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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Doc Evils

Yoboman said:
And that's the problem. They've implied this all with out explaining why, anywhere.

Damn I just noticed Oli Welsh gave MGS4 the same score as his Mario Kart Wii review. What was this man smoking.

Fuzz Rez

Good review by Eurogamer and I hope this game get some real criticism in other reviews too. I hate todays reviews cos' they usually just slap 10/10 scores to every other big titles. Some MGS fans will probably hate Eurogamer for this cos' now MGS4 won't do so well on gamerankings :lol

8/10 is not bad score and this review got me interested even more in this game. I will buy it.


So I decided to see how deep the rabbit hole is....this argument started back at page 11...we're on page 28....there's what, 50 posts per page?

wow... lol


Lost all credibility.
It's starting to look like this game is gonna be like MGS2 where it'll divide most people depending on your tastes. I liked MGS2 though so I'm happy.
Yoboman said:
And that's the problem. They've implied this all with out explaining why, anywhere.

Eurogamer: The passive-aggressive game reviewers.:lol

But yeah, the overall impression I got from reading there review was: This is a good game, but we didn't like it that much.

I want to know more about this chapter install stuff. Do they mean loading or is it going to go to the XMB and install something every chapter? I sure hope it's not the latter.


hide your water-based mammals
Can we get past this already. It's bringing down my high here. We all know the game will be epic and awesome. We also know how the internet and publications work so don't act so surprised.


LiquidMetal14 said:
Can we get past this already. It's bringing down my high here. We all know the game will be epic and awesome. We also know how the internet and publications work so don't act so surprised.

Yeah, time to move on. Before my ignore list gets too long.

DCharlie said:
without playing the game, how do you know whether these are inaccurate or , as you put it, insulting?

That's odd, I didn't see you post anything like this in the Ninja Gaiden II thread amidst the clamoring about "idiot" reviewers who aren't fans of the series. ;)


traveler said:
Err... that statement is pretty much the theme of the entire review.
A theme is no good without any substance. Where were his criticisms and complaints? He did not discuss the merits or lack of in the gameplay, yet he went on to imply there were. His whole review seemed to come down to the fact that he dislikes the cutscenes, which is why some people feel it's as if he went into it with an agenda. I mean he forthright said he hated that part of MGS
LiquidMetal14 said:
Can we get past this already. It's bringing down my high here. We all know the game will be epic and awesome. We also know how the internet and publications work so don't act so surprised.


Man, the Eurogamer review has caused enough damage to this thread already, we should really just move on along now.

sucks that the 9.9 celebration was pretty short-lived though :lol
Haunted One said:
:lol well played.

Some in here grasping for straws to discredit Eurogamer's review.

Eurogamer gives MGS4 a Laudatio, a great review, really (with an 8/10 tacked on the end), MGS fans search for something to discredit EG's integrity with and fall prey to someone photoshopping a 9/10 score into the review.

Great review, Laudatio? Are you out of your mind? Have you even read the review? Some of the reactions of the MGS fans here are really unnecessary and harsh but the people who have no interest in the game other than adding fuel to the flame by making such ridiculous statements are just as pathetic.


Red Blaster said:
That's odd, I didn't see you post anything like this in the Ninja Gaiden II thread amidst the clamoring about "idiot" reviewers who aren't fans of the series. ;)

Bubububut NGII is teh misunderstood! ...and and the reviews don't really matter!



Red Blaster said:
That's odd, I didn't see you post anything like this in the Ninja Gaiden II thread amidst the clamoring about "idiot" reviewers who aren't fans of the series. ;)
DChucky is funny like that :)


Red Blaster said:
That's odd, I didn't see you post anything like this in the Ninja Gaiden II thread amidst the clamoring about "idiot" reviewers who aren't fans of the series. ;)


It's pretty awesome that the OP is getting talkked about on all the other message boards out there, kudos again Bruce :)


For those asking about MGO:

1. Why it hasn't been part of the MGS4 review

If it's the same as the reason OPM UK gave, it's mainly because there were no press servers on which to demo the game as it was still being tweaked at time of writing. I would imagine the press servers will go up sometime next week.

2. For those asking exactly what this "starter pack" is

God knows why Konami are calling it a starter pack, it makes it sound like it's just a demo. The MGO that comes on the disc is a fully fledged online game. It has several maps (I think 7) plus several game modes (including the usual DM, TDM, capture missions and base missions +many modes specific to MGS characters eg. Sneak mode with Snake). It also has customizable characters, skill slots (a la perks in CoD4), customizable weapons. Not to mention matchmaking, server selection screens and clan support. It is basically it's own game.

Doc Evils

BlockBastard said:

Man, the Eurogamer review has caused enough damage to this thread already, we should really just move on along now.

sucks that the 9.9 celebration was pretty short-lived though :lol

We still have the Gamesmaster 97%.:D

The Chef

jvalioli said:
Did modus do the wallpapers and themes or did he just do the themes?

If he did the wallpapers: Good job, mate. I this style looks a lot better than your normal stuff. You should definitely branch out some more in the future.

Bruce did the top 3 wallpapers and I made the last one (the MGS3 one)


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Baha said:
Do we really need to keep talking about this review score? In the grand scheme of things, it won't matter one bit once we all sit down to play the game. Let's try to recover the epicness of the 1st page of this thread before it spiraled downwards into a review score shitstorm.
Exactly! Lets just talk about the game,
and not the score of one website.
Exempted said:
you better do that right now his evil opinions may hurt you
Already did. I never support mediocrity.

The IGN UK review is great, it has quite a bit of criticism, but it's all fair and well explained. That's how a review should be written.


And even i am moderately surprised
That's odd, I didn't see you post anything like this in the Ninja Gaiden II thread amidst the clamoring about "idiot" reviewers who aren't fans of the series

if you do a scan you'll notice i haven't posted anything in ANY of the NG2 threads on any facet of the game at all - and that's for the reason that i'm not a NG fan so frankly have no idea what is going on in there.

: You are in no mans land. There is fog everywhere. You aren't thinking. There is silence.
: You have nothing.
: There are no exits.

now what?

DChucky is funny like that :)

i had no idea i had to register my opinion in the NG thread for it to be valid elsewhere. Go scan on my thoughts on reviews, i've mentioned it in several other threads and you'll find it consistant with what i'm saying here.


hide your water-based mammals
It all boils down to story, this is what will land MGS4 in the record books. That is all that's ever mattered. Gameplay has always been enjoyable but the glue is the story. Mark my words, we will be talking about this game for quite some time.


People called Romanes they go the house?

A bit late, but amazing OP's. I'm gonna snag a Naomi avatar, and rehost it later....which reminds me, I gotta go pre-order legendary today.
antiloop said:
The problem is that the op pretty much explained it all.

gif time?


BlockBastard said:
There is no middle-ground.

Fans will either shed tears of joy, or bitter tears of agony and anger. It will not be pretty.

Brace yourself.
Or, you could not look at any gaming-related websites for the next two weeks and enjoy the game without the perversion of external opinion. Your choice.
Bigmac573 said:
Or, you could not look at any gaming-related websites for the next two weeks and enjoy the game without the perversion of external opinion. Your choice.

That would be far too boring.

It's not like I'm reading the reviews, anyway(spoilers). As you can probably see, I've been staying the hell away from the arguments.

ice cream

Anyone know where you can actually buy/pre-order that Euro bundle? I'm in the UK and on all the sites I've looked on, none of them have it listed...


Bish loves my games!
As someone that has had a love/hate relationship with Metal Gear since Solid I thought the Eurogamer review was actually a good read. I'm a little bit worried about the amount of non-interactive content. 've never liked the long cut-scenes or Codec chats. They can't really mean it that some cut-scenes are an hour long, right? You better be able to pause/save/skip during the cut-scenes.

Anyway anticipation is high! Can't wait!


Neo Member
I want to thank Bruce and Modus for the crazy sexy OP...seriously containing more information better organized than most sites and magazines.

As for the reviews, I'm not surprised people are upset and defensive, but I'm with EvilLore on this. As long as the review aggregate is not low enough to negatively impact sales (i.e. too much below a 9.0 average), then I'm not too bothered. As long as we get more KojiPro games, I'm happy.

I take any critique of the game that begins and ends with mocking the story and presentation with a massive elephant-sized grain of salt, as I feel that's one of the series' most distinct and unique features. Hideo is a singular voice in gaming, and he tells stories in a very identifiably stylized way. After 3 games (and re-makes/special editions etc.) anyone who whines that the cutscenes are long or maudlin or bizarre just hasn't been paying attention.

Gameplay criticisms seem more valid. I made the (unpopular) point in the other MGS4 review thread that expecting MGS4 to break down barriers in terms of gameplay is holding it to a bit of an unfair standard. If anything, Koji is behind the curve on implementing a more modern camera control/aiming scheme...why would the rest of the mechanics and gameplay have all of a sudden lurched further forward than the rest of the industry?

I think the old skool aesthetic in terms of gameplay is actually one of MGS' most endearing features: I love the small, pointless, miniature details...(ice melting in MGS2, the eating mechanic in MGS3)...these aren't gameplay innovations so much as quirks. Koji doesn't push the industry forward so much as he nudges it sideways into his own distinctive arena that very few other devs operate in. I expect THAT kind of innovation from him, not the more mainstream type of "let's all copy this!" boulder-rolling.

I'm still mad excited.


jetjevons said:
As someone that has had a love/hate relationship with Metal Gear since Solid I thought the Eurogamer review was actually a good read. I'm a little bit worried about the amount of non-interactive content. 've never liked the long cut-scenes or Codec chats. They can't really mean it that some cut-scenes are an hour long, right? You better be able to pause/save/skip during the cut-scenes.

Anyway anticipation is high! Can't wait!
Yes, you can pause and skip the cutscenes.


NeoUltima said:
Yes, you can pause and skip the cutscenes.

I seriously hope that's true. I was so annoying when I entered a massive cut scene in the other games then something would come up and I would have to skip it.
Sorry for the Euro bundle mistake everyone - it should now be correct.
Thanks Mets39 for the Euro bundle image as well.

I also added your new avatars to OP Chef. Nice job as always.


FabCam said:
I seriously hope that's true. I was so annoying when I entered a massive cut scene in the other games then something would come up and I would have to skip it.
Ryan said it in a KP report awhile back.
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