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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Not Wario
Just stopping by to say I just finished Act 3. (4 is installing right now) I gotta say; I thought I was over MGS' ways of storytelling- I've cringed a few times where I wouldn't have before had I played it at the same age and with the same mindset as I played the others and I've checked my watch several times- but, oh my god, that act was just... wow. The single best
on rails sequence in any game ever followed by one of Kojima's finest cinematic (Which, while something of a dubious honor, is still worth noting.)

Anyway, heading out to play Act 4.
IamMattFox said:
Yeah, mine was as well. I'd post the picture if I knew how to upload it.

I guess I could just take a picture of my TV.
It has to be something that gets automatically added to your picture, I refuse to believe I was tailing the guy for so long and thinking he's not being very careful since he can't spot me yet I was being tailed the whole time.
Costanza said:
I wanna try some MGO instead of this second replay for right now.

Anyone playing atm?

I've been playing for a while now. I'm doing better than I did in the beta. I guess the seventeen or so hours of single player helped out.


slept with Malkin
Can anyone comment on the quality of the documentary that came with the gamestop LE? Obviously haven't finished the game yet, but was just curious if anyone watched it yet.


It would have been fucking awesome to have the Octocam change shape so that you can actually play as each character whose face you earn.

I just beat Act 3. I am impressed by this game on so many levels. Game is amazing.
MickeyKnox said:
It has to be something that gets automatically added to your picture, I refuse to believe I was tailing the guy for so long and thinking he's not being very careful since he can't spot me yet I was being tailed the whole time.

Small Act 3 spoilers: Here's the picture.


Revolutionary said:
Don't know if this has been posted yet, but...

ACT IV Spoiler:

Shadow Moses is still haunted. :D Hope you got that camera and remember the locations of some of the ghosts.

Yeah, this entire act is ridiculous amounts of fan service. I LOVE it.

tribal24 said:
omfg!?!?! omfg?!!?!??
omfg at act 3 motocycle chase speechless omg i think i can quit gaming after this lol

Seriously guys...is there any other game that was as amazing as MGS4.
The epicness level is over 9000!!!!!

There are plenty of great games out there...but the story and presentation of those games arent as good as I tought tehy would be. MGS4 smashes everything away. I mean it.
MickeyKnox said:

Actually, I kind of understand what happened then.

While I was stalking him, I noticed someone leaning around the corner at one point. When I ran over to see who it was, it wasn't there anymore.
I just got to Act 2 and I wasted all the PMC's instead of trying to sneak through. Anyways, I see the Dragonuv(SVD) and I don't know how to get to it. How do I do it or is it not possible and they're just teasing me.
bigben85 said:
finally beat the game!
clocked in 22 hours 21 minutes.

I was worried the 2nd half was going to be just watching cutscenes and little to no gameplay.
I was wrong. Why did 1up say the 2nd half is 80% watching and 20% playing???? did they include the ending into that? There an equal amount of gameplay for every act,
except the epilogue, which is an ending.

Act 5 says 'hi' it is literally one screen a boss fight, and two hallways. That's like 20 minutes if you know what you are doing, if that. Act 4 is cool in that is intentionally a throwback to MGS1, but the enemies are boring as fuck. Act 3 is pretty much a follow sequence and a rail shooter, not much there. The gameplay never comes close to the first two acts.

How exactly did this game get an 80 from Edge and other reviewers? It is ok to an opinion but 80 for this caliber of a game? I would like to know what kind of games they play. seriously. There must be something broken with the review system.

The game DOES have serious flaws, as much as I love it, and they were more important to the Edge and Eurogamer guys than they were to some people. If you never like MGS much, there is nothing in this game to change your mind really. I loved the series and felt a bit let down by the later gameplay. There are 8 hours of cinemas, the game can be beat in under 5 (if you know what you are doing, and this includes scenes like
the long hallway of death, and the beauty fights, which are barely gameplay.

If that bothers you a lot, you will rate it lower.

And graphics at around a 9? That's ridiculous. The only game that comes to mind that has graphics this caliber as MGS4 is Crysis. But, there is no other game that looks as artistically beautiful. No other. The later parts of the game looks almost CG.
Shadow Moses is godly!

I would have spoilered that part, but as I have had some poiler Snafu's of my own... who am I to judge.

Anyhow, some of the cinemas are pre-rendered, but I agree the game does look amazing. That's what a limitless budget can do for you.

Some people may or may not like the ending (If you beat it already, you know what I mean).
I loved it.

Now I know why Kojima said there games and movies will become one. This is basically one of the best film you will not see in a theater.

The game does some cool stuff, and all. But MGS has never been movie caliber. The pacing of the games, and the pacing of films are COMPLETELY different. The 8 hours of cinematics could have likely been done in 2. But then it wouldn't have been Kojima.

The highs in this game were phenominal, and the lows were still pretty damned impressive, but overall I still feel that MGS1 and MGS3 were better games.


DrBo42 said:
There were multiple OH SHIT moments in this game that brought a smile to my face. However none of the BB Corps fights did that. Missed potential in this game, kinda sad.

returning character spoiler
even Psycho Mantis?


bishopcruz said:
Act 5 says 'hi' it is literally one screen a boss fight, and two hallways. That's like 20 minutes if you know what you are doing, if that. Act 4 is cool in that is intentionally a throwback to MGS1, but the enemies are boring as fuck. Act 3 is pretty much a follow sequence and a rail shooter, not much there. The gameplay never comes close to the first two acts.

The game DOES have serious flaws, as much as I love it, and they were more important to the Edge and Eurogamer guys than they were to some people. If you never like MGS much, there is nothing in this game to change your mind really. I loved the series and felt a bit let down by the later gameplay. There are 8 hours of cinemas, the game can be beat in under 5 (if you know what you are doing, and this includes scenes like
the long hallway of death, and the beauty fights, which are barely gameplay.

If that bothers you a lot, you will rate it lower.

I would have spoilered that part, but as I have had some poiler Snafu's of my own... who am I to judge.

Anyhow, some of the cinemas are pre-rendered, but I agree the game does look amazing. That's what a limitless budget can do for you.

The game does some cool stuff, and all. But MGS has never been movie caliber. The pacing of the games, and the pacing of films are COMPLETELY different. The 8 hours of cinematics could have likely been done in 2. But then it wouldn't have been Kojima.

The highs in this game were phenominal, and the lows were still pretty damned impressive, but overall I still feel that MGS1 and MGS3 were better games.

I don't agree with any of it.


i finished it again last night, the game will definitely go down as one of the best games ever. heck, everyone has theyre own personal best game ever, and its probably just the incredible gaming high that ive experienced over the last few days, but to me, mgs4 is, the greatest game ever made. some people talk the zeldas, the final fantasy's the marios, as theyre greatest games ever. but to me, metal gear solid 4:the greatest game ever made.

my personal favorite moments

the ending, of course, big boss being alive and....we get to see them with this current technology was...amazing. its always something ive wondered what would look like, if snake and big boss met again, but not as 2d sprites. raiden meeting his son for the first time was also really moving. everything about the ending was beautiful

everything getting wrapped up. who the patriots where, the darpa chief/sigint discovery, everything plot related that was explained. so, fucking, awesome.

finding out little things also was so awesome, like akiba being the guy who meryl takes the clothes off in shadow moses!!! when he said i wanted to be near you meryl, i was like, omg, i think i know who this is!!!! and i flashbacked and was like OMG IM RIGHT WHAT A FUCKING GUESS!!:lol

and of course, returning to shadow moses. for most people, a lot of people, this wont mean as much to them. but for me, because ive been on a total media blackout, i had no idea we would return to shadow moses. heck, when they told me we'd be going back there, i still didnt think they meant THERE THERE. as in HELIPAD AND ALL. and with my favorite fucking mgs track EVER playing in the background while you do it!! KOJIMA, i have always thought of him as a great developer, a lot of moments in mgs have moved me. but none more than this. it sounds silly, but its as if he made this gaming moment just for people like me, who knew, they would be speechless. bravo

there are just so many fucking brilliant moments in this game, it feels like as i write this up a new memory will pop into my head. really, truly is, the best game ever made.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.

i loved the screaming mantis fight. everything about it was just spot on. then finding out it was really psycho mantis in control of the beasts and holy shit i crapped myself. god i love this game


wenis said:

i loved the screaming mantis fight. everything about it was just spot on. then finding out it was really psycho mantis in control of the beasts and holy shit i crapped myself. god i love this game

yea that really did come as a surprise. People that didn't play MGS1 will not know how shocking that moment is...at the same time it was funny too because of the same "tricks"


guys how long did the GAME ID password need to be? I can't remember mine and if I knew the number I could probably figure it out.

edit: nevermind I remembered it. 4 numbers
wenis said:

i loved the screaming mantis fight. everything about it was just spot on. then finding out it was really psycho mantis in control of the beasts and holy shit i crapped myself. god i love this game
Such a good fight. After my screen went black and Hideo 2 popped up in the corner I turned my controller to port 2. The conversation with Otacon after that is awesome. And the ones with Cambell too. And of course, "Vibration is back!!!"


JPBrowncoat said:
Such a good fight. After my screen went black and Hideo 2 popped up in the corner I turned my controller to port 2. The conversation with Otacon after that is awesome. And the ones with Cambell too. And of course, "Vibration is back!!!"
I really want to know what happens when you use a SIXAXIS there. The guide said it's hilarious.


Costanza said:
I really want to know what happens when you use a SIXAXIS there. The guide said it's hilarious.
I used a SIXAXIS. Psycho Mantis freaks out because there is no rumble and explodes. What happens if you have a Dual Shock?


jvalioli said:
I used a SIXAXIS. Psycho Mantis freaks out because there is no rumble and explodes. What happens if you have a Dual Shock?
Yeah, same here, what happens there?

something may happen when you have a memory card adapter, anyone care to check?


jvalioli said:
I used a SIXAXIS. Psycho Mantis freaks out because there is no rumble and explodes. What happens if you have a Dual Shock?
makes your controller move again and screams out "VIBRATION IS BACK!"


oneHeero said:
Why does X pop up during cutscenes? Or the L1 button in top left.

Graphics are ridiculous...
X just brings up little screenshots and stuff to trigger your memories of the past games. L1 lets you view things from Snake's perspective.


well not really...yet
oneHeero said:
Why does X pop up during cutscenes? Or the L1 button in top left.

Graphics are ridiculous...
L1 brings up an alternate camera view, often interactive

Pressing X brings up several flashbacks of the character you are currently interacting with. Getting all thsoe flashbacks gives you extra points at the end of an act.


Costanza said:
makes your controller move again and screams out "VIBRATION IS BACK!"
So then
why does he leave? I thought his "defeat" was because his powers no longer worked, but if he can move the controller...
bigswords said:
I killed
laughing octopus
in a previous game. But how do you
hit / avoid her while she's rolling around?

I just
went to a window kept jumping to the other side when it rolled to my side.


wispy, everyones personal "best game ever made" will be different. you will rarely find 2 or 3 people that agree on the same title. but for me, personally, it now holds that title. where before, there were 3 games on equal terms which i could not seperate from my personal favorite games of all time. mgs4 beats them all, and quite comfortably i might add.


All right, took down Boss 3,
Crying Wolf
Tranqing it in both forms! Easier than the other two, that's for sure. I apparently got a little figurine nearby. Anyway get that too?


hide your water-based mammals
WISPY, the beauty of the story is that it really does take another playthrough to fully engross yourself in the details. This is a small reason why I love this series. I can always count on more details and am driven to understand all the intricacies.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
bigswords said:
I killed
laughing octopus
in a previous game. But how do you
hit / avoid her while she's rolling around?

climbed on beds and boxes

jvalioli said:
So then
why does he leave? I thought his "defeat" was because his powers no longer worked, but if he can move the controller...

He was controlling Screaming Mantis. She was, in the end, a puppet. The puppet goes down, the puppeteer's left with nothing left.

Oh yeah and unadulterated fan service of the highest degree.


Shapingo said:
Beauty and the Beast battles

I didn't know I was supposed to beat the girls after their armor was off without killing them. I just shot laughing octopus to death, but you are able to just wear down their physce gauges and they just collapse in exhaustion. I let them grab me, then just shook them off, then pressed triangle and it flips them; do it 4 times and they give up; even with more than half their life left. You get different cut scenes as well.

I wonder if doing this affects the game in anyway?

Yeah I'm quoting myself because I found out what it does

If you beat the beauty and beast bosses without killing them you can use their octocam (facecam) and use their face/body. I just got raging vulcans face as an option to use. Sucks I shot laughing octopus, now I'll have to play through again


oneHeero said:
Why does X pop up during cutscenes? Or the L1 button in top left.

Graphics are ridiculous...
Mash X during those cutscenes.

They show stills that are 'flashbacks' to the previous games.

Viewing the flashbacks earn you extra Drebin Points at the end of the chapter. You'll get more points based on how many stills you see, so just mash x.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I am taking my sweet time with this game. Loving it!

In the second "section" of Act 2. Man that was some epic stealth shit in the first section.

I've been doing the tranq-only thang and the challenge is really nice. Plus you feel like a total fucking ninja.

The Mosin-Nagant is prob one of my favorite sniper rifles in all of gaming.

Going to save for now, savor that 45 minute zero discovery segment, and go do something else.

The rate I'm going, this game is going to last me 30 hours. :lol


Sucks at poetry
djkimothy said:
I just noticed Lisbeth Scott did the vocals for the ending theme. Shit, I loved her voice in Paul Schwartz's State of Grace albums. Who ever produced the soundtrack certainly has an ear for talent. I'm finding new awesomness in this game without even playing it. :D

wtf!? seriously? I love State of Grace/Aria/Paul Schwartz!!


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Playing on Hard ATM and just finished the second act, the AI needs some serious work though, but other then that AWESOMES and the fight scenes with them guys......... need some rumble in there, totally feel out of the whole thing when thats going on.
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