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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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So I finished Act 3, 2 and a half hours into the single player.

Beat the Boss, skip all the cutscenes, eager to find out my tally...

I managed to rack up 1 kill :(
All this time, and I ended up getting 1 accidental kill.. probably from
the Chase sequence


Oh well, no alerts.. Better keep that up!


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Busty said:
The PS3, and frankly HD gaming as a whole, could really do with having a game that waves the banner of 'ambitious scope and vision' coupled with 'high production values'.
Exactly. And I hope the inspirational banner that is MGS4 is hanging in the creative minds of every developer out there. I hope that every meeting held in conference rooms where development teams have collected to discuss their attempt at greatness are met with the question, "Is it as good as Metal Gear Solid 4?". We can only hope that the people at Insomniac, Naughty Dog, Bungie, Epic, Capcom; etc. are raising their collective glasses, paying homage, and getting back to work. The bar has been set and some are going to need a very tall ladder.


I am still in act1. Only played 2-3 hours after work since I had to watch the Lakers game.
I think personally Akiba is "the shit" :D
The praise in this thread for this game is up there with Shadow of the Colossus when it first came out. I hope the bandwagons who bought the game because of the pure hyped enjoyed the game as well as the true fans does.


Questions. I read the manual, but didn't get a chance to go through the in-game instructional videos yet, but how do you do the chokehold while on the ground and the infamous immobilizing crotch grab while patting down someone?

(I'm at work and cannot play ;__; )


I played through act 1 last night and watched the act 2 mission briefing before I got tired, adhered to the safety warnings, and went to sleep. I loved it. So much attention to detail and fan service.

I would also like to thank Steve Jobs for funding the game.


Fix The Scientist said:
What are the locations for each act? Are they dramatically different to the middle east location?

Middle East, South America, Europe, Shadow Moses, Outer Haven.


lol at being able to buy a playboy, Ipod is cool and hella lame having to do another install after Act 1..is there an install after every Act?


jasonbay said:
lol at being able to buy a playboy, Ipod is cool and hella lame having to do another install after Act 1..is there an install after every Act?

Yes. They seemed to get shorter each time though. Not much of a problem!

Also yes, the sixaxis 'shake to remove camo' is still in the game!


I was disheartened to find I suck at MGO...I thought since everyone else had the game only at most 24 hours by the time I logged in to it, I'd have a chance....first couple TDMs, I was on the losing team, but top scorer..then I got owned...bad. ... must stop aiming at the body!!!

Im still on Act one, getting used to the nuancesof the controls before moving forward, I could run and gun it but thats not the point of waiting 3 years for this one.

Funny thing, my fiance came down to see what I was doing, and Im creeping along the ground doing the 'worm' for like 4 minutes trying to see how far I can sneek and she was like 'this is a game' and Im like "yea, and its awesome :lol !"


Anyone else having trouble installing this? The ps3 boots up and then the screen just goes blank. Devastated is a understatment. Do I need the latest firmware update for this?
No_Style said:
Questions. I read the manual, but didn't get a chance to go through the in-game instructional videos yet, but how do you do the chokehold while on the ground and the infamous immobilizing crotch grab while patting down someone?

(I'm at work and cannot play ;__; )
Ground Chokehold:

Hold an enemy in a standard CQC hold. -> Crouch whilst holding enemy. -> Press forward and CQC button. -> Hold CQC button if you wish to incapacitate enemy during hold.

Bascally, it's like if you wanted to throw down an enemy while holding them in CQC. But instead of standing, you're crouching.

Monkey Steals Peach:

As the "!" icons show up in your pat-down search, the final "!" will be the immobilizer.


Any way to view the Cut-scenes from the menu? I played so long, I fell asleep at the opening of Act 5 :lol

Also, can we select each act separetly and replay them?


U K Narayan said:
Ground Chokehold:

Hold an enemy in a standard CQC hold. -> Crouch whilst holding enemy. -> Press forward and CQC button again. -> Hold CQC if you wish to incapacitate enemy.

Bascally, it's like if you wanted to throw down an enemy while holding them in CQC. But instead of standing, you're crouching.

Monkey Steals Peach:

As the "!" icons show up in your pat-down search, the final "!" will be the immobilizer.

You're a gentleman and a scholar. Thanks!


GodofWine said:
I was disheartened to find I suck at MGO...I thought since everyone else had the game only at most 24 hours by the time I logged in to it, I'd have a chance....first couple TDMs, I was on the losing team, but top scorer..the I got owned...bad. ... must stop aiming at the body!!!

For MGO use the third person targetting if you are in a rush or running. Then roughly aim your recticle and place the head of the enemy in the middle or it. If you are using an assault rifle (the AK and the M4) or SMG P90 usually it's a head shot and they go down fast. If not use the FPS mode and slowly tap the trigger button (just place the iron sights near the neck).

And for certain game types where you have only 1 respawn, don't rush, go slow.


This game is unreal. I've always been a big MGS fan but this just goes beyond my expectations completely. I'm not sure what it is about some of the cutscenes, but there were a couple times where I actually thought I was watching something shot in live action. I actually caught myself thinking "this looks real" and no game has ever given me the same feeling. I guess it's a combination of the post processing and amazing motion capture, but I don't know... Still trying to wrap my head around it. :p

Oni Jazar

glaurung said:
Hey guys, is the 'shake-the-controller' function still in the game for removing Octocamo patterns quickly?

Yes but you can't just shake it. You need to tilt the controller clockwise and counter like a wheel.

I'm halfway through act 2 and it's been fucking AMAZING. Holy hell I wish this game lasted forever. Everyone who has beaten the game already, did you play it in Big Boss Hard? I'm playing in that mode and it's taking a long time to play (which I love). I think the high difficulty gives me a good mix of sneaking and then straight up action when shit gets too hard.

Dark10x is right when he says this thread still hasn't had any haters show up yet (that have played the game). I will stay this as my only dissapointment - It's a game for the fans, and as awesome as that is for me and everyone posting here, it will make things difficult for everyone to enjoy it. It really deserves to sell 100 million copies but I can see someone who has no knowledge of the Metal Gear games not enjoying the complexity of the story and the length of the cutscenes.

Having said that: Kojima, Payton, Hayter, everyone involved... Thank you so much! You are gods.


bigswords said:
For MGO use the third person targetting if you are in a rush or running. Then roughly aim your recticle and place the head of the enemy in the middle or it. If you are using an assault rifle (the AK and the M4) or SMG P90 usually it's a head shot and they go down fast. If not use the FPS mode and slowly tap the trigger button (just place the iron sights near the neck).

And for certain game types where you have only 1 respawn, don't rush, go slow.

Advice taken. Dumb question to ask after having played almost an hour of it, but is there any aim assist? I might have been over riding it manually if so? but if I place the reticle on their head and fire, and they move a little, will my aim adjust, or do I have to do it. I've been doing it, but obviously would be better off letting it do it, if it does it.


Anyone else having trouble installing this? The ps3 boots up and then the screen just goes blank. Devastated is a understatment. Do I need the latest firmware update for this?

Bump because I'm desperate.


For all the trouble I had with Gamestop.com, at least it seems they ship relatively fast. Used 3-Day UPS and it's out for delivery in 2.


So... after 16 hours of playtime, I finished MGS4.



i don't know what to think.

I mean, on one hand, the cutscenes were fucking long, like, even more than MGS3. On the other hand, it made me cry like 4 times. And then there's the ending.

Jesus christ.

I'm gonna go watch the bluray making of now. I bought the LE strat guide, which is, in turn, an interesting product. According to the forward (by Kojima), the guide was made in conjunction with Kojipro, as opposed to the people making the guide just figuring things out themselves like it usually is. It has a shit load of little details that I want to look through on my next playthrough.

But lol, oh shit, infinite bandana and optic camo 5mil drebin points :lol

But you know, I still feel like something wasn't explained, or at least, not in the main story I guess:

What's up with Snake suddenly knowing CQC? Did that get explained? Or did he know CQC all along, but the gameplay just didn't allow for it?

Doc Evils

wowowowowow at Act 4, Kojima you damn genius, how the hell do you keep this up? fuck there is no way no other game can can beat the innovations Kojima has done this gen for third person action/stealth.

Act 5 here I come.


also, what's up with the auto-aim toggling not working for the square button? It doesn't work, period. What the fuck? I just get this negative 'beep' whenever I press it :|

and also, whatever happened to shaking your controller to get rid of camo?


Darkpen said:
But you know, I still feel like something wasn't explained, or at least, not in the main story I guess:

What's up with Snake suddenly knowing CQC? Did that get explained? Or did he know CQC all along, but the gameplay just didn't allow for it?

There's your answer.

Darkpen said:
also, what's up with the auto-aim toggling not working for the square button? It doesn't work, period. What the fuck? I just get this negative 'beep' whenever I press it :|

and also, whatever happened to shaking your controller to get rid of camo?

I've only tried the auto-aim once so far and it did the same beep. Shaking the controller (DS3) doesn't seem to want to work for me either.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
My only major complaint so far is the tragic lack of popping out over low-cover into aim mode. When crouched behind cover you have to unglue yourself from the wall, step back a bit and most often manually stand up before the gun will actually go into aim mode proper. It's a ridiculous oversight that messes with the hefty use of cover and gunplay this game pushes. No blindfire? L1 just becomes worthless in these moments? Cmon now...


Respect to the heads that already finished this game. I'm only a couple hours in and haven't been this blown away by game concept since Bioshock. What's amazing to me is that we have all seen a Middle Eastern warzone tons of times in games but it still feels fresh and exciting doing it Metal Gear style.

That the game engine allows you to transition between third person, over the shoulder, and FPS smoothly and flawlessly is amazing. It gives you in-game visual control like no other game I've ever played. Popping between all three views allows you to create your own in-game scene and should become the standard henceforth.

It's immediately apparent that this game has much replayability based solely on how you choose to navigate the maps. Every time I stealthed through an area I was thinking "I would love to do this again, guns blazing" or "what if the MkII did all the fighting in this area."

Everything thus far up until Drebin was totally flawless. Drebin unfortunately is a typical Japanese video game character; too overdone in an attempt to create a memorable personality so instead we get a cheezy cliche. It is however a minor blemish on what so far an overwhelming experience. (Those Lizards - Jesus!!!)

Even Snake smoking a bloody cigarette while the game did its install was entertaining! I can barely believe that the hype for this game was actually understated!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Darkpen said:
also, what's up with the auto-aim toggling not working for the square button? It doesn't work, period. What the fuck? I just get this negative 'beep' whenever I press it :|

and also, whatever happened to shaking your controller to get rid of camo?

I think you have to turn on auto-aim in options first. It is defaulted to off, I haven't tried it yet, but I'm pretty sure square is until you toggle that.
dabookerman said:
You could say Snake always knew CQC, if you count chokeholds and jude flips and shit from MGS1 and 2.

Afterall, CQC was sort of inherited aswell.
U K Narayan said:
It's explained in a codec session with Otacon during Act 1.
There is actual meaning as to why he didn't use it, and to how he knows it.
so what do you guys think about the first boss battle? i never exp anything like that

how long did it take yall to find out the MK 2 was one of the decoys? lol i fell for it like 3 or 4 times :lol
Incredible experience. I finished it a few hours ago and all want to do is to experience it again. Though, I think I will wait a few days, as I would probably overload if I started again so soon.

I will play MGO in the meanwhile.
Only played about 4 hours now. But I can already tell this is going to be my "Game of the Forever". Jesus christ is it good!

Everything seems to have come together so perfectly. Visuals, Audio, Gameplay. I don't think I could have asked for more! Kojima and his production team are truely gods among men!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Darkpen said:
What's up with Snake suddenly knowing CQC? Did that get explained? Or did he know CQC all along, but the gameplay just didn't allow for it?

When in doubt in the MGS universe, the answer is usually 'nanomachines'. Why is Liquid...? Nanomachines... Why can he do...? nanomachines. When that happened...? Nanomachines.


U K Narayan said:
There is actual meaning as to why he didn't use it, and to how he knows it.
lol, so many people proven wrong D:

yeah, I totally went through the game not calling the codec at all, and only called when I was having trouble with bosses.

Which part of Act 1 do I call Otacon at to get that conversation?


Brandon F said:
My only major complaint so far is the tragic lack of popping out over low-cover into aim mode. When crouched behind cover you have to unglue yourself from the wall, step back a bit and most often manually stand up before the gun will actually go into aim mode proper. It's a ridiculous oversight that messes with the hefty use of cover and gunplay this game pushes. No blindfire? L1 just becomes worthless in these moments? Cmon now...

Yeah I agree with this. It didn't really bother me till I was in the fight with
the frogs
but in that fight it really stood out as it was almost impossible to pop in and out of cover to shoot.
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