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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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davepoobond said:
is it just me, or do they not show the Act One Mission Briefing in the main game??

I didn't see it until looking through the Mission Briefings just now
Yeah, same here.

Kinda odd.


traveler said:
Just kill them. I decided I wasn't even going to try to be stealthy and slaughtered the whole lot of them no problem.

See, that's what I was doing, but the
Gekko's kept respawning
, which maybe was a glitch? I finally did it, but don't really know how.


you can't put a price on sparks
dk_ said:
Yeah, same here.

Kinda odd.

i think i see why they did it. It kinda reveals a lot of stuff you find out during the first mission. But you know they had to have one, but we just didn't see it...

I guess it makes sense....but it really would have helped explaining stuff earlier on.


Truant said:
Too bad that cutscene was pre-rendered. It was still pretty cool, though.
Right. You couldn't zoom in with the digipad.

But I also liked the
motorcycle race through the city and the fight against raging raven.


EDIT: I'm currently watching the recent 1up show. Are there spoilers beyond the 3rd chapter?
Woo-Fu said:
Only thing I see giving it real competition would be RE5 and that won't hit till next year, I think.

it would be nice if RE5 hit this year... but its confirmed not to

other then that.. i don even see anything close to it


bloody pirate said:
it would be nice if RE5 hit this year... but its confirmed not to

other then that.. i don even see anything close to it

Just going by scores GTAIV....

but since the scores were bullshit....


Just finished Act 2.

As great as Act 1 was, 2 was much much better.

That first boss took me forever to take down. Probably because I was trying so hard to tranq her to death.
bloody pirate said:
So i guess this game already claimed the place of GOTY.....

Most likely GTA4... but who knows, Soul Calibur 4 could be just as good as the original, and then there's Street Fighter 4... Ok, so I doubt any fighting game will ever win an over all GOTY award, but GTA4 did get better over all ratings I think, and I personally think it's a better, much deeper game, so it would get my vote over MGS4.


Truant said:
Too bad that cutscene was pre-rendered. It was still pretty cool, though.

I don't think it was pre-rendered. They probably used the same technique like NaughtyDog did in Uncharted.

Btw, how do you unlock Altair's costume?
Bebpo said:
Just going by scores GTAIV....

but since the scores were bullshit....

true i can see them going neck and neck.. but in the end........ one of the titles is in a whole new league

Japan is still makes the best games .. even if it takes them a little bit longer


SlaughterX said:
GTA4 did get better over all ratings I think, and I personally think it's a better, much deeper game, so it would get my vote over MGS4.
Don't get me wrong, I loved GTA4 but seriously man it was anything but deep.
As far as cobat is concerned, no, it's not, but when looking at everything there's much more in GTA4 than there is in MGS4. The story isn't as convoluted, and I'm glad for that becasue there's no need for it to be. MGS has never been that deep anyway, it basically amounts to sneaking around trying to not get into a fight, a few crazy boss battles, and many many cutscenes.


finished the game with Eagle emblem. 600+ kills. The system works so well i didn't stealth much :p

One big question, that may have been answered but i missed it, concerning Raiden:

Who put him in the cyborg getup? Why was he even just 'head and spine?' Why did he have his skin back at the end? It was his skin, even had the barcode tattoo from the 2nd game
Facism said:
finished the game with Eagle emblem. 600+ kills. The system works so well i didn't stealth much :p

One big question, that may have been answered but i missed it, concerning Raiden:

Who put him in the cyborg getup? Why was he even just 'head and spine?' Why did he have his skin back at the end? It was his skin, even had the barcode tattoo from the 2nd game

Another fresh pair of cyborg arms Im assuming.


SlaughterX said:
I think you haven't played many "next-gen" games. IMO GTA4 does a better job of immersion, and is much more detailed, because it's a much bigger game. What MGS4 excells at is melding film with game, which isn't really something I care to see that often to be honest...

You mean GTA 3.5, where fun is sacrificed for 'realism' and where pedestrians all have dialog with variants of 'fuck yourself' tossed into their sentences? Or where cops run the same routines over and over again? Follow them, all that neat 'immersing' shit, yea, it's weak.

GTA IV was garbage.


This game is the closest gaming has every been to movies. There are 3 parts in the game where I just amazed
motorcycle chase, rex vs ray, and walk of death in the microwave room
By far the most beautiful game ever.


chaoticprout said:
Spoiler on how to unlock altair costume:
Beat the game with 50 or more enemies defeated by knife stun or knife kill
Get 50 or more CQC holds
Get discovered less than 25 times

Inside of the rebels underground base in Act 1. Inside of a locker

Which one is the right answer? :S
SlaughterX said:
As far as cobat is concerned, no, it's not, but when looking at everything there's much more in GTA4 than there is in MGS4. The story isn't as convoluted, and I'm glad for that becasue there's no need for it to be. MGS has never been that deep anyway, it basically amounts to sneaking around trying to not get into a fight, a few crazy boss battles, and many many cutscenes.

Dont dumb down the gameplay. Hey man GTA4 is nothing but go kill this guy and lose your warrant level....right??

However, one game (imo) has replay value...the other one is hard to finish once.


hyperbolically metafictive
so i'm two acts in, and if i called this the single best videogame ever i think i'd be praising it faintly. i don't know how they've managed to completely upend metal gear while keeping it metal gear -- and i don't know how they'll ever make any money off a game that's at once prodigally lavish and more demanding of its audience than a halo or a gta or whatever. on a struggling console besides. if there will shortly be no videogames and only wii, this is a fine sendoff


U K Narayan said:
I don't think any of the cutscenes in this game are pre-rendered, to be honest.

That's what I think too. But it's kinda odd that the zoom isn't functional with some of them.


U K Narayan said:
I don't think any of the cutscenes in this game are pre-rendered, to be honest.

Well, other than those documentary types.
they are some pre-rendered ones, but they all use the in-game engine. Also, why can't I keep the cool suit from the start of Act 3.

Tom Penny

SlaughterX said:
GTA4 did get better over all ratings I think, and I personally think it's a better, much deeper game, so it would get my vote over MGS4.

Based on going as fast as you possibly could beating MGS4? GTA4 deep = :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
drohne said:
so i'm two acts in, and if i called this the single best videogame ever i think i'd be praising it faintly. i don't know how they've managed to completely upend metal gear while keeping it metal gear -- and i don't know how they'll ever make any money off a game that's at once prodigally lavish and more demanding of its audience than a halo or a gta or whatever. on a struggling console besides. if there will shortly be no videogames and only wii, this is a fine sendoff

*tears fall down cheek*

welcome back

Tom Penny

-Rogue5- said:
What's the quickest way to restart/reload after getting an alert? I'm trying to play through to get the stealth camo, but I keep getting caught at this one part and it takes forever having to back out to the title menu and reload everything.

Nobody seem to know this. I asked the same thing.
DarkUSS said:
That's what I think too. But it's kinda odd that the zoom isn't functional with some of them.
Yeah. I noticed that, too. Are there any gameplay merging scenes that you can't zoom into? I'm going to check this out in my next play-through.

If they were pre-rendered, they did one Hell of a job - because I really can't tell at all.


SlaughterX said:
As far as cobat is concerned, no, it's not, but when looking at everything there's much more in GTA4 than there is in MGS4. The story isn't as convoluted, and I'm glad for that becasue there's no need for it to be. MGS has never been that deep anyway, it basically amounts to sneaking around trying to not get into a fight, a few crazy boss battles, and many many cutscenes.
MGS gives you freedom to approach the situation however the fuck you want. Wanna shoot? Wanna CQC? Wanna avoid people completely? Wanna send in a robot to shock some people?, etc. Do it.

GTA4 makes you chase invincible cars to predetermined end points for half the fucking game and then dumps you in an empty city with nothing to do and nothing to spend money on after it's over. That is not depth.
Tom Penny said:
Based on going as fast as you possibly could beating MGS4? GTA4 deep = :lol

I didn't rush through the game, it's pretty linear so I don't see why it would take anyone much more time than what it took me unless you're doing all types of meaningless shit like oogling magazine girls, taking pictures, etc...

What makes a game deep. The combat engine? The amount of things you can do? What makes MGS4 so much more deep than GTA4? They both excell in different areas. But GTA4 never loses focus of what it is, and manages to tell a decent story while actually letting you play the game.

Where as I know less than 10 hours was spent with me actually playing the game, I know at least 25 hours were spent with me actually controlling my character in GTA4. Of course I don't expect the majority of peopel to agree with me in a MGS4 thread, so carry on.


Into the end of Act 4,

so far, all I have to say up to this point is that this game has rocked so hard, it knocked the shit out of my ass, into the toilet and flushed itself


I've avoided this thread and most info about this game like the plague, but I thought I'd just chip in my two cents. I bought it even though I don't have a PS3, I'm using my roommate's. I'm partway into Act 3 and I just don't want it to end...does MGS really have to be over? The game is so damn good, in every single respect (EXCEPT multiple installs...wtf!)

I can't believe how awesome the gameplay is, while still being stuck to the MGS roots. I can't believe how flawless the graphics are. I can't believe how the audio in this game is so perfect...it's so much better than anything you see in even motion pictures these days. And I feel like I'm just scratching the surface, I haven't even touched MGO yet.

*bow to Kojima*
Costanza said:
MGS gives you freedom to approach the situation however the fuck you want. Wanna shoot? Wanna CQC? Wanna avoid people completely? Wanna send in a robot to shock some people?, etc. Do it.

GTA4 makes you chase invincible cars to predetermined end points for half the fucking game and then dumps you in an empty city with nothing to do and nothing to spend money on after it's over. That is not depth.

I loved this game to, but i think you have some serious blinders on. You just got the game. Your on a MGS high. You cant see its flaws, yet.


SlaughterX said:
But GTA4 never loses focus of what it is, and manages to tell a decent story while actually letting you play the game.

Yeah, it is a great story, not. I am Nico, I want to start a new life in America, leaving behind all the bad things I did in Eastern Europe. Oh wait, you want me to kill somebody? Ok, fine, no problem.

GTA4 = find boss, work for boss, kill boss, repeat.

GTA4 has good, entertaining short stories/anecdotes, whereas the main storyline is crap.
Costanza said:
MGS gives you freedom to approach the situation however the fuck you want. Wanna shoot? Wanna CQC? Wanna avoid people completely? Wanna send in a robot to shock some people?, etc. Do it.

GTA4 makes you chase invincible cars to predetermined end points for half the fucking game and then dumps you in an empty city with nothing to do and nothing to spend money on after it's over. That is not depth.

GTA isn't about being stealthy (well, sometimes, like when you have to tail people) or robots. You can shoot people, run them over, or beat them down, you don't need to be able to do anything more in that type of game. You're no war hero, Ninja, mystic warrior, etc, etc...


Y2Kev said:
No more GTA4 talk please. The thread is starting to smell.

Indeed! Plus, I don't understand the whole GTA4 vs MGS4 argument. The only thing those two games have in common is the number 4 in their title.
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