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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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MickeyKnox said:
Finally got some sleep, and I'm still blown away. It's probably going to take me a couple days to fully digest the experience of this game.

I do think it's safe to say though, that Solid Snake is elevated to the status of baddest motherfucker in the series now that it's wrapped up. After getting to play as BB in Snake Eater and PO I was wondering how Kojima could get Snake out of his shadow, but man did he ever do it. The thing that makes him even more of a badass is that he's surrounded by bad motherfuckers throughout the game, and still manages to out badass them.

Also, the line from the theatrical trailer "Sound like a perfect job for me" is so fucking perfectly placed and delivered when you hear it in context of the game, has none of the "cheesy" connotations that the trailer frames it as having.

I'm about to go in. IT'S TIME.


I'm extremely impressed by the game right now (only like 3 hours in... still Act 1).

For general mobility/movement purposes out of combat, the new control scheme works wonders... however, it's still not a shooter - feels like a confused mix of SOCOM/RE4.


I was supposed to wait today to experience it with friends but I wasn't able to wait that long so I fired up the game yesterday.

I was already blown up at the title screen although I did say
Woah! It's my turn?!?
during the opening sequence.

I'm at the point where
Snake splits from Meryl and her crew. Akiba is simply too funny. You fight the FROGS and during gunfights, Akiba can't stop farting. I did laugh loud multiple times.
I had to stop or else I knew I would play it all night. No games except MGS have this effect on me.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wait, so
how did EVA reconstruct real Big Boss' body AND still think that the body she had was Big Boss' body?
Greg said:
I'm extremely impressed by the game right now (only like 3 hours in... still Act 1).

For general mobility/movement purposes out of combat, the new control scheme works wonders... however, it's still not a shooter - feels like a confused mix of SOCOM/RE4.
Did you play the beta? once you get more familiar with the control scheme it plays wonderfully.


I'm sure this has been asked before, but the thread is 80 billion pages long so I'm not going to try to scan through it: Is the US 80 gig bundle limited?

I know the OP says there will be multiple shipments, but I'm already unable to order one off amazon. I'm not getting paid until later this month, so I'm worried about whether or not I'll still be able to pick up the bundle then.


Holy crap, this game is amazing. A friend and I both grabbed copies on launch and went to his house. Played to the end of the first act (about 6 hours). Then I went home, started my own game and played to the end of the first act (about 5 hours). INCREDIBLE game. And I'm gonna guess it only gets better. I'm very much going to stay far away from this thread though, can't risk ANY spoilers! :p


MickeyKnox said:
Did you play the beta? once you get more familiar with the control scheme it plays wonderfully.
Yeah, I was in the beta, and the control scheme just seems more functional against real players.

The part I'm at is only like 3 hours into Act 1
, and the entire segment just seemed a bit off to me is all.
Don't highlight unless you've finished the game

Ok, the final battle between Snake and Liquid/Ocelot is beyond fucking awesome. Watching the insanely creative and focused choreography, I was a little worried that it would suffer from being a jarring transition to gameplay when they would let you switch over, but holy shit, that new hand to hand control scheme was great. Lot's of God Hand type hidden moves and counters. Also, the brothers giving each other the injection and bringing back the old life bars was fucking genius. I nearly pissed myself with excitement.


So anyone with the strategy guide mind answer my question.

In order to get the bandanna you have to get through the whole game without killing anyone. Can you "kill" the bosses or do you have to tranq them down too?

Some of the parts of the game like the motorcycle ride are going to be downright brutal too.
Greg said:
Yeah, I was in the beta, and the control scheme just seems more functional against real players.

The part I'm at is only like 3 hours into Act 1
, and the entire segment just seemed a bit off to me is all.
Don't worry, as it progresses the shootouts, if you choose to go action heavy are really good.


This is single handedly the coolest scene of any MGS.

The first time you see Raiden in the game, in Act 2. He's standing on the roof and then he lifts up his sword, with that awesome song at the back.


i shed a tear at the last battle, it was so f'en epic i thought i was gonna explode. Truly breathtaking and so well done.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wow. Wow wowowowowowow. That was everything I could have imagined. So beautiful.

The whole message of the game matches so well what Naomi said with the end of MGS1. Live, Snake. Live.

What a brilliant last line. I am going to miss this series. :'( I'm crying :(
Y2Kev said:
Wow. Wow wowowowowowow. That was everything I could have imagined. So beautiful.

The whole message of the game matches so well what Naomi said with the end of MGS1. Live, Snake. Live.

What a brilliant last line. I am going to miss this series. :'( I'm crying :(

I'll miss it but when I do I'll just play through it again.

This is probably what Star Wars fans would be feeling if the prequels had all been better than the original trilogy. My favorite game series is now whole, it will stay on my shelf for as long as I can imagine.


After Act 2, does the game get better or worse? Some reviewers said it gets worse, I'm just a bit worried. Although I know it would have to be much worse to be not great. If that makes sense.
Y2Kev said:
Wow. Wow wowowowowowow. That was everything I could have imagined. So beautiful.

The whole message of the game matches so well what Naomi said with the end of MGS1. Live, Snake. Live.

What a brilliant last line. I am going to miss this series. :'( I'm crying :(

He's going to live out the rest of his (what, two, three?) months in complete seclusion from every other human being because otherwise he'd inadvertently kill them. Kind of a shitty life, if you ask me...


Just went to town and picked up the game and got a free DVD with it, titled "Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2". Been watching it for about 10 minutes and it features a (so far) great retrospective on the series. Glad i decided to give this a look before starting the game.. Tonight after we clobber the French i'm going to pop my MGS cherry.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Pureauthor said:
He's going to live out the rest of his (what, two, three?) months in complete seclusion from every other human being because otherwise he'd inadvertently kill them. Kind of a shitty life, if you ask me...

How about you beat the game, yes?


I am about 2hrs in and still messing around in Act 1, I have died numerous times mainly because I am just testing things out and experimenting but I dont care.

This game is amazing, I thought Uncharted was the high point for the PS3 but this easily replaced it.

I agree with others about auto aim, I had it turned on at first and after the first time I had to kill somebody it got switched off FAST.
Pureauthor said:
He's going to live out the rest of his (what, two, three?) months in complete seclusion from every other human being because otherwise he'd inadvertently kill them. Kind of a shitty life, if you ask me...
ummm, no.

did you finish the game? you know who tells him that the new foxdie that was injected into him is replacing the mutated one, so while he only has less than a year to live he won't become a biological threat. Which is why Otacon tells him he's going to hang with him until the end (after the credits roll.)
JCtheMC said:
Just went to town and picked up the game and got a free DVD with it, titled "Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2". Been watching it for about 10 minutes and it features a (so far) great retrospective on the series. Glad i decided to give this a look before starting the game.. Tonight after we clobber the French i'm going to pop my MGS cherry.
THat retrospective kinda sucks to be honest. The gametrailers one is far better.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
dabookerman said:
Right, 4 hours into the game, (with a few exit to title and continue from last save -_-)

And i'm Act 5. Only 1 kill. It's looking good!

What difficulty? You could potentially get Fox Hound rating(though that 1 kill ruined Big Boss chances...if you were playing on Extreme)

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
God damnit. I am stuck at work and just want to get home and continue Chapter 2....

Ah game is so good!
Whoooo!!! I just finished Act 4...I was planning to eat lunch but I think I'm going to power through the hunger:lol

And playing this in TrueHD is something else...There were a few times when the sound effects messed with my head...


I can't get over the sense of immersion and how solid and real the environments seem. The sense of space is particularly amazing. I'm still in act I but felt really odd lying in bed. I could picture myself moving through the streets and buildings.


Just purchased Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, and 4. I never really 'got' 2 and never beat 3 so I probably won't be playing MGS 4 for a week or two.



Beginning of ACT3, have to follow a resistance guy, got 3 screens further, heard a PMC whistling the main theme, used radio, found location of resistance dude, walked around half an hour and didnt see him ANYWHERE in the yellow zone

WTF :(


I just beat the game and..I'm still in awe at the ending. This is a definite replay and just..wow. I'm both happy and sad at the same time >>

And I'm not ashamed to admit the ending got me a bit teary eyed ><


harSon said:
Just purchased Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, and 4. I never really 'got' 2 and never beat 3 so I probably won't be playing MGS 4 for a week or two.

"got 2" as in got into it? Or the whole raiden thing? Took me a bit but I did multiple play-throughs of 1 & 2. For some reason didn't finish 3 (subsistence). started it 3 different times too. FWIW recently picked up Metal Gear Ac!d 2 and love, love loved it.
Brandon F said:
What difficulty? You could potentially get Fox Hound rating(though that 1 kill ruined Big Boss chances...if you were playing on Extreme)

On easy ;p Im after my optic camo.. But christ, act 5 is a right bitch, the first bit.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Finished it this morning at around 3am and then passed out. I played it without any breaks since I picked the game up around 10am yesterday, making food during the install times and eating during briefings. Yes, I went that hardcore about it. There's just no way I was gonna put this game down before it was over. ~16:40 completion time.

Will doubtless remain the best game of the console generation when all's said and done.

Crysis and anything else be damned, MGS4 is by far the best looking game ever made, thanks to its unparalleled art direction, breadth of unique assets, and attention to every single little detail. MGS4's cutscenes also have some of the most spectacular melee fight choreography ever produced in any format.

The number of unique weapons is utter madness, and the pickups are handled absolutely perfectly by the drebin point system. Every gun feels and acts uniquely, and the range of weapon types at your disposal allow you to tackle situations in drastically different ways.

That's about all I'll say without treading into spoiler territory, I'll make a separate spoiler-oriented post later. MGS4 has a slew of breathtaking moments for sure.

Negatives, since nuthin's perfect:

-Minor framerate drops are frequent during cutscenes.
-Occasional very low resolution shadows can be distracting.
-Two main cutscenes are prerecorded in-engine, and don't have the bitrate necessary to prevent significant artifacting.
-Shorter than MGS3, and MGS3's sense of freedom is not present (much higher cutscene ratio, more like MGS2).
-Some of the voice work falls flat and is beneath the rest of the standards of the game.
-A couple instances of uncanny valley syndrome, mostly centered around sunny.
-Hair could feel too static at times and not up to the level of the rest of the character model.
-Not actually 29 hours long (*cry*)

So, let's say, 9.999/10 :D


Tiduz said:

Beginning of ACT3, have to follow a resistance guy, got 3 screens further, heard a PMC whistling the main theme, used radio, found location of resistance dude, walked around half an hour and didnt see him ANYWHERE in the yellow zone

WTF :(
he is wearing a PMC suit, he'll try to blend with the PMC mercenaries at some point try to look harder as he wears a little bit different PMC suit.
If you've failed to find him, Kill yourself > Continue again, put on the Octacomo camo suit, and crawl behind him until you reach the resistance HQ, PMCs/Resistance guy won't detect your presence.


I am going to try to stay away from this topic even though I would like to keep comming back. Some of you guys don't spoiler tag the sections properly. Just tag the whole text instead of just the names n shit.
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