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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Act III Spoiler...
The Bike Chase with Eva... :O The part with the Bullet Time was so intense... I hit the guy on the flipping tank with a headshot right as he flew over the bike...
that was amazing.... I had to pause for a second absorb what I just saw/did... also holy shit
Donald Anderson was Signit!!! Eva is Snakes mama!!!


dallow_bg said:
Ouch! Do you really need 20 hours in MGO to join a clan?

No thats just to make one. Besides the time flys by when you play with GAF anyway.

Oh and the official MGO topic is up now. All we have to do is designate the different NeoGAF "insert animal name here" Unit clans and what logos will follow (of course with GAF color scheme).


Not Wario
tha_con said:
I'm exploring every nook and cranny of this game.

It's amazing, I can't see getting tired of it.

Does anyone know if there are consequences to 'not' helping out malitia? On my second play through I want to see if I can juse get through the entire game without interacting with anyone at all. (Note: Not passed act 2 yet, lol, work sucks).

I just finished Act 2 (work does, indeed, suck) and, from what I've experienced so far, none whatsoever. I can see some fights, however, being fairly tough. The (Act 2 scenario)
power station fight,
for example, might be kinda challenging if both sides were against you.


Ashhong said:
i got the raven face and gun by shooting the 2nd half with just the tranqs. i didnt get a gun from the octopus though..or i forgot

How do you get the tranquil gun? I'm in ACT3 and can't find the gun. I remember I had it in the first ACT but it's just gone.


I still haven't gotten an answer to: (END OF GAME SPOILERS)

How does Raiden
have a BODY at the end of the game? He clearly says earlier "my body is a machine", AND get his arms chopped off. Yet, he's laying on a hospital bed with a clearly human body...even though it looks a bit put together...

Also, anybody think
Little John
is gonna be a
future Metal Gear protagonist?


Ashhong said:
i got the raven face and gun by shooting the 2nd half with just the tranqs. i didnt get a gun from the octopus though..or i forgot
no, they each give you an item. The bonus you get for stamina killing them, though, is their mask, and a little trophy/action figure thingy that you have to find somewhere (which I didn't know, I only got 2 trophies, and those were on accident).


Goddamn it.

Power just briefly went out. Two fucking hours of unsaved play gone. I was close to where I was going to end for the day anyway.


Im making sure to explore everything as well, but its just really cool to help turn the tide of the fight in the rebels favor. Especially since they all cheer and stuff after clearing out the PMCs when possible.

EDIT: DBZ Burst Limit for PS3 just arrived at my house. Heh dunno when im gonna get the chance to touch it, let alone finish NG II and GTA IV. This game has just taken 100% of my gaming time.


Are all the cutscenes in this in-game? The scenes where you have no interactivity (can't zoom in and move the camera) appear to look much better than those where you do. I don't care as they look great, but I'm interested purely from a technical point of view.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
____ said:
How does Raiden have a BODY at the end of the game? He clearly says earlier "my body is a machine", AND get his arms chopped off. Yet, he's laying on a hospital bed with a clearly human body...even though it looks a bit put together...

Endgame spoilers
It's clearly an artificial body, just built to look normal instead of built for combat.


shooting blanks
tha_con said:
I'm exploring every nook and cranny of this game.

It's amazing, I can't see getting tired of it.

Does anyone know if there are consequences to 'not' helping out malitia? On my second play through I want to see if I can juse get through the entire game without interacting with anyone at all. (Note: Not passed act 2 yet, lol, work sucks).[/QUOTE]

ditto, and i question why i still come back here to feel even worse that i'm stuck at work not playing mgs4,,,,,i guess i like to suffer.


Wow just finished it. 20 hours 32 mins... I don't know what to say. The ending... wow! Whoever said the ending would disappoint, you are a fool.

It didn't quite have the immediate impact of MGS3 but still amazing. Perfect conclusion.

There were a couple of gameplay parts I didn't like and think could have been better, but apart from those it was pretty much perfect. Kojima is a genius.

I think I understand most of it but I have a couple of simple questions about little things I missed. So if someone would oblige...


1. Who's grave was that next to The Boss's at the end? That was Big Boss's grave right? The one snake was about to kill himself before...

2. I just read that Ocelot was The Boss's son. That seems really familiar to me, but can't remember where it was revealed. Was it MGS3 and I've just forgotten?

3. Did it ever mention how Raiden became all robotic?

4. Ocelot really just wanted the world to be completely free of Patriot control, which was the same as what Big Boss wanted, correct?

Oh do you also keep the iPod songs you found for new playthroughs?

Thanx in advance.

I'm gonna play the game again 2moro...

Game of the Generation!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
TomO said:
Are all the cutscenes in this in-game? The scenes where you have no interactivity (can't zoom in and move the camera) appear to look much better than those where you do. I don't care as they look great, but I'm interested purely from a technical point of view.

Not all of the cutscenes are real-time. A couple major ones are prerecorded, and possibly more that I didn't notice.
ToastyFrog said:
True, although a few people have already beaten me to suggesting how these elements could have been reconciled. I don't mind
that the gameplay changes; I just find that what it changes to is a let-down after the brilliance of the first few acts

Points to Kojima for inverting the normal structure of how this sort of thing usually works, I guess? (Compared to, say, the
faction dynamics of Halo, which become more complex as the story progresses

I kinda agree, I think the game started much stronger than it finished gameplay wise.

I don't say points to Kojima on that though. I just felt kinda let down. I wonder how much of it was a time factor?
The first two areas are HUGE compared to Shadow Moses and Outer Haven. To be fair, re-exploring all of Shadow Moses would be pretty pointless, so I give that one a pass. There should have been more to do from ACT3 onwards though.

Good call though, the game gets markedly less complex as you continue.


Darkpen said:
no, they each give you an item. The bonus you get for stamina killing them, though, is their mask, and a little trophy/action figure thingy that you have to find somewhere (which I didn't know, I only got 2 trophies, and those were on accident).

what do the masks do exactly, I got them all


TomO said:
Are all the cutscenes in this in-game? The scenes where you have no interactivity (can't zoom in and move the camera) appear to look much better than those where you do. I don't care as they look great, but I'm interested purely from a technical point of view.

There seem to be multiple different "modes" that the graphics can be rendered in.

When the full frame cutscenes look their best, I think that is the mode that is the most intensive on atmospheric effect and I think aa. I'm not sure, I'm no expert. There could be parts that are getting intesnive enough taht they can't let you play with the camera or else frames could start dropping. But I think much more likely is that this is a director's descision because I've noticed it happens in bits where I' should be paying attention.


EviLore said:
Endgame spoilers
It's clearly an artificial body, just built to look normal instead of built for combat.

Ok cool, I figured that.

But it seemed like it hadn't been THAT long since the mission had been over
(and his unfortunate accident) for him to have a completely new properly functioning body.
EviLore said:
Not all of the cutscenes are real-time. A couple major ones are prerecorded, and possibly more that I didn't notice.

Were they? Which ones? I had assumed they were all in-engine, kinda a shame if they all weren't, because that would mark the first time that has happened in a metal gear right? (Portable Ops excluded.)


Damn, Tranq winning
Raging Raven
on Hard is a pain in the butt. Took me forever with just the pistol. :lol

I probably shouldn't try for these my first time through. =x
Started my semi-CQC based semi-shooting still Big Boss Hard run
ACT 4 spoilers
Switching between Young Snake w/ Bandana and MGS1 snake face camo. So much fun =D


bishopcruz said:
I was going to say props on the camel-toe modeling.

Yah was just going to say. :lol

Shouta said:
Damn, Tranq winning
Raging Raven
on Hard is a pain in the butt. Took me forever with just the pistol. :lol

I probably shouldn't try for these my first time through. =x

Considered doing that in my first run throug but thought the tutorial stage was a PITA on hard mode so I said screw this and went in guns blazing. I do make an effort to keep the kills to a minimum in case I end up in a scenario that's similar to the Sorrow boss fight in MGS3. :/ Boy did I regret being trigger happy with that game.


works for Gamestop (lol)
EviLore said:
Not all of the cutscenes are real-time. A couple major ones are prerecorded, and possibly more that I didn't notice.
Damn, that sucks. A certain awesome cutscene I feared was prerendered cause I couldnt zoom in with the d-pad. And the cutscene was damn awesome.


MGS4 has had such an impact on me that "Act 3" should become Cockney Rhyming Slang for "Fuck Me" because FFS this is superb!! I'm up to the
bike chase
and if MGS4 was Act 2 and Act 3 (so far) and nothing else it would still be the best fucking game of the forever! What an amazing, awesome, immense, experience so far and I'm probably not even half way through. The cutscene that explains EVERYTHING literally explains everything...I understand everything that's happened now. I don't know how else to say it - this game is a masterpiece of game design


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
bishopcruz said:
Were they? Which ones? I had assumed they were all in-engine, kinda a shame if they all weren't, because that would mark the first time that has happened in a metal gear right? (Portable Ops excluded.)

A major one is in Act 3,
the big confrontation between Meryl's forces and Liquid on the waterway. That entire scene is prerecorded.
There's at least one more major one, TBH I forget where.


Question for those who've beat the game...

On a scale of 1-10

Liquid's "Guns of the Patriots" boat scene?


Geez, I JUST started act 3 and you guys have me so hyped. Is it really that epic?

Early ACT 3 spoiler:
I find the tailing the rebel in the streets mission a pain in the ass. I keep losing him. :(


djkimothy said:
Considered doing that in my first run throug but thought the tutorial stage was a PITA on hard mode so I said screw this and went in guns blazing. I do make an effort to keep the kills to a minimum in case I end up in a scenario that's similar to the Sorrow boss fight in MGS3. :/ Boy did I regret being trigger happy with that game.

I'm quite crazy so I decided to do it the first time. Man, it's amusing and evil.


djkimothy said:
Geez, I JUST started act 3 and you guys have me so hyped. Is it really that epic?

Early ACT 3 spoiler:
I find the tailing the rebel in the streets mission a pain in the ass. I keep losing him. :(

I loved that part. Also -

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :D :D :D :D :D


EviLore said:
A major one is in Act 3,
the big confrontation between Meryl's forces and Liquid on the waterway. That entire scene is prerecorded.
There's at least one more major one, TBH I forget where.
The other one is the confrontation of Outer Haven and the Missouri on the open sea in Act 5. As far as I know, this one and the Eastern Europe (it's actually supposed to be Prague, by the way) showdown are the only ones that are prerecorded videos.

@ bishopcruz:

Those prerecorded sequences are also in-engine, the only difference is that the engine couldn't handle the amount of things going on at an acceptable framerate. The same was done in Gears of War, Resistance or Uncharted for example (afaik).


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Ok, mid-Act 2 question:

I got Naomi's syringe, and she said don't use it too much or I'll get negative permanent effects. Unfortunately, when it gave me the tool tip after the cutscene about the syringe, I accidentally buttoned past it. What are the effects? I'm assuming the reason my stress level is constantly high and i have no psyche in the second act is because I need to use this thing. How should it be used? I don't want to permenantly screw myself by using it right now if there's other ways to remove this constant stress and psyche drain. I've also tried resting and eating, nothing seems to make snake not stress out


I'm at the beginning of Act 3 and so far there has been way too much gameplay and not enough cutscenes. Does it get better?

Also is it going to be mainly action scenes or will there be a lot of dialog too? Because I can't take more than 1 or two action scenes.

Most reviewers were complaining about the amount of cutscenes but so far I'm let down, when does the story start taking over?


Finished the game. A masterpiece.

Extreme, here I come!

Does anyone have any password for the extras section? What do they do?
I just finished the game. Last time I was on this computer was yesterday morning.

Best game ever made. This is my new favorite game ever. Last time I played a game this fine was 10 years ago. This game is perfection.

Seeing Big Boss on the VA list in the credits had my jaw on the floor.

I finished in 19 hours and got Eagle. I plan to go through again after some MGO.


But seriously guys, does it get any better? If I wanted to play most of the time I wouldn't be playing the MGS series.

I'm interested in the storyline, so does it start picking up later on? Right now the story is being overshadowed by the gameplay though Drebin and Snakes short conversation inside the tank was good and I want more like that.


Linkzg said:
I just finished the game. Last time I was on this computer was yesterday morning.

Best game ever made. This is my new favorite game ever. Last time I played a game this fine was 10 years ago. This game is perfection.

Seeing Big Boss on the VA list in the credits had my jaw on the floor.

I finished in 19 hours and got Eagle. I plan to go through again after some MGO.

I,too, got eagle. What was your alert/kill count? Mine was 90 alerts and 300 kills.


Will QA for food.
From Dundas Square in Toronto a week ago. It's a shame I won't be playing MGS4 for a while, and I just replayed Snaker Eater.

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