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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Lost all credibility.
okay how do i download mgs4 camera photos i upload? i already have a konami id so if it involves that i'm good.

+ Best gameplay in a stealth game ever until the middle of act 3...
- ...Great gameplay is over by the middle of act 3.

Story was ok... probably the least exciting in the series, at least the ending was satisfying.


Lost all credibility.
L0st Id3ntity said:

+ Best gameplay in a stealth game ever until the middle of act 3...
- ...Great gameplay is over by the middle of act 3.
Haven't done act 5 yet but wow, what an insult to the stuff that goes down in act 4. :lol I seriously had goosebumps for that entire act.


I haven't had a chance to get the game yet. For those who have already finished it, in which difficulty mode should I start it? I was thinking of Solid Normal, but I don't want it to be too easy. Should I go for Big Boss Hard, or is it too hard for the first time?
So did anyone figure out how to view the extended intro yet?

The one where you have to press start and Snake is standing in fron of a grave. I heard there is an extended version of it.


Sato Koiji said:
So did anyone figure out how to view the extended intro yet?

The one where you have to press start and Snake is standing in fron of a grave. I heard there is an extended version of it.



Kazenone said:
For people who have completed the game:

Regarding the Screaming/Psycho Mantis battle; did anyone play with a DS3 or have a PS1 Memory Card Reader plugged in? I have neither, so he just died after realizing he couldn't control me through either methods.

Did anyone else reassign the controller? Otacon's and Campbell's codec calls were so good.

I played with a DS3, and he did the controller trick from MGS1. After that he said something like "rumble's back" and died.


Lost all credibility.
SMZC said:
I haven't had a chance to get the game yet. For those who have already finished it, in which difficulty mode should I start it? I was thinking of Solid Normal, but I don't want it to be too easy. Should I go for Big Boss Hard, or is it too hard for the first time?
If you're that worried start on big boss, so far solid normal has been a cake walk.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
This is painful. I've got to spend the next three days revising whilst my brother gets to spend all day playing MGS4 :(


SMZC said:
I haven't had a chance to get the game yet. For those who have already finished it, in which difficulty mode should I start it? I was thinking of Solid Normal, but I don't want it to be too easy. Should I go for Big Boss Hard, or is it too hard for the first time?

I played through the game the first time on solid normal..it's really not easy. I think I had something like 36 continues when I beat the game. Big boss hard is..well..I'm not touching that until I get the stealth camo =\


I need someones opinion on this to confirm its not just me going deaf.

Is it me? or is there a distint lack of "score" (soundtrack) during the cutscenes and majority of the game?

I can help but feel theres a huge void where the soundtrack should be, pulling my heart strings and emotions like mgs 1 and 2. In MGS4 it just seems to be missing, for example the scene at the end of act 3 (the hour long one). There seemed to be very very little in the way of soundtrack and during one of the most intense action cinemas ive seen, yeah there were one or two chords but no real score, and it seemed to hurt my engagement with the scene.

At one point i thought it was my amp so i ran a quick speaker test, and everything was in order.

Anyone else feel this?
sykoex said:
Haven't done act 5 yet but wow, what an insult to the stuff that goes down in act 4. :lol I seriously had goosebumps for that entire act.
Act 4 was a nice surprise, I was like "no they wouldn't", but they did.

Atmosphere was fantastic, gameplay though was extremely linear compared to the first half of the game. And from that point on it's pretty much just cut scenes and boss figths.


finished it yesterday. ACT 3 is the best bit of mgs gameplay and gameplay full stop ever. Act 4 is pure fan service and genius with it. the final bout is brilliant as well.Yet as a full package it doesn't quite match mgs 2 and certainly not mgs 1.

The main reason is lack of emotion. I'll admit for me gameplay is secondary in an mgs game, give me story make me cry make me get angry make me laugh and I'll forgive poor gameplay. MGS 4 is inverse, the gameplay is some of the best ever conceived and the cut scenes are photographed to perfection, but, there is a very obvious lack of emotion conveyed by the game.

The cut scenes offered no emotion, i felt nothing, and this is from someone who cried at points in mgs 1 and 2. The soundtrack was poor aswell.

Still, the best mgs gameplay? Yes. Best game on ps3? yes. One of the best games of this generation? Yes. Best metal gear? No.

I do think however that it might be a bit blade runner in that it gets better the more you watch/ play it.

9/10, but, a dissapointing 9.

Funny, i've been reflecting on the game, and it is getting better in my mind.


Subete no aware
I just finished the game... and as mostly a Metal Gear Solid virgin, I'm kind of mixed about it.
I genuinely liked the clever breaking the fourth wall stuff. It was fun and cute. Some of the game play elements were excellent as well... although, maybe I'm too much of a Splinter Cell fan but I couldn't figure out how stealth and CQC worked. But you know, I'll say that's my fault.

But the cutscenes were just too much. It felt like they were trying to make a 10 hour miniseries and built a game around it.
It didn't help that the majority of them, except the stuff in the last third of the game, was all plot exposition and people talking at each other in order to explain things to the player. And even then, some of the dialog was so clunky it made me wonder if something was lost in translation and the localization was off. There were times when they would say the same thing twice but just switched the words around to make a new sentence.

Still, I enjoyed the experience and the story overall. Personally, I wish they spent more time on the BB Corps and less time on the main story.


Just finished. 18:35. Eagle.

Holy fucking shit.

That is all.

(I'll come up with a better comment in the morning after my brain has decompressed after the massive pummeling it just got)


neojubei said:
Guess it is time for me to take a break:D

Heh, I've gotten that screen twice so far. It's really hard to put the game down once you start playing.
firehawk12 said:
I just finished the game... and as mostly a Metal Gear Solid virgin, I'm kind of mixed about it.
I genuinely liked the clever breaking the fourth wall stuff. It was fun and cute. Some of the game play elements were excellent as well... although, maybe I'm too much of a Splinter Cell fan but I couldn't figure out how stealth and CQC worked. But you know, I'll say that's my fault.

But the cutscenes were just too much. It felt like they were trying to make a 10 hour miniseries and built a game around it.
It didn't help that the majority of them, except the stuff in the last third of the game, was all plot exposition and people talking at each other in order to explain things to the player. And even then, some of the dialog was so clunky it made me wonder if something was lost in translation and the localization was off. There were times when they would say the same thing twice but just switched the words around to make a new sentence.

Still, I enjoyed the experience and the story overall. Personally, I wish they spent more time on the BB Corps and less time on the main story.

I was wondering how it would look to an outsider of the series, Did you feel anything for the characters? And how did you feel about act 4?


Lost all credibility.
Agreed, The music and atmosphere blew me away.
Call me crazy but act 4's atmosphere actually reminded me of classic Metroid.
Just from the feeling of being completely alone for a while.

Ploid 3.0

Man this game looks so pretty. So stinking pretty. I loved the
Rex vs Ray fight
(spoiler deals with act 4 and near the end). Man I can't wait to see the next game Konami makes. The way MGS4 looks is just insane, and the fact that it's all over the place (in different locations, environments, and such) is darn impressive. How did they do this?

Edit: I want a MGS1 remake so bad now.

Act4 spoiler (beginning, nothing much just talking about the environment)
Being in shadow moses again was just amazing. Chilling how a game can provoke such emotions out of me. When I say that I mean the fact that I was looking all over the place remembering moments as if it was real. The fact that the graphics looks so much better helped that revisit a lot. Kojima used our desire for remakes in games to his advantage here. Well implemented. Darn this game is all kinds o awesome.


Anyone know why you have to install the game multiple times before each act? i mean, i have 2 saves going (Hard and Normal) and i still have to install the game twice before say Act 2.


I finished it this evening and wow, much love. Best game I have played this generation. It doesn't always work (that first act left me pretty cold first time through), and Kojima and brevity seem to have never met, but the sum is so very much greater than its parts. (23 hours, Solid).
Raven1907 said:
The cut scenes offered no emotion, i felt nothing, and this is from someone who cried at points in mgs 1 and 2. The soundtrack was poor aswell.
Some of the acting was a little wooden, and the
Meryl/Johnny and Naomi/Otacon love stories
were pretty average. But when
Otacon was telling Sunny about Snake's journey, I was very ;_; . The voice acting and facial emotion in that scene was amazing

But yeah, seriously wow. Going to digest overnight and start a new game tomorrow on either Boss or Big Boss.

And start on MGO :3
DieH@rd said:
im thinking maybe 3hr speedruns will be possible

Under 4 hours I think.
So far I have completed the game on Solid Normal, Big Boss Hard, Liquid Easy and right now I'm on Naked Normal.

I'm saving The Boss Extreme for when I try for the Big Boss rank. That will be insanely hard.


It was a great trip but it's probably my least favourite mgs. I'm looking forward to playing act:2 again but other than that it doesn't feel like there's much else that's worth returning to.


Does anyone know how many copies of the Limited Edition version of MGS 4 (the game, not the hardware bundle) that will be made? (maybe it have been mentioned in this thread before, but i havnt read all posts, sorry).


i can totally understand people outside the big MG fans having issues with the game, but it shocks me that fans of the series who have played through all the games say mgs4 was the worst in the series. SHOCKS. i cant imagine how anyone can think this. oh well, different opinions


Subete no aware
I was wondering how it would look to an outsider of the series, Did you feel anything for the characters? And how did you feel about act 4?

Yeah, it was strange because I know I was meant to feel nostalgia even though I didn't.

I bought the MGS Collection back in April and started MGS1 before GTA distracted me, so I thought I was hallucinating when Act 4 started and it was quite literally the start of MGS1 again. That it was a "bad dream" was fun, even though I didn't have that nostalgia for it.

Generally, I think they did well setting up the characters for new players. I grew to like most of the cast and I think Sunny ended up being my favourite character. I'm probably also one of the few people who likes Raiden, given what I've read here and elsewhere.

My only big problem was all the exposition cutscenes where they endlessly explain
who Sigint and Para-Medic and all those people are. Or the stuff about nanomachines controlling the soldiers
. I got it the first time... really.

What's frustrating is that there is some subtle stuff there. What impressed me the most was how
Meryl couldn't understand the world "Patriots". So when Snake asked her about them, she was like, "La le li lo lu? What the hell are you talking about?". This isn't explained until after you Drebin... and he says "la le li lo lu" and then says "Patriots" to show Snake he isn't controlled by SOP
. That was one of the few moments where the game didn't treat me like I was stupid and assumed I was paying attention.

Maybe I need to finish the other games, but I didn't find the story all that convoluted or difficult to follow so I didn't need them to keep telling me what was going on.
rod said:
i can totally understand people outside the big MG fans having issues with the game, but it shocks me that fans of the series who have played through all the games say mgs4 was the worst in the series. SHOCKS. i cant imagine how anyone can think this. oh well, different opinions

They get better each time for me ;p

4 > 3 > 2 > 1

They all have their own flavour aswell. Sometimes I just get giant urges to play mgs2, sometimes its 3 etc.



Got the

Did it first with Big Boss Hard so it was god damn hard to get through the game fast. Kept dying at the last fight.

Now to get the bandana and stealth.


Dizzy said:
Finished it today and I just need to say that hands down this is the greatest game of the current generation.

yeah, seriously. This game is on another level.

Seeing the vast amount of positive responses.

Did this game beat MGS1? :O
Is this game in the top 5 of all time now?

Top 3 ?

Number 1 game till date?


So many questions...
Ok i'm sure this has been asked, but in the beginning of act 3
Who the hell is the guy in the White Fedora and Trench? He keeps peeking out and looking at me from a distance


InvincibleAgent said:
Would someone like me who's never played an MGS also think it's the greatest ever? Or should I look for a copy of Twin Snakes for GCN?

I hope you would.

Dude, the last part of the game is revolutionary, never before done. Truly broke the fourth wall.


AmMortal said:
yeah, seriously. This game is on another level.

Seeing the vast amount of positive responses.

Did this game beat MGS1? :O
Is this game in the top 5 of all time now?

Top 3 ?

Number 1 game till date?


So many questions...

Just finished it and no, there are no questions at all. MGS4 is THE MGS, it beats MGS1, it beats any game.

MGS4 is really the game of the forever.


dabookerman said:
Ok i'm sure this has been asked, but in the beginning of act 3
Who the hell is the guy in the White Fedora and Trench? He keeps peeking out and looking at me from a distance

It's the 3 robot pursuer you've seen in the Big Mama sequence in the cathedral:lol
Raven1907 said:
The cut scenes offered no emotion, i felt nothing, and this is from someone who cried at points in mgs 1 and 2.

Okay, that really made me lol. Wow dude... that's all I can say.

Anyways... I just finished the game and IMO this is the best MGS period. I enjoyed every minute of it. There were a few cheesy scenes in it, but I expected that, no big deal. This is GOTY to me, and I don't see anything coming out this year that'll come close to it. This is something I can see myself playing through 5-6 times and has me wanting to go back through parts 1 & 3 again. Which, unfortunately, is a lot more than I can say for GTA4 Prologue (yep, it's only half of the game), that's been sitting on my shelf since a few days after I finished it.... but ya, this one did not disappoint in any way.


Raven1907 said:
I need someones opinion on this to confirm its not just me going deaf.

Is it me? or is there a distint lack of "score" (soundtrack) during the cutscenes and majority of the game?

I can help but feel theres a huge void where the soundtrack should be, pulling my heart strings and emotions like mgs 1 and 2. In MGS4 it just seems to be missing, for example the scene at the end of act 3 (the hour long one). There seemed to be very very little in the way of soundtrack and during one of the most intense action cinemas ive seen, yeah there were one or two chords but no real score, and it seemed to hurt my engagement with the scene.

At one point i thought it was my amp so i ran a quick speaker test, and everything was in order.

Anyone else feel this?

Yeah, i noticed that, too, especially since the scores of MGS2+3 are so fucking awesome.
I guess thats why the story didn't suck me in like the previous ones, just constantly explaining everything :/


Help with end of act 4 *spoilers*

I'm on the Vamp boss battle and I've killed him 3 times using a grenade launcher but he keeps getting back up. Otacon tells me this is because of his nanomachines. So I presume I have to get him in a CQC hold and use the syringe however whenever I try and do that he simply slaps me away. What do I do?

Help Please.


Kaytwo said:
Help with end of act 4 *spoilers*

I'm on the Vamp boss battle and I've killed him 3 times using a grenade launcher but he keeps getting back up. Otacon tells me this is because of his nanomachines. So I presume I have to get him in a CQC hold and use the syringe however whenever I try and do that he simply slaps me away. What do I do?

Help Please.

Make him weak by shooting him and when he falls down. Grab him and Inject him with that thing Naomi gave you, first select it with L2 and then R1 to grab him, after that press Triangle.

I'm so proud of myself that I figured that out by myself, this game REALLY makes you think.


Kaytwo said:
Help with end of act 4 *spoilers*

I'm on the Vamp boss battle and I've killed him 3 times using a grenade launcher but he keeps getting back up. Otacon tells me this is because of his nanomachines. So I presume I have to get him in a CQC hold and use the syringe however whenever I try and do that he simply slaps me away. What do I do?

Help Please.

Do a few headshots with your tranq gun, equip your syringe, grab him while he is dazed and inject it with triangle
Right, 2 hours 30 mins in, and i'm on act 4. Just got the
Raging Raven statue.
To get them, you have to tranq their beast form, which is a lot quicker with the Mosin Sagant. I will get Crying wolfs one next, but I will need laughing octopus aswell. Will do another speed run after this and get a bandana, and that will be all.
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