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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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moai said:
so, the ps3 80gb mgs4 bundle goes for around 800 usd here. is it really difficult to get in the Us? because that's the reason they gave for this price.

whats here?

in the US, its going for $499.99, if its any higher its because people are assuming its hard to find BUT it may be true since EB/GS only had 5-6 at launch. A best Buy or Circuit City may have it, and a good amount of it.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Cartman86 said:
If there is a game that I really want to play why should I wait? If you really want to play it then play it.

It's Deepblue, if this was on 360, he would say, if any game is worth a system price is it mgs4.


I really don`t like long cut-scenes. If I skip most of them would you guys still recommend this game to me? I have a $50 BB gift card burning a hole in my pocket. :)


I came across this MGS4 Tin on a website competition. Does anybody know if/how these were made available otherwise?


Karma said:
I really don`t like long cut-scenes. If I skip most of them would you guys still recommend this game to me? I have a $50 BB gift card burning a hole in my pocket. :)

That would be like watching a movie on mute. There would be no purpose to your game play. Part of the magic is the cut scenes so I wouldn't recommend a buy on those conditions.

And yah, I would kill for that tin case.


Karma said:
I really don`t like long cut-scenes. If I skip most of them would you guys still recommend this game to me? I have a $50 BB gift card burning a hole in my pocket. :)

You will miss out on a lot of the story, but I think the gameplay itself is easily worth $50.

The controls are better than any previous MGS and the graphics are so fluid, Uncharted was my bar on the PS3 but MGS4 raised it.

A lot of the cutscenes (at least early) you can interact with to show flashbacks so that gives them more interactivity
Random observation- There's something about Meryl's character model, her facial animations in particular seem really expressive. It's extremely well done, there's absolutely no uncanny-valley effect at all.


Chamber said:
Can I get some help with Act 5?

Screaming Mantis? I'm clueless

Why do so many people have problems with this?

Inject yourself with the the stuff that supresses the nanomachines and then shoot the puppets.
Chamber said:
Can I get some help with Act 5?

Screaming Mantis? I'm clueless

Use the syringe on yourself, then on Meryl, then shoot at the dolls and collect them when they fall, the rest is explained in-game


slept with Malkin
revolverjgw said:
Random observation- There's something about Meryl's character model, her facial animations in particular seem really expressive. It's extremely well done, there's absolutely no uncanny-valley effect at all.

I think it's because of her eyes, I noticed the same thing when I was playing last night.


Hey guys when you use the camera on MGO and save them where are they stored? because i reassigned the controller to port 2 and pressed R1, it said it was "saved successfully" I quit MGO and go to photo mode in MGS4 and its not their :|


Chamber said:
Can I get some help with Act 5?

Screaming Mantis? I'm clueless

inject yourself so she can't control you and shoot her puppets until the mantis doll falls to the ground, then its over basically you will figure it out.
I had to pause the game cause I need to relax for a bit. I know I love to exaggerate, this is no exaggeration, the last few hours have been the most engaging, breathtaking, mindblowing hours of gaming I think I have ever experienced. I am not lying, I had goosebumps, I had shivers down my spine, I was almost shaking from the excitement. I almost wanted to cry from seeing how its all coming together. Act 3 has a cutscene well if you have seen it you know. The megaton bombs start to drop, everything about the whole series comes together at this one point and its perfect. I don't recall any game having this impact on me, its the feeling I get when I watch my favorite movie, or see a stellar season finale of one of my favorite shows. Its not just the story telling, the cinematic aspect comes together with the gameplay in a way that no game has ever achieved. This is what I expected from next gen.

With all my favorite games there comes a moment where you feel it, you get that sensation that you know its one of the best games you have ever played in your life. I had that moment just now. I experienced stuff in the middle of the game that makes the end of MGS3 seem tame. I cannot believe I still have more to go, I almost want to stop and analyze this game, break it down to examine its brilliance, but there is still more. Unbelievable.
wowfactor said:
Check this laughing octopus video out, it's really funny.
Happens with all the BB beauties.

I took pics.

dabookerman said:
Right heres some shots of the Beauty versions of Raging Raven and Laughing Octopus.

Raging Raven
1 - She is very nice
2 - Sexy time!
3 - Sexy time 2!!
4 - vag shot

Laughing Octopus
1 - >: D
2 - Porn face
3 - octy
4 - This would make a great caption.

By the way, I will upload the video else where, it seems my ftp is being bandwith raped -_-
Y2Kev said:
The coolest part about Shadow Moses was that it was completely abandoned. And how would you get a massive army aboard Haven? It was nearly impossible for Snake and co to get on! Akiba almost didn't make it!

Well, it would have taken some storyline retooling, not much at all mind, and it could have been done. Just have it be two warring sides, whoever wins we lose kinda thing, and then send in snake. Shadow moses would have stood out less had Act 5 been a return to the earlier types of game play. It wasn't. I LOVED tons of Shadow Moses, but dodging the little balls of death is in no way fun, especially if you trip an alert. Oy.

Either way, there is very little to do in the last three acts of the game, and the gameplay peaks early even if the storyline does not.

Again, I am happy with the a LOT of the things the game does, and I'll see how it holds up on replay. But these issues DID stand out to me while I played it.


Gold Member
MiamiWesker said:
With all my favorite games there comes a moment where you feel it, you get that sensation that you know its one of the best games you have ever played in your life. I had that moment just now. I experienced stuff in the middle of the game that makes the end of MGS3 seem tame. I cannot believe I still have more to go, I almost want to stop and analyze this game, break it down to examine its brilliance, but there is still more. Unbelievable.

Your post got me excited. I'm at work right now, but I got to play last night and stopped at Act 2.


rofl @ Deepblue.

This guy is on some serious damage control (yet again).

The PS3 isn't worth it with MGS4, even though it's got a great library of titles already (though not Halo 3, so I can see why he's not interested).

Then he starts his parade about Gamespot and their score by saying "who" like it was written by a nobody.

I always love when he has these mini-meltdowns.


Chiggs said:
Your post got me excited. I'm at work right now, but I got to play last night and stopped at Act 2.

The really big "Holy shot!" stuff starts with Act 3 imho so you have still alot to see. :D
Chamber said:
Can I get some help with Act 5?

Screaming Mantis? I'm clueless

Inject yourself with the syringe and shoot the Psycho Mantis doll Screaming Mantis is holding until it falls. When it does, pick it up and use it against Screaming.
Karma said:
I really don`t like long cut-scenes. If I skip most of them would you guys still recommend this game to me? I have a $50 BB gift card burning a hole in my pocket. :)

I'd say no actually, maybe as a rental, but I don't think that the gameplay holds up past the first two acts to make this worth a purchase if you don't like cutscenes.

If you DO like cutscenes, then this IS the game for you. They are AMAZING!!!!!! It really redefines what we can hope for in engine on this generation of hardware. There were parts that really felt nearly real, and there wasn't much of an uncanny valley either. (Tears and sweat were a little odd.)

In an addendum, if you like cool boss fights, then this might be for you as well, the ones that the game has ARE fun, and badass.
Xater said:
The really big "Holy shot!" stuff starts with Act 3 imho so you have still alot to see. :D

I don't know how much more I can handle. I almost started to cry cause it was like everything I love about games perfected in a certain moment. I have never shed a tear for a game, never, I have a feeling that will end with this game.


Are we able to snag those Uniqlo MGS shirts online yet? I just visited the Uniqlo site and didn't see anything there. Wasn't sure if I'm just missing something or if they're just not available yet...


love on your sleeve
scoobs said:
inject yourself so she can't control you and shoot her puppets until the mantis doll falls to the ground, then its over basically you will figure it out.
So much wasted ammo. :(
My favorite quick megaton story bomb, act 3 spoiler.

Signit was the DARPA chief, HOLY SHIIIIIIT!!!!!! So much info was flying around I am afraid I missed something, the mentioned a scientist woman, was that paramedic?


Pretty nice guy (apart from the blue shadows thing...)
MiamiWesker said:
I don't know how much more I can handle. I almost started to cry cause it was like everything I love about games perfected in a certain moment. I have never shed a tear for a game, never, I have a feeling that will end with this game.

Wait for

Very few games have made me shed man tears, but MGS4 was one of them.


Lost all credibility.
tha_con said:
rofl @ Deepblue.

This guy is on some serious damage control (yet again).

The PS3 isn't worth it with MGS4, even though it's got a great library of titles already (though not Halo 3, so I can see why he's not interested).

Then he starts his parade about Gamespot and their score by saying "who" like it was written by a nobody.

I always love when he has these mini-meltdowns.
At this point I just disregard anyone with a Master Chief avatar.


I'm exploring every nook and cranny of this game.

It's amazing, I can't see getting tired of it.

Does anyone know if there are consequences to 'not' helping out malitia? On my second play through I want to see if I can juse get through the entire game without interacting with anyone at all. (Note: Not passed act 2 yet, lol, work sucks).
The entire opening cinematic is beautifully done. Gave me chills, and got me so ready to jump in and play. I'm just about to the end of Act 1, and I've loved every second of it. Still have a few issues with the controls, and the cover system, but overall, the game is amazing so far. Weekend binge can't come soon enough :D


Inexplicable Treasure Hate
Y2Kev said:
Ah, I got you. But that
doesn't seem so much like a result of the activation of the Guns of the Patriots as much as it does a consequence of where the last two acts take you. It seems like that would have been the case regardless of whether or not GotP was activated.
True, although a few people have already beaten me to suggesting how these elements could have been reconciled. I don't mind
that the gameplay changes; I just find that what it changes to is a let-down after the brilliance of the first few acts

Points to Kojima for inverting the normal structure of how this sort of thing usually works, I guess? (Compared to, say, the
faction dynamics of Halo, which become more complex as the story progresses
My mom walked into my room at beginning of act 2's final cutscene and came back an hour later and saw me again watching the television with the remote on the ground and asked me if i was watching a movie and not playing the game i just bought. I laughed.


MiamiWesker said:
My favorite quick megaton story bomb, act 3 spoiler.

Signit was the DARPA chief, HOLY SHIIIIIIT!!!!!! So much info was flying around I am afraid I missed something, the mentioned a scientist woman, was that paramedic?

Yes, aka
Dr. Clarke


this game is epic, just finished act 3. 10:43

I'm not even that big of a Metal Gear fan but this game is doing some really great and nw things we don't see in games.

The level of quality and polish is incredible and really blowing me away, EPIC is the only way to describe the game/story so far.

Just wish there was more game parts (I LOVE the cut scenes but want more gameplay)

The whole motorbike section of the game was brilliant on so many levels, the first time I've been amazed thinking I was playing a interactive film sequence


CosmicGroinPull said:
Is this confirmed? What about their
guns? do you still get them?

i got the raven face and gun by shooting the 2nd half with just the tranqs. i didnt get a gun from the octopus though..or i forgot
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