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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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aka Ryder
Just finished. 18:30.

What a game... what a game.

Edit: Quick question, which cutscene was the alleged 90-minute one? I can't even remember any cutscene being too long :lol


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Where is the preview of the digital novel that i heard about in the LE?

and i'm in act 3 and loving the game tremendously, but..........for all the attention and skill paid to the cinematics, they seem to play out really slowly, like the pacing could be a hell of a lot better. it's all perfect otherwise, though.
1stStrike said:
You must not be very good at paying attention. It told you at the end of the game that you'd get this stuff after you
meet up with the MK II in the new game+
Dont got to be a dick about it, thanks anyways.
I'm in act V.

Small thing I don't like that's been bothering me since the end of act 3.

That douchebag Jonathan ending up with Meryl, She's snake's girl damnit


you can't put a price on sparks
I was

i think that means i did well.
But do i get the benefit of all the other ranks that were listed that it seems like I earned or did i only earn the ones with a gold tick next to it?


The Bookerman said:
I'm in act V.

Small thing I don't like that's been bothering me since the end of act 3.

That douchebag Jonathan ending up with Meryl, She's snake's girl damnit

I know right? Poor Snake!


I finished it earlier today. Overall I think I liked MGS3 better, simply for the story. I actually felt something going through that game until the very end. While MGS4 is really good, and REALLY fucking well put together, I didn't have that same emotional connection I did in MGS3.

The parts that stood out for me:

The microwave hallway, hard and tiring as it was, really put yourself in Snake's shoes.

First arrival at the helipad, when the MGS1 music starts and Snake starts remembering things.

Seeing Big Boss' name in the credits, and having him make his "debut" in MGS4. THAT was fucking genius.

tha_con said:
So I finished with a rank of

Does that mean I suck? :lol

I got that too, did you play on easy like I did?:lol


otake said:
finished it; cut scenes were way too long and could have used some editing. kojima needs to get over himself, not everything deserves such long dialogue.

that said, the core gameplay more than made up for it. I never approached a situation the same way twice. the amount of options available to the player allow you to be very creative. the core gameplay is just great.

kojima, next time hire an editor. the lack of editing is the only thing preventing this game from achieving absolute greatness.

can't wait to play it again.

Errr, whatever...your opinion. The game as is, has already achieve absolute greatness, scoring 10/10 across the board. IGN would have given it a 11/10 if it were possible. Don't talk for everyone.

its already perfection. suck it up.


I finished the game at 3 am. It's now 05:30 and I still can't sleep :/

Kccitystar said:
How the hell do I start to skip past the FROGS and the Gekkos?
I needed a few tries for this. In the end I kept to the right side and tranq'd all the frogs. It's important to keep watch for those on higher levels and be ready for new ones to jump down at any moment


Is there a post with a list of tons of easter eggs and optional ways to get through situations/defeat bosses?

I'm going to start run #2 tonight and besides just lots more exploring I want to try to catch all these things.


Is there anyway to peak left and right when in first person mode? In MGS 2 and 3, you could press R2 and L2 to peak right and left...I miss that.

Also...can you lock it in FPS mode? I thought all these journalists were saying that was possible...but I can't figure it out.


aka Ryder
Okay, question that's been bugging my since the beginning:

Every time you die, you see Screaming/Psycho Mantis' strings on you. WHY?! Somebody must know :(

By the way, I absolutely loved how they melded two of my favorite bosses into her. Maybe it's the Sorrow-ish part of her getting a hold of your dead body (considering he was a medium and all).


Maggot9 said:
I finished it earlier today. Overall I think I liked MGS3 better, simply for the story. I actually felt something going through that game until the very end. While MGS4 is really good, and REALLY fucking well put together, I didn't have that same emotional connection I did in MGS3.

The parts that stood out for me:

The microwave hallway, hard and tiring as it was, really put yourself in Snake's shoes.

First arrival at the helipad, when the MGS1 music starts and Snake starts remembering things.

Seeing Big Boss' name in the credits, and having him make his "debut" in MGS4. THAT was fucking genius.

There's nothing wrong with liking MGS3 better.

I think MGS4 is by FAR the best game this generation and an amazing 10/10 experience, but I think MGS3 is the best game of all time and is still better than MGS4 because:

-Better cutscene direction (soooo much style)
-CODEC ACTUALLY FREAKING EXISTS and has a GREAT support team with like 1,000s of lines of awesome character developing dialogue
-Paramedic & Signit
why couldn't we have Drebin on codec to talk to us about weapons throughout MGS4? Why not have Campbell?
-Save codec stories
-MGS3 is HILARIOUS. Between the paramedic codecs, the major tom bond-love, the tons of little goofy things, the overall light comedic mood is <3 and sadly missing in MGS4
-More boss battles and the bosses are all awesome
-More gameplay sections
-The ending
-The story
-The last 2 hour rush
-Big Boss was more likable than Solid Snake
-The dialogue. MGS3 has soooo many excellent lines. All the "I saw space" stuff was <3

Still, MGS4 does a lot of GREAT things that MGS1-3 didn't do, so it's excellent in its own right. But I just prefer the things MGS3 does over the things MGS4 does personally.

I'd definitely go MGS3 >>> MGS4 = MGS1 > Portable Ops >> MGS2. MGS2 gameplay-wise is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PO, but man Big Boss is just so likable so I really enjoyed PO's story. Big Boss is the best character ever.


ok so all you people doing speed runs and getting 0 kills are doing it on liquid easy right? at first i figured it was on solid normal or higher, which just seemed impossible to me. ill have to try liquid easy after i finish. work for that bandana
Damn it I forgot the freaking password :lol

Somebody please tell me quickly
(the 5 digit one from Act 4), don't know if this is a spoiler, but this is my insurance if it is

EDIT: Forget it, crisis over :lol


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Something I just understood about the BB Corps
Drebin says that they can't survive outside their suits. I thought he meant how they couldn't live at all. Yet I just replayed Laughing Octopus and she's breathing after she curls up on the floor. I think Drebin meant how they had to face their past when outside they armor after they cleansed their minds so they just break down. It makes their story even more tragic


Bebpo said:
There's nothing wrong with liking MGS3 better.

I think MGS4 is by FAR the best game this generation and an amazing 10/10 experience, but I think MGS3 is the best game of all time and is still better than MGS4 because:

-Better cutscene direction (soooo much style)
-CODEC ACTUALLY FREAKING EXISTS and has a GREAT support team with like 1,000s of lines of awesome character developing dialogue
-Paramedic & Signit
why couldn't we have Drebin on codec to talk to us about weapons throughout MGS4? Why not have Campbell?
-Save codec stories
-MGS3 is HILARIOUS. Between the paramedic codecs, the major tom bond-love, the tons of little goofy things, the overall light comedic mood is <3 and sadly missing in MGS4
-More boss battles and the bosses are all awesome
-More gameplay sections
-The ending
-The story
-The last 2 hour rush
-Big Boss was more likable than Solid Snake
-The dialogue. MGS3 has soooo many excellent lines. All the "I saw space" stuff was <3

Still, MGS4 does a lot of GREAT things that MGS1-3 didn't do, so it's excellent in its own right. But I just prefer the things MGS3 does over the things MGS4 does personally.

I'd definitely go MGS3 >>> MGS4 = MGS1 > Portable Ops >> MGS2. MGS2 gameplay-wise is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PO, but man Big Boss is just so likable so I really enjoyed PO's story. Big Boss is the best character ever.

It was awesome, but not recieved that way by reviews. MGS4 on the other hand kills it all.

MGS4 tells a better story about everything, the ending battle in MGS4 is mindblowing and epic. better gameplay eliments, etc. the main things that count. All those little things you added doesn't go well with scores.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
TOOOOO short...ok im gonna stop bitching. They really should have cut out some cutscenes and spend more time in the actual game. I can't believe reviews didnt point this out more strongly.


Bebpo said:
-CODEC ACTUALLY FREAKING EXISTS and has a GREAT support team with like 1,000s of lines of awesome character developing dialogue
That's probably the only thing that disappointed me in MGS4 (but it's still my favourite MGS). I expected more from the codec.
Bebpo said:
There's nothing wrong with liking MGS3 better.

I think MGS4 is by FAR the best game this generation and an amazing 10/10 experience, but I think MGS3 is the best game of all time and is still better than MGS4 because:

-Better cutscene direction (soooo much style)
-CODEC ACTUALLY FREAKING EXISTS and has a GREAT support team with like 1,000s of lines of awesome character developing dialogue
-Paramedic & Signit
why couldn't we have Drebin on codec to talk to us about weapons throughout MGS4? Why not have Campbell?
-Save codec stories
-MGS3 is HILARIOUS. Between the paramedic codecs, the major tom bond-love, the tons of little goofy things, the overall light comedic mood is <3 and sadly missing in MGS4
-More boss battles and the bosses are all awesome
-More gameplay sections
-The ending
-The story
-The last 2 hour rush
-Big Boss was more likable than Solid Snake
-The dialogue. MGS3 has soooo many excellent lines. All the "I saw space" stuff was <3

Still, MGS4 does a lot of GREAT things that MGS1-3 didn't do, so it's excellent in its own right. But I just prefer the things MGS3 does over the things MGS4 does personally.

I'd definitely go MGS3 >>> MGS4 = MGS1 > Portable Ops >> MGS2. MGS2 gameplay-wise is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PO, but man Big Boss is just so likable so I really enjoyed PO's story. Big Boss is the best character ever.

This will be the first and last time you will ever hear me say this, but...

I agree with you for the most part.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Malik said:
It was awesome, but not recieved that way by reviews. MGS4 on the other hand kills it all.

MGS4 tells a better story about everything, the ending battle in MGS4 is mindblowing and epic. better gameplay eliments, etc. the main things that count. All those little things you added doesn't go well with scores.

Little things?? as in gameplay? I beat this game in 2 days with a fulltime job...wtf?

Allright im done, what was there was pretty cool...just wanted more.


I'll have to put together a well-thought out post on the game later, it's truly an amazing game, but the complete and total free pass some people are giving it is crazy. It's still definitely GOTY barring possibly RE5 making it out this year, which seems unlikely, and will probably be in the top 2 or 3 games this generation all the same though.

Three quick complaints/comments though:

-Why the hell do you have to view the first mission briefing through a separate option on the title screen, as opposed to just having it play at the beginning of the game? It makes no sense since you would of course want to see it before playing the game, and every other briefing takes place in-game. It just makes no sense.
-It feels like there's TOO many weapons; I never used or bought the vast majority of them. I mean it I guess it's cool that you have more variety, but every time I tried or bought a new weapon, most of the time it didn't seem to be any better than what I was using, and made me wonder if I was missing something or what.
-Spoilers regarding gameplay through the end:
The game starts off fantastic with the gameplay and opposing sides, but on a sliding scale; as the game progresses further there's less and less gameplay and more cutscenes. I literally could not believe there was so little actual controller time in Act 5. Gameplay-wise the first two acts were amazing, but almost everything after that was either stealth-specific, robots, or action sequences. Extremely disappointing in that regard.

The game is still awesome though, and the final boss fight was fucking epic.


Lost all credibility.
Anyone have a guide on how to earn each emblem? There's a bunch of emblems I want to earn to unlock stuff but I have no idea how to achieve them.
Doc Holliday said:
TOOOOO short...ok im gonna stop bitching. They really should have cut out some cutscenes and spend more time in the actual game. I can't believe reviews didnt point this out more strongly.

Have you never played a MGS game before? MGS 1, 2, 3 and Portable Ops can all be beaten in like 3-5 hours. Same with MGS4. They all have the same amount of gameplay.


Malik said:
It was awesome, but not recieved that way by reviews. MGS4 on the other hand kills it all.

MGS4 tells a better story about everything, the ending battle in MGS4 is mindblowing and epic. better gameplay eliments, etc. the main things that count. All those little things you added doesn't go well with scores.

Actually it falls flat on its own and needs games 1-3 to properly tell its story. Even though 3 was a prequel, it stood on its own two feet.

A lot of that has to deal with not having the constraints of prior games aside from the Time Paradox stuff.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
ok, i've been looking around for answers, but i'm not sure wether the 4 free chapters of the graphic novel in the LE are digital or were an actual book i was supposed to get. anyone seen this?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
man, it's neat how you can turn on Sunny's radio in a mission briefing. Having Cambell ask snake "will you do this for me" with the Metal Gear 1 theme subtlety in the background....AWESOME.


Doc Holliday said:
TOOOOO short...ok im gonna stop bitching. They really should have cut out some cutscenes and spend more time in the actual game. I can't believe reviews didnt point this out more strongly.
isn't the gameplay like 20 hours?


Bebpo said:
There's nothing wrong with liking MGS3 better.

I think MGS4 is by FAR the best game this generation and an amazing 10/10 experience, but I think MGS3 is the best game of all time and is still better than MGS4 because:

-Better cutscene direction (soooo much style)
-CODEC ACTUALLY FREAKING EXISTS and has a GREAT support team with like 1,000s of lines of awesome character developing dialogue
-Paramedic & Signit
why couldn't we have Drebin on codec to talk to us about weapons throughout MGS4? Why not have Campbell?
-Save codec stories
-MGS3 is HILARIOUS. Between the paramedic codecs, the major tom bond-love, the tons of little goofy things, the overall light comedic mood is <3 and sadly missing in MGS4
-More boss battles and the bosses are all awesome
-More gameplay sections
-The ending
-The story
-The last 2 hour rush
-Big Boss was more likable than Solid Snake
-The dialogue. MGS3 has soooo many excellent lines. All the "I saw space" stuff was <3

Still, MGS4 does a lot of GREAT things that MGS1-3 didn't do, so it's excellent in its own right. But I just prefer the things MGS3 does over the things MGS4 does personally.

I'd definitely go MGS3 >>> MGS4 = MGS1 > Portable Ops >> MGS2. MGS2 gameplay-wise is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PO, but man Big Boss is just so likable so I really enjoyed PO's story. Big Boss is the best character ever.

You summed up my thoughts almost completely.
Justin Dailey said:
isn't the gameplay like 20 hours?

It is like 15 hours or so of gameplay.

Doc Holliday said:
Kudos to kojima for making raiden likable, the guy kicked ass.

I wasn't a Raiden hater on MGS2, but I didn't really like him too much. MGS4 makes Raiden awesome. AWESOME awesome.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Vyse The Legend said:
Have you never played a MGS game before? MGS 1, 2, 3 and Portable Ops can all be beaten in like 3-5 hours. Same with MGS4. They all have the same amount of gameplay.

Played all 3 including MG... This game feels a lot shorter than Mgs3. Maybe it's the fact that my controller was just sitting for a very long time. I'll try playing hard or something.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't really think you can even compare MGS3 and MGS4. The two had to serve two different purposes. MGS4 is, realistically, a game with a shitton of baggage that MGS3 got to really go free with.

And I really don't miss the codec, sorry. :D


I wonder if PS4 will get a MGS5, theyd better. the mgs series musnt end after what ive witnessed, really omg i am extremely impressed by this game.


Linkzg said:
It is like 15 hours or so of gameplay.

I wasn't a Raiden hater on MGS2, but I didn't really like him too much. MGS4 makes Raiden awesome. AWESOME awesome.

I don't like what they did with raiden. Was the really any explanation why he decided to go through such a dramatic character change?


No one answered my questions and they're all but lost now:

1. Can you peak left/right in FPS mode in MGS4 like you could in MGS2/MGS3?

2. Can you lock the game to FPS mode?


Ferrio said:
I don't like what they did with raiden. Was the really any explanation why he decided to go through such a dramatic character change?
In passing.
After Big Shell, he grew distant from Rose and alcohoic due to his repressed childhood memories dominating him. It seemed like he was looking for redemption and maybe even a chance to die in combat.


Doc Holliday said:
Kudos to kojima for making raiden likable, the guy kicked ass.

The part where he shows up and is SHOOTING LIGHTNING WITH NO HANDS was seriously the most badass moment of the game for me. Raiden was awesome and I'm glad they didn't kill him off.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Holy shit at Raiden. After MGS2, the consensus was that he was kinda of a girly character, no? Talk about an awesome transformation.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
hahaha, on the mission 3 briefing, Otacon's laptop he's carrying, all he's looking at is the same camera you see him on Codec calls, except Naomi's at the terminal. It's up close of her....USB card necklace *ahem*
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