD. You fight Gekos with a fucking rail gun SPLIT-SCREEN while Raiden Fights Vamp. HOL-E SHIT LOL. How does this not get a 10 from everyone ever, its just too perfect.

Edit: Sry Kitton, but I think this sets the new Barreled Llama (tm) Metal Bar..


Kittonwy said:
As awesome as Uncharted.

You know I'm a huge Uncharted fan, and it was my personal GOTY last year, but MGS4 is so far just in a league of it's own. This so far is the pinnacle of videogame history right here. Maybe my opinion will change as I play along, but more than a few hours in, the game is just outstanding on all fronts.


BobTheFork said:
FFS How much more awesome can you pack into this lol.
act 4 -
The total Vamp fight might be the most satisfying boss fight I've ever had. I must have fought him for 15 minutes as snake using the Tranq gun. I didn't haven't any more food and I was madly diving everywhere trying not to die. I actually finally figure out what to do when Vamp mentioned the nanos, and I 40mm his ass into dust, just like in Resistance. But wait folks, its not over yet XD. You fight Gekos with a fucking rail gun SPLIT-SCREEN while Raiden Fights Vamp. HOL-E SHIT LOL. How does this not get a 10 from everyone ever, its just too perfect.
The only thing I didn't like about that part was that I didn't get to watch Raiden and Vamp fight because I was too busy killing gekko's. From the quick glances I shot over I saw a lot of sparks, blood, and flips, twists, and other crazy moves. I need to watch someone else play that part.
SleazyC said:
The only thing I didn't like about that part was that I didn't get to watch Raiden and Vamp fight because I was too busy killing gekko's. From the quick glances I shot over I saw a lot of sparks, blood, and flips, twists, and other crazy moves. I need to watch someone else play that part.
I died a few times because I could not stop watching Raiden and Vamp. Thats honestly one of the sweetest things I ever seen in a game- that spilt-screen fighting.


So... it's good eh? Didn't feel right to pick it up yesterday as it was my gf's birthday so gonna go and get it today. So good.


Gribbix said:
Maybe I'm late with this, but did anyone else notice the Beauties introduction scene was edited to be much less graphic than it was in the GC 2007 trailer? In that trailer, you can clearly see some of the rebel fighters get cut in half by Raging Raven. That doesn't seem to have happened in the final game. It looked like that part of the scene was zoomed in much closer so you only see the rebels from above the waist and when their bodies are shown, they're still wholly intact. Here's a screencap from the trailer: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/Gribbix/cutrebels.jpg

Might be censorship, but I thought that it might also be because the rebels getting cleanly cut in half looked kinda... cartoony in the first place. I like the change.


Rhazer Fusion said:
I thought the beginning of Act 2 was high quality full motion video until I saw Snake moving. Wow, so beautiful.

so i wasn't the only one. i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, i even thought the rat and the snake were real. and like i said before, lighting there is PERFECT, most realistic ever


Sucks at poetry
It'll probably be a while before I play this. For those at least half way through do the frequent cut scenes get so annoying that it detracts from the game play? I like cut scenes but don't want to spend more time watching them than actually playing the game.








I think it depends on what you like.
To me, MGS4 is a game that gives you a sort of movie experience, the whole thing.
Because of that, I didn't feel the cutscenes are too long or boring. They are usually intriguing. I am on Act 4 now.
However, by gaming standard, these are pretty long cutscenes.
Lot's of spoilers already. Everyone already playing. Spanish transport strike. MGS4 delayed until june 19 :(( ultra-sad-panda-crying-a-river-face-and-commiting-suicide.gif
Lot's of spoilers already. Everyone already playing. Spanish transport strike. MGS4 delayed until june 19 :(( ultra-sad-panda-crying-a-river-face-and-commiting-suicide.gif


Just finished the game, the final cut scene(s) is one of the great gaming experiences I've sat through :)

Really beautiful song during ending credits by the way


Extollere said:
It'll probably be a while before I play this. For those at least half way through do the frequent cut scenes get so annoying that it detracts from the game play? I like cut scenes but don't want to spend more time watching them than actually playing the game.
They're not so bad if you like the story and are skippable if necessary. I believe there's a fastforward as well. Otherwise they're all
Voice of Exposition: blah blah blah
Snake: !


Extollere said:
It'll probably be a while before I play this. For those at least half way through do the frequent cut scenes get so annoying that it detracts from the game play? I like cut scenes but don't want to spend more time watching them than actually playing the game.
You will probably be watching more than playing at least in 4/5ths through. It seemed to me there was a pretty good even dispersal of gameplay to cutscenes for more than half of the game though, which is good.

Also, I finished it. To be honest, I've never had a marathon session quite like I had with this game before. Got it at midnight last night, started playing at 12:30am, went to bed at 10 (I slept a lot the previous night D:), woke up at 4, played straight through till about 2am to finish up. Also, I had three friends over here basically the entire time watching.

I really like the game and I like how basically
everything was explained but Raiden being a cyborg ninja. Maybe I just missed something optional somewhere? Either way he's amazing in this game.

Also, the credits freaked me out a little bit. I saw Big Boss's name and was like "That cannot be right, he didn't even speak the entire game wtf" and then the next scene appeared. Totally crazy. In addition, the epic fights between Liquid and Snake both via Rex and Ray and the fighting game-esque one were totally mindblowing. I couldn't believe they cycled through the lifebars and music in the fist fight, that was great.

Anyway for what it's worth, probably the best game I've played in the last few years.

Holy shit, can someone please offer me assistance with the Screaming Mantis fight?
Shoot the Psycho Mantis doll that it's holding. You can shoot the other one as well, but the one you want to shoot specifically is the Psycho Mantis one. After that it's pretty obvious as to what to do.


Damn its 4 am...I need to get some rest. Just figured out that some parts of the game you cant help the rebels completely clear out the PMC. Still in act 1 and did that the first chance I got, but the second time
the section with the copter
you cant.

Oh and I stopped just to check out the podcast and some more tracks. Thats kinda cool that his psyche meter goes back up with music :D
End of Act 4- Sweet If you playing the MGS drinking Game -
drink twice when otocon loses someone he loves and cries. Seriously I was making jokes about this but MGS 1, 2, and 4 have AutoKhan losing someone he cares about and having a dramatic cry. Kojima seems to loves torturing him. lol (sniper wolf, Emma, Naomi)


BobTheFork said:
End of Act 4- Sweet If you playing the MGS drinking Game -
drink twice when otocon loses someone he loves and cries. Seriously I was making jokes about this but MGS 1, 2, and 4 have AutoKhan losing someone he cares about and having a dramatic cry. Kojima seems to loves torturing him. lol (sniper wolf, Emma, Naomi)

Hey did wal-mart end up selling you the copy at midnight? Mine definitely did and I played 8 hours straight once I got home haha.
I just beat the game! And let me tell you that this is the reason why we ALL have bought next gen systems. This game is just untouchable. I LOVED every part of it. I never sat down in two sittings, and beat a game straight like I did with MGS4 (was hyped like crazy as well). This game exceeded my hype which of course comes rare. For all of those who are reading this thread, and is debating in getting this game then stop reading, and get the game NOW.

GOTY and possibly GOTF I just need to soak it in for right now..hehehe.
scoobs said:
Hey did wal-mart end up selling you the copy at midnight? Mine definitely did and I played 8 hours straight once I got home haha.
Yes, they did. I asked about it a few hours earlier and they said they were going too. They had 4 bundles and 4 other people had lined up 10 minutes till, but I just wanted the game. I still have to go to GS and refund my pre-order. To think I could be 10 hrs behind where I am now lol, screw that.
MY LORD!! The end of act 2!!! Games have no business being this good! All of act 2 was a masterpiece, hell it could be its own game and be better than most. The variety in the things you do astound me. The first boss fight while easy and not putting up much of a fight was still an instant classic just cause of how it was done.

The story is excellent so far, it really feels like the whole world is at stake. The burden on Snake keeps growing and growing especially after a certain cutscene in act 2, geesh, poor guy. The cutscenes have been an absolute joy to watch cause they are movie quality stuff. Graphically, its gorgeous, the overall look of the game is one of the best I have seen on any game. There are some locations that are stunning. Oh and how can I not mention the music! This will be one of the best scores in gaming history, there is so many excellent tracks and they don't get reused much. Its not like past games where there is one alert song, one caution song, etc.

This is turning out to be the ultimate masterpiece, Kojima has outdone himself so far.

BTW did anyone see in act 2
the crop circle with the crazy colonel voice over
duffey said:
Shoot the Psycho Mantis doll that it's holding. You can shoot the other one as well, but the one you want to shoot specifically is the Psycho Mantis one. After that it's pretty obvious as to what to do.

I can't because whenever I try to my aim gets all messed up and starts stuttering around.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Okay this is pissing me off.

How do you do a body search at gunpoint? The manual says to press triangle but when I do, it just puts me into first-person view and vice versa.



chespace said:
Okay this is pissing me off.

How do you do a body search at gunpoint? The manual says to press triangle but when I do, it just puts me into first-person view and vice versa.


Let go of L1 and wait for the search icon to appear. That is when you press triangle.


GamerGeorge said:
I can't because whenever I try to my aim gets all messed up and starts stuttering around.
I would try if possible to equip a gun that has a grip option available then and/or just try to be really precise in first person mode. Otherwise you won't have any luck with that fight as that's the only way to get around it that I've seen.


GamerGeorge said:
Think back to what Naomi told you.

I am drawing blanks. Its late and I couldn't even remember that 5-digit code Hale gave me. You're talking about something to do with the nanomachines right? Thats the only thing keeping him alive? I searched the environment and it looks like nothing is there for me to use.


everyone is rushing through the game... im taking my time, still in Act 1
didnt wait 5 years just to play it through in one day!
Pewp said:
I am drawing blanks. Its late and I couldn't even remember that 5-digit code Hale gave me. You're talking about something to do with the nanomachines right? Thats the only thing keeping him alive? I searched the environment and it looks like nothing is there for me to use.

How to beat
Vamp: inject him with the syringe.

EDIT: I'm still having trouble with Screaming Mantis. Even using the sniper rifle, I can't get a hit in.
chris0701 said:
Awesome than Uncharted,A LOT.

Unchaarted was good,but MGS 4 is great.That is so called difference.
Uncharted was excellent. MGS4 is excellent-er.

Uncharted was probably my favorite game last year (SMG was the only other on that came close, and it came very close), but MGS is in a league of its own, sitting right beside the Legend of Zelda in my heart. MGS4 may finally propel the series over and above Zelda for me.
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