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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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duckroll said:
It definitely blurs the line like NEVER before. It's both a movie and a game imo, and works very well as both. Some people won't like it, but it's always been a part of MGS.
No, I mean that in a bad way, heh. Kind of.

I'm the kind of nerd who eats this stuff up, and Konami almost nailed it. Two things honestly bug me, though: the loading between scenes and the install before every new act. It's great how some scenes transition directly into actual gameplay (impressive!), but it sucks when you have to first sit through a load screen. No matter how impressive the presentation is, things like this take you out of the experience.

I'm just saying this because it's clear how much time, money, heart, and soul Konami sank into this project to make it as cinematic as possible. Could they not tailor the engine to fix this? Maybe downgrade some aspects of the graphics if need be? It's an odd design choice is all.
K been trying to avoid this thread till I beat it but [Act 5 begining spoilers]
How do I beat Screaming Mantis? I tried switching to controller 2 obviously but Otocon said that does'nt work anymore...I keep attacking but its hp is not going down


WiiRevolution1 said:
K been trying to avoid this thread till I beat it but [Act 5 begining spoilers]
How do I beat Screaming Mantis? I tried switching to controller 2 obviously but Otocon said that does'nt work anymore...I keep attacking but its hp is not going down

shoot the mantis puppet until she drops it (you will be told when she does in case you miss it) then go crazy


To anyone asking for boss hints, as always, codec calls provide hints if you don't figure it out after a few minutes, without fail.

Twin Snakes is teasing me from its shelf. I now have a massive urge to go back and play the other games armed with all the knowledge made available in MGS4.


Act IV Mission Briefing spoiler:

I couldn't stop staring at Snake's face bandage! I wanted to walk up to him and re-tape it. :p

Just played the beginning of Act IV... I don't think it should have, but I'll be damned if I didn't feel a little overwhelmed being
back there... loved the random replaying of convos if you go to the proper spots. The vents gave you the Master Miller convo, where Snake says that there is no one he'd want in the trenches besides him... :(


by the way, is it ok to ask for one song from the game. if not, il edit my post. i just REALLY want the title screen track as an mp3. its amazing.


biggkidd32 said:

Act 2 Spoilers
I'm really having a hard time with Laughing Octopus. Her melee attacks are way strong; I'm just having a hard time with her. Any tips.

I ended up taking her out in a non-lethal manner and I discovered that the M870 Custom (Shotgun) using air-burst rounds is the best weapon to take her down. Completely useless online - pwns all in single player campaign. :D


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
hey guys

i bet the "stop smoking" warnings on the install screens are better than ubisoft's stop smoking ds game


Whats usually the LEAST populated MGO server? Thats the one we should pick as our official server.

Also the multiple clan squads are nice since we never know when Kojipro or some other gaming site may call for a clan battle.
Magnus said:
Twin Snakes is teasing me from its shelf. I now have a massive urge to go back and play the other games armed with all the knowledge made available in MGS4.

Not me. MGS4 is pretty damn near perfection as far as the MGS series goes. The gameplay is a perfect blend of old and new, every tiny bit of the storyline is tied up, each chapter felt like a new game. Was quite amazing. Definitely going to start my second play through this weekend. Still haven't started Metal Gear Online either.

Ploid 3.0

OMGGGG Ga gaa gaaaaa gaaawd!!!! OMG act 3 finished and it was mind blowing! Never forgetting this game or this series. Playing this game makes me want to play the others again just because of the history and knowing what I know now due to this game. Sick!
This game is the most amazing thing ever.

But I have a question before I go on further:
Naomi. She, like, dies. I'm at the scene right after this, but since the plot twists are coming up, I was wondering if I missed something: why did Naomi want us to get her, then betray us? Or will this be answered later? KEEP IN MIND I'M STILL IN ACT IV, THANKS.


FateBreaker said:
This game is the most amazing thing ever.

But I have a question before I go on further:
Naomi. She, like, dies. I'm at the scene right after this, but since the plot twists are coming up, I was wondering if I missed something: why did Naomi want us to get her, then betray us? Or will this be answered later? KEEP IN MIND I'M STILL IN ACT IV, THANKS.
It'll be answered later.
I finished this game several hours ago and I can't stop thinking about the ending.

The most tragic character to me was
Ocelot. I just feel so bad for him.


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
Linkzg said:
Gameplay: 4 > 3 > 2 > 1

Story: 4 > 3 > 1 > 2

Characters: 4 > 1 > 3 > 2

Boss Fights: 4 > 3 > 1 > 2

How about the ending? 3 had such a good ending.. I even cried at the end of 3.. :lol

I already have my LE copy of MGS4 but I am sick with some kind of stomach virus so I can barely play it without pulling a Johnny and rushing to the nearest toilet .. oh the irony hurts, I want to play so bad!


force push the doodoo rock
Gamer @ Heart said:
I just read there is no movie viewer. I just assumed it would be unlocked after i beat the game. Is this true? If it is, its incredibly stupid.

Well if there is no FMV outside the real life stuff, it would be kind of difficult to do this without having to reinstall all the time.



2=3>4>>>1 I'm not finished with MGS4 yet, I'm on the 5th act and this game seems like it's too concerned with answering questions from the past games. I like it, but it feels too much like Kojima giving in to the MGS2 whiners. MGS2 had weak writing, but I still like it best for its atmosphere and directing and absurd ending. MGS3 needs no explanation. One was just anime trying to be hollywood.



Four had them all(mostly), so I gues it wins automatically. Characters keep getting more human as time goes on.


4=3 > 2=1

2 and 1 were pretty weak with bosses. In 2 I really only liked fatman and the part with all the tengus. in 1, Vulcan raven and Rex were the only fun ones.


Beat it last night, 23 something hours, Eagle crest. I'm still reeling. I have no idea where to rank it though. It's a great game, but...


I think near the end it lost something for me. You don't have as much control, the story takes some major leaps to connect plot points, and the "final boss" while fun, wasn't nearly as epic as the fight at the end of 2, and didn't have the emotional impact of the fight from 3. That said:

Who injected Snake with the new Foxdie? Drebin?

I hated Drebin.

Why did Big Boss want to die all of a sudden?

The fight with Liquid Ocelot was fun but ridiculous, when they kept injecting themselves it felt unnecessary, and more like Kojima was making some of point about drugs or something. Ridiculous.

What was Liquid's plan? To take over or destroy the Patriots? He didn't even seem to know.

Ironically, I stayed up late to finish it because I have to go to a wedding today.

I just want to play through the whole series again now. I feel like I have so much to quantify and process still. As I said, reeling. When i get back later I just might start it all over again.


man, MGO is still lag-tastic. I don't know why they haven't ironed out that stupid respawn glitch problem. I think its based on if you have an average internet connection :(
Did anybody count Kojima's name in the credits? I tried but gave up early. I think I saw Ryan Payton 5 times and Mark MacDonald once, and I think Patrice Desilets for some reason?

Voice of God - Hideo Kojima
kozmo7 said:
How about the ending? 3 had such a good ending.. I even cried at the end of 3.. :lol

I already have my LE copy of MGS4 but I am sick with some kind of stomach virus so I can barely play it without pulling a Johnny and rushing to the nearest toilet .. oh the irony hurts, I want to play so bad!

Endings is a bit complex. End spoilers!
Big Boss dying took a bit long, and Meryl's wedding was a bit cheesy, but in general it was great.

Still, 4 > 3 > 1 > 2.
kozmo7 said:
How about the ending? 3 had such a good ending.. I even cried at the end of 3.. :lol

Altogether the "ending" of Act 5 a major part of which you play is amazing. Wraps up EVERYTHING and no character's ending is bad. They're ALL great. Especially
Snake and Big Boss'


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Just made a crappy MGO official thread, we can discuss MGO stuff there while staying spoiler free.



To think I killed Vamp over 30 times before I 'got' it. First I thought you had to kill off his energy bar with stun grenades, then I switched to grenade launcher/stun, and then I figured I needed to use the stun knife to get him down... it seemed as if he died faster every time, but in the end I got a Codec call from Otacon telling me what to do...
FateBreaker said:
This game is the most amazing thing ever.

But I have a question before I go on further:
Naomi. She, like, dies. I'm at the scene right after this, but since the plot twists are coming up, I was wondering if I missed something: why did Naomi want us to get her, then betray us? Or will this be answered later? KEEP IN MIND I'M STILL IN ACT IV, THANKS.

All the answers to this games questions come.

I finally beat this game. And what a thrill ride it was.

Major Spoilers:
The entire time I was playing the game, I kept thinking to myself, "So, these are his last days?" The idea of Snake dying after all of this was really depressing, and I found myself just wanting to get through it all. The war economy was a troubling scenario, and I found myself figuring that I wouldn't be playing the game again for awhile as it'd be too depressing. Damn, am I glad I was wrong.

Also, the CQC battle between Snake and Liquid was one of the coolest sections of the game. I loved how we moved through all four games as they fought. The second was the REX/Ray battle, helped by the fact that I figured out I could play Calling to the Night on the Ipod.

I didn't do as well as I'd hoped stat wise. Killed too many people and got spotted too often. Maybe this weekend I'll try again, or just see what MGO is like.

Furoba said:
To think I killed Vamp over 30 times before I 'got' it. First I thought you had to kill off his energy bar with stun grenades, then I switched to grenade launcher/stun, and then I figured I needed to use the stun knife to get him down... it seemed as if he died faster every time, but in the end I got a Codec call from Otacon telling me what to do...

I eventually got to the point where I was dropping him with two shots from the tranquilizer gun every time. I didn't quite get to where Otacon flat out told me, but I must have been close.
Aquavelvaman said:
Did anybody count Kojima's name in the credits? I tried but gave up early. I think I saw Ryan Payton 5 times and Mark MacDonald once, and I think Patrice Desilets for some reason?

Voice of God - Hideo Kojima

Patrice and Ubi team was there because of the Assassin's Creed April Fools joke/costume.

sp0rsk said:
How many acts are there?

I would say its better not to know, but
5 acts + epilogue

Not knowing what was next really just kept me getting shocked over and over again when playing.


Furoba said:
To think I killed Vamp over 30 times before I 'got' it. First I thought you had to kill off his energy bar with stun grenades, then I switched to grenade launcher/stun, and then I figured I needed to use the stun knife to get him down... it seemed as if he died faster every time, but in the end I got a Codec call from Otacon telling me what to do...
:lol I did the same, but instead, I started to use the grenade launcher you get from raging raven, using the white phosphorous gas and the stun
Darkpen said:
:lol I did the same, but instead, I started to use the grenade launcher you get from raging raven, using the white phosphorous gas and the stun

I tried to
run up and stab him to death. Basically, I was hoping Snake would cut off his head. Regenerate from that, bitch!


why can't you buy chaff grenades? I had some and used it all and then it never allowed me to buy any. Probably same for some other weapons.


crowphoenix said:
I eventually got to the point where I was dropping him with two shots from the tranquilizer gun every time. I didn't quite get to where Otacon flat out told me, but I must have been close.
I actually knew what to do but whenever I got close to him he just spun around and wouldn't stop.



Was there supposed to be a really long opening cutscene? It threw me into action and the only major cutscene was the one where they picked up Snake at the cemetary. Idk I though there would be some epic cut scene before being thrown right into the action
sp0rsk said:
Well if there is no FMV outside the real life stuff, it would be kind of difficult to do this without having to reinstall all the time.

True. I forgot about the act installs. Another chink in the armor in think. : (


Defuser said:
Wait till you do the final battle in Act 4. You will shit your pants on this awesomeness.

I already did.

Man Tranqing
was highly amusing. So easy compared to the other boss fights too. :lol


well not really...yet
Acid08 said:

Was there supposed to be a really long opening cutscene? It threw me into action and the only major cutscene was the one where they picked up Snake at the cemetary. Idk I though there would be some epic cut scene before being thrown right into the action
Click Briefing on the main menu, you will find the opening Briefing that takes place before the game

Dunno why they didnt automatically stick it before the actual game
bigben85 said:
why can't you buy chaff grenades? I had some and used it all and then it never allowed me to buy any. Probably same for some other weapons.

Yeah not really sure. I think they just put them there for
nostalgia of going back to Shadow Moses. They sure came in handy on those stupid black drones with arms. Don't like those things. Seriously one of the only "meh" parts of the game for me. They just weren't entertaining.
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