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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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sext0n said:
I suck at CQC. Seems I throw the baddies to the ground everytime I attempt it.

Yeah it's pretty awesome to sneak up super quiet, finding the bad guy in the perfect spot only to push the guy in a "fuck you I'm right here!" kind of move. Don't really understand what I'm doing wrong here, I just want to choke fools out.


i'm about 2.30 hrs in to act 1 and i'm already totally stunned.

the intro ..the live action bits... the cinematic ..the warzone..the surround sound (unbelievably good in 5.1 headphones) the interactive cut scenes ..the in podcasts ..

jesus and i've only basicly just got out of the gate.

this is next gen, the total merging of media is just over whelming sometimes.

you know GTA4 for as amazing as that game is...it's still presented the same way as all the GTa's last gen where ...it's just more, and bigger.

but MGS4 is something i've never seen before .. prob the best example of what blu-ray can do, and i include any movie release in that statement.

just so impressively polished and deep.

edge gave it an 8?

uhhh huh ...


[HP] said:
My MGS still didn't arrived here... WTF AMAZON?!?! I can't believe I'll have to wait till monday!

Every time a new game is released and there is a thread on this forum about it there are people who complain about Amazon not getting the game to them in a timely fashion.

It is like we need an official PSA or something, "Do not order from Amazon if you want it day one."


lambchop said:
i'm about 2.30 hrs in to act 1 and i'm already totally stunned.

the intro ..the live action bits... the cinematic ..the warzone..the surround sound (unbelievably good in 5.1 headphones) the interactive cut scenes ..the in podcasts ..

jesus and i've only basicly just got out of the gate.

this is next gen, the total merging of media is just over whelming sometimes.

you know GTA4 for as amazing as that game is...it's still presented the same way as all the GTa's last gen where ...it's just more, and bigger.

but MGS4 is something i've never seen before .. prob the best example of what blu-ray can do, and i include any movie release in that statement.

just so impressively polished and deep.

edge gave it an 8?

uhhh huh ...

Maybe Edge didn't beat the game?


I played through the first chapter last night. The game is unbelievably good. I was pretty rusty with my MGS skills so I died a couple of times and got lost a couple of times before I realized how the map worked.

I love how the first area actually feels like it could be a real city. The room to room feeling that you get from old MGS games is completely gone. You can tell though that Kojima struggled a bit with how to handle the openness of the game. There were a few situations of real bad linearity where you had to clearly kill one guy, or move to one area for the game to continue, and otherwise baddies would just keep respawning out of monster closets. Not that cool.

The best part of the game I've experienced so far was when I was slowly walking around the corner and my foot tapped a glass bottle on the ground that I didn't notice and it skirted out into the open of the street and a guard turned around and said "what was that?!!" BRILLIANT.

The first act was hugely more combat oriented than earlier MGS games. It'll be interesting to see whether he sticks with this for the whole game, or if it becomes more stealthier.


I've never been so into a game...

I'm not going to lie, I got a little choked up during the middle of Act II
Snakes medical exam with Naomi
... I've been in that position before with
a patient (I just graduated from Medical School)
, and I truly felt what
was going through... Its this
helpless feeling
that just sticks in the pit of your stomach. I never thought something like a videogame could recreate that feeling. I'm in awe.

Mr. Kojima & Kojipro, I thank you for this game. I truly thank you.


Woo-Fu said:
Every time a new game is released and there is a thread on this forum about it there are people who complain about Amazon not getting the game to them in a timely fashion.

It is like we need an official PSA or something, "Do not order from Amazon if you want it day one."

Ditto. ~_~


Tiktaalik said:
The best part of the game I've experienced so far was when I was slowly walking around the corner and my foot tapped a glass bottle on the ground that I didn't notice and it skirted out into the open of the street and a guard turned around and said "what was that?!!" BRILLIANT.

Another post about the wife and MGS4. I had the same thing happen to me. She goes wow that is awesome.....then the bottle disappeared...she says wow that's lame.


So, I got the game still in its plastic wrapper from Gamestop. I can only assume it's actual NIB and not just rewrapped. Any idea on special deals for this weekend? Any chance I can get it for less than $60, or should I just go ahead and bust this bitch open? I still have 200 pigeons for GTA4's 100% completion, so that could buy me a couple more days waiting. I'm just keen on finding as many good deals as possible. PEACE.


Well, I've just now finished act 3. My blood pressure is high, let me tell you. Amazing act. Won't get into specifics just yet. I am 11 hours and 55 mins in and about to start Act 4 but have to clean up first. :(
Let's talk AI for a minute. I am 2hrs in and playing on normal and I find the AI to be rather dull. The battle with
the Frogs (while so awesome with them jumping around) for example, when you are on the bottom floor they just stand around and don't take cover nor really jump much at all. In fact, I had a PMC run right by me early in the game and I shot at him, but missed and hit the wall next to him and he just continued to run on by. Where was my exclamation point, followed by a "what was that?".

Is the AI better on hard or do enemies just do more damage?


hide your water-based mammals
h3ro said:
I've never been so into a game...

I'm not going to lie, I got a little choked up during the middle of Act II
Snakes medical exam with Naomi
... I've been in that position before with
a patient (I just graduated from Medical School)
, and I truly felt what
was going through... Its this
helpless feeling
that just sticks in the pit of your stomach. I never thought something like a videogame could recreate that feeling. I'm in awe.

Mr. Kojima & Kojipro, I thank you for this game. I truly thank you.
You're so right on that part. I just passed it and saved last night. Specifically I'm
at the part after the exams where Naomi gets taken from Snake.
. I will say that the emotions I felt matched yours perfectly. I said to myself,
there's gotta be a way to prolong his life. It made me feel that he might not make it all the way.
Nonetheless, I am eager to finish act 2. I am savoring this experience so much. I don't think I'll clock in at 14 hours (like some have) since I am taking in everything and cashing in those Drebin Points. It's really fun just to collect the spoils from the battlefield.


Classic_Gs said:
Let's talk AI for a minute. I am 2hrs in and playing on normal and I find the AI to be rather dull. The battle with
the Frogs (while so awesome with them jumping around) for example, when you are on the bottom floor they just stand around and don't take cover nor really jump much at all. In fact, I had a PMC run right by me early in the game and I shot at him, but missed and hit the wall next to him and he just continued to run on by. Where was my exclamation point, followed by a "what was that?".

Is the AI better on hard or do enemies just do more damage?

The enemies are more sensitive to things like that on harder difficulties. Then again, the A.I. isn't perfect. It never is.


sext0n said:
Another post about the wife and MGS4. I had the same thing happen to me. She goes wow that is awesome.....then the bottle disappeared...she says wow that's lame.

My girlfriend asked how he was carrying an oil drum :lol


hey with the flash backs, are you ment to press and hold x..or just tap it once? i keep feeling i'm missing stuff...

is it image flashes..or are some fully fledged video clips?


wowfactor said:
Is there a good gun to shoot laughing octopus? I died like 10 times.

I used the NV Solid Eye combined with the M4 and one of the machine guns that holds about 50-100 rounds. I'll look at the gun name here after this cinematic is done and edit it in here. Not really that critical what guns you use, just that you stay away from her when she tries to roll into you, unload on her when she's not moving, etc.

Truant said:
Dude, I live in Norway. The bundle alone cost me $800. Yes, it's that expensive over here. I'll check some local stores.

That sucks dude. Yeah, just get the cheapest (but decent quality) HDMI cable you can get, or if you have a PS2 component cable around you can use that.


Gold Member
Some early thoughts on MGS4:

1. Liquid Sun isn't a very strong 1st act. It's starts out great, then slowly fizzles until about halfway through, then builds to a strong finish. Very uneven, IMO.

2. The polish in this game is absurdly high. I doubt we'll see anything close to this for quite some time.

3. The Mission Briefings are very cool. Don't skip them!

4. Regarding the beginning of the 2nd Act...it borders on horror. I was blown away.


Any tips on Raging Raven? I've only got one ration left so I can't take a lot of punishment.
Lost most of my rations getting spotted during the part when you tail the resistance member. Damn truck spotted me =(


wowfactor said:
Is there a good gun to shoot laughing octopus? I died like 10 times.

Every gun is fine. Just pick your shots carefully. I find that i did most of the damage when
she's hiding or just before/after she shoots at you.
That's my strat on hard mode. Pretty straight forward match.

If I ever got stuck on a boss I got out my trusty grenade launcher and did some work.

Noob. :p


BigFwoosh said:
Any tips on Raging Raven? I've only got one ration left so I can't take a lot of punishment.
Lost most of my rations getting spotted during the part when you tail the resistance member. Damn truck spotted me =(

Go up to the top of the stairs, and you're able to go out on the roof. I found that a good way to shoot her with the M6 or something!


Cronen said:
Go up to the top of the stairs, and you're able to go out on the roof. I found that a good way to shoot her with the M6 or something!
You know, I never even thought about
going up on the roof.
I'll have to try that when I get home from work.


Found an iPod track for Boktai. You haven't forgotten me Kojima (ToT)

Don said:
I was reading through a few parts of the guide book and trying not to look at any spoilers but I seen a part about the camera that says if you wait until the act 4 mission briefing before getting the camera
there will be an exclusive picture of naomi on it. Has anyone got this and is it possible to do it again on a different playthrough if you already picked up the camera before act 4, or does the camera carry over for each playthrough preventing you to do it

I'd like an answer for this as well,
I've already picked up the camera in the second briefing.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
lambchop said:
hey with the flash backs, are you ment to press and hold x..or just tap it once? i keep feeling i'm missing stuff...

is it image flashes..or are some fully fledged video clips?
You keep tapping that X button. Each button press flashes an image, and each flashback sequence contins several images. You are even ranked on how many of these flashback images you get, and the end of each Act.


What was everyone's very first cut scene on starting a new game? They seem to be random...

The 1st time I started it, I got
some documentary about octopus camouflage
. The second time I started the game, I got
a live action interview with David Hayter on some fake TV show
. :lol

I wonder how many there are...


BocoDragon said:
You keep tapping that X button. Each button press flashes an image, and each flashback sequence contins several images. You are even ranked on how many of these flashback images you get, and the end of each Act.

ah cool cheers. :)


What the hell?

Please tell me (without spoilers preferably) that this is explained later on in the game?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Unison said:
What was everyone's very first cut scene on starting a new game? They seem to be random...

The 1st time I started it, I got
some documentary about octopus camouflage
. The second time I started the game, I got
a live action interview with David Hayter on some fake TV show
. :lol

I wonder how many there are...
It's TV homie... you can change the channel! There a bunch of shows and a bunch of commercials. I think the video feeds on these commercials might always stay the same with no randomization... but I might be wrong.

Double D

Unison said:
What was everyone's very first cut scene on starting a new game? They seem to be random...

The 1st time I started it, I got
some documentary about octopus camouflage
. The second time I started the game, I got
a live action interview with David Hayter on some fake TV show
. :lol

I wonder how many there are...

I got a weird futuristic game show

EDIT: how do you change channels?


Hero said:
What the hell?

Please tell me (without spoilers preferably) that this is explained later on in the game?

yeah it's explained. It's a pretty straight forward reason.

Oni Jazar

Unison said:
What was everyone's very first cut scene on starting a new game? They seem to be random...

The 1st time I started it, I got
some documentary about octopus camouflage
. The second time I started the game, I got
a live action interview with David Hayter on some fake TV show
. :lol

I wonder how many there are...

Am I the only one who got the
Cooking show with bugs, snakes and a lizard with dynamite strapped on
? Truly a W-T-F moment.


First commercial I got after letting the title screen lapse was some weird city security one (don't think that qualifies as a spoiler), but the one I got upon starting the game was strange... some
exercise/workout program and supplement
, that had me and my wife looking at each other wondering WTF we were watching. Lasted a few minutes, too. Thought the game was broken... kinda messed w/ my head MGS2 style.

Played for about an hour last night. First things I muttered to myself were, "Damn, this looks hardcore," in reference to the graphics. All the screenshots and movies didn't really prep for how this would look in person. It's really inconsistent, but I'm OK with the stuttering framerate. Anyway, it's pretty amazing so far, and am hoping this workday goes by quickly. :)

And yes, all installation sequences should take a lesson from this game. I *almost* sat there for the entire 8 minutes. ;)

The Chef

The start screen...

Could this be any more beautiful? The acoustic guitar, the slow pan around snake, the wind blowing flowers around the grave stones. I have watched this "intro" 4-5 times now - it gives me such chills and strikes me on such an emotional level for a START game screen.

I already know this is going to be one of the greatest gaming experiences of my life.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I just completed it.

The final boss battle is unbelievable. The graphics are unmatched. The music is amazing. The scene is just tops.

This is the greatest game I've ever played.

Now to watch the credits.

I have just one question:
How do Snake and Otacon get Sunny back to begin with?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Y2Kev said:
I just completed it.

The final boss battle is unbelievable. The graphics are unmatched. The music is amazing. The scene is just tops.

This is the greatest game I've ever played.

Now to watch the credits.

Nah, MGS4: Solstice will be the greatest game you've ever played. Look for it in March 2009 on 360/PS3!
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