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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
For everyone to enjoy! (listen to the latest 1up yours for reference)



Was anyone else jumping out of their seats when (ending spoilers, don't highlight unless you beat the game)
when snake couldn't do it and big boss showed up. that whole part was done great, I thought snake was dead was 20 min and I'll be lieing if i said my eyes didn't water. Also, did anyone notice that Kojima was credited as god in the credits :D
mackaveli said:
thanks, and can anyone answer these questions. deal with ending so don't read if you haven't finished.

spoilers so beware

so what killed Naomi, foxdie or cancer. I'm not 100% sure cause Big Boss states foxdie kills eva and ocelot and the sentence is finished then a new one starts with Naomi tells him everything so i'm unsure.

also, why was Vamp with ocelot? did he know the full plan like naomi and ocelot or was vamp kept in the dark?


so were eva, ocelot and naomi working together the whole time? and everything ocelot did was just misdirection?
tha_con said:
You mean GTA 3.5, where fun is sacrificed for 'realism' and where pedestrians all have dialog with variants of 'fuck yourself' tossed into their sentences? Or where cops run the same routines over and over again? Follow them, all that neat 'immersing' shit, yea, it's weak.

GTA IV was garbage.

What's the point of crap like this, except to stir up trouble?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
CosmicGroinPull said:
so were eva, ocelot and naomi working together the whole time? and everything ocelot did was just misdirection?
Ocelot and EVA were in it together for a very long time. Ocelot brought Naomi on to work on the virus that Sunny completed--FOXALIVE. Ocelot disconnects from EVA some time before MGS2 though. Not even EVA knew about his deception.

For the record, Sunny communicated to Naomi that she finished the virus through Raiden in Act IV. "I cooked them right," is not a reference to eggs.


How do I pat enemies down? I've managed to hold a few of them up but they just stand there while I aim my gun at them, and even the holdup thing feels a little inconsistent, all I need to do is aim my gun at them? Does it have to be from a certain distance for Snake to finally say "freeze"?


Guled said:
This game is the closest gaming has every been to movies. There are 3 parts in the game where I just amazed
rex v. ray

Best mech game this gen :O Even if it's only for 15 mins max. If Murata did a full out mecha game like ZoE using this engine...holy shit!


Heh, I just went back to a savegame in Act 3 (including waiting for re-install time) just to check if the last sequence was real-time, and all I had to do was to read this last page. :lol
The constantly smooth frame-rate gave it away. Pity. :) Still, after the
bike chase, even with loading in the middle of it
(Act 3), I know that nothing else I've seen so far touches this game. :D
I need some help on Act 4. I can't seem to defeat
Vamp. He keeps getting up again and again and again. I killed him 4 times before he finished me off. Am I supposed to do something while he's down? Run away? Insert a syringe into him?


pj325is said:
no cutscene with snake is prerendered because you can always shake the controller and reset your camo

Can you actually do that in every cutscene though, even in the cutscene we're talking about?


Phaethon0017 said:
I need some help on Act 4. I can't seem to defeat
Vamp. He keeps getting up again and again and again. I killed him 4 times before he finished me off. Am I supposed to do something while he's down? Run away? Insert a syringe into him?
CQC grab with syringe equipped. Press /\ to insert the syringe in his neck
Phaethon0017 said:
I need some help on Act 4. I can't seem to defeat
Vamp. He keeps getting up again and again and again. I killed him 4 times before he finished me off. Am I supposed to do something while he's down? Run away? Insert a syringe into him?
You're on the right track, but you don't need to knock him down.
tha_con said:
You mean GTA 3.5, where fun is sacrificed for 'realism' and where pedestrians all have dialog with variants of 'fuck yourself' tossed into their sentences? Or where cops run the same routines over and over again? Follow them, all that neat 'immersing' shit, yea, it's weak.

GTA IV was garbage.

honestly man just admit you did not play GTA4 at all. The Dialog in GTA 4 shits all over I cant believe you brougMGS games. ht dialog into the equasion when comparing both games. I hope i just read your post out of context or something. Because I would take "fuck yourself" over love blooming over battlefields anyday.


CosmicGroinPull said:
so were eva, ocelot and naomi working together the whole time? and everything ocelot did was just misdirection?

In a round about way, yes. If you think about it, the entire purpose of MGS4 was to trick the system and allow them to successful implant the worm inside the Patriots. The fight with "Liquid" in the end wasn't even necessary for the plot, just a bit of fanservice and shows the real extent of Ocelot's psychotherapy.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Shouta said:
In a round about way, yes. If you think about it, the entire purpose of MGS4 was to trick the system and allow them to successful implant the worm inside the Patriots. The fight with "Liquid" in the end wasn't even necessary for the plot, just a bit of fanservice and shows the real extent of Ocelot's psychotherapy.
I don't necessarily think so.
Ocelot DID have a score to settle with Snake (from MGS1), and fighting Snake got him one last shot to battle his icon and hero Big Boss. The Ocelot hand gesture at the beginning of the third phase of the battle is what makes me think it's still Ocelot inside there.

PS in phrase three he will kiss you if he grabs you


I'd be in the dick
I'm on Act 4 and this game is absolutely blowing me away. Each individual act has more varied gameplay and jaw dropping moments that most entire games. I just finished the boss fight with
Crying Wolf. I loved how she would run in and then you would fight her close up then she would take off it would switch to a sniping match. I was also hoping that the rail gun would be an unlockable weapon, I was shocked and very pleased when you get it after the battle. I can't say how much I loved this fight. Every time I think that this game can't get any better it ramps up more than I would have thought possible.


Schrade said:
I have. It just doesn't work :( I'm using a DS3.. is there a direction you're supposed to shake?
Works for me best if I let go of the controller with my right hand, and flick it around with my left. Shaking it with both hands holding the controller didnt really work for me XD


AzerPhire said:
Overall I would say MGS 4 was the best movie I ever played.

I do have a few questions about the story:

1.What was the deal with Naomi and Vamp at the end of Act 4? She comes off like she is in love with Otacon yet Vamp is calling her his Queen and she is all over him.

2. If Eva knew that Big Boss was still alive (Which she must have since she brought him back to life) then why did she run in to the fire after Solidus' body? At the end Big Boss says Fox Die killed when really she had already suffered a major injury plus then bring burned alive.

3. At the end Big Boss says Eva and Ocelot put their grand scheme into motion which started with the events of MGS1 so was her death part of this plan?

4. Was Ocelot in control of himself or was it Liquids 'Personality' that had taken over from the nano machines and hypnosis? Big Boss refers to him as Liquid in the ending so I am assuming Liquid's personality was in control.

Is anyone able to answer my questions?


Shouta said:
In a round about way, yes. If you think about it, the entire purpose of MGS4 was to trick the system and allow them to successful implant the worm inside the Patriots. The fight with "Liquid" in the end wasn't even necessary for the plot, just a bit of fanservice and shows the real extent of Ocelot's psychotherapy.
I thought that all Liquid wanted was to take over the system for his own use. Not put the worm inside.
Y2Kev said:
I don't necessarily think so.
Ocelot DID have a score to settle with Snake (from MGS1), and fighting Snake got him one last shot to battle his icon and hero Big Boss. The Ocelot hand gesture at the beginning of the third phase of the battle is what makes me think it's still Ocelot inside there.

PS in phrase three he will kiss you if he grabs you

I actually that
as their fight went on, Ocelot slowly returned to being Ocelot and not Liquid. If you looked at the life bars, it just says Ocelot as Snake Eater plays and his style is also changing. The final fight was Ocelot finally endulging himself and being set free. Ocelot is the most tragic character in the game.


Y2Kev said:
I don't necessarily think so.
Ocelot DID have a score to settle with Snake (from MGS1), and fighting Snake got him one last shot to battle his icon and hero Big Boss. The Ocelot hand gesture at the beginning of the third phase of the battle is what makes me think it's still Ocelot inside there.

PS in phrase three he will kiss you if he grabs you

Eventually, was Ocelot intentially "trained" to act as Liquid in order to fool the System or was Liquid's DNA really turned him into himself?
Linkzg said:
I actually that
as their fight went on, Ocelot slowly returned to being Ocelot and not Liquid. If you looked at the life bars, it just says Ocelot as Snake Eater plays and his style is also changing. The final fight was Ocelot finally endulging himself and being set free. Ocelot is the most tragic character in the game.

^This. I thought it was painfully obvious that
as the fight progresses more of Ocelot returns. I mean the life bars reflect the change overtly -- Liquid, Liquid Ocelot, Ocelot.


Y2Kev said:
I don't necessarily think so.
Ocelot DID have a score to settle with Snake (from MGS1), and fighting Snake got him one last shot to battle his icon and hero Big Boss. The Ocelot hand gesture at the beginning of the third phase of the battle is what makes me think it's still Ocelot inside there.

PS in phrase three he will kiss you if he grabs you

Well, true to an extent.

The entire fight was done on reasons Liquid would have though. It wasn't until the end that it seemed to be Ocelot I think.


DarkUSS said:
Eventually, was Ocelot intentially "trained" to act as Liquid in order to fool the System or was Liquid's DNA really turned him into himself?

Yes, it's explained in that "Naked Son" segment at the end of the game


AzerPhire said:
Is anyone able to answer my questions?

1. I think Naomi was playing Vamp but he also called her his queen partly because of her fooling him and also because he had implanted the nano machines into her that made him "immortal."

2. The Patriots probably were watching somehow so Eva had to do her part to fool them. Both Ocelot and Eva wanted to free the world from the Patriots and to do this they all had to die. Just like Boss said at the end, with their death a new generation is ushered in.

3. I believe both Ocelot and Eva knew they had to die in order for their plans to be fully realized.

4. I dont think Liquid ever had control of Ocelot. Boss also said that he "became" Liquid through a combination of nano machines and hypnosis. It looked to me like Ocelot was fully in control in the last battle. He even said he was a shadow of Liquid right before he died.


I just finished the game ("Scorpion", I know I suck), and I'm still in a state of utter amazement. I'm not usually given to saying corny things, but every part of this game shows that it's a labour of love -- and one supported by both remarkable talent and the necessary budget. It's my favourite current-gen game so far, and that by a huge margin. And I'm not even much of an MGS fan (until now at least).

Some remarks from my inner graphics whore:
While many recent games that are praised for their graphics pick low-hanging fruit (sci-fi settings, space marines, etc) MGS4 continually picks some of the hardest subjects to render in real-time. Stuff like skin (and its movement, eg. during facial gestures), hair and cloth is portrayed in a manner that is completely above and beyond any other game out there. The only bad thing I can think of is that other games that try to realistically portray human characters in emotional scenes will look amateur and laughable after experiencing MGS4. I'd be very surprised if these aspects (character skin/hair/clothes rendering and animation) would get done similarly well (or better) before FF13.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I'm in Outer haven right now. Love the game so far but I'm if close to the end I'll be extremely pissed. It feels very short right now, but i'm probably talking out of my ass
More gameplay please! Am I close to the end? :(


I just beat the game. I'm sure some people will think that they perhaps went to too great a length to explain everything and tie together all the loose ends. I need to gather my thoughts before I make up my mind.

I'm pretty sure about one thing though: (end-game spoiler)
I think I would've prefered it if Raiden had actually died at the end of Act 4. They sure made it seem that way then, and it was a totally powerful scene. When they later in Act 5 just casually drop "So how's Raiden doing?", I know I just went all "Huh???"

Well, it doesn't annoy me or anything. I'm glad he got his life back in every sense.

...I'm also starting to believe what Kojima said about them maxing out the PS3 with this game. :lol Some of the stuff in there is seriously mind-blowing.


Damn, this is the first game ever that I immediately restarted a new run after finishing it for the first time. That's how good it is :)
Anyone know how well this game did day one? If you just post the numbers, I may need a definition of good or bad because I don't follow the whole numbers thing. Thanks.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
Anyone know how well this game did day one? If you just post the numbers, I may need a definition of good or bad because I don't follow the whole numbers thing. Thanks.

No official numbers yet, but you better believe it sold a fuckload.


Bebpo said:

IMO the tech is above anything done in the west or east by a good margin. The framerate is ridiculously good for the geometry, textures, and effects being thrown around.
Ridiculously good? I've just finished Act 1 and whenever there's anything complex on-screen it drops to 20fps or lower. When you get indoors it's constantly jumping between 20,30 and 60fps.

The LoD system is really aggressive, with detail popping in/out at only a few feet in front of Snake. It's sub-HD and it shows. The motion blur is very badly done. Bodies/items disappear very quickly. I could go on…

Don't get me wrong—it looks good, but it's all in the art/quality of the models/textures rather than the tech.

Schrade said:
Howcome I can't reset my camo when I shake my controller? Does it have to be in manual mode?
Shake it left to right, not up and down.

Doc Evils said:
Awesome game with Awesome products.
…That are extremely unreliable and poorly made.

I'm going to have to send mine back in for repair again as the second screen has started screwing up now:

OSX is awesome, but putting up with Apple's hardware just isn't worth it. I've had so many replacement parts/computers it's unbelievable.

Sorry for the OT stuff, just had to rant when I saw that.
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