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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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It took me about 25 hours, but I don't know if it counts paused time as well. I did struggle at a few points, particularly during the beginning of Act 5. Great game though. I think it could have been even better if some of the cutscenes had been trimmed a little.
U K Narayan said:
Also, I'm really happy that: (DON'T READ THIS UNLESS YOU BEAT THE DAMN GAME!)
Snake doesn't die.

I thought that he had three months to live. He didn't kill himself because of Big Boss's speech..living life, be free, but he still has a few months left and will live them greatly, with friends like Otacon. Ohshi, did I totally miss something?


Gamer @ Heart said:
Has anyone beat wolf with no kills? As i was fighting her, tearing apart the frogs, i was seriously wondering how the hell i could do this on extreme with just tranqualizers. same with mantis.
I used the mosin nagant to tranq kill crying wolf.
This is THE game that I always pictured when the term "next gen" was tossed around way back.
Everything about it from the big things to just the little tiny things all pull you in and immerse you in what is going on and also make you give a shit about what is going on.
There is just nothing else like it.
FateBreaker said:
I thought that he had three months to live. He didn't kill himself because of Big Boss's speech..living life, be free, but he still has a few months left and will live them greatly, with friends like Otacon. Ohshi, did I totally miss something?

He has around a year, the few months was the mutated fox-die


OokieSpookie said:
This is THE game that I always pictured when the term "next gen" was tossed around way back.
Everything about it from the big things to just the little tiny things all pull you in and immerse you in what is going on and also make you give a shit about what is going on.
There is just nothing else like it.
While I'd normally dismiss statements like that as hyperbole, I agree with every word.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
Just finished my first playthrough. Took me 21 hours. Without a doubt one of the greatest games I have ever played. I'm a grown man and I actually cried at the end of Act 4 when
Raiden jumped in front of Outer Haven to save Snake. I was holding them back when he was in front of the ship, but the instant he jammed his blade into his own foot was just too much for me. I always liked Raiden, but Kojima made him a complete badass in this game. Ending of the game was amazing as well

Also, I'm kinda bummed I didn't get the Altair costume. Now worries, I'll be playing through this game at least ten more times.

How do you get the Assassin emblem?


Just finished it. I've basically been off GAF since Sunday with MGS blackout and I just want to say that this is the first NEXT-GEN game I have ever played. It's so far ahead of everything else on the market and it feels nothing like the games of yesterday. I wonder how many years will pass before another company is willing to spend the time and budget to make a game of this calibur once more. Especially in a market where the Wii says "make games cheap". I wonder if this could be the highest quality title that will ever be made.

Took me 16:45. A hell of an experience. Gonna start my 2nd run tonight.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Has anyone beat wolf with no kills? As i was fighting her, tearing apart the frogs, i was seriously wondering how the hell i could do this on extreme with just tranqualizers. same with mantis.

I found this battle really really easy. Just
make your way up one of the towers, equip your sniper tranq gun and go nuts. Just put to sleep the frog thats up there with you. And of course, keep your NV solid eye on at all times.
FateBreaker said:
I thought that he had three months to live. He didn't kill himself because of Big Boss's speech..living life, be free, but he still has a few months left and will live them greatly, with friends like Otacon. Ohshi, did I totally miss something?
Nope. You're spot on. I'm just happy that
he didn't kill himself. That would have been a depressing way to go out. At least he's going to die of natural causes. That's something that isn't exactly common in his bloodline. Plus, he's free. I was truly happy for Snake at the end.
U K Narayan said:
Nope. You're spot on. I'm just happy that
he didn't kill himself. That would have been a depressing way to go out. At least he's going to die of natural causes. That's something that isn't exactly common in his bloodline. Plus, he's free. I was truly happy for Snake at the end.

Ohhh, okay, got'cha. I agree, then! :D


U K Narayan said:
Nope. You're spot on. I'm just happy that
he didn't kill himself. That would have been a depressing way to go out. At least he's going to die of natural causes. That's something that isn't exactly common in his bloodline. Plus, he's free. I was truly happy for Snake at the end.

Yeah, for all the shit he's been put through during his life, he deserves to have his last moments peaceful.




andrewfee said:
The reason this game looks good is the art, not the engine.


IMO the tech is above anything done in the west or east by a good margin. The framerate is ridiculously good for the geometry, textures, and effects being thrown around.
Yeah. I'm going to have to say.

"Next-gen" has officially started, now that Metal Gear Solid 4 is out. I never thought I'd actually be giving into that statement, either. The game is leagues ahead of anything else out there.


Question regarding BBFC rating:

Where is the 'child-rape' references the BBFC spoke about? I originally thought it would be something to do with Sunny, but I'm wondering if it was subtly mentioned in one of the Beauty childhoods Drebin spoke about


Kazenone said:
Question regarding BBFC rating:

Where is the 'child-rape' references the BBFC spoke about? I originally thought it would be something to do with Sunny, but I'm wondering if it was subtly mentioned in one of the Beauty childhoods Drebin spoke about
Laughing Octopus Drebin talk i think


Kazenone said:
Question regarding BBFC rating:

Where is the 'child-rape' references the BBFC spoke about? I originally thought it would be something to do with Sunny, but I'm wondering if it was subtly mentioned in one of the Beauty childhoods Drebin spoke about

Yeah i think it was something to do with
the soldiers who "abused" Raging Raven and all the other kids from her village.
Bebpo said:

IMO the tech is above anything done in the west or east by a good margin. The framerate is ridiculously good for the geometry, textures, and effects being thrown around.

Not to mention how much can be going on at one time without the game slowing down.

I mean, you can have a helicopter overhead while two huge forces are fighting each other on a huge mass of land and there is no issue.


SailorDaravon said:
Is the beginning gameplay sequence of Act 5 supposed to be the most frustrating thing I've ever done, or what? I've been completely sailling through the game up until this point, and this has me literally screaming in frustration. I actually had to stop playing, I gave myself a headache. What the fucking hell.

You can stealth the first part of Act 5, it just doesn't look like you can. :lol


What happens if two people on one console that have two different PSN accounts,play MGS4. I'm on chapter 5 right now right at the beginning getting ready to install it. If my cousin starts his game, sense he has to install act 1. When I start playing act 5 will I have to reinstall it everytime,and vise versa? Will this also mess our saves up?

sorry for quoting this multiple times. but does anyone no the answer.
around 14 hours in and up to act 4. Is that about right? Im trying stealth on almost everything, you get so many damn weapons in the game, feels like Im wasting them.


What's the quickest way to restart/reload after getting an alert? I'm trying to play through to get the stealth camo, but I keep getting caught at this one part and it takes forever having to back out to the title menu and reload everything. If I just kill myself to go back to the checkpoint, does it count the alert?


neoism said:
What happens if two people on one console that have two different PSN accounts,play MGS4. I'm on chapter 5 right now right at the beginning getting ready to install it. If my cousin starts his game, sense he has to install act 1. When I start playing act 5 will I have to reinstall it everytime,and vise versa? Will this also mess our saves up?

sorry for quoting this multiple times. but does anyone no the answer.
It was answered by traveler earllier iirc. Saves are fine but you'll reinstall if you're on different acts.
OokieSpookie said:
This is THE game that I always pictured when the term "next gen" was tossed around way back.
Everything about it from the big things to just the little tiny things all pull you in and immerse you in what is going on and also make you give a shit about what is going on.
There is just nothing else like it.

I think you haven't played many "next-gen" games. IMO GTA4 does a better job of immersion, and is much more detailed, because it's a much bigger game. What MGS4 excells at is melding film with game, which isn't really something I care to see that often to be honest...
SlaughterX said:
I think you haven't played many "next-gen" games. IMO GTA4 does a better job of immersion, and is much more detailed, because it's a much bigger game. What MGS4 excells at is melding film with game, which isn't really something I care to see that often to be honest...

No, no, he's right.



traveler said:
Yup. My brother and I are on different acts and we're having to reinstall each time one of us wants to play after the other. It's an incredibly stupid oversight, so we just split up our playtime for right now. (i.e. he's playing right now so I won't be able to go in and finish Act 5 till tonight)

Edit: Your saves won't be messed up. You'll just have to reinstall each time.

thanks sorry for not seeing this earlier


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
Bebpo said:
Just finished it. I've basically been off GAF since Sunday with MGS blackout and I just want to say that this is the first NEXT-GEN game I have ever played.
Whenever I was trying to find the correct path to the flashing red dot on my radar in the first act, I was thinking the exact opposite. I can't hop walls or cut through buildings to make my way through the city - I have to find the rails.


SlaughterX said:
I think you haven't played many "next-gen" games. IMO GTA4 does a better job of immersion, and is much more detailed, because it's a much bigger game. What MGS4 excells at is melding film with game, which isn't really something I care to see that often to be honest...

That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it.

As far as immersion goes, I finished MGS4 and enjoyed the entire ride. I got bored of GTA4 and quit playing about 2/3 of the way through.

GTA4 might cover more ground, but while covering that ground you are doing exactly the same thing you did everywhere else on the map. The map might be bigger but the gameplay isn't.


hide your water-based mammals
dralla said:
Am I the only one who doesn't like to crouch walk for too long because it looks painful for Snake?
I've thought that since it was first shows. You get used to it but can see how that would not work in reality.
And what do you do so much different in MGS other than the "High Speed Triple" part and Drebin mobile? When it comes to varity of things to do, I would say GTA easily has the MGS series beat,e ven if most of the main missions in GTA amout to chasing down and killing someone, there are more things to do than that.
To those with the LIMITED edition, I'm trying to see if I got a fishy copy:

Mine came in the collector box and then had 2 cases inside, neither of which was shrinkwrapped:

-The Bonus discs (moives and music)
-The Game, which has the same artwork as the regular version. Was this supposed to have the limited edition artwork as on the outside of the box? I'm wondering if someone bought it, swapped the inside case with a regular version case, shrinkwrapped it, and returned.

Also, can anyone confirm there was no bonus booklet of artwork inside?


I've been avoiding this thread like the plague (nothing personal BruceLeeRoy!) but I had to come here just to say that I'm now in Act 3 and the
bike chase sequence in Eastern Europe
is the single most visually stunning scene I've ever seen in a game. I couldn't believe what I was watching, I almost forgot to shoot at the enemies. The game is being totally awesome as expected. :D


King_Slender said:
To those with the LIMITED edition, I'm trying to see if I got a fishy copy:

Mine came in the collector box and then had 2 cases inside, neither of which was shrinkwrapped:

-The Bonus discs (moives and music)
-The Game, which has the same artwork as the regular version. Was this supposed to have the limited edition artwork as on the outside of the box? I'm wondering if someone bought it, swapped the inside case with a regular version case, shrinkwrapped it, and returned.

Also, can anyone confirm there was no bonus booklet of artwork inside?
Nope, it's like that. Mine was the exact same way. I'm pretty disappointed with the packaging for the LE. The content is stellar though. I got an art book I didn't even know I was getting when I picked up my pre-order haha.


King_Slender said:
To those with the LIMITED edition, I'm trying to see if I got a fishy copy:

Mine came in the collector box and then had 2 cases inside, neither of which was shrinkwrapped:

-The Bonus discs (moives and music)
-The Game, which has the same artwork as the regular version. Was this supposed to have the limited edition artwork as on the outside of the box? I'm wondering if someone bought it, swapped the inside case with a regular version case, shrinkwrapped it, and returned.

Also, can anyone confirm there was no bonus booklet of artwork inside?
They forgot to give you the pre-order artbook. Go back and ask for it.

Otherwise it's normal.


About the end of act 4...

I think they kinda wasted the Raiden/Vamp fight ontop of REX. I only caught like 5 seconds of the whole fight because i was too busy with Snake.
Roxas said:
About the end of act 4...

I think they kinda wasted the Raiden/Vamp fight ontop of REX. I only caught like 5 seconds of the whole fight because i was too busy with Snake.

Yeah there is another part like that, rather annoying if you ask me, I wonder can you go back and watch them with out having to play? Also I find it funny that I complain about this and also complain a bit about how much of the game is cutscenes, make up your mind Kojima! Make a movie or a game.

Beat it this morning.


you can't put a price on sparks
is it just me, or do they not show the Act One Mission Briefing in the main game??

I didn't see it until looking through the Mission Briefings just now
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