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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Junior Member
BlueTsunami said:
Do all the bosses have 2 transformations? I tried to kill the first one regularly since Tranq'ing her was taking too long but was happy to see that all it did was remove her outter gear (I then proceeded to Tranq her). I'm not too sure about this second boss though.

I tranq'ed the first 2 (beast phase and beauty phase) but then for the last two I used lethal weapons then traq'ed. - I got all facecamos
andrewfee said:
Perhaps a stupid question, but do the enemies just keep respawning no matter what in some areas? I'm pretty near the start of Act 1 I think — a couple of sections past meeting
for the first time.

It's the point where
you're heading forward with the Militia, and near the end of it, a helicopter comes along.

I've taken everyone out there on the ground, the balconies, the rooftops and the helicopter itself without getting an alert, but more and more just keep coming and every so often I hear Liquid saying that I'm doing this because I love killing.

Is that supposed to happen? I thought you would be able to kill everyone in the sections with the Militia — I have been able to so far. Even earlier in that area there's a bit where you can help them out and they cheer when you kill all the PMCs.

Yeah, I think those keep respawning. When the
helicopter respawned, I gave up and bulled through everyone and ran to the next section. It turns off the alarms and makes everyone forget about you.

That's how I played a lot of MGS 3, too.


there is joy in sucking dick
$h@d0w said:
I tranq'ed the first 2 (beast phase and beauty phase) but then for the last two I used lethal weapons then traq'ed. - I got all facecamos

Ah ok, thanks for that. I was going to be worried about it for every boss battle I was up against.
Ok, regarding the end of act 4
Ok, the fastest you could physically escape is around the 1 minute 45 mark (give or take a few seconds). Spamming the charge attack is awesome ;p


Lakitu said:
Act 5: I got really frustrated doing this, because it was really hard to be stealthy and the first area was so agonising because everyone was shooting me. Drove me nuts. But still a fantastic climax.

And finally, the battle with Revolver Ocelot. That was one of the best final boss fights I've played.

Yeah, it was great. The way that Snake was just breaking down piece by piece, this really felt like his last fight. When I was crushing Liquid's throat and draining his oxygen, I was almost breaking my SixAxis, I really wanted to finish him

End game
Surprised that they let Snake go off, and not die as a result of releasing the virus or whatever. Going through all he did and walking off on an adventure with Otacon was a nice reward for the hero, but I felt it dampened his sacrifice
ACT 4 question:

ok... why can't I get the fucking CQC Grab to work on

I get close and hold down R1 but it doesn't fucking work... he just knocks me down everytime. Grrrrrrrrrr


So what was with the misinformation about no player controlled codec in the game? I didnt even bother checking in act 1 but now ive got a few frequencies that i can call whenever. Seems like a normal enough codec to me!

And also WTF @
Campbell fucking Rosemary
:lol (Act 2 spoiler)


Junior Member
McBacon said:
End game
Surprised that they let Snake go off, and not die as a result of releasing the virus or whatever. Going through all he did and walking off on an adventure with Otacon was a nice reward for the hero, but I felt it dampened his sacrifice

I think he dies/will die of old age within a year - at the beginning of the game Otacon says that's how long he has left. His sacrifice means that he dies on his own terms, a free man released from his duties.


ENDING SPOILERS!! so don't read if you haven't finished the game.

quick question, how did naomi die? was it from foxdie that targeted her or did she really have cancer? i figured it was foxdie after what Big Boss said that Ocelot and EVA died from that. But he says thats what "killed EVA and Ocelot. Naomi, she told me everything,"

that's what big boss said to an extent so, i'm not 100% sure if foxdie killed her or not?

also, so it was drebin who gave foxdie to snake right? do we know if drebin knows he did it or not?

thanks and game of the forever.
TheJollyCorner said:
ACT 4 question:

ok... why can't I get the fucking CQC Grab to work on

I get close and hold down R1 but it doesn't fucking work... he just knocks me down everytime. Grrrrrrrrrr
Introduce him to your tranquilizer gun to decrease his stamina before trying to grab him.
I just gone done watching the entire bonus DVD that came with the LE. It was really well done. 2+ hours of Kojima getting his face painted and Ryan's Dad.

and I really need to get a 5.1 headset or something.


One thing that I found disappointing when dealing with enemies was the lack of recognition on where the bullets penetrate; yes, headshots register, and you take them down quicker if you don't hit them in the vest armor area, but I miss torturing my holdup victims by slowly crippling each appendage.

Wonder why they took that out.


This is tough to play as an action game, enemies keep on respawning.

I think I'm killing too many people. I get these weird voices showing up in my surround sound after I kill X number of PMCS. :lol
Right, ive completely lost it.. I have officially completed the game 5 TIMES. My eyes.. sorta feel like theyre bleeding. But hopefully, I would have unlocked everything needed to get Big Boss Rank.

I completed it twice today o_o, from beginning to end o_o..


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I LOVE this game and is it just me or is this game pretty challenging? I ALWAYS start on the easiest difficulties of MGS games (I like to take in the story first and then have a true take on the gameplay later) and then work up (completing the harder difficulties later) and the easiest difficulty is way tougher than I thought it was going to be (sure, it's easy, but not as easy as I imagined).

The Gekko took down a quarter to half of my health when it grabbed me which is what really surprised me.


shooting blanks
ChrisGoldstein said:
only bad part about the game is that i'm not getting any sleep or rest, regardless of what the game tells me to do, lol

after i beat laughing octopus i was stacked, well for me, with lots of ammo and 7 rations, then i do good thru the tracking part and then finally get to the end where the damn gecko are in the city...i stupidly tried shooting a few of them and then i kept on getting knocked back by that last one, i was like damn it kojima! but at the same time having the time of my gamer's life, and i'm 27...LOL, so i was left with only 2 rations, and now i'm at the beginning of act 3....should i go back and redo the end of act 2, i forgot theres no autosave so i'll have to redo the end of the tracking part but it was fun i dont really mind...what should i do? is there plenty of rations/noodles etc in act 3? i mean the streets look like it's hard to sneak around and idk what's gonna happen once i meet up with the resistance. and can you eventually buy rations/health items from drebin?

please guys? anyone?


dabookerman said:
Right, ive completely lost it.. I have officially completed the game 5 TIMES. My eyes.. sorta feel like theyre bleeding. But hopefully, I would have unlocked everything needed to get Big Boss Rank.

I completed it twice today o_o, from beginning to end o_o..

Are you speed running?
I can't remember the last game I've completed 5 times all together let alone in a span of 9 days o_o..

Maybe Metroid Prime.. but i think that was 4..

Man, what a fucking awesome game, thank you Kojima-san, Shinkawa-san, Ryan! Lucky guy.. working with such an awesome bunch of people..

Mrbob said:
Are you speed running?
First 2 playthroughs I racked up 40 hours total, the last 3 times I racked up 15 hours altogether roughly. I think this one now will be my faster playthrough. Under 4 hours I think. We'll see.. Hopefully I have my bandana.

Y2Kev said:
call her and shake the dualshock

her rack shakes

i'm not joking.

Yeah, I did that.. sometimes, the detail is just bizarre :lol


Truly a gaming experience at it's finest. . .

I just completed the game for the first time yesterday after a semi-marathon split into two days.Final time was 20 hours with a lot more kills than I expected since I tried to avoid using lethals most of the time except for some accidental kills
had regular hand gun chosen instead of tranq for a head shot =(
.Thinking about it now just feels weird that the story of Solid Snake and everyone involved is finally over after all these years.

If they decide to do another Metal Gear,they should go with an alternate universe or at least 30-50 years down the line for some progress to build up
in a world without The Patriots or nanomachines having so much influence
and have "The Legend of Solid Snake" and the maybe even
The truth behind The Boss and original Patriot members
inspire a group of new protagonists to make sure history doesn't repeat itself.I'm going to give it another play through on Boss difficulty now that I have the gameplay down and know what to expect.


After beating Act 4, my only complaint so far is this: why did they get rid of all the optional codec dialogue? Yes, I know there's still some left, and what's there is good (Campbell's rant about rations :lol), but I want MORE. Why did the script writer who wrote a lot of the codec dialogue for the past games not work on MGS4? Because of this, MGS3 is still unmatched in this category.

So that... well, also that Liquid is borderline ridiculous at times. :p With Ocelot's looks, he's more like Dr. Wily now.
Right so my 5th playthrough was 3 hours and 15 minutes. I think it may just be possible to get it just under 3 hours. No less though. Unlocked everything I needed and I have 1500000 DP to spare ;p


could be a spoiler so i'll spoiler tag it but i doubt it is since it happens at the very beginning.

how come Sunny says something to the effect of making only two eggs cause solidus is not here anymore or something like that.

what does that mean?


mackaveli said:
could be a spoiler so i'll spoiler tag it but i doubt it is since it happens at the very beginning.

how come Sunny says something to the effect of making only two eggs cause solidus is not here anymore or something like that.

what does that mean?

Look at the hen cages.


Ceb said:
Look at the hen cages.

thanks, and can anyone answer these questions. deal with ending so don't read if you haven't finished.

spoilers so beware

so what killed Naomi, foxdie or cancer. I'm not 100% sure cause Big Boss states foxdie kills eva and ocelot and the sentence is finished then a new one starts with Naomi tells him everything so i'm unsure.

also, why was Vamp with ocelot? did he know the full plan like naomi and ocelot or was vamp kept in the dark?



Second playthrough I'm using a bluetooth headset for Otacon/Codec messages... SOOOO F*CKING AWESOME. Makes it even better.

Also, what's the quickest way to reload/restart if I accidentally get an alert? Do I have to go back to the start menu and load from there or is there a quicker way?
I must get stealth camo!


ChrisGoldstein said:
any bluetooth headset will work? as long as it's already paired and you turn it on? or do you have to change the options around?

I just noticed in the audio/visual section of the in-game options menu (start>options -- a/v tab). I turned on my heaset and selected "External (USB/Bluetooth Device)" and all of the in-action codec stuff (mostly from Otacon) comes through the headset... Really cool.

Anyone know if
the two Mantis dolls
are considered deadly? If I use them will they seen as kills?
Screaming Mantis stuff
Are you able to knock down the Sorrow doll from Mantis? Also, what does the Screaming Mantis doll do? I found it and it just said it makes a good gift for Sunny and is only available at the shop in Outer Haven. I can't find it in my menu anymore either.


What do I need to do to make sure my items and weapons carry over? Don't want to have the same thing happen as the other guy in the thread who didn't get the New Game+

GalacticAE said:
Are you able to knock down the Sorrow doll from Mantis? Also, what does the Screaming Mantis doll do? I found it and it just said it makes a good gift for Sunny and is only available at the shop in Outer Haven. I can't find it in my menu anymore either.
I think you can use it to control other enemies


neoism said:
What happens if two people on one console that have two different PSN accounts,play MGS4. I'm on chapter 5 right now right at the beginning getting ready to install it. If my cousin starts his game, sense he has to install act 1. When I start playing act 5 will I have to reinstall it everytime,and vise versa? Will this also mess our saves up?
zam said:
What do I need to do to make sure my items and weapons carry over? Don't want to have the same thing happen as the other guy in the thread who didn't get the New Game+

I think you can use it to control other enemies

I thought that was what the psycho mantis doll does. The Screaming Mantis doll is in a little hallway once she loses her armor. I grabbed it and couldn't find it in my menu or in the shop. It was just a little statue.

To get your stuff you just need to meet the MKII again.


Not Wario
neoism said:

Yup. My brother and I are on different acts and we're having to reinstall each time one of us wants to play after the other. It's an incredibly stupid oversight, so we just split up our playtime for right now. (i.e. he's playing right now so I won't be able to go in and finish Act 5 till tonight)

Edit: Your saves won't be messed up. You'll just have to reinstall each time.
GalacticAE said:
Screaming Mantis stuff
Are you able to knock down the Sorrow doll from Mantis? Also, what does the Screaming Mantis doll do? I found it and it just said it makes a good gift for Sunny and is only available at the shop in Outer Haven. I can't find it in my menu anymore either.
Yes, you can get the sorrow doll. I thought you had to, so I got both


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
mackaveli said:
thanks, and can anyone answer these questions. deal with ending so don't read if you haven't finished.

spoilers so beware

so what killed Naomi, foxdie or cancer. I'm not 100% sure cause Big Boss states foxdie kills eva and ocelot and the sentence is finished then a new one starts with Naomi tells him everything so i'm unsure.

also, why was Vamp with ocelot? did he know the full plan like naomi and ocelot or was vamp kept in the dark?


cancer. The new FOXDIE is programmed to kill Ocelot, EVA, and Big Boss and is injected into Snake by Drebin.
-Rogue5- said:
Second playthrough I'm using a bluetooth headset for Otacon/Codec messages... SOOOO F*CKING AWESOME. Makes it even better.

Also, what's the quickest way to reload/restart if I accidentally get an alert? Do I have to go back to the start menu and load from there or is there a quicker way?
I must get stealth camo!

Is it loud or whisper quiet? I turned it up max and I could barely hear the guy
Zedsdeadbaby said:
Make sure you keep your face and body camo on to match the floor you're on. Don't be in alert phase - remember that if it's not in alert, they don't know where you are, so caution phase is just fine. Don't even try to fight in that area, there's so many of them.

I fought my way thru. M4 +


Lion Heart said:
Is it loud or whisper quiet? I turned it up max and I could barely hear the guy

I can hear it pretty well... how loud is your external audio? Every time he talks, just kneel down and put your finger up to your earpiece like snake does...
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