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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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zam said:
I got her now with the stingers, seems than using first-person rather than third-person worked a lot better.





Special Items and Spoilers

How it is possible to beat this game without killing anyone? I mean to get the Bandanna and the Stealth Camo. I mean some parts you have to kill like with the chase scenes, when you fight your way out with meryl even, and the boss fights or am I wrong?


I just managed to break of the statue penis (third area). :lol
I was just doing the pose seen in the trailer. Then a second time and it broke off.
So for doing a no-alert game run, does it even count stuff like the very beginning? The part where
you have to sneak past those gekkos that come in to destroy the resistance guys. I heard an alert sound as I ran for the exit but the sign didn't pop up.
CoilShot said:
Special Items and Spoilers

How it is possible to beat this game without killing anyone? I mean to get the Bandanna and the Stealth Camo. I mean some parts you have to kill like with the chase scenes, when you fight your way out with meryl even, and the boss fights or am I wrong?

Tranq gun. It is possible. I got 1 kill and no alerts my 3rd play through. I got one accidental kill in the first example you gave.

BudokaiMR2 said:
So for doing a no-alert game run, does it even count stuff like the very beginning? The part where
you have to sneak past those gekkos that come in to destroy the resistance guys. I heard an alert sound as I ran for the exit but the sign didn't pop up.

If you see ALERT appear on the top of the screen, that is what counts. If it doesnt appear, even if you hear the alert sound, then it doesnt count


wollan, being a huge ps3 fan in general, how would you rank mgs4 in terms of the ps3 library, and also overall gaming experiences


dabookerman said:
Tranq gun. It is possible. I got 1 kill and no alerts my 3rd play through. I got one accidental kill in the first example you gave.

If you see ALERT appear on the top of the screen, that is what counts. If it doesnt appear, even if you hear the alert sound, then it doesnt count

So your telling me I can use a tranq gun against the gekko on the first chase scene? :lol


CoilShot said:
Special Items and Spoilers

How it is possible to beat this game without killing anyone? I mean to get the Bandanna and the Stealth Camo. I mean some parts you have to kill like with the chase scenes, when you fight your way out with meryl even, and the boss fights or am I wrong?
Tranq guns and air bullets does the trick.As for the chase scenes,Drebin will drive off after some time so just keep knocking off guys off the truck or use non lethal bullets and just dodge gekkos i guess. For Act 4 where you really have to kill gekkos with a rail gun,it is not counted in


Does it have to be a certain difficulty level for the no-kill no-alert items? Or can one do it one Easy or Naked Normal?
CoilShot said:
So your telling me I can use a tranq gun against the gekko on the first chase scene? :lol

Gekkos don't count as kills.

Right, completed it the 4th time.

Time: 04:02:49
Alerts: 6
Kills: 0
Continues: 105
Rec items: 5
Rank: Raven

Drebins face camo, Altairs costume!

Right, I am missing Laughing Octopus.. Time to go again! 5th time X_X


Spoilers about the end...

When I think this game cannot impress me more, or blow me in the face with an EPIC moment, Snake is given the task to
pass the area with the microwaves
. Question: we are supposed to
tap triangle madly to move right??

I was in awe, standing in front of my TV, yelling at the screen, amazed at what was happening. I don't know how, but
seeing my life fade away, the body burn, everyone counting on you, Snake tripping or being exhausted, all the while my will is tested as I press triangle madly,
I had to sit back and take the moment in.

How Kojima managed to make me feel the pain, my sense of duty to others, and a strong will to survive a damn video game sequence... beats me.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Just restarted my game...the game looks so cinematic in gameplay once you know what you are doing.


rofl, man, I keep on hitting circle at the main menu, too much MGS2 on the mind :lol

So far I'm at Raging Raven, and about 11 hours in, though I am taking it very slowly and having fun with all the different options at my disposal, certainly slower than most.


darkpaladinmfc said:
Getting a PS3 and this in an hour, how long does it take to beat on Solid Normal if you're not that good at MGS games?
I'm playing on Solid Normal and I'm pretty average at MGS-games, only part I've gotten stuck and had to retry is the second boss and that's because I got a checkpoint with no healing items.

Solid Normal shouldn't be too hard and not too easy for you


I just killed Raging Raven, but I accidentaly skipped the following coded message about her past. Could anyone sum it up for me?


I'm only going to be on here a sec, is there any sort of reward for
remembering the password on the computer at shadow moses?

Please, please PM me. I've avoided spoilers for so long, I just want to know if I should restart the save really quick.



I need to go on the record as saying MGS4 is the greatest thing to grace gaming since the NES.

I just got my MGS4 bundle last night and played through the first act. My god this game is in its own genre. Move over hollywood the new blockbuster isn't just your passive movie but a full blown interactive experience.

Kojima Productions you have my highest praises I can possibly give out, unfortunately you have also ruined this generation as I don't think anyone else in this business is going to put out something so polished on every single layer of what makes an interactive experience.


Not Wario
Finished Act 4 last night.
I enjoyed it from a nostalgia point of view, the graphics and sound outside were amazing, and the Vamp and Metal Gear fights were pretty fun (if a bit on the easy side) but that was definitely the weakest Act in the game so far. The actual sneaking around Shadow Moses felt either totally easy (in the case of the empty rooms) or totally frustrating (with all the machines). Eventually I just decided to run from point to point and not bother trying to make it any harder by sneaking or fighting. The split screen section is probably the worst part of the game to play thus far. All you do is stand and shoot every few seconds and the task was made unnecessarily hard by having the screen split. (although this was probably my small SDTV's fault- HD owners won't have problems there) I didn't even watch the Raiden fight since, split up, it was too small to see and I was too busy dealing with the Gekko, so I don't really see the point to trying to do both at once. Lastly, the story bits in that segment felt really overwrought- (even in comparision to the rest of the game) the sudden care for Vamp, Naomi's overacting, (which may have more to do with the mocap than the actual story) Raiden's continual sacrifices- (Why is he still not dead?!?) I just didn't find myself moved like I did, say, with Big Mama at the end of Act 3. Anyway, here's to hoping Act 5 gets things going good again and finishes the game off more in the manner of the first 3 acts than the fourth.


Truant said:
I just killed Raging Raven, but I accidentaly skipped the following coded message about her past. Could anyone sum it up for me?
1)Soldiers torture all children and leave them to be eaten by crows.
2)Instead of eaten by crows,she kill it instead and rage build up.
3)She go to the next area where all the soldiers were and slaughter them overnight including captives.


Distinguished Air Superiority
I can say with complete confidence that this was the best game i have played to date.

Thank you Kojima Productions.


Now, from someone who has beaten the game and isn't blinded by Kojimism, is it a good idea for me to sell my Wii + PS2 and possibly 360 in order to get a PS3 + this game? I mean, I haven't really been watching the PS3 line up for the future and I need to know if, in the long run, I'll have only bought the console for MGS4.

I figure the multiplayer is MGS4 is hilariously fun but at the same time competitive but do any of you think this game would be considered for pickup in a league like MLG? I ask this not because I care about the leagues but I like the high competitive play and large community it usually brings to the game.

I'm a fan of the series (well I thought MGS2 was great, MG3 was a blast, and I only beat Twin Snakes because I only played MGS when I was a wee lad) but I don't know if it is worth it. What are the chances of a director's cut being made? Should I wait until Gears of War 2 is released to see if I should jump ship? By that time will anybody still be playing the multiplayer?


Probably written a coulpe times, but couldn't find it in the later pages. But have you seen the "comercials" that are displayed if you just let the start page (where Snake is at the cemetary) run for a while. Really cool, and there are atleast five of them. Haven't played the whole game yet (act 2) so maybe they have a conection to the game, but haven't payed enough attention yet to find any.

And damn this is a good game. Fanservice done the right way.



beat Laughing Octopus. Did I few times until I just loaded up on RPGs from Drebin and layed into her. In the middle of the tank chase now. Great Game.


Act 5 help please.

At the start do I simply have to kill everyone before opening the door or is there another way? I'm getting slaughtered. If I get close to the door the Gekos just jump on my head for an instant death or kick me a few times.


TomO said:
Act 5 help please.

At the start do I simply have to kill everyone before opening the door or is there another way? I'm getting slaughtered. If I get close to the door the Gekos just jump on my head for an instant death or kick me a few times.

Remember its a
stealth game
TomO said:
Act 5 help please.

At the start do I simply have to kill everyone before opening the door or is there another way? I'm getting slaughtered. If I get close to the door the Gekos just jump on my head for an instant death or kick me a few times.

Make sure you keep your face and body camo on to match the floor you're on. Don't be in alert phase - remember that if it's not in alert, they don't know where you are, so caution phase is just fine. Don't even try to fight in that area, there's so many of them.


I don't get this game as much as I wished. It's still too staccato for my taste. 10 minutes cutscene, 10 seconds gameplay, then 10 minutes cutscene, then 10 second gameplay..., codec chatter, 10 second gameplay... (Slightly exaggerated to drive the point...). It's driving me crazy... Anyway, is it getting better after the first couple of hours or is the recipe the same throughout?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'm somewhere in the middle of act 2 now (just met up with
for a second time), and it's absolutely phenomenal... the best HD game yet. Graphics, aside from some blurry textures, are amazing, great music, large levels filled with tons of different routes and hidden passageways. Story hasn't totally hooked me yet but I have a feeling that will come soon. One thing I've noticed is the challenge level is really upped in act 2 as compared to the first act.


Not Wario
bj00rn said:
I don't get this game as much as I wished. It's still too staccato for my taste. 10 minutes cutscene, 10 seconds gameplay, then 10 minutes cutscene, then 10 second gameplay..., codec chatter, 10 second gameplay... (Slightly exaggerated to drive the point...). It's driving me crazy... Anyway, is it getting better after the first couple of hours or is the recipe the same throughout?

Act 2 will be the best for you. It has the longest uninterrupted gameplay sections and really makes the most of the PMC vs. Militia concept. The rest of the game, however, will be more in line with the cutscene heavy focus.


Prvt.Pegleg said:
Now, from someone who has beaten the game and isn't blinded by Kojimism, is it a good idea for me to sell my Wii + PS2 and possibly 360 in order to get a PS3 + this game? I mean, I haven't really been watching the PS3 line up for the future and I need to know if, in the long run, I'll have only bought the console for MGS4.

I figure the multiplayer is MGS4 is hilariously fun but at the same time competitive but do any of you think this game would be considered for pickup in a league like MLG? I ask this not because I care about the leagues but I like the high competitive play and large community it usually brings to the game.

I'm a fan of the series (well I thought MGS2 was great, MG3 was a blast, and I only beat Twin Snakes because I only played MGS when I was a wee lad) but I don't know if it is worth it. What are the chances of a director's cut being made? Should I wait until Gears of War 2 is released to see if I should jump ship? By that time will anybody still be playing the multiplayer?
I haven't played the game yet so I can't say clearly but there's probably better alternatives than to sell everything. But judging from the reviews you have to play it if you are a fan. MGO will last forever or until it shuts down but I doubt that will happen for years.
traveler said:
Act 2 will be the best for you. It has the longest uninterrupted gameplay sections and really makes the most of the PMC vs. Militia concept. The rest of the game, however, will be more in line with the cutscene heavy focus.
is there more gameplay in act 2 after the fight with octopus?


bj00rn said:
I don't get this game as much as I wished. It's still too staccato for my taste. 10 minutes cutscene, 10 seconds gameplay, then 10 minutes cutscene, then 10 second gameplay..., codec chatter, 10 second gameplay... (Slightly exaggerated to drive the point...). It's driving me crazy... Anyway, is it getting better after the first couple of hours or is the recipe the same throughout?

I'm in Act three and it hasn't changed. I usually just take a break and watch TV when this gets to me.


Not Wario
Always-honest said:
is there more gameplay in act 2 after the fight with octopus?

The part after
Laughing Octopus
is, perhaps, the greatest sequence of purely stealth gameplay in the entire game. (Depending on how you react to Act 3's beginning)


This is the first MGS where I appreciate the weapons on the same level as RE (for their time that is, MGS4 weapons is in it's own league atm).

I really, really appreciate each weapon. Everyone ultra detailed, customizable and just lovely. You can read a snippet of info about them, study them, all of them a gift.
And there's what, seventy? God.


traveler said:
The part after
Laughing Octopus
is, perhaps, the greatest sequence of purely stealth gameplay in the entire game. (Depending on how you react to Act 3's beginning)

I liked that section much more than the beginning of chapter 3. I think it has to do with the environment. Act 3 felt a bit "boxy" there, and even though the intro set the tone in an awesome way, the playable part wasn't intense all the way through. The pure stealth bit in Act 2 felt really hardcore.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Good god Act 2 is amazing.
Starting off noticing patrols coming to my start position up the road to the left as well as a couple guys to my right, I instead went straight, noticed a small gap I roll over onto a rooftop of a shack from my perched cliff, immediately crawled into a small gap, activated my Night Vision, and collected all sorts of loot inside with no patrols having any clue. It's total classic Metal Gear play

One question...how do you handle doors silently? In MGS3 you can go into FP and lean with the triggers to slightly tilt the door open to look outside as well as then use the d-pad to quietly open the door without making noise or drawing attention... MGS4 if you bump the thing it swings open wildly making enough noise to get the entire armed forces on your ass. What can you do???


Some initial impressions - Mild ACT 1 - 3 spoilers present.

I really want to like MGS4, but I'm not feeling it yet. I just finished the part where you have to find resistance members and follow them through some bland city until you hit a trigger point.

Some of the game design is just lazy. A good example of this would be the very same sequence I just mentioned. So, you're supposed to follow some guy through a city, and you're supposed to do it without having him notice you. At some points, there will be guards or patrols around, and the game wants you to remove them so the guy you're following can continue on. The thing is, he just crouches behind some wall, essentially waiting for you to take them out or distract them - even though he doesn't know you're there. If you do kill them however, he doesn't even seem to notice. Yet if he sees you, he runs like he just saw a god damned shambler.

There are several moments like this throughout the three chapters I've played, and I do not see what the fuzz is all about. It's not the 360 fanboy in me talking here, it's the guy who just wants better games. The boss fights offer no challenge at all except stupid instances where you're knocked off your feet several times in a row. That's not even challenging, that's just the game treating you like a retard. The only good part was Act 1, which offered a pretty cool sandbox environment for you to mess around with. The problem is, it's the very first level. I didn't know a fraction of the moves available, skills or items I could use. If they only had that level a few chapters in, it would be so awesome, because you would have had a greater mastery of the tools available to you. I guess I could just replay it, but it feels like a wasted oppurtunity.
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