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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Just picked the game up today. I won't have my PS3 and TV until Sunday but my God I've never been this excited to play a game before.
____ said:
lol seriously...

i'm on my second playthru now...and i didn't know you could change the channel

so now i'm watching them all

but they're so out-there :lol

Could you verify if the 2 channels named after Hideo are still blank?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
THIS GAME....nothing will match its superiority for the rest of our days. Wii Fit may have conquered the market, but MGS4 has conquered creativity and design. It's all downhill from here folks, the end days have arrived, gaming will never be the same. Kojima has created NOT a brilliant game, but the death and collapse of pure thought processing in a soon to be retired medium.

I give it an 8.7/10. My highest review ever!


Kweh said:
I've just started, but looking at the Gamespot review and the second image down, I can't help notice that
Snake looks young and has black hair.
Is that a spoiler?

No, I wouldn't really consider it a spoiler.
It happens fairly early in act 3, and it's
a camoflage.


Brandon F said:
THIS GAME....nothing will match its superiority for the rest of our days. Wii Fit may have conquered the market, but MGS4 has conquered creativity and design. It's all downhill from here folks, the end days have arrived, gaming will never be the same. Kojima has created NOT a brilliant game, but the death and collapse of pure thought processing in a soon to be retired medium.
So what you're trying to say is, MGS4 will make other developers lose their motivation?
I almost buy it


Haha. the
dream sequence
before Act IV started was great.
I can't believe they have you do that part of MGS1 again and then give you the MGS1 FaceCamo!


Shouta said:
Haha. the
dream sequence
before Act IV started was great.
I can't believe they have you do that part of MGS1 again and then give you the MGS1 FaceCamo!

Yeah that part was amazing, really brought me back...
and I got caught in that too.


Man at the start of act II
I cant just LEAVE them on the ground can I? I mean isnt there some way to help the captured rebels out without having them get massacred even after they had a chance to get weapons?

Tried to do some fast action sniping, but they still got cut down later.


58 kills through the first act. Terrible. I couldn't bypass the frogs portion any other way than to kill them. 19 alerts, so not too bad there. I'm going to try to reduce killing as much as possible from here on out.

No CQC kills/actions. I can't seem to do it right. It's been mainly tranquilizers... which are what I used most in MGS2 too.


Magnus said:
Finally finished.

I must be a retard, one thing in particular was lost on me:

Nevermind the fact that all character motivations get shifted/mangled/reverse/fucked up to hell in the last two hours of the game, I managed to sift through all of that, I think. I mean, I kind of threw my hands up in disgust and gave up when Liquid finally just announces that he kind of wants exactly what Snake's been fighting for all of this time. WTF. But anyway, my question: why exactly does the modern Pats crew (Eva/Ocelot/Naomi) program the second Foxdie to kill Big Boss? Where the fuck did that come from?

They didn't program it to do that. The proxy AIs did. Note that Big Boss mentioned it also killed EVA and Ocelot in the end as well.


Mifune said:
I will say that even though they didn't formally tie into the game's beginning, they did help draw me into the game world. There's something really eerie about those shows.

lol, then i think he's succeeded in what he tried to do
Teknoman said:
Man at the start of act II
I cant just LEAVE them on the ground can I? I mean isnt there some way to help the captured rebels out without having them get massacred even after they had a chance to get weapons?

Tried to do some fast action sniping, but they still got cut down later.

Sniping does the job. They open up that door for you too


I forgot to mention how disappointed I was with one thing... :(

The underutilized codec! After the crews of people you could call in the first 3 games (esp. 1 and 3, 2's was even a bit lacking), we only get Otacon and Rose here? :(!!! The codec interactions have always been one of my favourite parts of the series, and there's just nothing here.


guys... which song did Ennio Morricone supposedly do? In the credits, he's credited for "Ending title" or something, but that song in particular is nowhere on the OST that comes with the LE. So what songs did he work on exactly?


Lost all credibility.
I just finished act 2.
After what Naomi said about the consequences of FoxDie's mutations, I'm starting to get an idea of why Snake feels the need to put a gun to his mouth.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Continuing on to Act 2 and still enjoying myself. However, I have to say it and I'm probably going to be in the MASSIVE minority...

I really, really dislike Hayter's Snake. I guess it's more accurate to say I dislike the take the voice director went with for his voice. I tolerated it in the previous games, but in MGS4 everyone else around Snake sound so so good (so far) and more natural compared to Snake who sounds like he's really struggling with the voice.

To my ears, it really sticks out. It's not ruining the experience or anything close to that. It's just something I noticed. I shall now brace for impact.

Oh yeah, Act 1 was fuck AWESOME.
I beat the game earlier today. It was a fantastic experience the whole way through.

I took one picture during the game, and it revealed something neat that I wouldn't have noticed otherwise.

Act III spoiler:
The three robotic armed things that were dressed in a white jacket and hat that follow you into the church actually follow you while you're trailing the resistance member. I took a picture of the resistance member when he was peeing in the park, and lo and behold the jacketed robot thing is there peeking at him. :lol

I'm surprised I didn't notice it when I was playing the actual game. Maybe I'll look for it next time.


kiryogi said:
They didn't program it to do that. The proxy AIs did. Note that Big Boss mentioned it also killed EVA and Ocelot in the end as well.

My mind must have lapsed and missed a few important details.
Proxy AIs? You don't mean the three accompanying AIs to GW, do you? And when did they insert this program into Snake?

I've gotta say, the nanomachine phenomenon as the cure-all to solutions or the cause-all to problems got really frustrating and annoying as the game progressed.

Also, wtf? You're still required to install game data on a replay at Act intervals? Seriously?


Kintaro said:
yeah, Act 1 was fuck AWESOME.

This is as far as I have got, and I can only agree. I would be happy if Kojima developed a / the Tintin game. That is the highest praise I am able to offer.


Lebron said:
Seriously? Well damn, I shot her to death as well:lol

I wonder what the outcome would have been if I kept her alive, hopefully nothing real major?

you fools, you ruined the game for yourself D:

I totally went for stamina kills only (when it came to the bosses).


Did anyone else think that the part where
Eva mentions FPS games, and how they're affecting these child soldiers
, was interesting?
Darkpen said:
Did anyone else think that the part where
Eva mentions FPS games, and how they're affecting these child soldiers
, was interesting?

yeah :lol there's always talk about games in... these games. oh Kojima.


help on act 3 please
i dont understand what i need to do otacon said that the guard is whistling but i cant find him help please


I just noticed Lisbeth Scott did the vocals for the ending theme. Shit, I loved her voice in Paul Schwartz's State of Grace albums. Who ever produced the soundtrack certainly has an ear for talent. I'm finding new awesomness in this game without even playing it. :D


tribal24 said:
help on act 3 please
i dont understand what i need to do otacon said that the guard is whistling but i cant find him help please

If you are at the part where he switches to the guard suit, look for a guard that seems to be wandering by himself and you hear a whistling sound. Also if that doesn't help look for a guard with a somewhat irregular helmet.
I just finished the game and Im absolutely amazed. The game is perfect.

One question:

There is an extended intro out there? like not the one when Snake stands in front of the grave and where you have to press start? whats the deal here...pls help.


tribal24 said:
help on act 3 please
i dont understand what i need to do otacon said that the guard is whistling but i cant find him help please
Easiest way:
Turn Solid Eye on normal and tranq everyone with a red name.


Doc Evils

Has anyone else seen this?

MGS4 LE PS3 is in the game:


Tom Penny

Just finished act 1. I'm going real slow. Very impressive so far. I'm purposely trying every route just for shits and giggles so it took me 5 + hours.


Doc Evils said:
Has anyone else seen this?

MGS4 LE PS3 is in the game:


Is this on the Nomad? I haven't really roamed with the Mk. II but I'll check the next time.

I'm really surprised at the Apple product placements in the game. I'm glad global war is being fought with classy computers. :D
Well apparently Kojima just felt the fucking urge to give me the one thing I was hoping for, concerning act 4. I'm just going to remain calm about it and keep playing.
Holy shit I just finished the game. What a ride. Can't wait to start up another game. The beginning of the game seems like a distant memory, and I can't wait to get back to it. And I haven't even tried Metal Gear Online yet. GOTY.


Doc Evils said:
Has anyone else seen this?

MGS4 LE PS3 is in the game:

yeah, I noticed it when I decided to go through the briefings to pick up items


If you didn't go on the nomad with the mk II on the first playthrough, or at least, up until the 4th mission briefing, if you pick up the camera on the 4th mission briefing, exclusive photos of naomi and sunny are included with the camera.


Just finished act 2, it was amazing. Btw did anybody
find the crop circle during the naomi tracking section? Hearing the Colonel again recount his alien abduction was hilarious :D
Final results(naked normal)

Total play time: 15:14:57
Continues: 22(half from vamp, half from the boat level)
Alert Phases: 79
Kills: 279(at least 50 were from the boat level, i had to camp for quite a bit before i found an opportunity to open the door. I didn't have any health packs and suck at sneaking)
Recovery items used: 29
Weapon types procured: 32
Flashbacks watched: 80
Special items used: Not used(wtf!)

Points at the end: 167,564DP
Conver the title of..... "panther"(apparently i did it fast, i am impatient :( )


Just finished Act 3. Absolute perfection! That cutscene for the end of Act 3 was stunning in so many ways. This is the absolute GOTY, no doubt about it


Just killed
Laughing Octopus
and the experience so far has been underwhelming. I feel a lot of the older gameplay mechanics don't get along with the 'open battlefield' mechanic they are trying to go for. Act 1 was a lot more enjoyable, and didn't feel quite as linear as Act 2.

Graphics and sound are amazing, though.

I also got Ratchet & Clank, so I'm looking forward to playing that as well. I'm downloading updates to my PS3 as I type this. What should I check out on the Playstation Store/PSN?
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